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Thailand's govt in campaign to mend US ties


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Thailand's Junta in Campaign to Mend US Ties
New ambassador charged with improving relations with Washington.
By Prashanth Parameswaran

BANGKOK: -- Thailand has charged its new ambassador to the United States Pisan Manawapat to quickly mend strained ties with its ally Washington during his time there.

In an interview with The Bangkok Post which was published following his confirmation earlier this week, Pisan said that his “two urgent tasks” were to improve Thailand’s relationship with the United States as well as to help upgrade Bangkok’s position in the U.S. State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.

U.S.-Thailand relations, already strained following Washington’s suspension of aid and nixing of some exercises and exchanges of after a coup last year, had deteriorated even further when the U.S. top envoy for East Asia Daniel Russel publicly rebuked the ruling junta in a speech at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok on January 26.

As The Diplomat reported then, U.S. charge d’affaires Patrick Murphy was summoned to the Thai foreign ministry and a February 2 joint press conference between the United States and Thailand on the scaled down Cobra Gold exercises this year was delayed. Thai prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had also issued some rather colorful statements of his own in response.

Full story: http://thediplomat.com/2015/02/thailands-junta-in-campaign-to-mend-us-ties/

-- THE DIPLOMAT 2015-02-25

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

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Oh dear they turned off the spiket? Now cash flow to back up baht no longer there what will happen now? As far as US pushing Thailand it seems Thailand is running to China like a bat out of hell. Reminds me of a beggar always have hand out for money. NEXTcoffee1.gif non news

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

You have got to be the worlds most optimistic optimist.

Do you also still believe in Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Peter Pan?

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With all the attacks from the previous articles, they now want to mend the tie with US. Well, blow me down. LOL

I highly doubt the US and Japan want China controlling part of Thailand's infrastructure either, so this is a 2 way street.

Thailand happens to be situated in a strategic location which links "New China" to Mainland China as well as Malaysia and Singapore. In addition, nobody wants to even think what it could mean if the Kra Canal ever happens and new deep water ports built with China involved.

Hence, it is best for everyone to not let China get a foothold into Thailand.

Edited by Old Man River
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Everyone is claiming Thailand is so strategically located.....is there 1 nation that isn't? If people could claim that the Falklands was "strategically" located then I think the word has become rather meaningless. There is nothing strategic about this place other than the morale boost it brings to burned out soldiers, sailors and businessmen on vacation.

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Everyone is claiming Thailand is so strategically located.....is there 1 nation that isn't? If people could claim that the Falklands was "strategically" located then I think the word has become rather meaningless. There is nothing strategic about this place other than the morale boost it brings to burned out soldiers, sailors and businessmen on vacation.

A map might be helpful.

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America and Thailand have had a Friendship lasting 181 Years now. Of course there are ups and downs, that's to be expected. Remember this important fact, after Japan's defeat in 1945, with the help of Seri Thai, Thailand was treated as a defeated country by the British and French, although American support mitigated the Allied terms. Thailand was not occupied by the Allies, but it was forced to return the territory it had regained to the British and the French. In the postwar period Thailand had relations with the United States, which it saw as a protector from the communist revolutions in neighboring countries. Time and changing of the course of present events will bring everything back to normal between Thailand and the USA. thumbsup.gif

Edited by SinCityGr8One
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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

They know the problems exactly....just Thaksin was their buddy. They did a lot dirty deals with him...torture people in Thailand, dogy oil and gas deals. Immediately ready to have the USA uses Thailand as base to scientifically check the weather with spy airplanes over the disputed sea borders China claims...etc etc.

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"Pisan said that his “two urgent tasks” were to improve Thailand’s relationship with the United States as well as to help upgrade Bangkok’s position in the U.S. State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report."

I would have thought that the best way to improve their position in the annual TIP report would be to improve the situation on the ground and do something to stop human trafficking. Sending a new ambassador to suck up to the US will hopefully not have the desired effect.

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.


Why should the USA give a (deleted) about Thailand your el generalismo has made his bed, why don't you and him live with it. Boot licking the current has been your forte, cleaning the dirt off a few Chinese boots is something you should be well accustomed too.

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Thailand knows exactly what it will take to "mend " relation with the U.S..

The U.S. has made it very clear to Thailand and the rest of the world.

One word.


The junta needs to get on the stick and scrape up enough money to pay enough Thai people to vote for them.

That's what flies for" democracy" in Thailand.

Buy yourself an election, and relations with the US will be mended.

Edited by willyumiii
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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

Clown !

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

Costas, do you ever think? Do you not know that the US is one of the biggest buyers of Thai exports? Do you not know that the US and Japan walk in lockstep economically and that they have huge industrial investments in Thailand?

Have you not heard the criticisms of the Junta around the world, all the way to and including the UN? Do you think you see better what's happening than all of the countries including the entire EU, all of the way to the UN?

Do you not know that the US has a treaty to defend Thailand, sells it arms, gives it military money, and has been an ally of Thailand since after WWII?

Are you totally limited to graduating from the Greek School of Government? I don't get you. You are a big cheerleader for a type of government that I'm not even allowed to accurately describe on here!!!

That tribute moved me to dust off my star bangles undies and stand at attention. The US is just misunderstood in their altruistic endeavours.

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I did look at a map and I dont see the "strategic" location of Thailand.. Seems like an inflated opinion of self-worth...common around these parts. Thailand is certainly no Gibraltar. Its surrounded by weak governments with whom they dont really get along, but the yearly photo at ASEAN implies otherwise.

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

They know the problems exactly....just Thaksin was their buddy. They did a lot dirty deals with him...torture people in Thailand, dogy oil and gas deals. Immediately ready to have the USA uses Thailand as base to scientifically check the weather with spy airplanes over the disputed sea borders China claims...etc etc.

Um, the US relationship with Thailand predates your hated Thaksin by over a hundred years. Um, dodgy oil and gas deals have been the way of doing business since 1950, and again predate your despised Thaksin. And, um, the US uses spy satellites to monitor Asia, and does not need a staging area for surveillance craft, which are either carrier based or based on helicopter carriers, all of which also predates your evil Thaksin.

Funniest, the Gulf of Thailand has waters disputed by every country bordering the gulf. All ASEAN members to boot and, um, also predates the incarnation of your Lucifer himself before he fell from heaven, your reviled Thaksin. thumbsup.gif

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I do hope that the USA administration will scale down their rhetorics against the Thai Government.

It doesn't benefit either side and the only outcome will be to push Thailand towards China.

And that will be a much worst scenario.

Give them time, try to understand the social and political problems Thailand was facing before this Government.

Democracy and elections will come eventually to this country, but it will be based on better foundations and have a sustainable future.

The generals have looked into the abyss that is being a client state of the Chinese and have shit themselves.

Expect the US to ratchet up their rightful condemnation of the Junta and its backers until democracy, real democracy, is restored.

Want to see what Thailand will look like if it spurns the US and jumps into bed with China - look at Myanmar.

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