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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

As a matter of fact, no, he's not a Prime Minister at all. He just calls himself that.

Right. He's a general and generals are not used to disrespect of any kind, especially the kind that isn't.


Fat Haggis

Playing with words are we?. I said needs one, remember some things said are seldom what they seem so you shouldn't take everything literally. He doesn't need me to defend him, he can do that himself, and like me, why should he put up with ginks who come out with so much hokum. If you truly believe what you have written then maybe you need an attitude adjustment.


But why do you feel he needs one? Because hes a pain in the ass? Or a low life grubber? If I felt like smaking the likes of people who just wound me up I'd be in jail for a long time, fortunately I have thick skin and don't let trivial issues bother me (too much)

Maybe the reporters also feels the PM is deserving of a smack in the mouth too, would you find fault with that? ?

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's remark during his weekly TV programme on Friday night that he "would almost punch the reporter in the face"

When will "these people" learn to engage their brain before spouting off? In the Prime Minister's case, it may be explained by his military background, but is it not about time that he was given a bit of coaching by his advisors /PR people in what and what not to say when in the public eye?

Going back to pre coup days, do you remember when an arrest warrant was issued for a certain anti government politician, and the BIB could not serve the warrant because the politician was in a protestors' camp surrounded by his own armed security guards? The cop in charge threatened to don a wig and go in disguise into the camp and arrest the said politician!

The politician's reply was to offer to settle the whole dispute by having a fist fight with the police chief!!!

These kind of statements, by people who are, or would like to be in charge of the country, make Thailand an absolute laughing stock in the eyes of the world, and IMHO one of the reasons why Thailand will always be a 3rd World Country.

You seem to be unable to fathom the gravity of a country leader devoid of decorum and ordinary politicians. Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries but a leader of a country physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries.

"Politician challenging a fist fight is a dime a dozen in many countries"

"physical intimidation only happen in 3rd world country and in most dictorial countries"

Is a challenge to a fist fight not physical intimidation? I don't understand the point you are trying to make?

Really, politicians challenge a fist fight with citizens?.... A reporter is just a citizen

I was referring to the politician (Suthep) challenging the police chief to a fist fight, not the PM threatening the journalist

  • Like 1

But why do you feel he needs one? Because hes a pain in the ass? Or a low life grubber? If I felt like smaking the likes of people who just wound me up I'd be in jail for a long time, fortunately I have thick skin and don't let trivial issues bother me (too much)

Maybe the reporters also feels the PM is deserving of a smack in the mouth too, would you find fault with that? ?

It's only terminology for giving him a wake up call and to move on but if you knew that then you would not be going on about this and keep on with the hokum of being physical. It's up to the reporter if he feels that way then let him say it, not be the little stirrer that he is. He would know the limits, as well as anyone else, so in pushing the boundaries the PM has just let him know he should stop, albeit in a cursory fashion.


Thinking about it, I think he should go for it just to see what happens when it transpires the journalist is a bit useful himself and batters him in front of the cameras...


Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom


I would suggest that a general that refuses to answer, threatens, or listen to junior officers (in this case a reporter) is a general that cannot lead and if put in the position will loose a war. Ahem, NCO's and the troops have saved many an officer's ass. This doesn't bode well for Thailand's military either. Smart leaders listen, really listen, unfortunately the entire world seems a bit short of those these days.


Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

So, first of all: who cares?

Second: what are you trying to show? That there are idiots out there, who can not settle a dispute like intelligent human beings?

Third: as I see it, none of these spats has the quality of what we are seeing in Thailand.

A journalist's job is to ask questions and the things the lovely PM said, are just threatening someone, who is doing, what he should be doing!

But then again: your darling general already told the press, not to bother him with (difficult) questions.


Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

So, first of all: who cares?

Second: what are you trying to show? That there are idiots out there, who can not settle a dispute like intelligent human beings?

Third: as I see it, none of these spats has the quality of what we are seeing in Thailand.

A journalist's job is to ask questions and the things the lovely PM said, are just threatening someone, who is doing, what he should be doing!

But then again: your darling general already told the press, not to bother him with (difficult) questions.

As genuine Dutch uncle I feel the obligation to offer free information and free advise even if unwanted or unappreciated by some.

I'm not trying to show anything, apart from maybe that real punches happen seldom and can be both to and from a PM. Hilarious to me is the Dept. PM who punched a protester during an election meeting, but that may be my sense of humour.

The list I presented is short as I only looked for 'real' punches. I'm afraid that the list of 'threats' from PMs or other higher ranking cabinet folk would be much longer. The threats would of course include 'threat of physical violence', 'verbal abuse', 'threat of lawsuit', 'threat of sanctions', but such list would distract a bit here I think.

Oh btw, 'my darling' general? You seem to be a wee bit confused.

Uncle rubl

PS live long and prosper

  • Like 1

Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

So, first of all: who cares?

Second: what are you trying to show? That there are idiots out there, who can not settle a dispute like intelligent human beings?

Third: as I see it, none of these spats has the quality of what we are seeing in Thailand.

A journalist's job is to ask questions and the things the lovely PM said, are just threatening someone, who is doing, what he should be doing!

But then again: your darling general already told the press, not to bother him with (difficult) questions.

As genuine Dutch uncle I feel the obligation to offer free information and free advise even if unwanted or unappreciated by some.

I'm not trying to show anything, apart from maybe that real punches happen seldom and can be both to and from a PM. Hilarious to me is the Dept. PM who punched a protester during an election meeting, but that may be my sense of humour.

The list I presented is short as I only looked for 'real' punches. I'm afraid that the list of 'threats' from PMs or other higher ranking cabinet folk would be much longer. The threats would of course include 'threat of physical violence', 'verbal abuse', 'threat of lawsuit', 'threat of sanctions', but such list would distract a bit here I think.

Oh btw, 'my darling' general? You seem to be a wee bit confused.

Uncle rubl

PS live long and prosper

George Bush having shoes thrown at him should be in your list too rubl (although I can't remember where and when that was) his shoe dodging technique was actually pretty good! Shame he wasn't as good at being a president as he was at dodging shoes!

  • Like 1

Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

So, first of all: who cares?

Second: what are you trying to show? That there are idiots out there, who can not settle a dispute like intelligent human beings?

Third: as I see it, none of these spats has the quality of what we are seeing in Thailand.

A journalist's job is to ask questions and the things the lovely PM said, are just threatening someone, who is doing, what he should be doing!

But then again: your darling general already told the press, not to bother him with (difficult) questions.

As genuine Dutch uncle I feel the obligation to offer free information and free advise even if unwanted or unappreciated by some.

I'm not trying to show anything, apart from maybe that real punches happen seldom and can be both to and from a PM. Hilarious to me is the Dept. PM who punched a protester during an election meeting, but that may be my sense of humour.

The list I presented is short as I only looked for 'real' punches. I'm afraid that the list of 'threats' from PMs or other higher ranking cabinet folk would be much longer. The threats would of course include 'threat of physical violence', 'verbal abuse', 'threat of lawsuit', 'threat of sanctions', but such list would distract a bit here I think.

Oh btw, 'my darling' general? You seem to be a wee bit confused.

Uncle rubl

PS live long and prosper

George Bush having shoes thrown at him should be in your list too rubl (although I can't remember where and when that was) his shoe dodging technique was actually pretty good! Shame he wasn't as good at being a president as he was at dodging shoes!

You're right. My search criteria included "punch". I guess that's why I missed the shoe throwing fun


Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

George Bush having shoes thrown at him should be in your list too rubl (although I can't remember where and when that was) his shoe dodging technique was actually pretty good! Shame he wasn't as good at being a president as he was at dodging shoes!

You're right. My search criteria included "punch". I guess that's why I missed the shoe throwing fun

And strangling, PM Jean Chretien (Canada) has been known to strangle the protesters himself when his security let him down and did not block and strangle them first.... he has also broken their "false" teeth"..... but then once someone breaks through security.... you don't know who is going to stab you so we will let this one go... ohmy.png


Prayut really needs to employ Robert Amsterdam. If Amsterdam can describe red shirts as peaceful while looking sincere he could do wonders with Paryut...


Having done some research on this topic I found

1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches and a telephone at his prime minister, Russias news media reported Thursday."

4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

"punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

well that makes it perfectly ok then. Go ahead Prayuth punch out anyone you see fit. Here I will lend you my cricket bat so you don't get blood on your hands.

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