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Couple of things - advice please


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Water has run dry - well also empty alongside water supply via government.

Well will fill up come rainy season, however government is expected to be 4 years whilst they put a better supply in to the area (go figure the intelligence of the person in charge for stopping existing whilst new is implemented).

Anyway the wife is getting quoted 5,000 baht an hour (not a day) and there is no guarantees we hit a reserve. So she is hazarding a guess at the depth based on others and potential holes (we have a large garden but literally only a small area in the open is now green) of 100k baht all in.

Ludicrous pricing but there is cues and local service near Kantang

Any recommendations on local or national hire around 5000 baht a day would be appreciated.

2nd thing

Need to extend the parameter wall by 120 meters

Was going to dig it out my self but mud is so solid - is there an art to digging hard mud (sun baked?) or is this another 5000 baht an hour JOBY 5555

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For more realistic prices to drill a well and to get answers in English I suggest you visit the owner of a local "water pump specialist" in your province. Grundfos, Mitsubishi, Franklin Electric all do a good business with family owned stores that supply the well pumps and well controllers direct to the owner of the well and do a significant trade with the cowboys that call themselves well drillers. Wrong size casing, lies about depth, not use a grounding wire, just a typical day of the well drillers I have observed. I had better luck in Buriram as the same shop that sold me Mitsubishi and Hitachi water pumps for my house also sell deep well submersible pumps. The owner of that Buriram Builders Merchant was able to give me three telephone numbers of well drillers who purchase better grade pumps. I bought the 14 stage Schaefer Legend and Franklin Electric controller from the Buriram Pump shop and paid a separate fee for the drilling. There was no "hourly fee" at any point. I believe many of the Thai Chinese owners of "water pump" shops speak English and Thai in most any province in Thailand. The owner of the water pump shop in your area would be wise to recommend a decent well driller as the seller of the water pump is responsible for the repairs under the warranty period of the water pumps. If cowboys install it wrong and "skip" a couple of the important items, and you end up with mud blocking your water flow you will probably call the owner of the shop that sold you the well pump. Or if the installation team of the water pump seller goes to your home with a proper 4" submersible well pump, but the casing of the well was NOT what your wife was told, and not really the size you paid for, it will cause a wasted trip by the water pump installers.

For the boundary wall most any local builder can give a bid for normal blocks and proper footings. They seem to quote for a certain number of meters between posts and you might want a shorter span. I believe the attractive http://www.fenzer.biz/ walls have been the subject of a thread on Thai Visa. I see advertisements quite often in the Thai language newspapers for Fenzer and it looks like something to price for a long lasting attractive fence. They seem to have sales offices in several parts of Thailand. The same local businesses who make pre-cast floor sections might offer a similar precast fence product as Fenzer. Fenzer seems to have installation teams that can handle challenging soil conditions in Thailand according to a thread on Thai Visa which had great photos.


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Was going to dig it out my self but mud is so solid - is there an art to digging hard mud (sun baked?)

Watched some guys digging hole for utility pole. When the ground got too hard they poured water in the hole to soften it up.

Seemed to work for them


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