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Tip For Paying Thais - Monthly not Weekly


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Well, Up Your Kilt Jock!

Hope your Dangling Bits get bitten by a Cobra, you mean and nasty penny-pincher.

Notice in your opening line, you say you've been paying her "2000 Baht a Month" If this is the case, she ought to have you up before the Labor Office at City Hall to "haul your Scottish Butt over some red hot coals." What a miserable S.O.B you are!

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Cleaning is a minimum wage job. 300 baht a day for every day worked. 5 days = 1500. 6 days = 1800. If you pay monthly should be 9000. This is the minimum but feel free to pay more. I paid my hk 500 for 4hours once a week. She wasn't worth it but never mind.

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Apologies not accepted. You obviously have too much time on your hands posting trivia on TV that makes Thais seem stupid. Stick to your "charity".

Sorry of course the OP should have read 2000 baht per week. not month

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Apologies not accepted. You obviously have too much time on your hands posting trivia on TV that makes Thais seem stupid. Stick to your "charity".

Sorry of course the OP should have read 2000 baht per week. not month

Actually I posted this in the General forum , it wasn't meant for you breadheadssmile.png

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Breaking the law are you. If she is a fulltime employee she has the right to a day off every week (with pay). You are supposed to pay her B 300 per day which works out B 9000 in a 30 day month and B 109 500 per year (365 x B 300). Karma is a bitch.

Where does the day off with pay come from ?.

Working week according to the labour dept website is 48 hrs over 6 days. anything exceeding that is paid as overtime.

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He's Scottish, nothing else need be said. He even admits he is stingy just like all the rest of his countrymen. You couldn't pry 1 satang from a dead scotsmans hand.

.....even if there was such a thing.

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It's amazing how desperately some poorly educated farang are to demonstrate their superior intelligence ...and how they end up proving just the opposite.

"been getting 2000 baht a month for a couple of years. "

"Even Thais with degrees think there are 4 weeks in a year."

Even for a troll post this is a half-a__ed job.


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OP says ..."Even Thais with degrees think there are 4 weeks in a year".

Sorry to disappoint you....even "she who must be obeyed" knows there are a few more than that in a year.

But at least your worker is getting more than the 2000 Bt. a month you said you were giving her in you opening sentence.


Edited by dotpoom
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Breaking the law are you. If she is a fulltime employee she has the right to a day off every week (with pay). You are supposed to pay her B 300 per day which works out B 9000 in a 30 day month and B 109 500 per year (365 x B 300). Karma is a bitch.

What do you mean "karma is a bitch"?

Seems pretty fair to me.

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Just asked her .

She said "don't you know"?

I replied, "yes I do but someone posting on TV believes Thais don't know! "

Her reply " Typical ! Is it a Frarang? Tell whoever,they are a *********************** . The Farang can count the weeks on a calender so can Thais "

So what number did she up with? My wife didn't know, even my Boss didn't know and ALL the Thais, unless they've been educated abroad, I have asked said 48.

My wife also said don't know but have 12 months in a year and every month have 4 weeks

so 12 * 4 = 48 weeks in a year.

I asked, how many days in a year, 365 she said, so 365 / 7 = 52.1 weeks

52 weeks and a little bit which we fix with 29 days in February every 4 years..

OK she said,only February have 28 days, all the other months have 2 or 3 more days.

A bit like pulling teeth and I expect that by tomorrow it will be 48 weeks per year again as you originally said.

(Battelly in head, mot leao!)

I did think is was funny that you posted 2,000 / month and conned her into accepting 8,500 / month. LOL

and I love the posts that chastise you for conning your maid!

(They ain't got no sense of humour and they Tink too mut! LOL)

"My wife also said don't know but have 12 months in a year and every month have 4 weeks

so 12 * 4 = 48 weeks in a year."

"(They ain't got no sense of humour and they Tink too mut! LOL)"

Just for laughs ask her why she thinks you had to come to Thailand to find someone willing to marry you.

That was the purpose of my posting and to be fair it looks as though I were drunk when posting as there are many typos and mistakes.

Thais think there are 48 weeks in a year. I'll be surprised if anyone asks their SO and says she/he said 52.

Not a bash at Thais at all.

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9k a month is minimum wage.

Based on how many days?

It's based on 30 days, which you are required to pay after the 90 (120?) day probation. So a full time employee that works 5 days a week is paid for 30 days, the same as someone who works 6 days a week.

But of course you already know all of this.

It depends if you pay by the day or by the month and what your employee contract says.

When I first opened my factory I paid by the month and had to go by the paid sick days and holidays etc etc. I then switched to paying by the day and started paying only for time spent at work.

That has been a few years now though so maybe things have changed.

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9k a month is minimum wage.

Based on how many days?
It's based on 30 days, which you are required to pay after the 90 (120?) day probation. So a full time employee that works 5 days a week is paid for 30 days, the same as someone who works 6 days a week.

But of course you already know all of this.

It depends if you pay by the day or by the month and what your employee contract says.

When I first opened my factory I paid by the month and had to go by the paid sick days and holidays etc etc. I then switched to paying by the day and started paying only for time spent at work.

That has been a few years now though so maybe things have changed.

You can only work then them daily while they are on probation. After 120 (90?) days they are full time and get 30 days per month. You can deduct for sick days without a doctor's excuse.

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Just asked her .

She said "don't you know"?

I replied, "yes I do but someone posting on TV believes Thais don't know! "

Her reply " Typical ! Is it a Frarang? Tell whoever,they are a *********************** . The Farang can count the weeks on a calender so can Thais "

So what number did she up with? My wife didn't know, even my Boss didn't know and ALL the Thais, unless they've been educated abroad, I have asked said 48.

My wife also said don't know but have 12 months in a year and every month have 4 weeks

so 12 * 4 = 48 weeks in a year.

I asked, how many days in a year, 365 she said, so 365 / 7 = 52.1 weeks

52 weeks and a little bit which we fix with 29 days in February every 4 years..

OK she said,only February have 28 days, all the other months have 2 or 3 more days.

A bit like pulling teeth and I expect that by tomorrow it will be 48 weeks per year again as you originally said.

(Battelly in head, mot leao!)

I did think is was funny that you posted 2,000 / month and conned her into accepting 8,500 / month. LOL

and I love the posts that chastise you for conning your maid!

(They ain't got no sense of humour and they Tink too mut! LOL)

"My wife also said don't know but have 12 months in a year and every month have 4 weeks

so 12 * 4 = 48 weeks in a year."

"(They ain't got no sense of humour and they Tink too mut! LOL)"

Just for laughs ask her why she thinks you had to come to Thailand to find someone willing to marry you.

That was the purpose of my posting and to be fair it looks as though I were drunk when posting as there are many typos and mistakes.

Thais think there are 48 weeks in a year. I'll be surprised if anyone asks their SO and says she/he said 52.

Not a bash at Thais at all.

Yep, I got the joke straight away

And the irony of the little mistakes too.

I'm still laughing at the silly boys who didn't get the joke and berate you.

But fxks, this is Thai visa forum LOL

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It's based on 30 days, which you are required to pay after the 90 (120?) day probation. So a full time employee that works 5 days a week is paid for 30 days, the same as someone who works 6 days a week.

But of course you already know all of this.

It depends if you pay by the day or by the month and what your employee contract says.

When I first opened my factory I paid by the month and had to go by the paid sick days and holidays etc etc. I then switched to paying by the day and started paying only for time spent at work.

That has been a few years now though so maybe things have changed.

You can only work then them daily while they are on probation. After 120 (90?) days they are full time and get 30 days per month. You can deduct for sick days without a doctor's excuse.

Like I said though it may be different now but I ran my factory for 12 years and the only problem I had with the labor department was when my wife I had at the time fired 3 employees without giving them warnings before firing them.

The labor department went through my records and matched what I was paying with the employee contracts and had no problems with me doing it that way.

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