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'Equality only with justice' - Yingluck Shinawatra


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Pssst.... last thing elite rulers want in Thailand is equality, which helps explain why there is no justice.

Which elite ruler did you refer to? I recall lots of equality when PM Thaksin's wife made a bid for a piece of land so many years ago...

But in the end, there was Justice!

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When she was in power she created a slush fund for women.

But when women were victims, she remained totally silent.

Slush fund? And I thought she was educated.

What has she done to help uplift education of women? Does she not know that this is the only way to bring them out of the abyss?

Slush fund without education is just more hawking along the streets.

Talking of that 'slush fund' anybody noticed any mention of it in the 12 months? IS it active? Who's watching the bankbook?

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Equality only with justice' - Yingluck Shinawatra

Bear in mind that this comment comes from a woman who was openly announced as a clone of her brother the puppet master..

That's equality and justice?cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by siampolee
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anyone that thinks yl is capable of writing anything intellectual is sadly mistaken or lacks any common sense. She has never been able to string together more than a few words, most preschool kids have more intelligence than her, she was a puppet administrator for big brother at the family business where she had staff to do all her thinking and make the necessary decisions fore her so she didnt show people how pathetic she really is. While pm she was never able to make any sensible comments, the only thing she did for women in general was hold a contest for "beautiful" women with brains that was a total flop as they are non existent here, being able to look in a mirror all day and pouting at yourself isnt really considered being intelligent. Once again we see yl's lackies trying to make her out as something she is not and never will be, smart.

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anyone that thinks yl is capable of writing anything intellectual is sadly mistaken or lacks any common sense. She has never been able to string together more than a few words, most preschool kids have more intelligence than her, she was a puppet administrator for big brother at the family business where she had staff to do all her thinking and make the necessary decisions fore her so she didnt show people how pathetic she really is. While pm she was never able to make any sensible comments, the only thing she did for women in general was hold a contest for "beautiful" women with brains that was a total flop as they are non existent here, being able to look in a mirror all day and pouting at yourself isnt really considered being intelligent. Once again we see yl's lackies trying to make her out as something she is not and never will be, smart.

Agree That Yingluck is not among the ranks of intelligent women however there are plenty in this country who have brains and use them.

Thailand is in fact in the top 30 countries of the world with woman in top executive positions with 38% of women in those positions, I posted this graphic before on another topic but apparently you didn't see it :


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When she was in power she created a slush fund for women.

But when women were victims, she remained totally silent.

Slush fund? Please be more specific, and provide details.

Otherwise, you are just another liar hiding behind your keyboard.

The fact is that the social services budget for family services was increased under the Yingluck administration. Under the new budget, the major increase is in military spending. This irrefutable, unlike your nonsensical statement.

When somebody says something positive about YL I do not see any "Like This" boxes checked off. In all honesty I must say she is not perfect but then show me one person in power that is. I seem to recall something about what absolute power does. Absolute power now world wide is in the hands of a few individuals. The rest of us are marionettes.

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Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Congratulations blazes, on COMPLETELY missing his point.

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Still the junta fear her in the next election and creating all the stops to have her banned and criminally indicted. Prayuth made her look good.

Still at it, Eric?

We're talking both equality and justice here, don't we?

Ms. Yingluck will most likely get the opportunity to explain her RPPS in detail, something she has refused till now. I can only hope that refusal is her decision and not that of her brother.

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was she worse than others??????????? Really?????????????????

We will never know, as she never acted on her own volition. She only acted on orders from Dubai. Remember she was the puppet to the puppetmaster.

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Perhaps it is you that needs to get real.On a personal level Yingluck worked as an executive in the family business, in common with a very great many from her background.If you had any understanding of how Sino Thai businesses operate you would know that those family members that can't perform get shunted off to purely nominal positions.Yingluck was never in this category.However while your comments reveal your ignorance (not to mention your bile) the matter isn't that important.

The most salient factor - which of course you and others in the quisling camp always fail to mention - is that she won an election in which the Thai people gave her a solid mandate.In other words she had a legitimacy as PM which cannot be denied.Thailand is considered a friendly nation by most countries and thus non interference in its internal affairs is a diplomatic necessity.However most democratic countries have expresed concern and disapproval. urging a rapid return to democracy.As to Yingluck's reputation abroad it was first class not so much because of her personal qualities but because she represented legitimacy and the democratic choice of the Thai people.Thus she received the kind of international reception as Thai leader that the current government can only dream of.All very unpalatable facts for the little band of foreign haters no doubt.

This is the topic on "Equality only with justice"

So, Ms. Yingluck didn't win an election, her brother did, allegedly. He called her his 'clone'. He skyped-in into cabinet meetings to give orders. If I may be excused to be very blunt, "who's the bimbo?"

Just the usual hate filled cartoonish response ( though managing to be misleading and inaccurate) compounded by boorishness.And you wonder why nobody serious is interested in debating with you.

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Perhaps it is you that needs to get real.On a personal level Yingluck worked as an executive in the family business, in common with a very great many from her background.If you had any understanding of how Sino Thai businesses operate you would know that those family members that can't perform get shunted off to purely nominal positions.Yingluck was never in this category.However while your comments reveal your ignorance (not to mention your bile) the matter isn't that important.

The most salient factor - which of course you and others in the quisling camp always fail to mention - is that she won an election in which the Thai people gave her a solid mandate.In other words she had a legitimacy as PM which cannot be denied.Thailand is considered a friendly nation by most countries and thus non interference in its internal affairs is a diplomatic necessity.However most democratic countries have expresed concern and disapproval. urging a rapid return to democracy.As to Yingluck's reputation abroad it was first class not so much because of her personal qualities but because she represented legitimacy and the democratic choice of the Thai people.Thus she received the kind of international reception as Thai leader that the current government can only dream of.All very unpalatable facts for the little band of foreign haters no doubt.

This is the topic on "Equality only with justice"

So, Ms. Yingluck didn't win an election, her brother did, allegedly. He called her his 'clone'. He skyped-in into cabinet meetings to give orders. If I may be excused to be very blunt, "who's the bimbo?"

Just the usual hate filled cartoonish response ( though managing to be misleading and inaccurate) compounded by boorishness.And you wonder why nobody serious is interested in debating with you.

Hate filled? Cartoonish?

In the last months we've heard more about Thaksin running the show than in the 2-1/2 years his sister lied she did. If she wants equality only with justice, well she can get that. One may be excused to wonder if she realises what she asks for.

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What a shame she never practiced this when in power. The only equality then was when those with their noses in the trough received an equal share and because they did, then this was justice. If some one got more than that was an injustice and no equality. So she's now trying to look good by talking about something she obviously had no interest in but now, because of her circumstances, she has had someone write her a speech, which clearly she has no idea of it meaning.

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No matter how people perceive she came to power.

The fact is she did rise to become thailands first female premier.

Which is far greater life achievement than any poster on here will ever aspire to.

I have seen many a female pm in tears from the constant bantering of the male counterparts.

Not yingluck.

Shameful the way this country has treated her.

I hope she continues her good works for women in Thailand.

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Happy Woman's Day to all for yesterday as well and it is typical of yingluck to use it as a platform to further her own agenda however veiled it may be. Reminds me of her visit to Mongolia.

Small mercies are we only hear anything from yinglcuk when it is posted on Facebook. I am still embarrassed for her when she did the "I come from the many of the group of the people" speech she did on BBC. Kentucky State university have a lot to answer for for having masters graduates graduate with such a command of the language, but it epitomizes yingluck to a tee.

At least the Thai population made it very clear after the results were tabulated after the last failed election that under no uncertain circumstances to they do not want her back and she knew it which is why she made sure they failed.

It is refreshing to see that the majority of Thai's hold her to account for the unpaid rice payments and letting terrorists act with impunity. Actions do not come without consequences. In this case the consequences are her fading into criminal obscurity.

Lets hope they don't have Facebook in jail..

Edited by djjamie
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Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

Apart from the uncouth language, what a nonsensical and totally groundless claim.

Edited by dru2
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No matter how people perceive she came to power.

The fact is she did rise to become thailands first female premier.

Which is far greater life achievement than any poster on here will ever aspire to.

I have seen many a female pm in tears from the constant bantering of the male counterparts.

Not yingluck.

Shameful the way this country has treated her.

I hope she continues her good works for women in Thailand.

Indeed, indeed.

It was a great day for 'women's equality' when big brother Thaksin told his Pheu thai party to put his clone as number one on the party list and after the elections tell them to 'elect' her as his clone PM. Truly women came of age in Thailand that day.

I would almost get tears in my eyes, but then I'm not a (former) PM


You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

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No matter how people perceive she came to power.

The fact is she did rise to become thailands first female premier.

Which is far greater life achievement than any poster on here will ever aspire to.

I have seen many a female pm in tears from the constant bantering of the male counterparts.

Not yingluck.

Shameful the way this country has treated her.

I hope she continues her good works for women in Thailand.

Indeed, indeed.

It was a great day for 'women's equality' when big brother Thaksin told his Pheu thai party to put his clone as number one on the party list and after the elections tell them to 'elect' her as his clone PM. Truly women came of age in Thailand that day.

I would almost get tears in my eyes, but then I'm not a (former) PM


You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

You forget that in a real democracy a political party is not allowed to be owned and controlled by an ordinary criminal, a fugitive from justice.

But the admit that would require more than honesty, I think.

In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

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You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

You forget that in a real democracy a political party is not allowed to be owned and controlled by an ordinary criminal, a fugitive from justice.

But the admit that would require more than honesty, I think.

In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

Edited by rubl
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You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

You forget that in a real democracy a political party is not allowed to be owned and controlled by an ordinary criminal, a fugitive from justice.

But the admit that would require more than honesty, I think.

In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand together with related agencies do not serve the interests of the royalist elites?

On the basis of your posting history you utterly fail the quite sensible criteria set out in your second paragraph.

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In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand together with related agencies do not serve the interests of the royalist elites?

On the basis of your posting history you utterly fail the quite sensible criteria set out in your second paragraph.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand with related agencies is serving what you call 'royalist elite'?

As for two I accept with reluctance and pain that Thailand with all it's elites in Bangkok and in the provinces is not a democracy and none of the political parties seemed really interested in making it one. Especially the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts party is a good example of advocating the interest in poor people while only safeguarding the interests of a Chiang Mai elite family. The forwarding of a pretty face is a clear and cynical example of manipulating the masses. To have that face have a media team construct a facebook message with 'equality only with justice' shows a clear contempt for the masses and their intellectual capacity. IMHO.

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You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

You forget that in a real democracy a political party is not allowed to be owned and controlled by an ordinary criminal, a fugitive from justice.

But the admit that would require more than honesty, I think.

In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

I know many Oxbridge graduates, and count many as good friends and former colleagues. They are not normally prone to snide remarks or pomposity. Must be something else causing that rather than being a Cambridge alumni (if that is indeed the case).

Ask yourself why someone who considers themselves of high intellect has to resort to reassuring themselves over and over again that any who disagree must be intellectually inferior? Or that only they can grasp such complexities. Self delusional.

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You miss out the part about the Thai electorate freely and democratically voting for the PTP in the clear knowledge that Yingluck would be the leader.

But that would require a modicum of honesty.

You forget that in a real democracy a political party is not allowed to be owned and controlled by an ordinary criminal, a fugitive from justice.

But the admit that would require more than honesty, I think.

In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

I know many Oxbridge graduates, and count many as good friends and former colleagues. They are not normally prone to snide remarks or pomposity. Must be something else causing that rather than being a Cambridge alumni (if that is indeed the case).

Ask yourself why someone who considers themselves of high intellect has to resort to reassuring themselves over and over again that any who disagree must be intellectually inferior? Or that only they can grasp such complexities. Self delusional.

If you believe that a great many Oxbridge graduates are not given to snide remarks and general hauteur you live in a rather restricted world.In this regard it's Cambridge alumnus not alumni.

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In real democracies the agencies of " justice" do not serve the interests of those determined to stamp out democracy.

It's oddly enjoyable to see these foreign oddballs expose themselves to ridicule as the serious opponents (Abhisit etc) of Thaksin begin to mount devastating attacks on the current government.I suppose for the intellectually feeble all complex issues can be addressed by the demonisation of one man.

Ah, the usual 'courts are biased' suggestion. And of course the snide towards posters you disagree with, typical for a Cambridge alumnus it would seem.

As I said, to admit takes more than honesty, it also requires intellectual integrity and ability and courage to accept what one does not like to.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand together with related agencies do not serve the interests of the royalist elites?

On the basis of your posting history you utterly fail the quite sensible criteria set out in your second paragraph.

Are you suggesting the judicial system in Thailand with related agencies is serving what you call 'royalist elite'?

As for two I accept with reluctance and pain that Thailand with all it's elites in Bangkok and in the provinces is not a democracy and none of the political parties seemed really interested in making it one. Especially the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts party is a good example of advocating the interest in poor people while only safeguarding the interests of a Chiang Mai elite family. The forwarding of a pretty face is a clear and cynical example of manipulating the masses. To have that face have a media team construct a facebook message with 'equality only with justice' shows a clear contempt for the masses and their intellectual capacity. IMHO.

Yes to para 1

Yawn to para 2

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