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Thammasat lecturers rage over Somsak's dismissal


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Thammasat has always been a hotbed of Communists who are anti-monarchy but posing as democratic. I hope they don't take their rage out on their student's education. Had Mr. Somsak gone in for his little interview like everyone else, he would still be in his classroom teaching; but nooooo, he had to make a political statement by fleeing the country and many of his pointy-headed colleagues are upset he didn't get 'special' privileges. I never did like Communists, fellow travelers, or their useful idiots.

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Thammasat has always been a hotbed of Communists who are anti-monarchy but posing as democratic. I hope they don't take their rage out on their student's education. Had Mr. Somsak gone in for his little interview like everyone else, he would still be in his classroom teaching; but nooooo, he had to make a political statement by fleeing the country and many of his pointy-headed colleagues are upset he didn't get 'special' privileges. I never did like Communists, fellow travelers, or their useful idiots.

Thammasat a hotbed of communists? Really? Yes, there were a few communists, but that was in the seventies, a long time ago. And then, so what?

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Somsak is extreme (within the Thai context) but I think all opinions should be heard.
I agree with many of his view.
One thing I don't agree with is the approach he takes for getting to his goal.
I think he made too many personal sacrifices.

I follow him on facebook (since several months) and so do 140000 Thais.
It's a loss for Thailand.

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Somsak is extreme (within the Thai context) but I think all opinions should be heard.

I agree with many of his view.

One thing I don't agree with is the approach he takes for getting to his goal.

I think he made too many personal sacrifices.

I follow him on facebook (since several months) and so do 140000 Thais.

It's a loss for Thailand.

Wow 140,000 or so Thais follow him on Facebook out of what 30,000,000 or so who can follow him. the 30,000,000 is a guesstimate of the number of mobiles in Thailand and the number of people between about 14 and 50 who use them. I don't think anybody in my Thai family or the Thai friends that I have both here in rural Thailand or the ones in the cities either know much of him or care anything about him.

Most of the youth in Thailand on Facebook are more interested in selfies and pictures of the meals they are going to eat than politics and following the Facebook pages of a guy who has left the country.


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Seems pretty straightforward. Without an approved sabbatical, they have to remove him for not showing up to work. It's a job after all.

Accept for the part where he tried to resign and it says that the University would not accept his resignation...

That's just odd ... Unless the University didn't want to have him quit, but may have had some other agenda

Agree... If he ain't at class, not realistic that they can keep him on the payroll

But why not accept his resignation ??

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If the lecturers are so upset about it then why don't they resign en masse in disgust and find other jobs?

That way they are showing solidarity with Somsak Jeamteerasakul.

quote "The decision [to dismiss Somsak] was unjust," Thammasat economist Assoc Prof Pichit Likitkijsomboon said yesterday, adding that Somsak had fled the Kingdom because of the coup and a threat to his life, as even before the putsch, his house had been attacked by an unknown gunman."

How strange that Abhisit is still here in the country even when his car was attacked, his house attacked, blood and filth strewn everywhere. He has been charged with murder, is facing impeachment yet he is STILL in Thailand.

if they did that then the junta may see it as supporting him in his lese majeste charges and they to may be rounded up and charged with lese majeste.
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Somsak is extreme (within the Thai context) but I think all opinions should be heard.

I agree with many of his view.

One thing I don't agree with is the approach he takes for getting to his goal.

I think he made too many personal sacrifices.

I follow him on facebook (since several months) and so do 140000 Thais.

It's a loss for Thailand.

Wow 140,000 or so Thais follow him on Facebook out of what 30,000,000 or so who can follow him. the 30,000,000 is a guesstimate of the number of mobiles in Thailand and the number of people between about 14 and 50 who use them. I don't think anybody in my Thai family or the Thai friends that I have both here in rural Thailand or the ones in the cities either know much of him or care anything about him.

Most of the youth in Thailand on Facebook are more interested in selfies and pictures of the meals they are going to eat than politics and following the Facebook pages of a guy who has left the country.


...and your last sentence is actually the reason, why 140.000 Thais, following a social and political activist, is NOT a small number!

Edited by DM07
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailands loss

Im sure other reputable universities abroad will be only too happy to have Somsak until he can return to teaching in Thailand

Not fact, just your attempt to spin the situation. Do some research re Thammasat, quite a few of the lecturers in political science and in law have opinions that are way off rational thinking.

So opines an anonymous user on an expat forum.

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Thailands loss

Im sure other reputable universities abroad will be only too happy to have Somsak until he can return to teaching in Thailand

Not fact, just your attempt to spin the situation. Do some research re Thammasat, quite a few of the lecturers in political science and in law have opinions that are way off rational thinking.

He might be a nutjob but being anti less majeste is a good thing in my book.

So, a good nutjob? Being a nutjob suggest that being for or against something doesn't really have a well-founded meaning.

Mind you, if Thai at heart you might be against someone committing Lese Majeste as in insulting the Monarchy. Of course as usual with cases like this what may or may not have been committed which was deemed LM we will not be told by law abiding news outlets in Thailand.

OK! And the punch line is...

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