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Artificial rain making operation launched today in Thailand


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Artificial rain making operation launched today


BANGKOK: -- The Department of Royal Artificial Rain-making and Agricultural Aviation officially launched a nation-wide rain making operation today in Nakhon Sawan in order to ease drought problem which has already hit several provinces.

The launch was presided over Agriculture Minister Pitipong Pungbun na Ayudhya and witnessed by top brass from the three armed forces.

The event also featured a flying demonstration by planes used in rain-making and parachuting.

After the official launch, all the planes will return to their bases in Chiang Mai, Phitsanuloke and Tak for the North, Nakhon Sawan, Lop Buri for the central plains, Khon Kaen, Ubon Ratchathani and Nakhon Ratchasima for the Northeast, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Sa Kaew for the eastern region and Prachuab Khiri Khan and Surat Thani for the South.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/aritificial-rain-making-operation-launched-today

-- Thai PBS 2015-03-02

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I planted a money tree years and tears ago...it came into bloom, the harvest wasnt what we thought it would be.....but we went ahead and damn people showed up....and they bought all the money we ahould have made....for money we hadnt even planted yet......lucky for us we had close friends that were able to predict the furure.....

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Reminds me of using boats to remove flood water from the canals in Bangkok - seems someone is trying to justify their existence and salary - just as effective singing and dancing to the weather god

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And today it rained. Amazing.

Where?in OZ?....bloody hot here at the moment, and we havent seen rain here now for about 6 weeks. Not even a Storm...
Nice thunderstorm here in BangSaen this morning, weegee.
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This should be banned. Assuming it actually works, it artificially increases the capacity for growth. The region will quickly come to rely upon the additional resource and cloud-seeding will have to be done for evermore in an ever-increasing spiral. Let the clouds rain where they will. The world we've got should be enough.

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Important Notice!

Just insure that they follow the correct process and not get in a hurry! Not too much of the Crystals to get business at hand done quickly! (Card Game can wait... Beer will stay cold... There is always more whiskey,,, Dinner, Date will wait!) So you do not do what was done in the past... Cause extensive flooding and Property Damage! (Why was there extensive seeding of the Clouds in past years when we had the enjoyment of seeing most of Thailand was getting the streets and fields "Washed"?) with 1-3 meters of artificial rain... Had a salty taste and left a definitive white powder where ever it pooled?

Normal Rain does not have a saline taste!

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This processes was developed by His majesty the King years ago. I know for a fact they were doing this back in 1991, when I came here to live. It is nothing new and it has been very good to help the farmers. So any of you making stupid remarkes becareful.

Well, if anybody thinks this is something good, think again !

1. This is spraying chemicals into the air ! Where do the chemicals go, what chemicals are used ?

[Answer: the chemicals come back down to earth. Aluminium, Strontium, Barium ... ]

2. You could also call it Geo-engineering using chemtrails

[Patents are available ... just need to read them and become scared like hell !!!]

3. The only one ever to do rain making WITHOUT chemicals was Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the late 40s early 50s in the US.

[Documented and verified]

4. Chemtrail spraying is happening over Thailand for YEARS ! Just watch the sky !!!

[The question is: Why do they make it public now ?]

It is an assault on nature and with this on its population !

Get some real info and get the brainwashing out of your heads !!!

This is happening on a GLOBAL SCALE !!!

It is scary and outright dangerous.

Weather modification or "playing god" should not be done, especially as long as the

science on weather or climate is as unclear as it is now.

People who claim that 0.037% of the atmosphere [that's the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere]

are the driving part of climate change [we are actually only responsible for 6% of these 0.037% !!!]

now claim to make rain and know what they do .... are you kidding me ?

The kind of chemtrailing like ive seen in say holland I have never seen In Thailand this yearly rainmaking doesn't bother me too much
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This processes was developed by His majesty the King years ago. I know for a fact they were doing this back in 1991, when I came here to live. It is nothing new and it has been very good to help the farmers. So any of you making stupid remarkes becareful.

I believe what diehard60 wrote and I understand that that one of the King's many patents he holds, is for rain making.

Please be very careful what you write about this subject.

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One page and hours late ron my part, and not one comment on shaman rain dances and the likes? You guys let me down here lol

Please be very careful what you write about this subject.

Also be careful what you say about, oh god where to start...rape, murder, skin color, NWO, banks, corruption, education, your neighbor, your neighbor's wife, christianity, buddishm, hinduism, muslims, LGBT, terrorism, women, children, sharks, fish and clowns. And many more. Very many more.

If this is a patent of the King or not is beyond trivial. Important is, if it is safe to use for the area affected (during and after) and how efficient it is. If it costs more money than it can make profit or turn into something worthwhile otherwise (and this does not include the worthless human life), then it isn't a thing that will be made use of. Although science can modify it to some degree already, (fully) controlling it is currently out of the question, though eventually that will likely be a thing of the past as well...yet again, who cares...we still haven't gotten past the stage of greed and an eye for an eye.

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Remember in past years.... When we were subject to flooding? Every time they took off from Airport at Chiang Mai and did their task of infusing the Clouds... we had besides the normal rain that would have fallen anyway. We had intense Downpours! Either flight was scheduled at wrong time or what was dispursed was far more then needed.

I believe it is a good program, if controlled effectively. But when want-a-be Engineers get involved and extend or to just save time and later cleanup, the entire load is dumped... More harm is constructed then the Help that was suppose to be the ultimate factor anyway. There was a plan constructed and Patented, that if followed, worked perfectly!

You should never be able to go out in the rain... hold a towel up to get saturated, when totally soaked be able to taste salt... If this happens and a collection of water, collected and saved for testing on a spectrograph confirms results... Someone did the nasty and as a latent result be accountable for any damage caused.

We need a few Universitys to get involved and monitor these flights and check the ratio and mix to insure Flight Crews are held accountable. To protect His Majesty's Patent and his trust in the process.

Edited by davidstipek
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This processes was developed by His majesty the King years ago. I know for a fact they were doing this back in 1991, when I came here to live. It is nothing new and it has been very good to help the farmers. So any of you making stupid remarkes becareful.

Yes, I would suggest to any "doubters" they do a little research and they may (assuming they are capable of reading) discover that Cloud Seeding has a pretty good success rate.

As pointed out by "diehard60", the system in Thailand was introduced by His Majesty many years ago and it has benefited people in drought-stricken areas of the Kingdom on numerous occasions.

So again, as suggested above, the "SCOFFERS" may be well advised to take a little care, before they attempt their alleged humor, over something they are ignorant of.

Seem to recall a couple of people who "thought" they were funny, were locked-up a week or two ago. Dare say they didn't find that, the least bit humorous.

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It is completely irrelevant if the King of Thailand or any other person holds a patent on "weather modification" [that's what it is !]

There are many patents on this issue and most of them are owned by the military [especially the US military !]

The question is: is it safe ?

And the simple answer is: NO !

Also MONEY cannot have anything to do with it !
If money could be made out of this [and it can !] then who will decide who gets the rain ? The one who pays most ?

Koh Samui is being sprayed constantly over the last [at least] 5 years !
Going all around south Thailand sees ALL regions being covered with chemtrails

This is from personal experience ! I have been around south Thailand quite a bit and on ALL travels saw the same BS in the sky !

UV levels are way up [that's why the sun feels hotter now than it did in the past] - also observation !

We have an average of 28 degrees right now and it feels like 40 degrees .... this is NOT normal !!!

Weather modification is a weapon ! And it is used like it ... who ever wants to believe that this is anything

positive for anybody [except the ruling elite] is an outright FOOL !!!

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