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Belgian man arrested for working as tour guide

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According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
I agree about the French but not about the German. In general we are still far smarter as the Belgians. Not that that is hard of course.

The Belgians did not even have a government for a long time. Could not agree always fighting among themselves.


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Hmmmm...Well there are rules and regulations and laws to be enforced....correct??

Meantime, you have to wonder, if many Belgians were to complain about the Thais doing something illegal do you think the Thai police would be so eager to arrest the Thai people perpetrating any number of said illegalities????/

I mean, there are regulations and rules and laws to be abided by and enforced ....correct???


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According to Wikipedia -- the primary foreign language spoken in The Netherlands is English --- with a fluency rate of 90%...

Another source Dutch is a spoken language in the Netherlands as well as an official language of the country. However, most of Dutch people speak at least one foreign language, mostly English that is taught at school during the basic education. Many Dutch people speak also German, which is in many aspects similar to Dutch language and some of them speak French. http://www.amsterdam.info/netherlands/population/

ha ha ha they may be an intelligent race but their German is with a lot of hair and 5 Dutchmen speak French. So torpedo your source.
I agree about the French but not about the German. In general we are still far smarter as the Belgians. Not that that is hard of course.

The Belgians did not even have a government for a long time. Could not agree always fighting among themselves.

off topic, so this will remove itself automatically..Belgium has 3 official languages; Dutch, French, German. So each Belgian translator" can replace 3 tour guides.
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I can't get real bothered that he worked without a work-permit. Many people do it and many will keep doing and most are not western foreigners. Thing is in a country as Thailand where even according to Bloomberg there is almost no unemployment should there be such protection. Especially if people do things that Thais cant do or just not compete with Thais. But ok its against the law, prostitution is too.. and we know what is happening in Thailand.

Thailand just does what Thailand always does.. force out competition instead of increasing quality. If they had invested in schooling and such instead of keeping it the same and not adapting I could understand it. Its the same with any foreign company.. we had uber.. getting forced out and then later there was Grabtaxi. You see this often foreign companies are not allowed here and foreign products taxed a lot just because they dont want to compete.

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Does Thailand benefit if a lot of foreigners come here and become tourist guides ? Does every nation that recieves lots of foreign workers benefit ?

In Thailand, if lots of Thais become un-employed because lots of foreigners enter Thailand and take those jobs, does Thailand benefit ?? It appears to be that Thailand is very cautious when it comes to giving out work permits to foreigners.
The Thais, they're not that daft or silly. They're not going to let a load of foreigners enter their country and take-over. There was a bit of talk on Thai Visa about how the Thais would be f___ once ASEAN 2015 comes in. Yes, unlimited numbers of people entering into Thailand and working will mean that the Thais will be f___. But the Thais won't let it happen, they will simply not give out a stack of work permits to the foreigners.

Maybe you should ask the 10's of thousands of Burmese. Lao and Khmer illegal workers that the Thais are only to happy to employ and exploit.

Did you follow what happened when they thought a crackdown was coming?

They left in droves and construction etc came to a halt across the country, so what did the thais do?

Changed the rules

Dont think this is about the LAW or Thais loosing jobs cause its not

Hey tonbridgebrit! Here's a news flash for you. Granted, your points are valid. However, this is SE ASIA, not Europe. Despite all the historic animousities and wars between SEA people, Thais have a stronger allegiance toward other SEA people, than they will ever have with you, bloke.

As citizens of ASEAN member nations, those same exploited migrant workers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Vietnam, etc. will not be required to first obtain a work permit in Thailand, prior to pursuing gainful employment.

The Aussie gov't is fanatically "politic-king, to be recognized as an ASEAN member nation. Would care to venture a guess, as to what their (Aussie) reasoning happens to be?

Back to the topic. Despite the ethical right or wrong doings of the Thai law enforcement officials,, they can arbitrarily enforce, or not enforce their own labor laws & immigration policies, to their own hearts content. Just in case you have (block-headedly) refused to notice, the LOS is factually Thai Turf, not British. Those blokes can do whatever they bloody well please. The Belgian bloke was illegally working, without a work permit. His crime was getting caught in the act. Period.

Hello kaoprop and Nativeson, I will try to comment with this writing.

"Maybe you should ask the 10's of thousands of Burmese. Lao and Khmer illegal workers that the Thais are only to happy to employ and exploit.

Did you follow what happened when they thought a crackdown was coming?"

Well, I certainly do remember what happened. Yes, Thai companies are happy to exploit the cheap foreigners, and the Thai government (they cheer on Thailand's big companies) does little to remove the illegal migrant workers. What happened when those illegal migrant workers left last year ? Well, a load of people on Thai Visa said it would be good if those foreigners apply for work permits in their own countries, and then, they all go back into Thailand, and work as legal and registered workers. Now, is this a good idea ? Basically, Thailand's companies (owned by the rich) are forcing Thai workers to compete with the cheap migrant workers. Who benefits from this ? How many Thais own companies, and hence, benefit from the cheap labour ? How many Thais don't have a business, and hence, these Thais are workers who are competing against the cheap foreigners ?? Is it good for any country, if it's own low-paid workers are being forced to compete against a vast number of cheaper foreigners ??

NativeSon. Right now as we speak, it is not the case that everybody in Laos, Cambodia and Burma is allowed to walk into Thailand and get a job legally. ASEAN is simply not the same as the European Union.
Now, do YOU feel that Thailand would benefit IF everybody in Laos, Cambodia and Burma was free to enter Thailand and work ? And throw in the Philipinos and Vietnamese as well, they are also ASEAN countries.
You talk about Australia. Australia will never have a policy of "everybody in ASEAN, welcome to Australia, you can all come into Australia, our wages are higher than in your country, come on in, we want you to compete against our own Australian workers, come on in". Australia won't do that, because, surely, the Aussie government won't allow Australia's own workers to compete against a vast number of cheaper foreigners. Does Australia benefit if a vast number of Australians lose their jobs because of cheaper foreigners ?

"Just in case you have (block-headedly) refused to notice, the LOS is factually Thai Turf, not British. Those blokes can do whatever they bloody well please".
Well, I do realise that. I'm just trying to explain why Thailand is not actually allowing an un-limited number of foreigners to work in Thailand.

I think there may be a little bit of confusion as to what Asean will mean with regards to migrant workers.

It will be nothing like the situation that we have in Europe where the borders have dropped and member workers can work where they want.

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of all the Illegal tour guides - they catch a Belgian. What about those Illegal Chinese Tourists that regularly botch up their work and leave their clients stranded in a country that does not speak their language?

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He did wrong. But it is hard-going, trying to work, legally, in Thailand. I've been through the mill when it comes to applying for a B visa and then a work permit. They make it, (in my opinion), intentionally, very difficult. Many Thais seem to be very happy, sitting around, so let others do the work and probably far better too? I've seen on so many occasions, Thai workers either asleep on the job, eating or using telephones, whist hiding behind boxes with filth all over the place. Great image? Good customer service? The way ahead! I think not!

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Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

Please remember the post you made here, in the future

Costas2008 "He who is without sin can cast the first stone now...."

OMG. Of all people to say that ...

Nice catch JDinasia.


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I am sorry this guy was busted because it is practically a victimless crime, since finding a Thai who can translate Dutch ???

Good luck on that mission.

I undersatnd many who are saying, hey, it is common sense, and if taken to a logical conclusion might even find that a person who facilitates the active participation of "quality tourists' spending a lot of money in the Kingdom is Net Net at the end of the day actually providing a valuable and much needed service to the Kingdom.

I do believe they were the quality tourists who visit temples and cultural centers, stay in nice hotels, buy many local craft items, and eat in Thai restaurants. In short, you do not need a tour guide with a megaphone to point out that those six girls (ok, six people in dresses and high heels) in front of that massage parlor will give you cheap sex.

So, yes, i really feel it and understand why many here are bitter about this result.

I sort of believe this guy when he says something to the effect of "I really was only trying to help" ...

Yes, it is technically illegal. Here we have the pot (police) calling the kettle black, and it is getting old quickly.

I will never understand why the government does not issue 12 work permits to 12 foreigners to sit on a council and tell them how this reads / translates abroad. The Dutch might see this as, "One of ours was arrested for trying to help a bunch of us visit Thailand and learn about their culture ... while spending a lot of money there. Hmmm, let's just go to Vietnam and screw that way of thinking, who needs that drama?"

Tourism is the "People Business" ... not the rice business. People vote with their feet (and money) and are under no obligation to come to Thailand. Those "Quality Tourists" who I also want to see here are usually quite nice, spend money, try to be respectful and are concerned with humanitarianism, the environment, culture ... etc.

So, when you are done chasing them all away, what is left? Sexpats.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and as "Quality Tourism;' declines, hotel prices come down, air travel becomes cheaper and easier, etc. That means more Sexpats.

Guess what the law of supply and demand says? Correct.

More SexPats means more Sex Workers.

You now have a perpetual self feeding economic model.

And where does it start?

The capricious and unneeded enforcement of a law to crucify one guy who was trying to make a Dutch Tour much much better. The shakedown of quality tourists and resident on Thong Lor having to pee in a cup. And on and on and on ....

And ..... wait for it ... the blind eye turned to the tuk tuk - jet ski - taxi - mafia that runs many of the holiday islands.

You reap what you sow.

Enjoy making that Dutch guy's life suck.

Wait till his peers read about this at home.

"Bad news travels like a wild fire and good news travels slow. They call you (Khun) Wildfire, everywhere you go"

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Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

If he was innocent then he would not have broken the law and been arrested. Stupid posts from those of you who think you can come to Thailand and not follow the rules / law....

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did Jesus had a work permit when he was preaching all over the world?

Huh? He went to Thailand?

That is an interesting point. 555

You see, it might just take his "Miracle Powers' to GET that Thai Work Permit on such short notice!

And, by the way ... ummm ... not to throw a spanner in your gearbox, Jesus stuck pretty close to home ... not much of a "World Traveler" and don't get me started why it is so odd he did not use his magical powers to preach to all, and therefore, be documented outside his own narrow little world.

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I am a Professional, Degreed Engineer with a Work Permit and Company Registered for well over 20 years here in Thailand.

I basically have no restriction placed against me in my profession, Corporation and Respect with my Thai counterpart goes a long way

But restrictions,! Professionalism, Credibility, Mutual Trust is all that's needed!

It is easy to be legal here, just follow the rules, not many are new, they are just enforcing ones (rules) that have been on the books but never implemented before.

Over the years I have done the renewals, visas, work permits my self, no lawyer, no agent, only my Thai Partner and Translator.

I have never had a problem, just follow the rules and keep up with the changes.

Know your rights under the law, Yes we do have them and I have used them on occasion.

As the lawyers would say "Due Diligence" a vital part of every profession.

Out standing post

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How many times must I tell you, only Thais and Russians can be tour guides , check out Jomtien andPratumnak

From experience tour guide is on the no no list

However Australia has a free trade agreement with THailand and Australians can work in a tour company

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Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

He was not working as the article states he was paying them 1000/1300 Bht a day.

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Another 'innocent' person arrested?

You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

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I agree with Costas.

I had been doing this job for some years in Asia.

I was leading Greek groups and apart from Cambodia and Vietnam, in the rest of Asian countries the tour guides were mute!

They were only caring about taking the group to a shop and get the commissions.....

However travelling from the other side of the world is more than shopping. You need to talk to the people and share a great deal of history and culture.

I was doing the job for the tour guides.

and things were 100% worst in China where 90% tour guides just can't speak english....


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I am a Professional, Degreed Engineer with a Work Permit and Company Registered for well over 20 years here in Thailand.

I basically have no restriction placed against me in my profession, Corporation and Respect with my Thai counterpart goes a long way

But restrictions,! Professionalism, Credibility, Mutual Trust is all that's needed!

It is easy to be legal here, just follow the rules, not many are new, they are just enforcing ones (rules) that have been on the books but never implemented before.

Over the years I have done the renewals, visas, work permits my self, no lawyer, no agent, only my Thai Partner and Translator.

I have never had a problem, just follow the rules and keep up with the changes.

Know your rights under the law, Yes we do have them and I have used them on occasion.

As the lawyers would say "Due Diligence" a vital part of every profession.

Out standing post

I like your optimism and you are indeed fortunate to have had a trouble free life here. Several of my friends have also enjoyed the same and have successful businesses here and have made it their home, had children and intend to retire here.

Many, many, from my experience have left with their tail between their legs.

I hope your good fortune stays with you.

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I have a friend that is half Thai, half Dutch. He fluently speaks Thai, Dutch and English. He could have legally done this job. No work permit required.

The only problem is that he easily gets cranky when people ask him too many questions, so probably not the best tour guide.

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I have a friend that is half Thai, half Dutch. He fluently speaks Thai, Dutch and English. He could have legally done this job. No work permit required.

The only problem is that he easily gets cranky when people ask him too many questions, so probably not the best tour guide.

If he guides he still needs a license or he would get arrested.
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did Jesus had a work permit when he was preaching all over the world?

work permit, passport, tax, visa, is part of the past. we live in a global world today where race, religion, are all mixed.

when I read a guy who is arrested because he got a little job as a translator , that s make me laugh.! you think it s going to stop people to work to get their own food.?

why not ask to stop prostitution in this case? prostitution is illegal in Thailand and many work without a work permit. even Walmart hire illegals.(sorry, I mean undocumented immigrants) smile.png

why do you think our governments are now broke? USA 18t debt, Europe 20t debt,....

the system is old, kaput, finished, terminated....

Once again another of your posts is worth a comment.

You seem to be advocating the abolition of passports, visas, work permits, and taxes.

Do you live in the real world? What do you think would happen if everybody was free to move to wherever they choose without any sort of controls? Maybe we should do away with governments and all related services like police and military.

Do you think it is right for thousands of people to invade a country just because they don't have enough of a particular food?

Prostitution is the oldest profession and will continue to exist long after we are departed.

Governments create laws and rules to protect their citizens from problems. This Belgian was arrested for breaking a simple law. He knew what he was doing, took the chance and got caught.Rightly or wrongly, in your mind, he was caught.

No doubt there are hundreds if not thousands of foreigners working here in Thailand illegally as dive instructors, teachers at non-government schools and doing other various jobs without work permits, and good luck to them all until that tap on the shoulder or knock on the door. and the words "Passport and work permit please".

Then the nightmare begins with a visit to the luxurious IDC and further questions.

Your dream world of open borders and free to work anywhere and live anywhere will never happen. Humanity is not the same as the zebra and wildebeeste herds on the Serengeti who can move wherever they like with no problem.

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Uhm that's a real Belgian name he have laugh.png

Uhm, Marouane Fellaini, you know , the Big Hair with Manchester United? Well, I love his Belgian name, and that dark goalscorer with the funny hair Romelu Lukaka, with Everton, as Belgian as the chocolate. End of !

Perhaps someone can tell me a REAL Belgian name aside from Hercule Poirot.coffee1.gif

Urbanus van Anus

Jean-Claude Van Damme, he has a French first name and a Flemish family name.

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I have a friend that is half Thai, half Dutch. He fluently speaks Thai, Dutch and English. He could have legally done this job. No work permit required.

The only problem is that he easily gets cranky when people ask him too many questions, so probably not the best tour guide.

If he guides he still needs a license or he would get arrested.

Even though he is a Thai citizen?

He has dual citizenship.

None of it matters because he has a short fuse. tongue.png

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