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Australian expat stabs to death Phuket nightclub worker


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I don't buy the mr nice guy thing. Married 59 year old man should not be hanging around sleazy bars and after midnight. Furthermore no need to videotape the event. What's the benefit. And ultimately when asked to stop filming and move on he should have obliged. Nice guys don't carry knives on them. Wiseguys do. Criminal bikie gangs here in oz hold a fund raising children charity ride annually. That does not make them nice guys. In fact criminal element do try to portray a nice guy image by doing charitable work to conceal their criminal activities. I reckon he's a bad seed and placed himself in that situation.

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Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

Yes you are a nutter and a fool and as we Aussies say a tosser. With all your martial arts qualifications still need to carry a weapon? And yes concealed weapons are illegal that means wrong nucklehead. Ps having black belts in whatever does not mean u can fight in "real" scenarios. [emoji380][emoji380]

I spent 20 years as a US Marine, and have had more than my share of "real scenarios", both in bars and in combat situations, thank you. So, yes, I most definitely do know how to fight in different situations.

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Errrr, Aussies are not generally aggressive people, especially when drunk.......

This must have been an exception.......

RIP, Sanya Khlueawaengmon.

Hope the man that killed you gets what he deserves.

Aussie's some are very aggressive by nature just like us english

Better to find a burmease person to pin it on

Seriously I am worried about allot of forangs killing Thais on the news. This is the second story in a few days

As we know how this country works. Clamping down on security for Thai nationals cannot be good for any of us forangs and they do have every right to do so.

Honestly I can imagine there is more to this story then just asking him to stop filming then stabbed him.

There again most big arguments do start from something very small

RIP to this young Thai

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This story stinks from beginning to end, and my benefit of the doubt absolutely goes in favor of the man defending himself against permanent injury or worse.

As I have stated before, any time a foreigner is involved in an issue that gets a story, the foreigner's statement NEVER reaches our eyes or ears. It is either pure bad reporting with all the Thai details, or something as ludicrous as this piece of crap.

The ones bashing the man need to step back and take a breathe and realize that:

We are talking about Phuket: Death Island Number 2

A foreigner is accosted by a Thai worker without provocation: as stupid as a 7-11 attendant chasing down a robber and getting stabbed to death.

The foreigner is battered about the head by one and maybe more Thais. Head wounds bleed profusely, and even more so when alcohol thins the blood. This man was probably covered in blood and going into a state of panic/shock before he felt the overwhelming sense of self-preservation.

The Thai/Thais did not back off. They were probably like a pack of jackals attacking a wounded lion. They probably had THEIR blood lust up and were simply not going to let this man off easy with a warning, as attested by the multiple head wounds.

We don't know any facts beyond the photograph and the report that the Thai man who put those wounds there had to do so before he received the death wound in his stomach. Clearly, the Thai man did not stop until he received the wound.

And because why... because a foreigner was filming another fight that all the Thai workers were just standing around and watching and doing nothing... and had enough time to case the joint and watch out for what other people were doing instead.

One question is, would this Thai man, or those Thai men, have given any indication to the profusely bleeding and bruised foreigner that they were going to cease and desist. Between their calls to each other on which approach to get to the man and lay in another punch, and their profanity aimed at the foreigner, does anyone think that they spoke kindly to the man to hand over his phone and put his hands in the air (before the knife was produced)?

There are so many holes in this puzzle, yet I am absolutely certain of the despicable, animal behavior of the Thai men on these islands (Phuket and Koh Tao) as ALWAYS depicted in daily newspaper headlines, that the man was entirely fighting for what he emphatically believed was his life.

He was in a corner and surrounded. He lives there for 10 years. He knows all the stories. He knows what happens when these wolf packs attack a foreigner. He knows no one escapes without serious bodily injury. He knows that Thais can't stop head stomping and face kicking once they get rolling and the victim is unfortunate enough to go down beneath their unmerciful blows.

Before he was attacked, he was not doing anything that anyone else might do, and do so without any feelings of violating any rules, code, ethic, etc. The idiot that attacked him should have been doing his job and should have been breaking up the fight going on instead of worrying about a foreigner filming the fight. Who knows how many bar girls and other Thais were also filming the fight, which perhaps inspired the foreigner to join in? Possible? Absolutely.

The disgusting behavior of the Thai worker and his cohorts are what caused all of this. The death is a matter of self-defense. The deceased, in all likelihood was in a sober rage that far and beyond incriminates him compared to a drunk customer minding his own business and being forced (FORCED) to protect himself from what he knows, in all likelihood, was an out and out over the top beating.

Stab wounds come from being in close quarters, and I doubt the foreigner was the one chasing the Thai around the premises and carrying the fight to the Thai.

Self-defense; in that he did nothing wrong before being singled out and compelled to fight for his life, or be permanently injured or worse were he to take what they were dealing out to him.

Just my take, and I wonder how many Aussie bashers have ever had their heads caved in and, still being capable, did nothing. Clearly his counter punches were not effective enough to make these animals stop. Clearly, when in shock, if plan A does not work, regardless of the consequences, one goes to plan B. Not doing anything results in ones permanent injury or epitaph. I think the Aussies sensed that in a fleeting moment even though he was drunk. The disgusting thing is that a grown adult sober man did not have the sense enough to stop trying to injure or kill a drunk, elderly man for using his telephone to film a stupid fight that the grown adult sober man ignored.

Apologies if I insulted anyone, but at least I did not leave any profusely bleeding head wounds.

I sincerely hope you never ever ever become a police officer. There are these little things called facts, writing down what YOU THINK happened is not factual.

You say those bashing the man need to step back before YOU then going on to write a version of events that almost defines SPECULATION. I remember a similar story a few years ago involving a group of 3 English thugs who got involved in a fight with some Thai bouncers ,ended up jumping into the sea and one drowned. Everyone then raved and ranted about how the bouncer thugs should serve life and that they're animals only to conveniently disappear when the truth came out about how the three Brits were violent thugs who had just recently been released from prison for a string of violent acts in the UK.

You seem like another apologist, in fact maybe you should defend the Aussie, you have your closing statement already prepared it seems.

As I said... and my conviction remains.

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The aussy must be crackers or can't hold his beer.

But, if one carries a knife one does so for a reason, and not to sharpen pencils on a night out....... alt=whistling.gif>

RIP young man......

Normally scared or just a Nutter. Some people do get in a lot of trouble with all day drinking. I cannot work out what a man of that age is doing carrying a blade

As you get really old it's the more reason to carry a weapon to protect yourself from the young punks on the street in any country. That doesn't make you a "nutter". The guy might have had three young Thai's ganging up on his as happens here all the time. He's got blood on him, don't jump to conclusions until you have more facts.

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Stop debating the merits of packing a knife or gun for "protection" - an endless discussion of opinions and experiences.

Focus on the necessity of never leaving home without your common sense.
The best protection available - just not that common.

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Stop debating the merits of packing a knife or gun for "protection" - an endless discussion of opinions and experiences.

Focus on the necessity of never leaving home without your common sense.

The best protection available - just not that common.

I also noticed that halitosis works quite well...

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Please help me understand who the gentleman is in the foreground.

He seems large, white and not Thai.

Are there Farang police here in Thailand??? and if so, do we grasp that this person is both judge and jury for the Thais, since language is a hurdle here, and the Thai would rely heavily on his interpretations and judgment. And please do not tell me that those Thai police speak English. Yes, to a small degree, but to truly understanding Australian English ??... no way. I am American and can not understand what folks from Oz are talking about half the time ! 555 !

In other words, who is this guy? Is he an official, or friend of the man charged?

Yes there are. Pictured here is not tourist police (which act under TAT), but Region 8 Royal Thai Police Volunteers. We are commissioned to work as volunteers, and work directly under the general. We act as liaison officers and are mainly there to translate and interpret. In the end it is still the local police that makes decisions and in this case it will be the court who decides. And you would be surprised how well some of the local police speak English... Especially at Patong police station. hope this answered your questions

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The realities of life, Hanging around bars, nightclubs etc, should be getting old for those over 50. Why on earth would anyone at that age

be hanging around low life, trash life styles. What is their to gain, night after night sitting in the same stool, listening to the same old jokes, same old

bar flies hustling drinks, loud music, yelling, shouting, and the parade of despicable acts as adults? What kind of life style do you call this? A Party Goer,

A bar stool Jock? A happy go lucky guy? ......someone just on Vacation?..........Or some old person who lost themselves in an atmosphere of resentment

to society, and decency? What happened to the nice little bar around the corner you stop in and order a beer and talk about the weather or the latest on the new.

Nowadays, its motcho men poking remarks to each other seeing who's the biggest blot in the bar. I just don't get it! Most decent men stay away from such establishments. They come here looking for some fun, some aquatints with the girls. then leave and go home. Yet little do they realize their actions in a bar drunk will determine their fate when sober. Having a concealed weapon in a bar is plainly against the law, and no excuse. He was watching a fight that broke out in the bar. He wanted to take a video of it with his Cellular phone or camera. One of the bar workers told him not to photograph it. he didn't listen.

The young man pushed the camera out of the way. The Australian man got belligerent and pull out his knife......the rest is history which he will be shrugging in

his mind for quiet some time. And all for what?........He came to Thailand to have a good time.........one Thai dead, and one in jail for a long time..........some fun!

He came from a ROTARY meeting bringing his DISABLED friend home who was, while sitting in a wheelchair, beaten up recently !

Jeezzzzz Mr. Know it all do your homework !

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Last week on beach of Jomtien many of us witnessed 3 pseudo cops and Thai beat the crap out of young Thai guy sleeping it off on the beach. He offered no resistance, but kept it up for a good while, stomping his head, one holding arms while other beat torso, etc. I thought of taking video, and if I could have gotten my mates to accompany me, I would have. My naive sense of justice almost won out.

Given that Aussie seems interested in human betterment, it is understandable he might shoot video. Nowhere does it say he was at that bar or drunk, so all you slammers need to look at it. A 3" blade isn't all that big, it IS a pocket knife. Given the number of unprovoked assaults (such as this one) understandable that he might carry for more than cutting rope. You young pups may want to do a Chuck Norris, but older guys need tools. Like that old saying goes "Don't pick a fight with an old man. He'll just shoot you".

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The aussy must be crackers or can't hold his beer.

But, if one carries a knife one does so for a reason, and not to sharpen pencils on a night out....... alt=whistling.gif>

RIP young man......

Normally scared or just a Nutter. Some people do get in a lot of trouble with all day drinking. I cannot work out what a man of that age is doing carrying a blade

As you get really old it's the more reason to carry a weapon to protect yourself from the young punks on the street in any country. That doesn't make you a "nutter". The guy might have had three young Thai's ganging up on his as happens here all the time. He's got blood on him, don't jump to conclusions until you have more facts.

I can see that people may be scared and so carry one , I'm nearly 50, if I was that scared of what was out there late at night I wouldn't carry a knife , I just wouldn't go out. People used to and still do get mugged frequently where I come from in London but if you are falling all over the shop pissed at 2am its probably your own fault. Also by carrying a knife most mugging and attacks are not 1 on 1 and the attackers will go into self defense mode if you pull a blade out, so you are far more likely to get hurt yourself. He sounds like he was a frightened man and frightened people do stupid things

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The other Phuket paper--not sure if it can be linked here, so I won't do so--paints a very different story of what happened. The Australian had just attended a Rotary Club meeting and was returning from bringing a disabled Danish surfer home (there was another thread on that guy recently). He was walking by this pub, saw a fight, and pulled out his camera (according to him - not a handphone). The security guard ordered him to stop, and a beating quickly ensued. He says that a couple of Indian tourists helped extricate him and believes he would have been killed otherwise. Apparently, this guy has a good rep in Phuket as a generous and helpful person. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at this time (waiting for more evidence of course). Others should not be so fast to judgement.

This is about right...my ex was telling me this morning that she and friends saw this and basically she told me the same as you post...The guy is a known "Mr Niceguy" and this is an unfortunate situation for him to be in IMO..good luck to him..All you TV know-it-alls posting total crapola about him should wait until you hear the facts! bah.gif

Maybe you should ask your ex and her friends to go to the police and tell what they saw. I am sure there is no shortage of security guards who will make up any story in their dead colleagues defence. A potentially innocent mans life is at stake here.

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I don't buy the mr nice guy thing. Married 59 year old man should not be hanging around sleazy bars and after midnight. Furthermore no need to videotape the event. What's the benefit. And ultimately when asked to stop filming and move on he should have obliged. Nice guys don't carry knives on them. Wiseguys do. Criminal bikie gangs here in oz hold a fund raising children charity ride annually. That does not make them nice guys. In fact criminal element do try to portray a nice guy image by doing charitable work to conceal their criminal activities. I reckon he's a bad seed and placed himself in that situation.

And another one who cannot read; He was not hanging around in a sleazy bar, he was bringing his disabled friend home from a Rotary meeting.

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The aussy must be crackers or can't hold his beer.

But, if one carries a knife one does so for a reason, and not to sharpen pencils on a night out....... alt=whistling.gif>

RIP young man......

Normally scared or just a Nutter. Some people do get in a lot of trouble with all day drinking. I cannot work out what a man of that age is doing carrying a blade

As you get really old it's the more reason to carry a weapon to protect yourself from the young punks on the street in any country. That doesn't make you a "nutter". The guy might have had three young Thai's ganging up on his as happens here all the time. He's got blood on him, don't jump to conclusions until you have more facts.

So he was scared then , so I was right. I didn't say he was a nutter, I said he was 1 of the 2. Which is probably true for people who walk around tooled up

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BeforeTigers, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:02, said:

Oh, TV

Day and night this forum sounds off about what a violent hell hole Pattaya is.

Now this dude has a little blade on him and suddenly he's a pussy just for having it?

What's wrong with carrying a knife?

Knives aren't for fighting. Nobody would say they were. What do you think; he was videotaping a fight in public just so he could assault someone?

If I ever felt the need to carry a knife in Thailand for self protection or to be used in self defence...............then I'd also know it's time to leave.

"What's wrong with carrying a knife?

Knives aren't for fighting. Nobody would say they were."

Absolute claptrap! With that kind of attitude, no wonder there are so many stabbings and murders.

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he was the owner of a sail boat business! and was in thailand almost 10 years!

and NOW, he has found his new home, the prison on phuket island where he will live out the rest of his life!

IDIOT!!! been in Thailand 10 years, and he pulls out a knife and stabs someone to death!!!! LOSER!

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Where does it say he was intoxicated, or even drinking?

I carry a small pocket knife all the time and have done since I was 13 years old, not to stab people but because it is a useful tool. I would use it in self defence if I had to, you or them.....

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Errrr, Aussies are not generally aggressive people, especially when drunk.......

This must have been an exception.......

RIP, Sanya Khlueawaengmon.

Hope the man that killed you gets what he deserves.

Sorry Costas but unfortunately, you are incorrect.

I'm an Aussie and was in law enforcement for 30 years. I can tell you that the level of aggressiveness has been on the increase for the past twenty five years and becomes more violent when those involved are under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

This incident maybe an exception here but I can assure you it is getting to be the norm back home and is spreading across all age groups and involves both men and women.

I wish I could agree with you Costas, as it gives me no pleasure to see my country going through such a transition but unless governments there and world wide take a serious look into the problems then it is only going to get worse.

It's sad that a life has been wantonly wasted and if this person is responsible, hopefully he will feel the full wrath of the law..

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Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

What kind of enemy could you fight with a knife having so many Dan, or is it meant to scare opponents?

When a fight starts and rage flows no one is scared of anything anymore, they become beasts and a weapon is not meant to hurt but to kill.

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It's not illegal to film members of the public having a fight. Bet nightclub guy was trying to suppress bad PR footage.

Any bar owner you meet, anywhere, will ask people not to video or take photos. How often have I seen signs put up...to this effect? Especially, who wants bad publicity? My bet is that the owner/manager directed the security fellow to stop the video. Not the victims fault...probably following orders. Killed for doing his job.

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BeforeTigers, on 11 Mar 2015 - 13:02, said:

Oh, TV

Day and night this forum sounds off about what a violent hell hole Pattaya is.

Now this dude has a little blade on him and suddenly he's a pussy just for having it?

What's wrong with carrying a knife?

Knives aren't for fighting. Nobody would say they were. What do you think; he was videotaping a fight in public just so he could assault someone?

If I ever felt the need to carry a knife in Thailand for self protection or to be used in self defence...............then I'd also know it's time to leave.

Who said he was carrying the knife for self defence? Knives are tools and I find the one I carry quite usful and often have people borrow it for various reasons !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

as all the armchair detectives have all ready worked this one out

let me add something from outside the box

the security guard had the blade and the Aussie was a Vet that knew hand to hand combat

the gung ho cocky young Thai security guard told the Aussie to stop video recording as he was doing or about to do something illegal ie use the blade on the people already fighting.

He turned on the Aussie and a fight started.

The Aussie managed to get the blade as the Thai and he fell to the ground.

The Thai fell on his own blade.

Nice and neat self defense.

A digger twice the age of the security guard?

Thats what happened.

This has all the trappings of an eyewitness account. Whether first hand or from another, the person who can claim this is how events unfolded should be coming forward to save this man.

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