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Home Security


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Home Security

Several years ago I had my just built 2-story house burglarized. The burglar had climbed over my 2.5-meter wall and then managed to climb up to the second story balcony that surrounds my home. In the dark of late night he then forced open a sliding window in an upstairs room to gain entry to my house. My wife awoke first, when she sensed our downstairs bedroom door had been opened while we were sleeping. My wife saw an outline of an intruder opening her make-up table drawers and stealing her diamond wedding rings and all of her gold. We got the light turned on and were yelling at the intruder. We tried to give chase, my wife wielding a bush knife but the man was long gone as was our gold and diamonds.

Never again –

There and then I vowed to make every attempt to not be an easy mark for the next thief. The first thing that I did was have steal bars installed on the “inside” of the house on every single window no matter what size, even the small bathroom and vent windows. I then installed imported deadbolt locks double keyed on every door (5) that exits to the outside of the house. All of my doors are teak and set into heavy teak doorframes. Each door is hung on 5 heavy hinges and can be pinned both top and bottom.


I have installed lights with motion sensors all around my home outside both upstairs and down. I also have exterior yard lights that are all on when dark. Just about any movement on my 2 rai of land will start lights going on with any movement around my home.


Each door that exits to the outside now has a wireless transmitter that will signal my alarm if opened while the alarm is armed. If an alarmed door is opened, all the lights in my house and the exterior lights will come on, as well as an extremely loud siren. All alarms have a battery back up.


I have installed 8 video cameras each with infrared lens for video even in pitch black. Each camera is also wired to motion sensors (pirs) that when triggered cause my constant on video monitor to go full screen to the offending camera. At the same time once triggered the VIDEO PROCESSOR will start my Video tape recorder to start recording any event and stop recording once the camera is no longer triggered.

We have also installed motion detectors all thru the inside of the house. When armed any motion in any room either upstairs or down will trigger the lights and sirens.

Some people might think that I have gone “overboard” with the concern about security but I can tell you that I sleep a whole lot better.

I have had people tell me that I should have a loud barking dog but I know that a piece of tossed poison meat won’t silence my security system

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One thing I saw here in California, in the bigger houses, was a safe room.

Not as in a bank, but a room with no windows, generally in the middle of the house. The walls were cement block, and the door was a metal, recessed door that would be next to impossible to pry open, short of using explosives.

I would think this could be done on a closet size space, and if one left for a period of time, could hold all valuables.

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Shame you had to have this happen to realize security is an issue where ever you are :o

Home Security

Several years ago I had my just built 2-story house burglarized. The burglar had climbed over my 2.5-meter wall and then managed to climb up to the second story balcony that surrounds my home. In the dark of late night he then forced open a sliding window in an upstairs room to gain entry to my house. My wife awoke first, when she sensed our downstairs bedroom door had been opened while we were sleeping. My wife saw an outline of an intruder opening her make-up table drawers and stealing her diamond wedding rings and all of her gold. We got the light turned on and were yelling at the intruder. We tried to give chase, my wife wielding a bush knife but the man was long gone as was our gold and diamonds.

Never again –

There and then I vowed to make every attempt to not be an easy mark for the next thief. The first thing that I did was have steal bars installed on the “inside” of the house on every single window no matter what size, even the small bathroom and vent windows. I then installed imported deadbolt locks double keyed on every door (5) that exits to the outside of the house. All of my doors are teak and set into heavy teak doorframes. Each door is hung on 5 heavy hinges and can be pinned both top and bottom.


I have installed lights with motion sensors all around my home outside both upstairs and down. I also have exterior yard lights that are all on when dark. Just about any movement on my 2 rai of land will start lights going on with any movement around my home.


Each door that exits to the outside now has a wireless transmitter that will signal my alarm if opened while the alarm is armed. If an alarmed door is opened, all the lights in my house and the exterior lights will come on, as well as an extremely loud siren. All alarms have a battery back up.


I have installed 8 video cameras each with infrared lens for video even in pitch black. Each camera is also wired to motion sensors (pirs) that when triggered cause my constant on video monitor to go full screen to the offending camera. At the same time once triggered the VIDEO PROCESSOR will start my Video tape recorder to start recording any event and stop recording once the camera is no longer triggered.

We have also installed motion detectors all thru the inside of the house. When armed any motion in any room either upstairs or down will trigger the lights and sirens.

Some people might think that I have gone “overboard” with the concern about security but I can tell you that I sleep a whole lot better.

I have had people tell me that I should have a loud barking dog but I know that a piece of tossed poison meat won’t silence my security system

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Good post, thank you. :o

Can you tell us what all that equipment cost?

Just an approximate cost for my system is- under $2000.00 U.S.

Basic wireless alarm consol with

5 door sensors

5 indoor motion detectors $200.00 U.S. made in China bought in the U.S.A. and suit cased into Thailand

The 8 I.R. cameras complete with wiring &12v adapters about $800.00 U.S. bought in Australia & and suit cased into Thailand—

Now can just buy here in Thailand and probably even cheaper.

8 station Video processor with alarm $200.00

1 VCR Automatic VCR Controller $20.00 U.S.

1 21 in. TV. monitor bought at Makro 6000 baht???

8 Motion detectors ordered from CZECH REPUBLIC and shipped to Sa Kaeo and 1000 baht duty paid in Aran


Item Description Qty Price Amount

JS-11* „HARMONY’ PIR detector 8 11,00 88,00

1 88,00


TOTAL PCS 8 US$ 111,00






Various outdoor motion sensor floodlights 4000 baht

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you would be suprised what you can get installed professionally in Thailand for 2k US. An alarm system for US200 which has 5 door contacts and 5 movement sensors using wireless is not going to be of good quality, whilst it may function.

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IME breakins in Thailand are usually people we know,

who have a good idea of what to find in the house and where.

I would suggest a good safe for the real valuables like jewellery.

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IME breakins in Thailand are usually people we know,

who have a good idea of what to find in the house and where.

I agree. When I first moved to my rental along the Mae Ping, I initially thought it a good idea to hold a house warming to get to know the Thai neighbours. Having slept on it, I immediately thought such a party would broadcast to all and sundry what was in my house, so I held no housewarming. It's been 6 years now, the neighbours have proven to be pests, but no breakin. Mind you my 5 rottweilers may have something to do with it... I am mindful my sentry dogs could be poisoned. But not knowing what if anything valuable I own, is a disincentive to potential burglars. I also wear worn jeans and the like when walking my rotts to the local park; not the typical rich farang. I also casually mention that I teach policemen whenever the subject of my profession arises which was often, initially (I simply failed to mention the subject was English for cops).

There's an electronics shop at Icon computer plaza in CMai which coincidentally sells tiny cams and several anti-intrusion control centers, but my thai is insufficient to understand the best for the money. Grateful to all for names and prices of equipment they've experienced as solid buys. Regards...

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Some people might think that I have gone “overboard” with the concern about security but I can tell you that I sleep a whole lot better.

it does sound as if you have gone overboard to an almost obsessional level , although in view of the break in i can understand that you dont want it to happen again.

should a future intruder gain access , ( and to some , a house "tooled up" like that , especially with a falang living in it , presents an appealing challenge) , flashing lights and sirens would not really help you. is your security connected to the local police station , so that they can immediately come to your assistance ?

if your intruders are armed , how are you protected . do you keep weapons in the house.

will your security work if the power to the house is interrupted ?

are your valuables now kept in a heavy safe bolted into the concrete or are they still in the bedside drawer.

i hope you are not burgled again and that your security measures work , but sometimes i think the joy to be had from owning valuable possessions can be outweighed by the hassle of having to worry and look after them.

from my own experience , when i lived in london my life improved when i sold my expensive german saloon car and bought a second hand diesel estate car. i could park it where i liked , didnt worry if i thought i hadnt locked it. and it still did everything the german car did.

mind how you go. :o

Edited by taxexile
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Living in a locked down house is all well and good, but do not forget to give some thought to the risks of fire – Bars and locks that keep burglars out will keep you in.

So smoke and fire alarms throughout.

The precautions above are great, but don’t forget all the usual stuff, see this information from UK Police.

UK Police Advice

Note references to high hedges and fences, popular in Thailand they can provide a burglar with cover from the street/neighbors.

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Good post, thank you. :o

Can you tell us what all that equipment cost?

Just an approximate cost for my system is- under $2000.00 U.S.

Basic wireless alarm consol with

5 door sensors

5 indoor motion detectors $200.00 U.S. made in China bought in the U.S.A. and suit cased into Thailand

The 8 I.R. cameras complete with wiring &12v adapters about $800.00 U.S. bought in Australia & and suit cased into Thailand—

Now can just buy here in Thailand and probably even cheaper.

8 station Video processor with alarm $200.00

1 VCR Automatic VCR Controller $20.00 U.S.

1 21 in. TV. monitor bought at Makro 6000 baht???

8 Motion detectors ordered from CZECH REPUBLIC and shipped to Sa Kaeo and 1000 baht duty paid in Aran


Item Description Qty Price Amount

JS-11* „HARMONY’ PIR detector 8 11,00 88,00

1 88,00


TOTAL PCS 8 US$ 111,00






Various outdoor motion sensor floodlights 4000 baht


Just read your post as smart home technology and security in the UK is my business. www.intellhomes.co.uk and i know live in Thailand. You mentioned that you have a timelapsed vcr. If you get the opertunity i would recommend using a DVR as opposed to a VCR or both and link them. This is a hard drive system and will record for about a months before re-recording over any information if there hasn't been a brake in. You can also link this up to your PC and backup info on there. The hard drive systems also have an ip address so you can also back up on a on-line secure server as well as watching any activitity from another place, at the office for e.g. Theifs are preaty switched on and unless you have you vcr in a place they cant access, that is the first thing they will steal. With DVR you don't need to worry about changing tapes also.

If anyone else intends to use security. DVR is the way to go. Much better quality and the facilities are much useful.

Edited by BlimeyCharlie
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I'll be building a 2 story home in Chang Rai, that has a lot of sliding glass doors and windows to take in me view.

Is it a real security risk? I mean do burglars here tend to break windows to get in?

Other than putting ugly prison gates and bars, how else can i keep protected?

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If this is the house I suspect it is not what would be considered anything but a "rich farang persons home" in the area it is located and probably be a prime target of any local thief so can understand the need for much more than a normal security system.

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Not sure if it is the same all over LOS, but in jolly Patters, the vast majority of crime is for quick cash, easily moved articles by local junkies. These fellows tend to be lazy ( In addition to their many vices ) and will move on to the next easier target if the security is visible. Small hi-tec gadgets perhaps not as off putting to a thick junkie as fffin big systems the bounders can see.

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