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I just got pinky eye. Not sure where I got it from, but I got it. I remember this as a childhood thing, kinda like mono.

In anycase, just beware that pink eye is still around and wash your hands whenever you can and don't rub your eyes. It itches and hurts like a bitch.

Any advise on how to get pass this with less pain?


I assume you already have seen a doctor and have eye drops? Red Eye is very common here, but so are many other type of eye infections. As I recall using sunglasses was a must and hot towel on eyes a relief when I have my worst case some 35 years ago. Don't believe much has changed. The less light the better. Probably should not be using computer. :o


yep, doctor first.The hot towel can be a great relief and is a thing that our parents would have done as well.make sure that both the water and towel are 100% clean

This is one of the very reasons that I never dry my hands on towels that are provided in some public/rest/pub toilets.(unless they are paper etc)Always dry my hands on my trou or shirt.


Very common here in Thailand (and actually all over Asia), especially if you deal with a lot of people in your job. Very common in schools.

It's very contagious. Keep your hands away from your eyes until you're being treated, so as not to spread it to others. Try to avoid body contact of all kinds with others until you've been using meds for a few days.

You do need a doctor in this case.


I just got pinky eye.

What is Pinky eye?

It sound a lot like conjunctivitus, is it the same?

If it is, like the other posters have said very contagious.



Yes, it is conjunctivitis. Can be caused by virus or bacteria. Viral infection more likely if only redness and tearing without discharge; bacterial more likely if there is a pus-like discharge from the eye. Viral infections can lead to bacterial superinfection so it makes sense to use a broad spectrum antibioitc eye drop in either case. Do NOT use eye drops containing steroids unless seen first by a doctor.


There was a really nasty outbreak of this on Phuket about 4 years ago. I’m not sure how it’s transmitted but it seemed everyone was suffering. One of my friends had it on and off for about 6 months and no amount of eye drops or cream would make it go away. Is it airborne?

I never dry my hands on towels that are provided in some public/rest/pub toilets

very sensible.

those things can BITE !!

Bite!!, just last week I saw one walk out of the toilet,jump onto the bar and order a cold beer.


I had severe conjuntivitis a few weeks ago; I got some eyedrops (expensive 300 baht) but they cleared it up in 3 days.

Propamidine Isetionate 0.1%



Topic title

Pink Eye - Acute Conjuncitvitis

Thanks Lopburi3, guess I missed that bit :o

Won't mention how many times I have done the same - always best to repeat in the text body.

I just got pinky eye. Not sure where I got it from, but I got it. I remember this as a childhood thing, kinda like mono.

In anycase, just beware that pink eye is still around and wash your hands whenever you can and don't rub your eyes. It itches and hurts like a bitch.

Any advise on how to get pass this with less pain?

If you dilute a little honey in warm water and put that on your eye ball its soothing and honey is antibacterial. It works well, but stings for a second. Also warm (as you can handle) tea bags/compresses (once again the tannins in tea are anti bacterial). Really dilute salt water "baths" help too! I had it once recently and tried all these things and it was gone in 2 days!


I did ask, but nobody answered my question - is the virus airborne?

Actually, usually, its not a virus, hence antibiotics work, its a very contagious bacteria, and

no, no its not airborne as far as i know.

It often comes from animal contact too.


Last time I had it, my (London-educated) doctor said that viral/bacterial particles could travel on dust from the road, so it was entirely possible to catch it on a windy dusty day, especially if a lot of it is going around. It is very contagious.

I did ask, but nobody answered my question - is the virus airborne?

The commonest infection is bacteria but it can also be viral and so will not respond to anti-biotics, the body itself will have to fight it.

It can help to bathe the eye in water with a pinch of salt.

It can also be allergy related so can be treated with anti-histimines.

Whether it can be air-borne or not, I am not sure, but as IJWT says it can be transported on bits of dust and grit and so that in my opinion would make it, in certain cases, an air-borne infection.



Thought to be primarily transmitted by hands coming into contact with infected eye secretions then touching ones' own eye. Also shared towels and bed linens.

Can't rule out the "flying dust particle" idea though especially in very windy/dusty locales.

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