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new rules at funerals


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before all funerals to celabrate there lives had beer and whisky with food a happy time to send off to new life

last two times at funerals told new rules no beer or whiskey now not allowed

as relations start fighting who created this new rule

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Dead boring without, is this at a wat?

Probably a wat.

Within the past few years some of them have been putting up signs prohibiting drinking - and even smoking - at festivals and such.

Maybe they do it to make the farangs feel at home.

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I think it is a local govt issue. In our area they put the restrictions on alcohol and gambling at funerals in place a little over two years ago. People had been complaining about problems, so the local boss (poo yai bahn) held a meeting where most of the residents supported the ban. My brother-in-law's funeral was one of the first affected. They even had a large banner made up that we had to display warning of the ban. There was a lot of complaining by attendees, but we complied with the ban. We provided alcoholic beverages after the cremation, for all those who wished to partake. An enterprising neighbor did set up a large table on her property where some people congregated to drink and play cards, but that was shutdown after the second day.

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They should also ban loud music.

At our local Wat the window rattling music starts about 5am when there is a funeral. This goes on for 2-3 days depending on the importance of the dead person.

This last week end just for a change the music started at 4am.

Luckily we are a few hundred meters away from the temple. Don't know how the people right next to it put up with it.

Guess they were brought up with it and probably don't even notice.


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had to go 2 funeral last week it was only water to drink the day before burn

over yrs many send offs always plenty beer food and music i was shocked to here from wife new rules to sit hrs with water to drink

i had tears in eyes

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