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I'm heading there this weekend. Anyone can recommend a VIP32 bus company from Bangkok? Anyone aware of any problems with the border crossing from/to Thailand currently?


Edited by Finlaco
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I used to do my exit-re-entry trips at Mae Sot/Myawaddy regularly. At that time one paid the Burmese immigration side 500 baht for their stamps. You can look around Myawaddy town. There are a couple of interesting temples, not much more. If you already have a Burmese visa you may be able to travel further inland and avoid the 500 baht fee.

For buses http://thairoute.com/homepage/ is a Thai website for most Bus lines. If you can't use their Thai language website you can call them to make a booking and get your seat number and pay at 7-11. The VIP buses are usually sold out by the day of departure.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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What are you wanting to do at the crossing.

just utilise my 3 rd entry on my Tourist Visa which expires on the 14th. I assume still $10 for the Burma visa. i appreciate my OP wasn't the most articulate, but was just wondering if any current problems etc...

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Few VIP busses to Mae Sot, but also depedns a lot on if you want to travel by day or by night.

I believe the transport company has a VIP bus, more info on their webiste. You csn also try Thai ticket major for some VIP bus-options.

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