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Taxi Scammers - Hit Them Where It Hurts


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I find that taxi drivers who are moving, who pull over to pick you up, invariably use the meter.

The ones loitering outside hotels and nightclubs, rarely use the meter.

And that is true in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and, if I recall correctly, Manila.

You jut have to either walk up the street a bit, or stand on the outside of the two lanes of waiting touts....


Yes, never speak with a parked taxi or one that approaches you.

Yesterday a parasite taxi driver sees me with may bags and walks over. I politely said no thanks...he still persisted & wanted to try me on..."where you go?" I said, I DONT NEED A TAXI, in my best Clint Eastwood impression. That sent the scammer scurrying.

A moving taxi has been the standard for years but now in the hotel district, the honest taxies are fearful of stopping.

The street thugs/taxi drivers that pay the police to "own the Soi" will surround him and force the passenger out.

Report report report 1584 and take a cut from the corrupt police too!

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Wish I'd had this number over the last 3 weeks.

THREE TIMES -- Taxi Driver far exceeding the limit, driving dangerously fast.

The other day -- he was at 140KM/H in an 80KM?h freeway zone.

I kept looking over his shoulder to see how fast he was going -- and all he'd do is go faster.

My Thai Fiancee was scared and furious when she gave him the money -- he quickly drove away.


Just like everywhere in the world, change only takes place when it can involve an increase or a reduction in money.


Had similar occurrence last week 140kmh weaving in an out no signals, Wife told him slowdown made no difference took a photo of his id and called the centre............... just hope he gets some problem.

I dont use taxis often, only reason was I was going to pick up my wifes new car.

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I understand there are occasionally good excuses for refusing a fare, as your example of going to Chinatown.

What I'm talking about are the professional scammers, posing as taxies in the hotel district and tourist places.

These guys not only waste our time, they are out to ruin peoples holidays with their scams. That's what they do. They pay off the police to 'own the block.'

I stay on Suk Soi 20 usually.

Almost always, I have to walk all the way to Sukhumvit to get a ride, even though there are dozens of taxies. Screw them.

I don't just want to ding them for just 3,000Bt. I'd like to ruin them. That's why I posted the reporting number.

It must be you,on Soi 22 never had a problem,never.Most of them go down my side soi to pick up my pack and don't even put the meter on.

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And lets destroy the only tool we have to make a difference, by abusing it and idiotically bragging about it publicly.

I'm sorry, how is reporting a person that's stealing from you, that's exactly what they are doing, stealing, how is that "destroying the only tool we have to make a difference"???

I don't understand your logic

The OP isn't asking you to report honest taxi drivers, it's the dishonnest ones you report.

Think about itsmile.png

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I understand there are occasionally good excuses for refusing a fare, as your example of going to Chinatown.

What I'm talking about are the professional scammers, posing as taxies in the hotel district and tourist places.

These guys not only waste our time, they are out to ruin peoples holidays with their scams. That's what they do. They pay off the police to 'own the block.'

I stay on Suk Soi 20 usually.

Almost always, I have to walk all the way to Sukhumvit to get a ride, even though there are dozens of taxies. Screw them.

I don't just want to ding them for just 3,000Bt. I'd like to ruin them. That's why I posted the reporting number.

Stay classy baby

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