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Abhisit formally acknowledges 2010 crackdown charge


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Another one of these back dated impeachments ?. Some people do have to answer for the death of those protesters , not sure this is the right way

The people that prompted them to go and violently protest should answer for their deaths.

And you know very well who these people are.

I condemn their deaths and hope one day these red leaders will face justice.

you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time...


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Khun Abhisit had every right and duty to remove the protesters in 2010.

The issue is that many, if not most, of the army was on the Red Shirt side, especially the rank and file.

It was only when the Burapha Phayak (Easter Tigers) led by Gen. Prayuth took their turn in front position that 'suddenly' Black Shirts appeared firing guns, giving Prayuth the chance to clear the streets.


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Justice for all, Un-bias, equality before the law, no favoritism, Reds are gone now for the yellows,

Give me a break, all about as plausible as hmmmm the loan gunman in the book depository one magic bullet,,,,,,,,,,, <deleted>..............

Nothing more than a show, a public token that is supposed to shut the wingers that call for justice up,

Someone thinks people are so gullible, But hey there are the few regular posters here that buy this tripe and try to sell it to the rest of the world.

And the NCPO will decide who and how many witnesses there are, Shooting people that's one thing shooting international journalist's, now that brings a whole new slant on things, but hey, this is small potatoes compared to the blue diamond, then returning fakes, then killing off others coming here to find the truth.

Fact, some one gave the order to shoot and use live rounds, it's not that difficult, follow the paper trail people, OOOP's wait can't do that coz all the evidence went floating off in the floods along with all the corruption evidence against the same two people, therefor no case to answer.

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Abhisit should be held responsible somewhat for the deaths. He was too tolerant and showed too much patience with the terrorists thus they became more and more brazen.

April 9th, 2010 was the first use of force by the military and it was with rubber bullets and water cannons.

The protests began on the 12th of March. So between then and the 9th of April when the red terrorists threatened to blow up an LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades the military did nothing. NOTHING!

​In any country in the world the leader would not be able to get away with allowing the capital to be violently savaged without taking any action.

​The only saving grace is the Right Honorable Abhisit's heart was in the right place. His hesitation was because he wanted to try to settle this protest peacefully. Unfortunately the red shirts were having none of that.

So I do look forward to the proceedings of this impeachment as I do the accused terrorist red shirt leaders that lead innocent people to their deaths and then eagerly scoped those bodies up from the hospitals and paraded them on stage against their grieving families wishes. With Jatuporm all the while screaming over the microphone "The dark sky will turn red. Red like blood" and Nattawat telling supporters to bring petrol to Bangkok to burn down the place.

I hate terrorism. I hate it.

Here's a little tit bit for ya mate, People elect a government, rich and powerful don't like not having total power, overthrow government, people get angry after 18 coup's

lesson, don't steal power from the people and no problem, you know as well as I do this would not fly back in OZ but you support it here,

Go the hawks.

PS, Why are you always missing in action when a story comes up that is impossible for you to spin??? Coz if gambling was legal in Thailand then you and a few others would be like the Makybe Diva and Phar Lap of the apologists, Cred to ya mate cheers

Edited by aussieinthailand
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The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time...


You can't accept that those organising the protests also paid mercenary gunmen, who were allowed free passage through the ranks of protesters?

Or that violent protesters attacked, and sometimes killed members of the security forces assigned to control the protests?

Or that hate-filled speeches by Thaksin's propagandists monotonously urged protesters to violence, murder and arson?

If you allow yourself to be part of a protest shielding gunmen and other violent elements, are you not complicit in their activities?

you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

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This whole affair was brought about by Pheu-Thai as one attempt amongst many to get rid of Abhisit : a man who could not be bought.

Murder charges after what happened are ludicrous. They should be going after whoever orchestrated the escalation of the protests into a bloodbath in an attempt to create an uprising by the people. Then, once the government were overthrown, someone could return to Thailand as a hero having saved the country. Or rather that's how the ego-driven power-crazy megalomaniac saw it from his hotel room.

Prayuth knows that if he goes after this villain, the paid thugs will be told to open the secret weapons stores and we will have terrorism back on the streets and reconciliation will never happen. He is pragmatic enough to realise this - but it sticks in my throat that an evil little weasel can get away with such heinous acts.

I wonder how many red-shirts support this man for political idealism and how many do it because they think he will make them rich if they manage to get him back.

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Abhisit should be held responsible somewhat for the deaths. He was too tolerant and showed too much patience with the terrorists thus they became more and more brazen.

April 9th, 2010 was the first use of force by the military and it was with rubber bullets and water cannons.

The protests began on the 12th of March. So between then and the 9th of April when the red terrorists threatened to blow up an LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades the military did nothing. NOTHING!

​In any country in the world the leader would not be able to get away with allowing the capital to be violently savaged without taking any action.

​The only saving grace is the Right Honorable Abhisit's heart was in the right place. His hesitation was because he wanted to try to settle this protest peacefully. Unfortunately the red shirts were having none of that.

So I do look forward to the proceedings of this impeachment as I do the accused terrorist red shirt leaders that lead innocent people to their deaths and then eagerly scoped those bodies up from the hospitals and paraded them on stage against their grieving families wishes. With Jatuporm all the while screaming over the microphone "The dark sky will turn red. Red like blood" and Nattawat telling supporters to bring petrol to Bangkok to burn down the place.

I hate terrorism. I hate it.

Here's a little tit bit for ya mate, People elect a government, rich and powerful don't like not having total power, overthrow government, people get angry after 18 coup's

lesson, don't steal power from the people and no problem, you know as well as I do this would not fly back in OZ but you support it here,

Go the hawks.

PS, Why are you always missing in action when a story comes up that is impossible for you to spin??? Coz if gambling was legal in Thailand then you and a few others would be like the Makybe Diva and Phar Lap of the apologists, Cred to ya mate cheers

You conveniently miss the extension out. People elect a government who then turn power over to a non elected criminal fugitive who selects and reshuffles the cabinet several times so his mates can all get a turn, dictates policy, makes all decisions and ensures his puppet sister who supposedly PM is rarely actually in Parliament. The final straw is when he tries to ram through an Amnesty covering his conviction and multiple outstanding criminal charges and even including an amnesty for the then current puppet governments tenure, just in case anything is discovered later.

Would that fly in Oz?

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Abhisit should be held responsible somewhat for the deaths. He was too tolerant and showed too much patience with the terrorists thus they became more and more brazen.

April 9th, 2010 was the first use of force by the military and it was with rubber bullets and water cannons.

The protests began on the 12th of March. So between then and the 9th of April when the red terrorists threatened to blow up an LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades the military did nothing. NOTHING!

​In any country in the world the leader would not be able to get away with allowing the capital to be violently savaged without taking any action.

​The only saving grace is the Right Honorable Abhisit's heart was in the right place. His hesitation was because he wanted to try to settle this protest peacefully. Unfortunately the red shirts were having none of that.

So I do look forward to the proceedings of this impeachment as I do the accused terrorist red shirt leaders that lead innocent people to their deaths and then eagerly scoped those bodies up from the hospitals and paraded them on stage against their grieving families wishes. With Jatuporm all the while screaming over the microphone "The dark sky will turn red. Red like blood" and Nattawat telling supporters to bring petrol to Bangkok to burn down the place.

I hate terrorism. I hate it.

Here's a little tit bit for ya mate, People elect a government, rich and powerful don't like not having total power, overthrow government, people get angry after 18 coup's

lesson, don't steal power from the people and no problem, you know as well as I do this would not fly back in OZ but you support it here,

Go the hawks.

PS, Why are you always missing in action when a story comes up that is impossible for you to spin??? Coz if gambling was legal in Thailand then you and a few others would be like the Makybe Diva and Phar Lap of the apologists, Cred to ya mate cheers

You conveniently miss the extension out. People elect a government who then turn power over to a non elected criminal fugitive who selects and reshuffles the cabinet several times so his mates can all get a turn, dictates policy, makes all decisions and ensures his puppet sister who supposedly PM is rarely actually in Parliament. The final straw is when he tries to ram through an Amnesty covering his conviction and multiple outstanding criminal charges and even including an amnesty for the then current puppet governments tenure, just in case anything is discovered later.

Would that fly in Oz?

The Australian people have the option to vote out any government they don't approve of.The Thai people have had that option removed by force.

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If I told you to go and jump off a cliff baerboxer would you do it?

The human psyche is a complex think, David Koresh amongst others throughout history have been able to convince people to do things rhat defy logic, WE know they're wrong but they don't see it that way, a lot of red shirt lunatics are the human version of a lemming they just go and do the dumbest things without thinking.

Now then, let's deal with the biggest issue here, what's was the ROEs for that given period, and who issued them, who briefed up their men on the ground before their duties started ? Someone in khaki is responsible for these ROEs going South fast!! But they Again have given themselves amnesties and will never face prosecution.

There have been many high profile Courts Martials in the U.S. recently over the abuse of ROEs. A there's also lawsuits against Bkackwater in Iraq for the Firdos square incident.

Someone is responsible mate, maybe not Abhisit and I don't think suthep did himself any favours either last year by stating in court the Army were instructed to shoot below the knees or something like that.

Every day when I was the security manager on a project where we carried weapons, the locals were all made to read, for those that could, and verbally listen to the Rules in the Use of Force in Arabic and English, each and everyone of them also carried a copy of these on their person with no exceptions. Why's this relevant it's called covering your ass when it does go South!!

No I wouldn't. But then neither would I believe the crap Thaksin, his family and PR machine spew out. But, many poor uneducated people grasp the straws he offers that promise a better life of richness.

Manipulating crowds is a skill. Some orators can do this very powerfully. Convincing suicide attacks isn't new - the Kamikaze pilots are a good example. Make people believe they are dying for a noble or just cause. Self immolation by Tibetan monks is another. Some genuinely have the intellect and information to make an informed decision. Others are ruthlessly exploited.

The Red Shirts were given warnings following shooting, grenade and bomb attacks from within their ranks which their leaders refused to accept. The loss of life, regardless of which side took it, is lamentable. But we both know it could have very easily been much higher. And given all the circumstances leading up to it, don't you get the feeling someone really wanted it?

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Abhisit should be held responsible somewhat for the deaths. He was too tolerant and showed too much patience with the terrorists thus they became more and more brazen.

April 9th, 2010 was the first use of force by the military and it was with rubber bullets and water cannons.

The protests began on the 12th of March. So between then and the 9th of April when the red terrorists threatened to blow up an LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades the military did nothing. NOTHING!

​In any country in the world the leader would not be able to get away with allowing the capital to be violently savaged without taking any action.

​The only saving grace is the Right Honorable Abhisit's heart was in the right place. His hesitation was because he wanted to try to settle this protest peacefully. Unfortunately the red shirts were having none of that.

So I do look forward to the proceedings of this impeachment as I do the accused terrorist red shirt leaders that lead innocent people to their deaths and then eagerly scoped those bodies up from the hospitals and paraded them on stage against their grieving families wishes. With Jatuporm all the while screaming over the microphone "The dark sky will turn red. Red like blood" and Nattawat telling supporters to bring petrol to Bangkok to burn down the place.

I hate terrorism. I hate it.

Here's a little tit bit for ya mate, People elect a government, rich and powerful don't like not having total power, overthrow government, people get angry after 18 coup's

lesson, don't steal power from the people and no problem, you know as well as I do this would not fly back in OZ but you support it here,

Go the hawks.

PS, Why are you always missing in action when a story comes up that is impossible for you to spin??? Coz if gambling was legal in Thailand then you and a few others would be like the Makybe Diva and Phar Lap of the apologists, Cred to ya mate cheers

You conveniently miss the extension out. People elect a government who then turn power over to a non elected criminal fugitive who selects and reshuffles the cabinet several times so his mates can all get a turn, dictates policy, makes all decisions and ensures his puppet sister who supposedly PM is rarely actually in Parliament. The final straw is when he tries to ram through an Amnesty covering his conviction and multiple outstanding criminal charges and even including an amnesty for the then current puppet governments tenure, just in case anything is discovered later.

Would that fly in Oz?

The Australian people have the option to vote out any government they don't approve of.The Thai people have had that option removed by force.

Would an elected Australian government hand over power to a non elected criminal fugitive, openly lie, openly break laws and state they refuse to accept any court decision they dislike? If they did, what do you think would happen to those politicians? Call an election and seek a new mandate?

Unfortunately the levels of political corruption on all sides in Thai politics, the lack of a robust justice system, the lack of real law enforcement and the ability of the rich to simply be above all laws somewhat invalidates comparing Thailand with Australia.

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Another one of these back dated impeachments ?. Some people do have to answer for the death of those protesters , not sure this is the right way

The people that prompted them to go and violently protest should answer for their deaths.

And you know very well who these people are.

I condemn their deaths and hope one day these red leaders will face justice.

Right Costas, The only responsible are Abhisit and Suthep, don't try to turn the things around !

I hope the yellow leaders will face justice,

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its nothing like the rice scam, red terrorists were shooting, throwing bombs and burning down Bangkok because the police were red supporters and refused to stop them, the govt had no other possibility but to send in troops to stop the terrorists who then started to shoot at the army who were there to defend the populace. YL was the leader of the govt and the person in charge of the rice scam, she was told it was corrupt and not working but ignored it, seems you red lovers will twist the truth about anything to suit your pathetic thinking and your darling puppet

"...the govt had no other possibility but to send in troops to stop the terrorists..."

Do you really believe that "the government" controlled the army? alt=whistling.gif>

YES and NO wai2.gif

Under the 2007 Constitution the armed forces are part of the government under the minister for defense. The military was not an Independent Organization. But as Chief for the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), Deputy Prime Minister Suthep was in charge of the army officers and he outlined how the officers should use their weapons. For example, he decided the ammunition to be used and directed the troops to shoot below a person’s knee without intent to kill and allegedly not to fire a weapon when protesters were mingling with innocent people.

Three other key people were involved in the forced dispersal of protesters: Deputy army chief Gen. Prayut, army chief Gen. Paojunda, and Defense Minister Gen. Wongssuwon. Gen Prayut has graciously offered written testimony in Abhisit's defense of the charge.

When Yingluck requested the army assist in enforcing the State of Emergency in forced dispersal of PDRC protesters, the military refused. It did not consider such action was permissible.

So it would seem the military will take orders from a civilian government depending on who the leadership was.

Edited by Srikcir
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The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time...


You can't accept that those organising the protests also paid mercenary gunmen, who were allowed free passage through the ranks of protesters?

Or that violent protesters attacked, and sometimes killed members of the security forces assigned to control the protests?

Or that hate-filled speeches by Thaksin's propagandists monotonously urged protesters to violence, murder and arson?

If you allow yourself to be part of a protest shielding gunmen and other violent elements, are you not complicit in their activities?

you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

you don't read, do you?

go check out my post and come back after you've graduated from kindergarten...

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The Australian people have the option to vote out any government they don't approve of.The Thai people have had that option removed by force.

Australians don't elect criminals to high office. The politicians they do elect are tightly scrutinised by a free press and conflicts of interest are quickly brought to light. Any politician who misled parliament would be expected to resign immediately, any parliamentarian caught in a corrupt conflict would be prosecuted.

Would you care to discuss those constrictions and the recent PTP government?

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The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time...


You can't accept that those organising the protests also paid mercenary gunmen, who were allowed free passage through the ranks of protesters?

Or that violent protesters attacked, and sometimes killed members of the security forces assigned to control the protests?

Or that hate-filled speeches by Thaksin's propagandists monotonously urged protesters to violence, murder and arson?

If you allow yourself to be part of a protest shielding gunmen and other violent elements, are you not complicit in their activities?

you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

you don't read, do you?

go check out my post and come back after you've graduated from kindergarten...

"Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves......"

Why do those inciting violence get a free pass? Why do those paying them to incite violence get a free pass? why do those aiding and abetting violence get a free pass?

BUT the PM at the time does have liability for carrying out his duty to control a long-running violent protest disrupting the city. Which weapon did he personally use, or his liability an exception to your rules?

Because you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

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its nothing like the rice scam, red terrorists were shooting, throwing bombs and burning down Bangkok because the police were red supporters and refused to stop them, the govt had no other possibility but to send in troops to stop the terrorists who then started to shoot at the army who were there to defend the populace. YL was the leader of the govt and the person in charge of the rice scam, she was told it was corrupt and not working but ignored it, seems you red lovers will twist the truth about anything to suit your pathetic thinking and your darling puppet

"...the govt had no other possibility but to send in troops to stop the terrorists..."

Do you really believe that "the government" controlled the army? whistling.gif

today even childs know that the reds engaged snipers with stolen army guns to make terror and war !!

It was the Reds which started and didn't want to end the terror;

PAD every time stopped on with negotiations and closed protest sites in peace and agreements;

The Reds started terror over all country!!

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The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time...


You can't accept that those organising the protests also paid mercenary gunmen, who were allowed free passage through the ranks of protesters?

Or that violent protesters attacked, and sometimes killed members of the security forces assigned to control the protests?

Or that hate-filled speeches by Thaksin's propagandists monotonously urged protesters to violence, murder and arson?

If you allow yourself to be part of a protest shielding gunmen and other violent elements, are you not complicit in their activities?

you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

you don't read, do you?

go check out my post and come back after you've graduated from kindergarten...

"Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves......"

Why do those inciting violence get a free pass? Why do those paying them to incite violence get a free pass? why do those aiding and abetting violence get a free pass?

BUT the PM at the time does have liability for carrying out his duty to control a long-running violent protest disrupting the city. Which weapon did he personally use, or his liability an exception to your rules?

Because you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

you still cannot read what others write and understand it. See ya...

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you don't read, do you?

go check out my post and come back after you've graduated from kindergarten...

"Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves......"

Why do those inciting violence get a free pass? Why do those paying them to incite violence get a free pass? why do those aiding and abetting violence get a free pass?

BUT the PM at the time does have liability for carrying out his duty to control a long-running violent protest disrupting the city. Which weapon did he personally use, or his liability an exception to your rules?

Because you don't understand taking responsibility for your own actions, do you...

you still cannot read what others write and understand it. See ya...

I read and try to understand

"The people in charge of doing the killing of the protesters, the journalists, the soldiers, and the rescue workers should be held responsible.

Not the the people who organized the protests or the protester themselves.... no, the people who kill others should be held accountable for their own actions...

and that is a long list of people, not only the 'PM' at the time..."

People in charge of doing the killing, people who kill others.

So, would that include UDD leaders who relied on men-in-black doing the dirty work, who needed the renegade general Seh Daeng of April 10th "no one saw me" fame or does it exclude Abhisit/Suthep ?

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