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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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Because you have no argument. Eric Holder has said nothing that is indicative of black racism, intent to incite etc. And you have no proof, none, nada, zip, never have, never will. Ferguson PD and the city management were/are racists, the proof is in the reading. Again, right wing spin, spin, spin. You follow the straight and narrow course for the right wing when they have no proof of their lies. You must have learned a lot from herr Rove and her Goebbeles. Shout the lie loud enough and long enough and some idiot will begin to believe.

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Seeing as how 99% of everything you right wingers post is off topic, right wing spin I don't feel to bad. If you right wingers want to probe and attack me, I'm more than happy to respond, especially in person. In the meantime if you could stick to the subject and show any proof that the DOJ report is biased we would all appreciate it. Oh I forget, there isn't any so you have to spin and change the subject as often as possible. Evidence, proof, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. I'll still be waiting this time next year.

So, you want someone to prove a negative, which is impossible to do. The DoJ set out to prove there was racism, not whether or not there was systemic racism. Reading the report, which I have, in full, the claims of systemic racism are on shaky ground. To whit; no charges have been filed.

When you talk about spin, you are denying your own side has any, which is foolish.

The DoJ Report is the result of a pattern-or-practice of discrimination investigation of the FPD under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (since).

DoJ investigated whether there is race discrimination in the FPDepartment. The DoJ did not investigate to find racism per se or at all. DoJ is not authorized to investigate or to find racism anywhere, anytime....and certainly not under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VI authorizes a finding of discrimination, period. Has AG Holder or Prez Obama said there is "racism" in the FPD??? No, neither has said "racism" and neither will say "racism." The statute authorizes DoJ to investigate to determine if a pattern or a practice of race discrimination exists. The word "racism" does not exist in Title VI, nor does the word "racism" exist in the DoJ FPDepartment Report.

Yet there are two kinds of negative reactions against the DoJ Report, most of it from the far right:

1) People who whether or not they have read the Report know nothing of what is says or does not say, can say, cannot say. It says discrimination, a pattern or practice of discrimination; it does not say racism; the DoJ cannot accuse anyone of racism under Title Vi of the CRA (or anything else).

2) From the right wingnuts who are hollering that Prez Obama and AG Holder are racists because the DoJ Report says FPDepartment are racist. The facts and the reality are however that neither is a racist, and that the DoJ report says nothing about racism. The right wingnuts have fabricated yet another knowingly false narrative. The right has done this out of ignorance or flat out due to its extremist agenda against Prez Obama and AG Holder.

Here is the executive summary of the DoJ Report (emphasis added):

The Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice opened its investigation of the Ferguson Police Department (“FPD”) on September 4, 2014.

This investigation was initiated under the pattern-or-practice provision of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 42 U.S.C. § 14141, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d (“Safe Streets Act”), and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d (“Title VI”).

This investigation has revealed a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct within the Ferguson Police Department that violates the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and federal statutory law.


Title VI of the CRA authorizes DoJ specifically to investigate public policy and programs for violations, not whether individual police are racist or whether individual police officers high or low engage in discrimination. The investigation authorized by law is of the Department and it is to determine if the Department is in violation of Title VI, which prohibits a pattern or practice of race discrimination in the public policy and programs of an institution, ie. the Ferguson Police Department.

Edited by Publicus
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Because you have no argument. Eric Holder has said nothing that is indicative of black racism, intent to incite etc. And you have no proof, none, nada, zip, never have, never will. Ferguson PD and the city management were/are racists, the proof is in the reading. Again, right wing spin, spin, spin. You follow the straight and narrow course for the right wing when they have no proof of their lies. You must have learned a lot from herr Rove and her Goebbeles. Shout the lie loud enough and long enough and some idiot will begin to believe.

When Obama sent Holder to Ferguson, Holder met with Brown's family to assure them the government was there to help them find justice. Please keep in mind Brown was the thug who robbed a convenience store moments before attacking an on duty police officer, who ended up shooting Brown in a justified shooting.

Holder did not meet with Officer Wilson nor any of his family members. Did Holders presence in Ferguson incite racism? I think anyone with an ounce of common sense, would agree, Obama, Holder, and their friend Al Sharpton, did nothing more than stir the racism pot when they injected their two cents into this incident.

Edited by CMNightRider
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Because you have no argument. Eric Holder has said nothing that is indicative of black racism, intent to incite etc. And you have no proof, none, nada, zip, never have, never will. Ferguson PD and the city management were/are racists, the proof is in the reading. Again, right wing spin, spin, spin. You follow the straight and narrow course for the right wing when they have no proof of their lies. You must have learned a lot from herr Rove and her Goebbeles. Shout the lie loud enough and long enough and some idiot will begin to believe.

When Obama sent Holder to Ferguson, Holder met with Brown's family to assure them the government was there to help them find justice. Please keep in mind Brown was the thug who robbed a convenience store moments before attacking an on duty police officer, who ended up shooting Brown in a justified shooting.

Holder did not meet with Officer Wilson nor any of his family members. Did Holders presence in Ferguson incite racism? I think anyone with an ounce of common sense, would agree, Obama, Holder, and their friend Al Sharpton, did nothing more than stir the racism pot when they injected their two cents into this incident.

Carrying on about a racism contributes nothing to the issues and in fact is a major deflection away from the DoJ Report and where to go from here.

The DoJ did not investigate for racism.

There is no authorization in the laws the DoJ enforces -- or in any federal laws -- to investigate for racism anywhere or any time under any circumstances. Nothing in the Constitution or in the United States Code of Laws authorizes the federal government or a state government to investigate for racism.

The federal statutes authorize investigating for discrimination, either individual or institutional. In this instance of the DoJ investigation and subsequent report, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorizes DoJ to investigate for a pattern or practice of institutional discrimination on the basis of race. Individuals are not investigated per se, only the Department as a whole on the basis of public policy or programs that reveal a pattern or practice of race discrimination against minority groups of a different and various kind..

Attorney General Holder met with the Brown family but not with the homicide cop or his family, yes. Michael Brown was dead. Given the homicide cop was at an undisclosed location, and was being investigated by everyone under the sun, to include a local grand jury that had just begun to hear evidence from the local prosecutor. Holder acted appropriately, ethically, professionally, wisely and sagely.

Nothing General Holder did in Ferguson, or before or subsequent to his visit to Ferguson, had anything to do with racism. The issue of racism has been introduced to the situation by the extreme right who for years have hated General Holder -- and Prez Obama -- constantly accusing each and both together 24/7 of a racism they do not have or pursue.

The only race issue under the law in Ferguson is one of race discrimination under Title VI of the CRA. Trying to introduce racism to the DoJ in relation to Ferguson is false, wrong, not consistent with the laws DoJ enforces.

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Wow, here is the kind of idiot mentality we are dealing with and this guy is a pastor.

When he speaks his dumb congregation starts bobbing their heads up and down saying amen no matter what he says. This unhealthy mentality only perpetuates the problem and defeats their inability to succeed in life. One has to look internal, not external to succeed, but that type of message apparently does not fill the coffers at these types of churches. Jackson, Sharpton and now this clown have learned what message sells best in their communities and what fills their pockets deeper. Their greed, ego and love of money keeps their parishioners and those that listen to their messages from excelling at life.

The sad part is those that have not and cannot excel in life or accomplish their goals in life don't get it and will never get it. They want to blame instead of look inward which is why they fail and continue to look externally for the blame. Those that get it and look internal no longer have reason to complain or allocate blame.


A Missouri pastor who has helped organize rallies in Ferguson alleged Monday that the 20-year-old suspected shooter of two officers last week was set up by the police department.

“I really believe he was set up,” Mr. Robinson told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall on Monday morning, Mediaite reported.

“Let me pause you on that,” Ms. Hall said. “Set up by who?”

“Police,” Mr. Robinson answered. “I think he was set up by — I would go further and say some of the police. The story just does not add up.”


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Wow, here is the kind of idiot mentality we are dealing with and this guy is a pastor.

When he speaks his dumb congregation starts bobbing their heads up and down saying amen no matter what he says. This unhealthy mentality only perpetuates the problem and defeats their inability to succeed in life. One has to look internal, not external to succeed, but that type of message apparently does not fill the coffers at these types of churches. Jackson, Sharpton and now this clown have learned what message sells best in their communities and what fills their pockets deeper. Their greed, ego and love of money keeps their parishioners and those that listen to their messages from excelling at life.

The sad part is those that have not and cannot excel in life or accomplish their goals in life don't get it and will never get it. They want to blame instead of look inward which is why they fail and continue to look externally for the blame. Those that get it and look internal no longer have reason to complain or allocate blame.


A Missouri pastor who has helped organize rallies in Ferguson alleged Monday that the 20-year-old suspected shooter of two officers last week was set up by the police department.

“I really believe he was set up,” Mr. Robinson told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall on Monday morning, Mediaite reported.

“Let me pause you on that,” Ms. Hall said. “Set up by who?”

“Police,” Mr. Robinson answered. “I think he was set up by — I would go further and say some of the police. The story just does not add up.”


There is no evidence whatsoever that the suspect in the shooting of two police officers has been beaten or coerced into making his statements that he fired the shots. There is no evidence either than the suspect Jeffrey Williams was anything more than a person present on the scene of the shooting.

The statement by Bishop Derrick Robinson may well be just another extremist and unfounded bogus statement that further aggravates the controversial and tragic events in Ferguson since last August.

There have been a constant and consistent barrage of untrue and wild assertions and claims, rumors, controversies since last August, to include the most recent complete nefarious falsehood of the rar right that the DoJ Report says the FPD is racist. The fact is however that, not only does the DoJ Report say nothing about racism, the word "racism" has never been said by Prez Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder.

The extreme fringe right wingers who have said otherwise about the DoJ Report, Prez Obama, AG Holder, need to recant their false charges and wild allegations in these respects, and to state unmistakably that no officer or agent of the United States government has claimed, found, asserted or has stated in any way shape or form that the Ferguson Police Department are racist, or that demonstrators are racist.

In the absence of any recantation by the fringe extremist right wingers, they would need to show where, when, how, the DoJ Report or Prez Obama, or General Holder, have made racist statements and to connect in precisely specific terms any such statements to the demonstrations of the past several months in Ferguson or -- much more importantly -- to connect precisely and exactly any statement made in the Report, by Prez Obama, General Holder, to the shooting of the police officers.

Nefarious and extremist rhetoric does not cut it. Facts are needed from the radical extremist right..

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"Nefarious and extremist rhetoric does not cut it. Facts are needed from the radical extremist right.." They do not deal in facts or reality.


The only "extreme rhetoric" I have heard since Officer Wilson was forced to shoot Brown, has come from a few naive posters who claimed Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Wilson executed him. OMG!!

One poster kept referring to Officer Wilson as "Dirty Harry" and even implied there are "Dirty Harry" police departments out there running amok. Huh!!

Another poster suggested people should walk in a minorities shoes before commenting about them. What??

Tell me again who isn't dealing in "facts or reality." You need to get off that horse and take a nap.

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"Nefarious and extremist rhetoric does not cut it. Facts are needed from the radical extremist right.." They do not deal in facts or reality.


The only "extreme rhetoric" I have heard since Officer Wilson was forced to shoot Brown, has come from a few naive posters who claimed Brown had his hands up and was trying to surrender when Officer Wilson executed him. OMG!!

One poster kept referring to Officer Wilson as "Dirty Harry" and even implied there are "Dirty Harry" police departments out there running amok. Huh!!

Another poster suggested people should walk in a minorities shoes before commenting about them. What??

Tell me again who isn't dealing in "facts or reality." You need to get off that horse and take a nap.

There are something like 18,000 police departments in the United States and almost all of 'em do their job and do it well.

Conversely, DoJ has federal court consent decrees against 17 Dirty Harry police departments due to their Title VI pattern and practice of race discrimination as a department. Ferguson would be next in federal court unless it is receptive to the recommendations in the DoJ report.

People who continue to deny the facts and the reality of the DoJ Report are fast asleep riding a galloping horse and its going to run right off the cliff.

This post discussed race discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 so it's good to see the word "racism" not appearing much any more from the right sector, especially in relation to the Report itself, Attorney General Holder and President Obama.

Btw, posters who are conservative or out there on the far right keep posting to me about horses, which makes me wonder how many cowboys might be on the loose around here besides.

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Btw, posters who are conservative or out there on the far right keep posting to me about horses, which makes me wonder how many cowboys might be on the loose around here besides.

You mean besides me? What are you going to put on your hamburgers without cowboys?


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Btw, posters who are conservative or out there on the far right keep posting to me about horses, which makes me wonder how many cowboys might be on the loose around here besides.

You mean besides me? What are you going to put on your hamburgers without cowboys?


Good on you for helping the right and the far right escape their Faux Pas noisy racism and racist trash. Fox is next.

The "Where's the beef" ad is well recalled from the 1984 Democratic party nomination contest when Walter Mondale ran it for a great impact. You can tell the three senior women in the ad are Democrats because senior citizen Republican women color their hair blue. laugh.png

Btw, 76%: of U.S.women think the first woman president will be a blond grandmother married to a guy named Bubba, according to Allure magazine. clap2.gif

Wait till youse guyz get Hillary's attorney general.....and a bunch of others along with 'em. Word I get is HRC might well keep Lorretta Lynn in the position. No rest or relief for the very discriminating Ferguson Police Department is on the horizon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, here are Publics kind of people at working being . . . POS thugs, waste of air . . .

So, Pulicus. Do you think your man Holder or Obama will speak out against this attack or classify this as a hate crime. Nope, they don't care. So who really are the racists?


Police investigators say a white male was riding a St. Louis MetroLink train on Monday night when he was approached by a group of black men and asked what he thought about the Aug. 9, 2014, shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Chaos quickly ensued.


Edited by F430murci
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