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Gasoline Stabilizer


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I'm looking for an additive like Sta-bil. Problem with small engines using ethanol the carb gets corroded very easy. My mower, blower, trimmer ect have been run the last few years with sta-bil and have worked fine, but I've run out and my mower is starting to run slow. I've looked around but I get blank stares and my wife doesn't know what I'm talking about when I explain it. Thanks

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I used to have the same problem with my rotax engine on my ultralight if they stand for a while a fungus formed and would damage the carb bowls. A tip i used was to drain the cab bowls completely. the other solution would be to use a fuel with no ethanol in it I believe it can still be had.

There are a number of articles written on the subject. good luck with your quest.

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Hmm, I hope this does not mean petrol 95 is now completely unavailable here? 4-5 months ago it was available at some gas stations, including the PTT-station near the American consulate. If is is no longer available in CM I will have trouble with my bike. :-(

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