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Major survey shows most Americans support same-sex marriage


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I have long thought that it is not so much a matter of people being in favor of gay marriage as it is a matter of people no longer caring much one way or the other.

The trend has fortunately been away from the discrimination and outright persecution of gays and there has been a movement toward tolerance (if not acceptance). It's more a situation of live and let live.

A lot of people have lost their desire to be actively against all things gay.

Funny, I used those words earlier, live and let live but some bigots are too caught up being all offended by who or what other people are loving.

Seriously if the whole world turned gay and stopped killing each other in the streets, how much nicer would the world be.

Let's get irate and upset about the stuff that really counts and stop worrying about definitions in old books. For crying out loud.

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Many are probably tired of the gays' whining about not having equal marriage rights when that was not the case. They, in reality, wanted to impose a redefinition of marriage. People are by this time tired of the constant media and political din and are apathetic and/or have capitulated.

Maybe they want the gays to experience having the state place its hand in their pockets and control their lives in the case of divorce. I hope the gays have learned the pre-nuptial lesson from the previous definition marriage.

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Many are probably tired of the gays' whining about not having equal marriage rights when that was not the case. They, in reality, wanted to impose a redefinition of marriage. People are by this time tired of the constant media and political din and are apathetic and/or have capitulated.

Maybe they want the gays to experience having the state place its hand in their pockets and control their lives in the case of divorce. I hope the gays have learned the pre-nuptial lesson from the previous definition marriage.


Yes...... How could I have missed the fact that I had the right to marry my (now) husband all these years!

Your argument for apathy being the cause is belied by the fact that young people are the group that is the largest supporters office marriage equality. People who went to high school in the 80's may have known a person or 2 who, like me were "out" but the generation before wouldn't have. Today there are straight-gay alliances in schools and more people know someone who is gay. It is harder to be openly bigoted when you know people you want to oppress. Not impossible though since there are still racists around....

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