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Why has cycling become so popular.


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But maybe some Thais now understand the importance of exercising and cycling is good way to get around, I see more cyclists on the roads here than 3 years ago.

Where I live, there are many people on bicycle ( I too ) , and I have seen a changement over the 4 last years ; in the park where I do my jogging, 3-4 years ago, there were only a few farangs at 7 am; now, there are much more Thais than farangs, same at 5 pm

I don't speak of lycra and of trend, they like bike and you can see some at anytime of the day ( I speak of Thai people )

Edited by Aforek
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Something a little more like this.



Clearly, you are ex-Special Forces CIA Navy Seal Black-ops Space Ranger Knight of the Round Table . Due to your excellent camouflaging, all I see is foliage in that photo.


Edited by Thakkar
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Yes they love to ride 2 or 3 aside in the travel lane here between chonburi city and Pattaya. some Sundays there are 2 or 300 hundred of them blocking 2 lanes on one of the bridges and the cars are slammin on the brakes trying not to kill one of them. They are dressed so colorful though.

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OP, you are indeed correct, it is a weird phenomena!

In the years I have lived here out in the sticks in SW CM, there were very few people that rode bikes.

Over what I think must have been the last 3 years there has been a massive increase in biking Thais around my place, this includes groups of 60-80 year old villagers cycling in groups, usually old blokes and as you pointed out, loads of these Lycra clad younger Thai blokes with all the gear.

Last year we had a spate where there was a huge increase in young and old Thais flying remote controlled planes for a while, that suddenly died a death and we never saw any of them again, then there was another fad where there were a few Thais flying around on those petrol powered parachute things, but that again died out.

The bike fad here is certainly increasing month by month. Maybe they are just trying to keep fit?

Where I am they are quite a friendly bunch, I never see the kind of "Anti Car Behaviour" you often see on Youtube from the UK, nor do you see much anti bike behavior by car drivers, it is a sort of "Happy Co-existence" in the road chaos.

Good luck to them!

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In fact, I find cyclists here quite friendly with each other on the road, always exchanging a nod or wave or smile. Where I ride back home in the States, riders sometimes just ignore each other, kinda like CM expats.

Nearly 100% of Thai riders exchange a "Sawadee Krap" when passing. Most western cyclists totally ignore me.

A couple of days ago, I was cycling on the Samoeng Rd. Approaching the summit of a small hill, I was overtaken by a lone Thai lady cyclist on her roadbike (I was on my heavy mtb). "Sawadee Ka" was the first I knew she was there. Wanted to keep up with her, but she had a mini-skirt "bum flap" blocking the view of her lycra clad ass, so I gave up laugh.png

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then there was another fad where there were a few Thais flying around on those petrol powered parachute things, but that again died out.

I wish. Those mofos are the most annoying pricks on this planet. Would love to see one crash, so I can spray champagne on his dying body.

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What is wrong with people learning something new? I lived in Bangkok when Clark Hatch opened the first health club in the carpark across from the US Embassy. People laughed and said Thais dont and wont exercise. Now there are busy health clubs everywhere.

Cycling is just another form of exercise which has become more popular with access to better bikes and more information about cycling. Make it easy, accessible and advertise it in popular media and show charity rides with well known people riding and it grows in popularity.

What could possibly be wrong with that? Being fit is not a crime.

It is about time for me to put on my lycra and enjoy a beautiful 70 to 80 km ride around my area.

I gues you missed my point. I think it's great people are out exercising, definitely nothing wrong with cycling. I've done a fair share myself. But, it's not like bikes were invented yesterday. What has changed? With your example of the health facilities, now the gyms are here, before they weren't. Bicycles aren't new, and I don't think are distinctly more affordable today then they were yesterday. Sure, Thais have gained some wealth, but not significantly to the point where a 10k mtn bike is now a drop in the bucket now and wasn't a few years ago.

We also now commonly see people riding on big motorcycles high off the ground with the container things on the back and the side.. Never saw those before, but now everybody's gotta have em? What gives. I think the reason lies in the social nature of Thais.

My decision to go out and start exercising on a bicycle has nothing to do with my neighbor doing it. Does it for you?

It usually starts with facebook. They see something trending on there and then they all copy it. Like 1 million coffee shops in pai or 2 million fortuners with their suitcases strapped on a plastic roofrack.

And the big 1 million bt+ touring bikes? Its just a fashion statement done by the hiso to make them look cool. They still end up in 5 star resorts where the only gear they needed could have fitted into a 7/11 bag on the rear seat.

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And for those of you who say there is nowhere to ride in Thailand, here are a couple road shots in my area.



its perfect, curvey road, you cicle with 50, and the next corner a Van will come on your side,

you will escape in the forest and hit the next tree !

God safe your Health and life!

Cycling in Thailand ? Yes, in your living room is ok and propably save!

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Well, again, many of you seem to miss the point. I am not asking what cycling brings to the table. For example, I am fully aware that you don't have to fill up at a gas tank, and it has benefits as a form of exercise. Wow. I think many people would realize that. Also, I realize this is ThaiVisa, and like many farang here who are pent up in a house with no one to talk to, you just want to hear yourself talk. In the mid 80's in America, one might have asked why Karate Studios were showing up on every corner, to which some might have pointed to the success of the movie 'The Karate Kid' and every kid dreaming of giving a crane kick to a class bully. Or, you could ask 'what's wrong with karate, I love karate???' The question just looks for an explanation, but doesn't find fault in the activity.

I was interested in an explanation for the DRASTIC increase in 'cyclists'. As some have mentioned, I definitely think other forces combined with social media make for fads more likely. As usual, the people who dismiss safety concerns are beyond idiotic in that their rationale is that one is equally likely to die from from choking on a Dorito as dying from running down an alley way of criminals firing bullets at you, simply because you could survive or die from each. Because you could die crossing the road tomorrow, therefore, better not bother with a seatbelt, worry about driving drunk, or look wash your hands before dinner, cause, hey, anything can happen!!!

Edited by LarryBird
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Let's do a quick 50 km in 33 C, I'll wear lycra and you can wear your jeans and t-shirt and then tell me it's just for posers!

In 6,000+ miles I have never worn jeans, Lycra or a codpiece. I do see why the pros wear it. The non pro who wear the tops festooned with adverts are the most hilarious. It is like painting your car with Nascar racing ads. NOKD!

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Well, again, many of you seem to miss the point. I am not asking what cycling brings to the table. For example, I am fully aware that you don't have to fill up at a gas tank, and it has benefits as a form of exercise. Wow. I think many people would realize that. Also, I realize this is ThaiVisa, and like many farang here who are pent up in a house with no one to talk to, you just want to hear yourself talk. In the mid 80's in America, one might have asked why Karate Studios were showing up on every corner, to which some might have pointed to the success of the movie 'The Karate Kid' and every kid dreaming of giving a crane kick to a class bully. Or, you could ask 'what's wrong with karate, I love karate???' The question just looks for an explanation, but doesn't find fault in the activity.

I was interested in an explanation for the DRASTIC increase in 'cyclists'. As some have mentioned, I definitely think other forces combined with social media make for fads more likely. As usual, the people who dismiss safety concerns are beyond idiotic in that their rationale is that one is equally likely to die from from choking on a Dorito as dying from running down an alley way of criminals firing bullets at you, simply because you could survive or die from each. Because you could die crossing the road tomorrow, therefore, better not bother with a seatbelt, worry about driving drunk, or look wash your hands before dinner, cause, hey, anything can happen!!!

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To reiterate my point, I am more interested in why, I don't have a problem with people cycling.

Although, I do think people are NUTZ for riding a bicycle on these roads. My friend knew of three people that got mauled in a two week period here in Chiangmai. I mean, if riding a bicycle brings you a ton of joy, have at it. I find it to be pretty boring.

Mauled as in savaged by dogges?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What is wrong with people learning something new? I lived in Bangkok when Clark Hatch opened the first health club in the carpark across from the US Embassy. People laughed and said Thais don’t and won’t exercise. Now there are busy health clubs everywhere.

Cycling is just another form of exercise which has become more popular with access to better bikes and more information about cycling. Make it easy, accessible and advertise it in popular media and show charity rides with well known people riding and it grows in popularity.
What could possibly be wrong with that? Being fit is not a crime.
It is about time for me to put on my lycra and enjoy a beautiful 70 to 80 km ride around my area.

Have fun!


I think you look better in your avatar.

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