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SURVEY: Will ASEAN be a success?


Will Asean Be A Success  

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As stated only a couple of months ago by the finance minister - Thailand is far from being ready for the AEC. He states that only 10% of companies have readied themselves.

The MRA is a voluntary arrangement between members. There will not be a free flow of labour. It's agreed that only skilled and professional workers are to be considered. Thailand will still protect it's 'reserved occupations' Work permits will still be required by foreigners.

Add to all that the official language is English! My gut feel is that Thailand will last up to two years as part of the AEC and will then withdraw just as some member countries of the EU are considering their withdrawal at the moment.

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I doubt that it will be very successful. I believe that Thailand believes that they will be the leader of ASEAN, but I don't think that is going to cut it with some of the other members. The cultures are vastly different with no common language or common religion. There are a lot of differences between the member states.

They will bump along, but they would bump along with or without ASEAN.

Nailed it.

The Thais have never been able to learn more English than is necessary to distract you while they pick your pocket.

Buddhism and Islam will not exactly walk hand in hand. Look at the south.

Warlords can never be taken seriously and nobody will.

Can you imagine the current joker trying on his nonsense with other leaders?

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ASEAN will be a success because it is more democratic than the EU. Each country has its own say.

The day there is a president of ASEAN making all of the decisions is the day it will fail, like the EU.

Yes, it will move more slowly, but what's wrong with that?

Also, ASEAN is simply about business, not one identity with one currency.

The countries of ASEAN will be business partners, not fools.

For now this is true, but the EU started along the same lines and changed gradually into the undemocratic mess we have today.

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I wish people would differentiate between ASEAN for which there is a long standing charter and has a chairmanship rotating annually and the AEC which is an Economic Community set up by members of ASEAN and does not become effective until the end of the year (2015). It makes for very confusing reading.

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it will be a success for business people that have had a gut full of thai workers

Those 2 words cannot be used together "Thai ........................................................Workers" there Ive kept them apart

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If this is truly to be an economic community similar to the EU it will mean that there should be freedom of movement and employment in all of the member countries. This should mean that ASEAN nationals from other countries will be able to come to work in Thailand with no need for a visa or work permit. Do you honestly see the Thai Government allowing other nationals to take the jobs of Thai workers?

I have asked this question of several people and they suggest that the Thai Govt will only allow professionals and those with specific qualifications to work here freely. Not really an even playing field.

I am looking forward to seeing highly qualified and "professional" agogo dancers from all asean countries down walking street wink.pngwink.png

Edited by kaiyaibob
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For God's sake, read the posts before replying and update yourselves of the facts.

......'people have suggested'......'I've asked several people'......'This should mean that ASEAN nationals from other countries will be able to come to work in Thailand with no need for a visa or work permit. Do you honestly see the Thai Government allowing other nationals to take the jobs of Thai workers?.......

Agreements have already been reached and are well documented. Let's leave fantasy and summations aside and stick to the facts.

I'm done!

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Thailand will be the ball and chain that will make it difficult to succeed. Thailand should be excluded for a couple of decades until it can prove to the world it is stable. Even one more coup then Thailand should be banned for life, it's not mature enough or developed to play on the big stage.

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If the EU is having difficulties what chance does Asean have?

There is so much corruption here anda HUGE gap between the rich and poor.

The Thais are very good a some things,sadly education and invention aswell as thinking are not very good here.

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As I'm setting up an export company in the near future I would the AEC to work for my benefit but I know that things won't work as intended. Crooked Customs officials, and most importantly, the Thai mindset aren't going to change any time soon.

Being realistic, I imagine the AEC to carry on being postponed time and time again until the whole thing is forgotten about. Thailand should benefit from it but the changes to the Foreign Business Act are the main stumbling block to getting it passed.

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For God's sake, read the posts before replying and update yourselves of the facts.

......'people have suggested'......'I've asked several people'......'This should mean that ASEAN nationals from other countries will be able to come to work in Thailand with no need for a visa or work permit. Do you honestly see the Thai Government allowing other nationals to take the jobs of Thai workers?.......

Agreements have already been reached and are well documented. Let's leave fantasy and summations aside and stick to the facts.

I'm done!

Yes. You are. wink.png December 2015 will be an interesting time.

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Thailand has already put the date back from the beging of this year now to the end of this year

The secretary general of ASEAN announced the delay in 2012 from January 2015 to December 2015 having been agreed by members. Thailand is only one member and doesn't have the power to call the shots. The announcement in 2012 also stated that no further delays will be considered.

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Thailand has already put the date back from the beging of this year now to the end of this year

The secretary general of ASEAN announced the delay in 2012 from January 2015 to December 2015 having been agreed by members. Thailand is only one member and doesn't have the power to call the shots. The announcement in 2012 also stated that no further delays will be considered.

True statement. Why do the Thai-haters keep putting out bogus information?

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Its a cunning plan IMO

To amass and attract cheap workers from those Countries not up to Thailands high standards of worker safety and massive social security benefits..

As I remember they did a similar thing n the UK a long time ago in not only allowing Asians in to do all those pesky jobs that the Brits refused to do but gave them passports as well.


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