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Is Their Any Child Support System In Thailand ?


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the father of my baby is thai ,im english and living in bangkok. when i was 5 months pregnant he suddenely changed his mind and left me !! I m happy here despite him deserting me !! and planned for the baby to be born here . we never registered the marriage .does anyone know anything regarding the thai law and if the father is responsible to pay child maintenance /support or if i have any rights at all . many thanks louise

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I'm sorry to say that I don't think you have a cat in hells chance of winning a settlement or getting him to pay.

A few years back a renowned monk Phra Yantra was sued in the Thai courts for paternity and up keep, from memory he managed to stall the proceedings for at least a couple of years and then skipped off completely.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but I think you'd be extremely lucky to achieve a settlement.

Has he even the funds to support you?

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I'm sorry to say that I don't think you have a cat in hells chance of winning a settlement or getting him to pay.

A few years back a renowned monk Phra Yantra was sued in the Thai courts for paternity and up keep, from memory he managed to stall the proceedings for at least a couple of years and then skipped off completely.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but I think you'd be extremely lucky to achieve a settlement.

Has he even the funds to support you?

Phra Yantra, shit, that's a name from the past! I remember his last days in Thailand he was defrocked and then began wearing green monk's robes to get around the regualtion regarding the wearing of robes. Wonder whatever happened to him?

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He did a runner to the US Poor Poor Persecuted Phra Yantra

I'll never forget his argument for not givng a DNA sample...

"It would be a sacrilidge to remove body material from a monk"

He never thought of that when donating body fluids to his female flock.


And how did it all come to light?

Well the cover was blown when one of his wealthy female supporters discovered he was charging the services of prostitutes to the credit card she had given him.

One only wonders what he's up to in the US?!

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the father of my baby is thai ,im english and living in bangkok. when i was 5 months pregnant he suddenely changed his mind and left me !! I m happy here despite him deserting me !! and planned for the baby to be born here . we never registered the marriage .does anyone know anything regarding the thai law and if the father is responsible to pay child maintenance /support or if i have any rights at all . many thanks louise

Hi Louise,

You could go to family court and through court mandated DNA testing (or father stipulates) establish paternity. The court will likely grant a judgement in your favor for some small monthly sum. The judgement for all intents and purposes is unenforceable from what I've seen.

Of greater importance IMO, is, have you established citizenship for the child? Both Thai and wherever you came from? Do you have passports for the child? Could the father, if he chose to resurfac, create custody problems for you as a shakedown?

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Thailand's got more than its share of deadbeat dads, and mothers don't seem to pursue the matter or maybe just don't know that they can.

Have you introduced him to his baby? It might cause him a change of heart. But if it doesn't and unless he's a public figure or wants to hush you up I don't suspect you'll find much help.

Have you contacted his mother or father? You were dating him for 5+ months, so you probably met his parents at some point, yes? Maybe they could put some pressure on him.

Some links that might provide pointers for finding more information (but note that some of the links are from the perspective of flighty farang fathers):




Goo luck!

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the father of my baby is thai ,im english and living in bangkok. when i was 5 months pregnant he suddenely changed his mind and left me !! I m happy here despite him deserting me !! and planned for the baby to be born here . we never registered the marriage .does anyone know anything regarding the thai law and if the father is responsible to pay child maintenance /support or if i have any rights at all . many thanks louise

Hi louise,

This isn't what you've asked, but I assume you know you could get British citizenship for your baby and return to the UK? - Maybe not an option, but just a thought.

Your only other option would be to get a good lawyer and go through the family court here. Enforcing any decision made in your favor might prove difficult though.

Good luck


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Out of luck - ask the countless thousand(s) of thai ladies with the same problem. :D

Actually this is part of the very reason sinsot/dowry traditions exist!

Lot of the ladies I have chatted with were never married, so I guess that one doesnt apply too much!!! :o

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Out of luck - ask the countless thousand(s) of thai ladies with the same problem. :D

Actually this is part of the very reason sinsot/dowry traditions exist!

Lot of the ladies I have chatted with were never married, so I guess that one doesnt apply too much!!! :D


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Out of luck - ask the countless thousand(s) of thai ladies with the same problem. :D

Actually this is part of the very reason sinsot/dowry traditions exist!

Lot of the ladies I have chatted with were never married, so I guess that one doesnt apply too much!!! :o

Those are some smart buggers. :D

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The family court is an option, I know a Thai woman whose husband left her and her son and she managed to get a small monthly sum out of him. Not enough, but probably as much as he could afford anyway.

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