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US-Israel quarrel intensifies over Netanyahu speech


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US-Israel quarrel intensifies over Netanyahu speech

WASHINGTON (AP) — Trading barbs, the U.S. and Israel escalated their increasingly public spat Wednesday over Benjamin Netanyahu's GOP-engineered congressional speech next week, with the Israeli prime minister accusing world powers of rolling over to allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons. Secretary of State John Kerry openly questioned Netanyahu's judgment on the issue.

The comments injected new tension into an already strained relationship between the close allies ahead of Netanyahu's address to Congress next Tuesday. More Democratic lawmakers announced they would skip the speech, which was orchestrated by GOP leaders without the Obama administration's knowledge.

Netanyahu hopes his speech will strengthen opposition to a potential nuclear deal with Iran, President Barack Obama's signature foreign policy objective. U.S. and Iranian officials reported progress in negotiations this week on a deal that would clamp down on Tehran's nuclear activities for at least 10 years but then slowly ease restrictions.

Netanyahu lashed out at the U.S. and other usual staunch allies of Israel.

"It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.

"They might accept this but I am not willing to accept this," he said in remarks delivered in Hebrew and translated. "I respect the White House, I respect the president of the United States, but in such a fateful matter that can determine if we exist or not, it is my duty to do everything to prevent this great danger to the state of Israel."

Kerry, testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, dismissed Netanyahu's worries. He argued that a 2013 interim agreement with Iran that the prime minister also opposed had in fact made Israel safer by freezing key aspects of the Islamic republic's nuclear program.

"He may have a judgment that just may not be correct here," Kerry said.

His comments, as well as statements from other top U.S. officials, made clear the Obama administration had no plans to mask its frustrations during Netanyahu's visit.

In an interview Tuesday, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said plans for Netanyahu's speech had "injected a degree of partisanship" into a U.S.-Israel relationship that should be above politics.

"It's destructive to the fabric of the relationship," Rice told the Charlie Rose show. "It's always been bipartisan. We need to keep it that way."

Netanyahu's plans to speak to Congress have irritated many Democratic members, but also have put them in a difficult spot — fearing they will look anti-Israel if they don't attend.

Still, a number of Democrats have said they plan to skip the session, with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky becoming the latest on Wednesday.

Kaine said Netanyahu's speech was "highly inappropriate" given its proximity to Israel's March 27 Israeli elections.

Schakowsky said she was concerned that the address could end up scuttling delicate negotiations with Iran.

"If the talks are to fail, let Iran be the party that walks away from the table rather than the United States," Schakowsky, who is Jewish, said in a statement.

Senate Democrats invited Netanyahu to meet with them privately while he is in Washington, but the Israeli leader refused the invitation, saying such a meeting could "compound the misperception of partisanship" surrounding his visit.

"I regret that the invitation to address the special joint session of Congress has been perceived by some to be political or partisan," Netanyahu wrote in a letter to Sens. Dick Durbin of Illinois and Dianne Feinstein of California. "I can assure you that my sole intention in accepting it was to voice Israel's grave concerns" about a nuclear deal with Iran.

Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The White House has been weighing ways to counter Netanyahu's address to Congress, as well as his separate speech to the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The administration is considering whom to send to the conference, with some officials pushing for a lower-level representative than normal.

There are no plans for Obama to meet with Netanyahu next week. The White House has cited its practice of not engaging with world leaders in close proximity to their elections, though it's no secret that Obama and his Israeli counterpart have little personal affinity for each other.

Other top administration officials plan to be out of the country during Netanyahu's visit, including Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden. Both will be abroad on trips that were announced only after Netanyahu accepted the GOP invitation to speak to Congress.

AP writers Donna Cassata, Matthew Lee and Deb Riechmann in Washington and Ian Deitch in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-26

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

Edited by ggold
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" "It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.".

Is that diplomatic speak for "A while back, I lied bald-facedly with my cartoon picture of a bomb and a red line"?

Who can trust him?

You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

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There is plenty of evidence that Iran is developing nukes from many different sources. So what if Netanyahu exaggerated a little bit to get the world's attention.


I would hardly credit Fox Noise and a mysterious dissident group as reliable "many different sources" that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

"Netanyahu exaggerated a little bit"

is an interesting euphemism for blatant lies.

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There is little point to take Obama or Netanyahu words on face value - both are first and above all Politicians.

As to Iran nuclear program being purely economic - time for Americans, Israelis and the rest of the Western world to do a simple maths test:

Take Iran oil reserves - Multiply by Iran Political Credo - Multiply by Iran Religious Credo - Multiply by Taqiya = and bet your life on it.

This formula is correct except the possible spelling mistake of the Muslim word.

N.B. The bloody American Administration does not want to dirty their hands and is pushing Israel to do the job for them.

I have no doubts Israelis are capable of doing it better than US Military.

What is disgusting in such a set up - the Muslim in charge of USA and the inevitable anti-Israeli outcry around the whole World in the aftermath.

And, Bingo! ... the bloody Jews are again! guilty of everything!

IMHO only, but true nevertheless.

Edited by ABCer
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It is the Obama administration who made this into a partisan issue. They did this in order to deflect from their planned capitulation to Iran over its nuclear weapons program. The dishonesty and incompetence of the President and his lackeys makes an unpleasant spectacle.

That is an interesting spin on events. Obama is to blame for Boehner and the Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer secretly scheming behind Obama's back to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress. Perhaps if the Republicans and Israelis had been a bit more honest and open this embarrassment would not have occurred.

Boehner admits he kept White House in dark over Netanyahu's Congress speech
'There is no secret about the animosity this White House has for Netanyahu and I didn't want them getting in the way,' House Speaker tells Fox News.
House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he had asked Israeli Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer not to inform the Obama administration about their contact over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congress speech so as to avoid "interference."
Edited by dexterm
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" "It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.".

Is that diplomatic speak for "A while back, I lied bald-facedly with my cartoon picture of a bomb and a red line"?

Who can trust him?

You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

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It is the Obama administration who made this into a partisan issue. They did this in order to deflect from their planned capitulation to Iran over its nuclear weapons program. The dishonesty and incompetence of the President and his lackeys makes an unpleasant spectacle.

That is an interesting spin on events. Obama is to blame for Boehner and the Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer secretly scheming behind Obama's back to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress. Perhaps if the Republicans and Israelis had been a bit more honest and open this embarrassment would not have occurred.

Boehner admits he kept White House in dark over Netanyahu's Congress speech
'There is no secret about the animosity this White House has for Netanyahu and I didn't want them getting in the way,' House Speaker tells Fox News.
House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he had asked Israeli Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer not to inform the Obama administration about their contact over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congress speech so as to avoid "interference."
Boehner: We gave White House heads up on Netanyahu Defending the invitation that angered Obama, House speaker says prime minister is top authority on Iranian threat

Boehner and Netanyahu were said to have agreed that the Israeli prime minister would speak in Washington on March 3 without consulting the administration — the customary policy on such things. This gave rise to anger in Washington and to criticism in the media.

Asked about the White House’s statements that it had been blindsided by the plan, Boehner told CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “We gave them a heads up that morning.”

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It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

You have been caught posting blatant lies over and over again on this forum. Please provide evidence from a CREDIBLE source that these men have dual Israeli/American nationalities.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak by Congress and he did not accept until the White House had been notified. The American people want to hear him speak. Obama and his minions should back off and stop the usual dishonest political posturing.


There is plenty of evidence that Iran is developing nukes from many different sources. So what if Netanyahu exaggerated a little bit to get the world's attention.


So Israels own intelligence agency is lying? Mossad is the organization that wants their moronic PM to back off his hyper-dramatic speeches (not Obama) because Mossad has confirmed that at this time (along with the CIA) that their is no evidence that Iran is enriching uranium or Plutonium for weaponry purposes.

This has been covered like crazy this week. Again....just so ideologues like you understand.....it is MOSSAD that wants Bibi to back down on this and it is MOSSAD that wants a potential deal with the West to go forward. Mossad agents have claimed that any new sanctions would derail any potential deal with Iran which in turn would be disastrous for Israel.

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

Just because you are Jewish does not automatically make you a "dual citizen" of Israel.

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Netanyahu Turns Down Meeting With Senate Democrats

On Monday Senators. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., invited Netanyahu to meet in a closed-door session with Democrats during his visit. Netanyahu declined the invitation on Tuesday and expressed regret about the politically fraught tone of his trip.


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Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak by Congress and he did not accept until the White House had been notified. The American people want to hear him speak. Obama and his minions should back off and stop the usual dishonest political posturing.


There is plenty of evidence that Iran is developing nukes from many different sources. So what if Netanyahu exaggerated a little bit to get the world's attention.


So Israels own intelligence agency is lying?

Mossad only disagreed with the timing. Meir Dagan, the Mossad chief from 2002 until 2011, has voiced a differing opinion from Netanyahu on how to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue, and how close Iran may be to the bomb. Before leaving office in 2011, Dagan said that in his view, Iran would obtain a nuclear weapon only in 2015. That is just about NOW.

Someone who left their position almost 4-5 years ago is not qualified to analyze current information that he no longer manages or has access to. Do you understand this?

Current members of Mossad..... Again..... CURRENT members....are the ones saying Iran is no where near nuclear weapons capability. If you don't understand this.... There is nothing more I can say.

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

another scraper of barrels! whistling.gif Iraq was an American own goal. Bush Junior finishing what his dad started. If the Jewish/Israeli influence over American politics is so strong why is it they are having problems with Obama? He should be a good little puppy bitch and listen to his masters! But he isn't.

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If you are half as smart as you think you are, you would know that any nation can legally withdraw from this treaty by giving 6 months notice (just like North Korea did).

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would know that they HAVE NOT, so they are still beholden to it.
They don't have nuclear weapons yet! Why is this so hard to understand? They only need to withdraw 6 months before having the weapons! It's like I am talking to a child.......

The would still be responsible for violating the treaty NOW. People in glass houses... passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc

From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

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Current members of Mossad..... Again..... CURRENT members....are the ones saying Iran is no where near nuclear weapons capability. If you don't understand this.... There is nothing more I can say.

Provide some evidence from a CREDIBLE source. The leaked information was from around 2012 - right around when Meir Dagan,the Mossad chief left office. whistling.gif

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