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A girl wont leave my home


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Buy some flowers and incense and pretend to give an offering to some spirit. But don't tell her anything until she asks. Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the lady who died there before you moved in.

If that don't work just tell her your old gf is coming to see you.

Or, invite two mates to come stay for a few days and drink, fart, burp and enjoy....

One of these should work smile.png

maybe better : Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the your previous GF who died/YOU MURDERED there before she moved in.

Invite the mates over for an orgy....better plan.

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Buy some flowers and incense and pretend to give an offering to some spirit. But don't tell her anything until she asks. Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the lady who died there before you moved in.

If that don't work just tell her your old gf is coming to see you.

Or, invite two mates to come stay for a few days and drink, fart, burp and enjoy....

One of these should work smile.png

maybe better : Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the your previous GF who died/YOU MURDERED there before she moved in.

Invite the mates over for an orgy....better plan.

she and the OP might enjoy it and she will never leave rolleyes.gif

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Buy some flowers and incense and pretend to give an offering to some spirit. But don't tell her anything until she asks. Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the lady who died there before you moved in.

If that don't work just tell her your old gf is coming to see you.

Or, invite two mates to come stay for a few days and drink, fart, burp and enjoy....

One of these should work smile.png

maybe better : Tell her you saw a ghost and think it was the your previous GF who died/YOU MURDERED there before she moved in.

Even better walk in with an old white bedsheet over you and tell her you're a ghost. Or completely ignore her a la "Sixth Sense" and sob "Why did you have to die in that motorcycle accident Lek ( or whatever)? WHY?"

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You should learn to relax, it is the female Thai way of showing that she loves you very much. After a few months you will hardly notice her 'cousins' when they come to visit, the twenty-four hours a day soaps on TV or the look thung parties that she throws.

Chill, man.

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maybe he could take a non specific rodent home, and see if she goes

He could start a poker grind, even though Thai's do like mamma noodles after a week of those morning noon and night she will leave of her own accordlaugh.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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maybe he could take a non specific rodent home, and see if she goes

He could start a poker grind, even though Thai's do like mamma noodles after a week of those morning noon and night she will leave of her own accordlaugh.png

I have very strong views on this matter but apparently I'm not allowed to mention them for fear of persecution.

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Its my boss, not me. He asked me what to do, so I posted his situation on here to see if anyone has had this happen to them before.

He has given her until Sunday to find another place to stay.

well tell "your boss" the best practical course of action is to put his hand in his wallet, give her some cash as "travelling money" and send her on her way

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Has your 'friend' been having sex with her the past three weeks she has been there? If so, and if he hasn't already 'paid' her (assuming she's a working girl or a facsimile thereof) he needs to pay up what is owed, say, 1,000 baht a day for her sexual 'services'. She will not be leaving unless she is paid what she believes is fair value for her 'girlfriend experience' services.

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I had this happen once - er wait - I mean a friend had this happen once. A one night stand but with a girl that lived in the same building. Paid and done, or so I he thought. She decided it was easier to just keep coming over to my his room all the time than go out and try to earn a living. Most of the time though "he" was gone or had someone else so she was out of luck.

Then one afternoon she saw her chance ! "He" was alone in his room (she was spying through the bedroom window). Like a flash she was at the door, a quick knock and check of the door handle and she was in the room.

Holy Mother of Mithra and Zeus ! Do you think I could get her out of there after that ? She started doing the waiing on the floor routine and crying. This went on for about an hour and I was doing my best to not blow my top. There was no damn way I was going to offer her money to leave (I didn't owe her anything and didn't want anyone else in the building to think they could pull the same stunt). It got to a point where I really, really wanted to grab her and toss her over the railing (we were on the 4th floor).

Finally I told her I was going to see the landlady and get her booted out of the building (easy enough to do as she was living on credit anyways and they were making a lot more from me than from her). By the time I got to the stairs I heard her leaving my place. Spoke to the landlady and that was the end of it. That woman never spoke to me again and funny enough, I stopped by the building last week (I'd moved out 5 years ago) and she was there, having just arrived back from Nakhon Nowhere. She saw me, turned away and didn't speak a word. Perfect !

The last one I dumped was much easier. She went out one day (turns out she had a couple other foreign boyfriends and had to rotate through them to keep them on the hook), I changed the locks and left her belongings in a bag at the little guard booth at the entrance to the village. Sent her a text telling her to not bother coming back, where her stuff was and that I'd changed the locks. Then I blocked her numbers and deleted any connections (Line, Facebook, etc). My neighbours tell me that she showed up one day with some guy and a pick-up but couldn't open the gate so they left !

Now if I want them to leave I just try cooking some Thai food. One taste of my cooking and they can't leave fast enough !! (Remember, my cooking is what makes the soi dogs howl, and not in a good way !)

Edited by Kerryd
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