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Clinton on emails: I should have used government account


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The audacity...the perception of corrupt practices...the gumption...I get so angry at the way some Dems refuse to play by the rules...

If Clinton becomes President...if will be more of the same BS the country has had to endure for the past 6 years under Obama...taking care of special interest groups...destroying the middle-class...arrogant diplomacy with our foreign neighbors...

I do hope someone has the balls to confront this woman in her flagrant violation of the public trust...

Fox confronts her daily.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The audacity...the perception of corrupt practices...the gumption...I get so angry at the way some Dems refuse to play by the rules...

If Clinton becomes President...if will be more of the same BS the country has had to endure for the past 6 years under Obama...taking care of special interest groups...destroying the middle-class...arrogant diplomacy with our foreign neighbors...

I do hope someone has the balls to confront this woman in her flagrant violation of the public trust...

Destroying the middle class for the last 6 years? Maybe they moved up.

220,000,000 Americans with 401k retirement plans have seen their accounts triple in 6 years.

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One thing that we know and is not in dispute. Mrs Clinton put our national security at risk with this stupid stunt.

I think if you read back when the story first appeared, you will find that her private email account was considered to be at a less risk to be hacked than a government email.

So actually she didn't put national security at risk with her actions, rather the opposite.

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One thing that we know and is not in dispute. Mrs Clinton put our national security at risk with this stupid stunt.

I think if you read back when the story first appeared, you will find that her private email account was considered to be at a less risk to be hacked than a government email.

So actually she didn't put national security at risk with her actions, rather the opposite.

Only if you believe her BS story. And you would need to be pretty gullible for that to happen.

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The audacity...the perception of corrupt practices...the gumption...I get so angry at the way some Dems refuse to play by the rules...

If Clinton becomes President...if will be more of the same BS the country has had to endure for the past 6 years under Obama...taking care of special interest groups...destroying the middle-class...arrogant diplomacy with our foreign neighbors...

I do hope someone has the balls to confront this woman in her flagrant violation of the public trust...

Destroying the middle class for the last 6 years? Maybe they moved up.

220,000,000 Americans with 401k retirement plans have seen their accounts triple in 6 years.

Although this looks good in statistics...truth is that the printing of billions of US fiat dollars has not jump started the economy and gone directly into the stock market creating the bull bubble we have been seeing...I hope it does not happen...but chances are that the bottom could fall out at any time and wipe away all those gains and then some...

A good time to take that increase in retirement and diversify so that all the eggs are not in one basket when the poop hits the fan...

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Her royal thighness looks presidential? w00t.gif

She IS a somebody.

A big one.

Who does the opposition got?

They're afraid of her and with good reason!

Sure she has strong negatives among a big chunk of the population.

So what?

All it takes is one more electoral vote to win.

She not only can win she probably WILL win.

Sorry I cannot just separate out just the Hillary part but you will probably enjoy all 3 segments. It is not just FOX that wants to stick a fork in her.

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The audacity...the perception of corrupt practices...the gumption...I get so angry at the way some Dems refuse to play by the rules...

If Clinton becomes President...if will be more of the same BS the country has had to endure for the past 6 years under Obama...taking care of special interest groups...destroying the middle-class...arrogant diplomacy with our foreign neighbors...

I do hope someone has the balls to confront this woman in her flagrant violation of the public trust...

Destroying the middle class for the last 6 years? Maybe they moved up.

220,000,000 Americans with 401k retirement plans have seen their accounts triple in 6 years.

I'm not a US citizen so know not much about how 401K plans work, but I guess the only thing that counts is the worth of the account on payday, which still may be many years away for the majority of those 220.000.000 Americans.

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10,000 Americans reach retirement every day. These people are grateful to the current democratic administration.

The 401k retirement savings plan is most often invested in the S&P 500 index fund.

It has tripled in value and those people can choose to lock in the gains or take on the risk.

I keep a 10% loss stop on my funds...it is up 203% since the democrats regained control in 2009.

I had lost half my wealth under the last republican administration.

The republicans are very pro business so it's shocking to me they are so poor at economics.

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".."No one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect privacy," she said..." Right. That is why you don't use your work email for things like your vacation planning, daughter's wedding details etc. And conversely, you don't use your own private email for work use!

This lady is a carpet bagger in the truest sense of the word. I hope this finally puts the kibosh on the Hillary public office agenda

Edited by gk10002000
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Does anybody remember the old Comedy skit from Saturday Night Live? Bill Clinton was in office and arguing with Senator Dole. The comedian playing Hillary stepped in and said, something like "I am the co-president". Too funny.

If she was elected the next pres, Bill Clinton would be back the WH and Hillary would still be looking for stains on aid's dresses.

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What does that have to do with Hillary Clinton breaking the law?

She broke the law? Really? Has she been convicted?

I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt. But I didn't hear she was actually convicted of crimes.

You might want to check your sources.

The gentleman above asked for some clarification regarding they 401K plan so I explained how 220,000,000 Americans with a 401K can protect their nest egg from a market crash by using 'stops' and keep the amazing 200%+ gains under the current administration.

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What does that have to do with Hillary Clinton breaking the law?

She broke the law? Really? Has she been convicted?

I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt. But I didn't hear she was actually convicted of crimes.

You might want to check your sources.

The gentleman above asked for some clarification regarding they 401K plan so I explained how 220,000,000 Americans with a 401K can protect their nest egg from a market crash by using 'stops' and keep the amazing 200%+ gains under the current administration.

LOL giggle.gif

Just because she hasn't been convicted yet doesn't for one minute mean it won't eventually catch up with herunsure.png Sounding more serious as every day goes by.....

Judge Andrew Napolitano said Thursday on “America’s Newsroom” that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is potentially facing prison time for hiding documents from government computers.


Edited by Asiantravel
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One thing that we know and is not in dispute. Mrs Clinton put our national security at risk with this stupid stunt.

I think if you read back when the story first appeared, you will find that her private email account was considered to be at a less risk to be hacked than a government email.

So actually she didn't put national security at risk with her actions, rather the opposite.

Only if you believe her BS story. And you would need to be pretty gullible for that to happen.


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You are quoting a FOX commentator?

He served as a New Jersey Superior Court Judge and teaches constitutional law as a Distinguished Professor at Brooklyn Law School. Napolitano has written nine books on constitutional, legal, and political subjects. Some folks have Fox on the brain syndrome. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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You are quoting a FOX commentator?

He served as a New Jersey Superior Court Judge and teaches constitutional law as a Distinguished Professor at Brooklyn Law School. Napolitano has written nine books on constitutional, legal, and political subjects. Some folks have Fox on the brain syndrome. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

Yes I know. A former judge employed by Roger Ailes to stack the democrats. Zero credibility.

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What does that have to do with Hillary Clinton breaking the law?

She broke the law? Really? Has she been convicted?

I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt. But I didn't hear she was actually convicted of crimes.

You might want to check your sources.

The gentleman above asked for some clarification regarding they 401K plan so I explained how 220,000,000 Americans with a 401K can protect their nest egg from a market crash by using 'stops' and keep the amazing 200%+ gains under the current administration.

what on earth are you talking about? we spent 200 million dollars investigating Hillary? you would need to provide some evidence of that. otherwise just retract. BJ Billy was impeached and disbarred for lying to a federal judge. Missed removal by one vote.
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Her royal thighness looks presidential? w00t.gif

She IS a somebody.

A big one.

Who does the opposition got?

They're afraid of her and with good reason!

Sure she has strong negatives among a big chunk of the population.

So what?

All it takes is one more electoral vote to win.

She not only can win she probably WILL win.


If the best Americans have to offer is another Bush, or Clinton, or anyone else currently in politics, our country is doomed.

What will the debt level be in another 9 years? 34 trillion? 50 trillion?

I like Ike.

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What does that have to do with Hillary Clinton breaking the law?

She broke the law? Really? Has she been convicted?

I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt. But I didn't hear she was actually convicted of crimes.

You might want to check your sources.

The gentleman above asked for some clarification regarding they 401K plan so I explained how 220,000,000 Americans with a 401K can protect their nest egg from a market crash by using 'stops' and keep the amazing 200%+ gains under the current administration.

"I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt"

You able to back this up with anything like facts? Just curious.

You don't remember Ken Star?, the republican special prosecuter? He had 57 lawyers harassing the Clintons for years. I recall the he spent $7,000,000 on the Monica case alone.

And what did he come up with?

Bill had a girlfriend. BFD.

FOX spent a lot too and had their people posted at Bill & Hillary's home town, going over every piece of paper, phone call, contract, canceled check..

Came up with zilch.

Hillary got thru that, she was vetted in the Democrat primaries, then the subsequent years & years of FOX harassment.

The conservatives are desperate...all they have is their fake manufactured crisis ....BENGAAAAZZZIIII

FOX should start a new channel...Bengggaaaaazzzziii 24/7.

Wouldn't it be better if the conservatives just fielded a decent candidate?

Edited by joesanunu
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The conservatives are desperate...all they have is their fake manufactured crisis ....BENGAAAAZZZIIII


Fake IRS Scandal

Fake Solyndra Scandal

Fake this Scandal

Fake that Scandal

Now the fake email Scandal

Fortunately the numpties that swallow this tripe are all Fox News Viewers and would vote Republican anyway.

However, there's going to be about $1.5 Billion of Kock and other brainwashing going on on all of the networks over the next couple of years, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of that amount of faeces being thrown sticks somewhere.

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