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Nigeria's Boko Haram pledges allegiance to Islamic State

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Nigeria's Boko Haram pledges allegiance to Islamic State
MICHELLE FAUL, Associated Press
HARUNA UMAR, Associated Press

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria's home-grown Boko Haram group, newly weakened by a multinational force that has dislodged it from a score of northeastern towns, reportedly pledged formal allegiance to the Islamic State group.

The pledge to IS came in an Arabic audio message with English subtitles alleged to have come from Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau and posted Saturday on Twitter, according to the SITE Intelligence monitoring service.

"We announce our allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims ... and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity, in hardship and ease, and to endure being discriminated against, and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident infidelity regarding that which there is a proof from Allah," said the message. IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has declared himself the caliph.

Earlier, the Nigerian extremist group was blamed for four suicide bomb attacks that police said killed at least 54 people and wounded 143 in the northeast city of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state and birthplace of Boko Haram.

The blasts occurred over four hours in locations from a busy fish market to a crowded bus station, said Police Commissioner Clement Adoda.

A fifth explosion from a car bomb at a military checkpoint 50 miles (75 kilometers) outside the city wounded a soldier and two members of a civilian self-defense unit. The bomber apparently wanted to reach Maiduguri, said a police officer at the scene who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to speak to the press.

In the deadliest blast, 18 people died when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a tricycle taxi at the entrance to the bustling Baga fish market, police said.

"I saw many dead bodies lying on the ground, many dead, and several others badly injured," said fish seller Idi Idrisa.

The Boko Haram pledge to IS comes as the Nigerian militants reportedly are massing in the northeastern town of Gwoza, considered their headquarters, for a showdown with a Chadian-led multinational force.

Though there was no way to independently verify the message, it comes weeks after Boko Haram's new Twitter account broadcast that the group's Shura council was considering whether to swear formal allegiance to IS.

The Twitter account, increasingly slick and more frequent video messages from Boko Haram, and a new media arm all are considered signs that the group is being helped by IS propagandists.

Boko Haram in August followed the lead of IS in declaring an Islamic caliphate in northeast Nigeria that grew to cover an area the size of Belgium. The Islamic State had declared a caliphate in vast swaths of territory that it controls in Iraq and Syria.

The Nigerian group also began publishing videos of beheadings. The latest one, published March 2, borrowed certain elements from IS productions, such as the sound of a beating heart and heavy breathing immediately before the execution, according to SITE.

In earlier video messages last year, Shekau sent greetings and praise to both al-Baghdadi and leaders of al-Qaida. But Boko Haram has never been an affiliate of al-Qaida, some analysts surmise because al-Qaida considers the Nigerians' indiscriminate slaughter of Muslim civilians as un-Islamic.


Faul reported from York, England.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-08

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I just want to thank DAESH (ISIS) for luring terrorists wannabe from my homecountry and other countries to Syria and other hellholes. That way they are no longer a problem in those countries and will most likely (hopefully) be killed in action.

These bastards in many countries are parasites that should <deleted> off - 3 girls and Jihadi John from UK comes to mind ...

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Before you know it the Nigerians will have all their contact info, and will be emptying their bank accounts,


Boko Haram is composed of Hausa people, who are, whatever apologists might say, Muslims from northern Nigeria.

After many years of interdicting these people, I can tell you that the scammers are overwhelmingly Ibo (or Igbo) people from the south and east, who are, to varying degrees, Christian. They originally come from the Biafra region and hate the Hausas so much (after the genocide of the civil war) that they would slaughter the whole lot of them in interestingly brutal ways, given half a chance.

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It has been said "people will eat a feces sandwich, if given one bite at a time." It is apparent this is the methodology of our esteemed leaders in the West. When the later, sensational but also pathetically predictable news byline states "Islamic Caliphate the new reality," people will then realize the sandwich they've consumed was feces. Being fed one bite of the sandwich at a time prevents the masses from realizing they are eating crap, or that the goal is to consume the sandwich at all. This caliphate is being born not in spite of the West but because of the West. Near history will prove me correct.

They do try to keep the crap in small but manageable lumps, for example it took forever for the U.S state department to get round to designating Boko Haram as a terrorist group. Thanks Hillary. Alas due believe it or not the U.S refused to supply arms to the Nigerian army to fight these vermin. As I recall this was due to concerns of human rights violations.

The pretense to not arm Nigeria was poppycock. I had previously believed that incompetence and concurrent islamic ascendency (secondary to social media and the fall of the prior bipolar world which kept modern islam in check) was the reason that islamic jihad continued to make steady advances, and the West acted out a nonstop Comedy of Errors and could make no progress impeding the advance of The Third Jihad. I simply refuse to regard my earlier belief as valid. I was under informed. It is far more Machiavellian than I had imagined.

There is simply no other explanation for the meteoric rise of islamic jihad/caliphate except to accept the West supports these developments. I am now firmly convinced the West supports jihad and a caliphate, but the reasons for the Civilization Treason could be multiple. Islamic jihad and its threats are not unusually ascendent because they are concurrent with the West's unusual unraveling and self destruction (historical timing and synchronicity being the jihadi's helper-nonsense). Its the contrary. The West believes a collective voice for disparate muslims peoples would provide stability, a degree of multipolar security, and great economic opportunities. The West wants a muslim caliphate at the deepest levels of power.

Every single event that has transpired since the Arab Spring (and it can be argued 9/11) has definitely aided only one end. Not some times. Not occasionally; but always. The Apple Dumpling Gang or the Gang That Cant Shoot Straight- Obama Administration looks like a bumbling group of Disney extras. Indeed, how can anyone screw up so much, so often, deny knowing so much so regularly; be in the dark about so much, and stumble in broad daylight so many times? At what point does the incredulous simply become too much to accept, even if we are eating our feces sandwich in small bites? I assert Obama/ Hillary (and her quite deep muslim brotherhood supporters) et al are quite savvy and effective. While it could be argued a guy named Barrack Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro most definitely has an ulterior motive and is living the truest, most history making taqiyya the world has ever known as a muslim; I dont think that even matters even it it were true. I clearly see why people suspect this and if true, is among the greatest thefts of statecraft in all of history. But Islamic jihad is not happening because of Obama, he is only aggressively facilitating it, with his own unique spin- The Muslim Brotherhood Civilization Jihad spin (see court records, Holy Land Foundation trial). Even Egyptians agree with me with regard to Obama supporting terrorism; indeed, a collective of retired military leaders from the USA concluded Obama switched sides in the war on terror. http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/17/benghazi-when-america-switched-sides-in-the-war-on-terror-and-armed-al-qaida/

Iran is being elevated to regional hegemon. Saudi Arabia is being lied to, bribed, coerced into passive acceptance of the Iranian debacle, though this seems finally unlikely. Whomever crafts these policies clearly knows little about Karbala, islam, sunni, shia, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, or even tribal affiliations. This modern policy making in the Mideast is no different and just as ignorant as the smoke filled rooms that created the Sykes-Picot nonsense.

The GCC countries will follow SA's lead; Turkey wants to usurp al Baghdadi as a rightful claimant. The Muslim Brotherhood want to usurp al Baghdadi as a rightful claimant. The Caliphate is here and the noise about IS/DAESH is a distraction. The absurdity of not calling the Islamic State "islamic" or a using the word "State" in the descriptions suggests just how F---d up these people are.

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Where are the muslims muslim apologists to tell me this isn't islam?

It seems they only get hyper when it concerns the UK and Peado's

James Cockayne, former co-director of the Center on Global Counterrerorism Cooperation said that Boko Haram is smuggling and using cocaine in huge quantities from Latin America.

They've raped many children, as well Christians, as Muslims. And engaged them into prostitution.

They've also participation in the African multi billion poaching industry.

Not really hallal if you ask me...more Freud than Islam...

The crimes of Boko Haram who started in early 2002 can't be projected to the traditional, moderated global Muslim community...

OP refers to alliance in the making between Boko Haram and IS. They don't really make an allience with the traditional Muslims, as explained above.

Title should be : 'Boko Haram operates in barbary due to unseen cocktail of narcotics and Salafist ideology'.

Edited by Thorgal
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Where are the muslims muslim apologists to tell me this isn't islam?

It seems they only get hyper when it concerns the UK and Peado's

James Cockayne, former co-director of the Center on Global Counterrerorism Cooperation said that Boko Haram is smuggling and using cocaine in huge quantities from Latin America.

They've raped many children, as well Christians, as Muslims. And engaged them into prostitution.

They've also participation in the African multi billion poaching industry.

Not really hallal if you ask me...more Freud than Islam...

The crimes of Boko Haram who started in early 2002 can't be projected to the traditional, moderated global Muslim community...

OP refers to alliance in the making between Boko Haram and IS. They don't really make an allience with the traditional Muslims, as explained above.

Title should be : 'Boko Haram operates in barbary due to unseen cocktail of narcotics and Salafist ideology'.

Any vice is permitted, just so long as it furthers the cause of jihad, especially lucrative vices. You are welcome to call them hypocrites, but they are Islamic hypocrites. Edited by Steely Dan
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Where are the muslims muslim apologists to tell me this isn't islam?

It seems they only get hyper when it concerns the UK and Peado's

James Cockayne, former co-director of the Center on Global Counterrerorism Cooperation said that Boko Haram is smuggling and using cocaine in huge quantities from Latin America.

They've raped many children, as well Christians, as Muslims. And engaged them into prostitution.

They've also participation in the African multi billion poaching industry.

Not really hallal if you ask me...more Freud than Islam...

The crimes of Boko Haram who started in early 2002 can't be projected to the traditional, moderated global Muslim community...

OP refers to alliance in the making between Boko Haram and IS. They don't really make an allience with the traditional Muslims, as explained above.

Title should be : 'Boko Haram operates in barbary due to unseen cocktail of narcotics and Salafist ideology'.

Any vice is permitted, just so long as it furthers the cause of jihad, especially lucrative vices. You are welcome to call them hypocrites, but they are Islamic hypocrites.
Overseas investments in Nigeria were mainly and in some case only dedicated to Christians, not to the Muslims.

This brought up a poor North and a rich South.

Scam business is not a coincidence...

Edited by Thorgal
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Here is a good summary as to how Obama has hung the Nigerian government out to dry. If it were a one off it might be put down to incompetence, but the list is as long as The list of far left or Muslim Brotherhood linked appointments in the U.S government.


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Here are a few links to bookmark on the jihad being a result of poverty myth. I believe the son of a rich Nigerian businessman found jihad through depravation.


I don't really like the Mary Harf quotes, but some others can develop a lucrative business...mostly for Christians only...


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Here is a good summary as to how Obama has hung the Nigerian government out to dry. If it were a one off it might be put down to incompetence, but the list is as long as The list of far left or Muslim Brotherhood linked appointments in the U.S government.


'American Thinker' is not really a reliable objective source...

Richard Baehr is the political director of the newsgroup :


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