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I own a Toyota PreRunner (November 2006), it goes to the Toyota dealer every 10.000km for maintenance and my milage is roughly 11.5km / L (Diesel)

A friend of mine had to clean his 'tank' as he had water in it (red light dashboard) and he says that AFTER that his milage improved, this sounds very strange for me.

Also his milage is better than mine although we have the driving style.

Sometimes they put 'injector cleaner' in my Toyota but I do not think this will really clean the injectors, if you just put soap in a bucket with dirty clothes, your clothes don't get clean and this is the same with that 'injector cleaning' (in my opinion)

Can somebody with car knowledge explain to me if manually cleaning injectors (can you do that yourself??) will improve milage and if removing water from your tank also can improve milage.


Shell V Power fuel defiantly improves fuel economy with our 3.0 DMax. Injector cleaners may or may not work, but a small amount of 2 stroke oil is cheap and effective at reducing carbon deposits on injectors and will improve lubrication.

You might find that your EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) valve is stuck or not closing / seating properly due to soot and carbon build up. This will be detrimental to fuel economy and could explain the difference between yours and your friends vehicle.

Also if there is a DPF (diesel particulate filter) in the exhaust, that could be clogged as well. The dealership way would be to clean the EGR system and have the DPF cleaned or replaced. The way I'd do it would be to delete the DPF if there is one and replace it with a straight pipe and have the EGR valve or valves blanked off.


I have been using v power for months now and don't notice any signficant mileage improvement. Quite honestly, thinking of going back to Caltex.

Mileage claims by manufacturers are to say at least generous in favor of the manufacturer. I avg with city / highway driving about 11.5 to 12 kms per liter in my 4door AT 4x4 if I drive non aggressively.

I can remember driving a company Freed for a year here. That "eco" type car with it's massive 1.5 liter petrol engine avg as staggering 11 kms per liter no matter what fuel I chucked in it. Other Freeds in the fleet were around the same.


Speaking of Caltex, there's a relatively new station in Cherngthalay Phuket, which has Techron Power diesel which is their all singing all dancing premium diesel of I assume a similar ilk to V Power. I have tried that a few times and don't notice a difference between it and V Power. But regular Caltex and even more so Ptt gives lower performance and economy compared to the premium fuels. The difference is 0.5 to 1km per litre so cost difference is evened out by the economy plus it allegedly cleans the fuel system.


Normally any water in the fuel tank will get caught by the fuel filter, just change the fuel filter regularly, injector cleaner does work, do not attempt to clean the injectors yourself as you will ruin them. I use a bottle of injector cleaner every 5000kms and my Pajero at 130000kms still runs sweet, I also noticed that Toyota when they service my Vigo 4 x 4 they put a bottle of injector cleaner in the tank and it has only done 13000kms !


This injector cleaner works? Never tried it bit was always hesitant about tune ups in a can. Might look into it if others on here can verify it actually helps. Is there a particular brand to use?


This injector cleaner works? Never tried it bit was always hesitant about tune ups in a can. Might look into it if others on here can verify it actually helps. Is there a particular brand to use?

I bought my first FI car 1995. Went to the Chevy service manager, explained how I had never had one before, and asked for any tips. He advised to use FI cleaner with each fillup. Don't need much.

After 75,000 km Chevy issued a TSB for a free head gasket replacement. Seems some engines suffered from leaks, and they are going to replace all to be on the safe side. Asked the tech to see my head before reassembly.

Combustion chambers, valves, intake ports clean as new.

Made me a believer. Use in in my bikes and cars now.

In LOS - Carretex. buy in Tesco

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Thanks for all the info, will not clean the injectors and go for the 'cleaner'

When I look at the info about Carretex, must be a panacea - but will give it a try.

  • Reduce wear when the engine is started and work up to 80%.
  • Increase horsepower and acceleration up within a short time.
  • Maintain and extend the life of engine oil viscosity.
  • Repair and reduce engine maintenance costs.
  • Keeps the engine running smoothly and silently into the experience.
  • Reduce and control the temperature of the engine
  • Fuel economy of at least 25%
  • Reduce pollution and extend the useful life of the engine.

Sales department did hire some good people!


Clonkers need a good daily thrashing,saves putting chemicals in ever.They are built to work hard, not carry 4 Kilos of shopping from Big C.Just max the revs every day.beatdeadhorse.gif


Thanks for all the info, will not clean the injectors and go for the 'cleaner'

When I look at the info about Carretex, must be a panacea - but will give it a try.

  • Reduce wear when the engine is started and work up to 80%.
  • Increase horsepower and acceleration up within a short time.
  • Maintain and extend the life of engine oil viscosity.
  • Repair and reduce engine maintenance costs.
  • Keeps the engine running smoothly and silently into the experience.
  • Reduce and control the temperature of the engine
  • Fuel economy of at least 25%
  • Reduce pollution and extend the useful life of the engine.

Sales department did hire some good people!

And a Star will be seen in the East,cobblers all of it,running silently?,not one made yet.


Thanks for all the info, will not clean the injectors and go for the 'cleaner'

When I look at the info about Carretex, must be a panacea - but will give it a try.

  • Reduce wear when the engine is started and work up to 80%.
  • Increase horsepower and acceleration up within a short time.
  • Maintain and extend the life of engine oil viscosity.
  • Repair and reduce engine maintenance costs.
  • Keeps the engine running smoothly and silently into the experience.
  • Reduce and control the temperature of the engine
  • Fuel economy of at least 25%
  • Reduce pollution and extend the useful life of the engine.

Sales department did hire some good people!

And a Star will be seen in the East,cobblers all of it,running silently?,not one made yet.

Is this a Thai product or just Thai packaging with regards to the laundry list of wonders it performs...25% increased fuel economy and no noise? Sounds like a prius in a can...

  • Like 1

We could always tell a vehicle that ran Chevron....always very clean if had to go into the engine/intake for some reason.....


It says product from usa? I googled this brand and only found TH links.

One might have thought that if it did even half of what it claimed, it would be a global success. Shall we put it down to poor marketing or.....

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