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Israel ready to prevent Hezbollah expansion into Syria, Golan Heights


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Israel Ready to Prevent Hezbollah Expansion into Syria, Golan Heights

Israel reportedly expressed readiness to boost its defenses along the border with Lebanon in order to limit Hezbollah's expansion in the Golan Heights region in Syria, the Lebanese news outlet Naharnet reported Tuesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – High-ranking Israeli officials said that Hezbollah would be deemed responsible for any hostile action against Israeli troops or settlements near the Golan Heights, with Israel ready to retaliate to any sign of aggression, Naharnet said referring to Tuesday's edition of al-Liwaa, an Arabic-language Lebanese daily.

Lebanese and Hezbullah officials are said to have been notified of Israel's warnings.

Western diplomatic sources of al-Liwaa quoted Israeli officials as saying that offensives in the Golan Heights were planned by Iran, and had direct links to Iran's nuclear program, Naharnet reported.

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150303/1018984596.html

-- SPUTNIK 2015-03-03[/b]

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Watched the BBC the other night and they had a reporter walking in the under ground tunnels and showing the mortars aimed at neighborhoods in Israel. Some real nice people those Palestinians are.

Do I have to remind you that during ww2 "the underground" was rather busy all over occupied Europe?

How can you say such nonsense?

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Hezbullah's aim is to get back land stolen by Israel. But here we are told that their presence is associated with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Does the Golan heights have a uranium mine or a centrifuge factory?

I hope the report, or someone, will elaborate how Iran's program has anything to do with Golan or Hezbullah.

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Real pissed off people more like.

Well then, they are going to get even more pissed off if they don't stop pissing around.

Yes, it would be better for them to hand over the rest of their land to Israel, eh?

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Watched the BBC the other night and they had a reporter walking in the under ground tunnels and showing the mortars aimed at neighborhoods in Israel. Some real nice people those Palestinians are.

offtopic.gif.pagespeed.ce.ifZtFTWxj3Br0M the OP is about Hezbollah a Shia group based in Lebanon and Syria...nothing to do with Palestinians.

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Hezbullah's aim is to get back land stolen by Israel. But here we are told that their presence is associated with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Does the Golan heights have a uranium mine or a centrifuge factory?

I hope the report, or someone, will elaborate how Iran's program has anything to do with Golan or Hezbullah.

Israel is mining for pretexts to attack Iran... its usual MO.

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Hezbullah's aim is to get back land stolen by Israel. But here we are told that their presence is associated with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Does the Golan heights have a uranium mine or a centrifuge factory?

I hope the report, or someone, will elaborate how Iran's program has anything to do with Golan or Hezbullah.

Israel is mining for pretexts to attack Iran... its usual MO.

Of course. Ramp up forces on the Syrian border, provoke an attack, claim Iran was behind the attack.......we have seen it before.

The fact remains that Hezbullah "... was primarily formed to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation."(from Wiki), and are thus freedom fighters.

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Watched the BBC the other night and they had a reporter walking in the under ground tunnels and showing the mortars aimed at neighborhoods in Israel. Some real nice people those Palestinians are.

I can see Israelis shaking. Thank god for merkavas,fighter jets,bombers,missiles,helos,unlimited supply of US bombs.

So Todd would you move if "god" gave your house away?

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Interesting to see what reaction this gets : Israel has threatened Press TV correspondent in Syria over photos taken in Golan Heightsf showing al-Qaeda-linked terrorists next to Israeli soldiers in the occupied region.

The photos obtained by Press TV correspondent show Takfiri terrorists from the terrorist al-Nusra Front next to Israeli soldiers, who are speaking face-to-face with terrorists in Golan.


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The pictures further prove Tel Aviv’s support for al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, especially al-Nusra Front, that have been wreaking havoc in Syria.

Israel is known to have been providing medical, intelligence and military support for terrorists fighting to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. A number of terrorist commanders, wounded in government attacks on terrorists, have reportedly been hospitalized in the occupied territories.

Cooperation aimed at targeting resistance

The Israeli military’s close cooperation with the terrorists also assisted the regime’s bombing of a convoy belonging to the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, on January 18.

Six Hezbollah members including Jihad Mughniyeh and a general of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, lost their lives in the Israeli aerial assault on the Syrian section of Golan Heights. Jihad was the son of Hezbollah’s slain military commander, Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated in an Israeli-orchestrated bombing back in 2008.

Hezbollah later announced that the attack was coordinated between Tel Aviv and the al-Nusra terrorists.

“The assault has revealed the degree of cooperation between Takfiris and Israel,” Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hezbollah deputy leader, said during a ceremony seven days after the Israeli attack in Qunaitra, an area close to the Syrian Israeli border.

Late last year, a UN report confirmed contact between terrorists in Syria and the Israeli army across the Golan ceasefire line, especially during heavy clashes between the terrorists and the Syrian troops.

The report also confirmed that terrorists had been taking their wounded comrades into the Israeli-occupied part of the Golan Heights for treatment.

The UN also confirmed the delivery of boxes by the Israeli army to terrorists on the Syrian side of the ceasefire line.

Edited by jazzyfrosty
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Interesting to see what reaction this gets : Israel has threatened Press TV correspondent in Syria over photos taken in Golan Heightsf showing al-Qaeda-linked terrorists next to Israeli soldiers in the occupied region.

The photos obtained by Press TV correspondent show Takfiri terrorists from the terrorist al-Nusra Front next to Israeli soldiers, who are speaking face-to-face with terrorists in Golan.

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I don't see their "Al Nusra" T-shirts or badges.

Is it possible that they are in fact IDF members in civvies?

Press TV isn't the most reliable news station when it comes to telling the truth.

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