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Netanyahu assails Iran deal, touts US-Israel ties


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Netanyahu assails Iran deal, touts US-Israel ties

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to lower tensions, Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. officials cast their dispute over Iran as a family squabble on Monday, but the Israeli leader still claimed that President Barack Obama did not — and could not — understand his nation's vital security concerns.

"American leaders worry about the security of their country," Netanyahu said as he opened a controversial trip to Washington. "Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country."

Netanyahu's remarks to a friendly crowd at a pro-Israel lobby's annual conference amounted to a warm-up act for his address to Congress Tuesday, an appearance orchestrated by Obama's political opponents and aimed squarely at undermining the White House's high-stakes bid for a nuclear deal with Iran.

Netanyahu tried to paper over his personal differences with Obama, insisting he was not in Washington to "disrespect" the president and saying that any reports of the demise of U.S.-Israel ties were "not only premature, they're just wrong."

Still, Netanyahu made clear that he would not hold back in criticizing the U.S.-led nuclear negotiations with Iran.

"I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there is still time to avert them," he told the cheering crowd of 16,000 at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference. He said Israel had a unique understanding of the security concerns posed by any Iranian pursuit of a nuclear bomb because of its position in a "dangerous neighborhood."

Obama spoke dismissively of Netanyahu's warnings about the risks of an Iran deal, saying the prime minister had previously contended Iran would not abide by an interim agreement signed in 2013 and would get $50 billion in sanctions relief, a figure the U.S. says is far too high.

"None of that has come true," Obama said in an interview with Reuters.

As Netanyahu spoke, Secretary of State John Kerry was in Switzerland opening another round of talks with Iran, as the parties try to cobble together a framework agreement before an end-of-March deadline. Obama views the prospect of a nuclear accord with Iran as a central component of his foreign policy legacy — as much as Netanyahu views blocking such a deal as a component of his own.

Netanyahu has been wary of Obama's diplomatic pursuits with Iran from the start, fearing the U.S. will leave Tehran on the cusp of being able to build a bomb. As the outlines of a deal have emerged and the deadline has drawn near, his criticism has become more forceful.

U.S. officials have reported progress toward a prospective agreement that would freeze Iran's nuclear program for at least 10 years but allow the Iranians to slowly ramp up in later years. Netanyahu has said that framework suggests the U.S. and its partners have "given up" on stopping Iran. In response, Kerry has said America's historic support of Israel suggests Washington deserves the benefit of the doubt.

While Obama and Netanyahu have never gotten along personally, the rift over Iran has sunk their relationship to a new low. The White House has criticized the prime minister's address to Congress as a breach of diplomatic protocol and, officials have publicly questioned his judgment on the merits of the Iran deal.

Obama has no plan to meet with Netanyahu this week, citing Israel's March 17 elections and longstanding U.S. policy to avoid appearing to play favorites in foreign voting.

Netanyahu's remarks at AIPAC were bracketed by speeches from a pair of senior U.S. officials: U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

Power, softening the recent harsh tone, spoke warmly of U.S.-Israeli ties, saying the relationship was rooted in "shared fundamental values" and "should never be politicized." She highlighted the billions of dollars in military assistance Washington delivers as well as the constant defense the U.S. provides Israel at the United Nations.

On Iran, Power said the U.S. shares Israel's commitment to preventing Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. While Obama prefers to achieve that goal through diplomacy, she suggested he would be willing to take more muscular steps if necessary.

"If diplomacy should fail, we know the stakes of a nuclear-armed Iran," she said. "We will not let it happen."

Rice was expected to deliver a more specific rebuttal to Netanyahu's criticism of the U.S.-led nuclear negotiations. She has been among the most outspoken critics of the prime minister's plan to address Congress, calling it "destructive" to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Kerry and Netanyahu spoke by phone over the weekend, but it did not appear the prime minister would hold any in-person meetings with Obama officials. Vice President Joe Biden was traveling in Guatemala on a trip announced only after the Netanyahu address was revealed. Netanyahu did plan to meet with a bipartisan group of senators after the congressional address, according to his published schedule.

As Senate president, Biden would have sat behind Netanyahu during his speech to Congress. Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the senior Republican senator, was expected to take Biden's place.

House Speaker John Boehner plans to present Netanyahu a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a gift chosen because the two men will be the only foreign leaders to have addressed Congress three separate times.

AP Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee in Geneva and AP writers Bradley Klapper and Deb Riechmann in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-03

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not really. Same -same. alt=whistling.gif>


The Nash Equilibrium you linked to...EXACTLY why Iran should have nukes.

No one should have nukes. The control of those weapons of mass destruction cannot be in the hands of a few idiots.

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Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. MAD would not deter them It would encourage them. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

To say that the "Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for the End of Days" is absolute nonsense.

The concept is more applicable to Christian Zionists and their belief in the Apocalyptic End Times.

Iran can be an effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State if the Israelis and their amen corner in Washington can be kept on a short leash.

Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. ???

Now THAT is definitely such a wild-sounding claim that it needs some backing evidence.

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Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. MAD would not deter them It would encourage them. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

To say that the "Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for the End of Days" is absolute nonsense.

The concept is more applicable to Christian Zionists and their belief in the Apocalyptic End Times.

Iran can be an effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State if the Israelis and their amen corner in Washington can be kept on a short leash.

"Iran can be an effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State if the Israelis and their amen corner in Washington can be kept on a short leash.

It would seem the Shiite Iranians are already in the battle against the Sunni ISIS, without the knowledge or consent of Obama.


Iraq’s Attack Against ISIS Catches U.S. ‘By Surprise’
The Iraqi military launched a major campaign to take back a key city from the self-proclaimed Islamic State over the weekend—a move that caught the U.S. “by surprise,” in the words of one American government official.
The U.S.-led coalition forces that have conducted seven months of airstrikes on Iraq’s behalf did not participate in the attack, defense officials told The Daily Beast, and the American military has no plans to chip in.
Instead, embedded Iranian advisors and Iranian-backed Shiite militias are taking part in the offensive on the largely Sunni town, raising the prospect that the fight to beat back ISIS could become a sectarian war.
The article goes on to explain an attack was launched by the Iraqi Army with Iranian assistance by some 30,000 troops against ISIS in Tikrit. US officials were apparently caught unawares that any attack was being planned.
How does that work into the US needing Iran to fight ISIS? Shiite Iran was ALWAYS going to fight Sunni ISIS and Israel along with their US Amen corner could have done nothing to alter that outcome either way.
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Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. MAD would not deter them It would encourage them. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

To say that the "Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for the End of Days" is absolute nonsense.

Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. ???

Now THAT is definitely such a wild-sounding claim that it needs some backing evidence.

It is not a secret. Iran has produced a film on the 12th Imam that is on YouTube. Ahmadinejad has even called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly.

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked in utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment-day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.

The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing forward with its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike -- perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation -- to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam. Ahmadinejad has even called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly. During his speeches within Iran, Ahmadinejad has said that the main mission of the Islamic Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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House Speaker John Boehner plans to present Netanyahu a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a gift chosen because the two men will be the only foreign leaders to have addressed Congress three separate times.

What an insult to Britain and the Churchill family.

Shame on you Boehner.

I wonder if it’s the same one that Obama said he didn’t want when he moved in to the Oval Office?giggle.gif

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House Speaker John Boehner plans to present Netanyahu a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a gift chosen because the two men will be the only foreign leaders to have addressed Congress three separate times.

What an insult to Britain and the Churchill family.

Shame on you Boehner.

I wonder if it’s the same one that Obama said he didn’t want when he moved in to the Oval Office?giggle.gif

You mean Bush's one?

"The one displayed by Mr Bush was indeed returned, along with all other art lent to him, as his presidency came to an end. The other, which remains in the White House residence, was given as a gift to President Lyndon B Johnson in 1965 by a group of Atlanticist diplomats and military officers."

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Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. MAD would not deter them It would encourage them. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

To say that the "Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for the End of Days" is absolute nonsense.

The concept is more applicable to Christian Zionists and their belief in the Apocalyptic End Times.

Iran can be an effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State if the Israelis and their amen corner in Washington can be kept on a short leash.

Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. ???

Now THAT is definitely such a wild-sounding claim that it needs some backing evidence.

Islam demonizers have great difficulty separating fact from hate-filled ignorant fiction.

You'll have to tell the Iranian government that.


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OK, so perhaps our resident "Israel Firsters" can explain why the President of the United States and the other members of the P5+1 are going to suddenly change course because of this campaign speech.

Lay it out for us how this supposedly happens. Step by step.

I await with baited breath.


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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