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Clinton trying to put emails to rest - and prepare for 2016


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It is far too early for polls. At this time in 2008 Hillary had a massive lead. Due to fawning by the Dems' own liberal press, a nobody named Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off.

Hillary has a lot of powerful enemies and Obama is just one. It's obvious that Valerie Jarrett is his hitman - for now. Obama and the Clintons have been enemies since the race in 2008. Obama hired Hillary as S. of State just to "keep his enemies closer" and to stop any possibility of her running against him in 2002.

Look at what's happening. The liberal NYT broke the email story. The AP is all over it and has been. It isn't going away.

Hillary has the personality of a bale of hay, a Rolodex full of powerful enemies, a mainstream press that hates her so bad they'll work tirelessly to keep her and slick Willy out of the White House.

Don't look at polls now. Hillary's support has never run deep as shown by Obama knocking her off when she was in this position in 2008.

She's a proven loser.

You just keep telling yourself that, all I see is a one horse race on one side and a queue for the glue factory on the other.


Speaking of ready for the glue factory, take another look at Hillary. w00t.gif

The Dem nominee will be someone who isn't on the radar yet just as Obama was. Don't forget that the loser Hillary was in the same position in 2008 but without the serious scandals, and a nobody named Obama got pumped up by the MSM who was determined to knock her off. She didn't have a chance. She's a loser.

The MSM is going to dump her and pump someone else.

Her limo is arriving and no one will be surprised to learn that it's a broom. whistling.gif

Edited by NeverSure
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Great attempt at wandering off the point, and a nice fib thrown in to boot!

AP are not suing her - they're suing the State Department.

The point I made is that the Jarrett story is just a fantasy spun by Fox News and no-one else.

Apart from that, the rest is simply more gossip and matters not a jot.

It seems from yesterday's Gallup Poll that this latest Scandal in a TeaCup is being given the importance it deserves by the voters.

Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money.



"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

I had to delete NeverSure to make this post which gets today off to a terrific start smile.png HRC sent me a TY card via email besides giggle.gif

Republicans running for prez are deleting themselves so the poster has little or nothing else to say except hey, you're a foreigner waa waa and you're raining on my party's parade which is small enough already. R's have to try anything they can to reduce the opposition given they can't win on the issues....which more significantly means voter repression throughout the United States itself.

When Romney finished his one term as governor of Massachusetts he not only sent all the emails to Mars, he destroyed all of the computers in the building (wrote a personal check to the State to cover the costs). Nobody cared.

I can't wait till some nerd snitch disillusioned staff kid in Congress reveals all the emails among Republicans scheming to get HRC, which is going to be a genuine circus of the Republicans running to hide from mice.....of mice and men in Congress. Gallup this week found a 50% national approval rating of HRC, waaay ahead of any R out there doing their idea of the same.

Speaking of, Chris Christie and his campaign people just held a bigwig meeting in Washington to figure out quo vadis cause expected Wall Street money isn't coming in, he's out of it in Iowa and New Hampshire, and the state went up in arms this week after finding out Christie settled a $9 billion pollution suit against Exxon for $225 million. Speaking of, the WSJ-NBC poll out this week found 57% of R voters said they would never support Christie for prez.


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She is corrupt and represents everything wrong with our politics. Lying is second nature to her and she really does believe the law doesn't apply to her.

She doesn't need your vote nor is she looking for it.

Thank you for your opinion anyway.

And don't forget to vote on election day in November 2016 cause it won't make any difference whatsoever.

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"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

"Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?"

Care to point out where I made any such suggestion?

I asked the simple question how Representative Gowdy's investigation could possibly affect you financially since you were complaining about the cost of the investigation.

Since you are a British citizen working in the Middle East, all by your own admission, and knowing that the Emirates do not collect taxes from expats, then the only logical assumption I can make about your taxes was that you must pay the UK IRS.

But then, since the UK doesn't tax their expats on overseas earnings if certain requirements are met, perhaps you don't pay taxes at all.

I don't know and don't really care, but my question remains...What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent?

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"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

"Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?"

Care to point out where I made any such suggestion?

I asked the simple question how Representative Gowdy's investigation could possibly affect you financially since you were complaining about the cost of the investigation.

Since you are a British citizen working in the Middle East, all by your own admission, and knowing that the Emirates do not collect taxes from expats, then the only logical assumption I can make about your taxes was that you must pay the UK IRS.

But then, since the UK doesn't tax their expats on overseas earnings if certain requirements are met, perhaps you don't pay taxes at all.

I don't know and don't really care, but my question remains...What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent?

Not only is the implication obvious, the question is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

I have a position against politicians squandering public money and that is all you need to worry about.


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If I might return to the OP and "pull a Chuck", the fake indignation may appear to lack sincerity once this rogue's gallery of Republican pretenders is exposed for using personal emails when they shouldn't have....

Jeb Bush

Rick Perry

Scott Walker

But the best bit is that when the Bush Jr. Whitehouse lost FIVE MILLION emails, it hardly created a murmur.

Nothing new there then.

Like I said, Scandal in a Teapot.

Added: I almost forgot Secretary Powell....

The emails he sent were all unclassified, mostly “benign,” he said, and probably not important even if they can be recovered.

If I might return to the OP and "pull a Chuck", the fake indignation may appear to lack sincerity once this rogue's gallery of Republican pretenders is exposed for using personal emails when they shouldn't have....

Jeb Bush

Rick Perry

Scott Walker

Just one question. How many of them have been either appointees or elected federal officials with access to federal state secrets or classified federal documents?

Yeah, none of the above is the correct answer.


"But the best bit is that when the Bush Jr. Whitehouse lost FIVE MILLION emails, it hardly created a murmur."

The "loss" of the emails was temporary in nature and marked up to an Archiving mistake. All of them were located and turned over to the appropriate agency.

We should be so lucky with the missing Clinton emails. Since they are being vetted by the Clinton legal team, a complete turnover is hardly to be expected.

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"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

"Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?"

Care to point out where I made any such suggestion?

I asked the simple question how Representative Gowdy's investigation could possibly affect you financially since you were complaining about the cost of the investigation.

Since you are a British citizen working in the Middle East, all by your own admission, and knowing that the Emirates do not collect taxes from expats, then the only logical assumption I can make about your taxes was that you must pay the UK IRS.

But then, since the UK doesn't tax their expats on overseas earnings if certain requirements are met, perhaps you don't pay taxes at all.

I don't know and don't really care, but my question remains...What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent?

Not only is the implication obvious, the question is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

I have a position against politicians squandering public money and that is all you need to worry about.



Over and out.

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Just to be clear, you do not have to be an American to post in this topic.

Clearly, you don't even have to be intelligent to post here!

(No emoticon for being facetious, sorry).

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Just to be clear, you do not have to be an American to post in this topic.

Clearly, you don't even have to be intelligent to post here!

(No emoticon for being facetious, sorry).

Just to be clear, you don't have to divulge your tax details either, right?


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"Still, no doubt Head Witch Hunter and Kangaroo Court Chief Justice Gowdy will keep trying to justify squandering public money."

Your tax money goes to the Inland Revenue Service of the UK, not the Internal Revenue Service of the US.

What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent? It doesn't cost you one halala either way.

And how do you know where my tax money goes Chuck?


Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?

"Stop with the puerile "You're not American so you can't have an opinion" rubbish eh?"

Care to point out where I made any such suggestion?

I asked the simple question how Representative Gowdy's investigation could possibly affect you financially since you were complaining about the cost of the investigation.

Since you are a British citizen working in the Middle East, all by your own admission, and knowing that the Emirates do not collect taxes from expats, then the only logical assumption I can make about your taxes was that you must pay the UK IRS.

But then, since the UK doesn't tax their expats on overseas earnings if certain requirements are met, perhaps you don't pay taxes at all.

I don't know and don't really care, but my question remains...What difference does it make to you who spends US tax money and how it is spent?

Sit down and stow it.

You are sitting down already? Well good.

Now stow it.

If you don't have a Form 2555 I'll send one over. Along with the IRS Publication 54.

Electronically of course via email.

Compliments of Lois Lerner. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you.

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Sit down and stow it.

You are sitting down already? Well good.

Now stow it.

If you don't have a Form 2555 I'll send one over. Along with the IRS Publication 54.

Electronically of course via email.

Compliments of Lois Lerner. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you.

Your post is idiotic.

Just for the record I have been briefing new expat employees in the Middle East since 1975 on the Section 911 Exclusion.

I hardly need lessons from a wannabe lawyer.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Sit down and stow it.

You are sitting down already? Well good.

Now stow it.

If you don't have a Form 2555 I'll send one over. Along with the IRS Publication 54.

Electronically of course via email.

Compliments of Lois Lerner. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you.

Your post is idiotic.

Just for the record I have been briefing new expat employees in the Middle East since 1975 on the Section 911 Exclusion.

I hardly need lessons from a wannabe lawyer.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

It appears you missed the punchline, so I'll just post it again for you.

"Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you. "

Or to put it another way, it's really not up to you to decide who posts here or why. Can we please now get back onto the topic of the latest fake Republican scandal that hasn't done Clinton's numbers any harm whatsoever?

I get the feeling people are getting all scandal'ed out.


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Since a bunch of republicans are now also being dragged into this with their emails the conservatives are 'walking it back' and now the headline is:

"Muslim Brotherhood Using Hillary's Email Account."

This is silly stuff. Surprised the conservatives are posting links to all these goofy websites. Really goes to show the mindset of some people. That's their approach to winning the US Presidential election? Sad.

... ding dong ding dong ding dong

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Sit down and stow it.

You are sitting down already? Well good.

Now stow it.

If you don't have a Form 2555 I'll send one over. Along with the IRS Publication 54.

Electronically of course via email.

Compliments of Lois Lerner. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you.

Your post is idiotic.

Just for the record I have been briefing new expat employees in the Middle East since 1975 on the Section 911 Exclusion.

I hardly need lessons from a wannabe lawyer.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

It appears you missed the punchline, so I'll just post it again for you.

"Next thing we'll be hearing not to discuss the Israeli election results unless we pay taxes there and unless Republicans in Congress issue a specific invitation pre-cleared by you. "

Or to put it another way, it's really not up to you to decide who posts here or why. Can we please now get back onto the topic of the latest fake Republican scandal that hasn't done Clinton's numbers any harm whatsoever?

I get the feeling people are getting all scandal'ed out.


Indeed, Republicans have been entirely negative and in attack mode only, with nothing to offer the electorate which is why they've become irrelevant to people's everyday lives and why they are losing voters among the age 18-34 group but even more broadly among the 18-45 group.

HRC had ignored this email put-up because she had already dismissed the Republican Scandal Machine which has been clunking and sputtering along since the bogus Whitewater nothingness. HRC is in sync with the decisive majority of the population that all this scandal stuff is partisan Republican grandstanding, expensive partisan grandstanding and nothing more.

Even before the current "Spamghazi" nonsense the Clintons had been cleared in four separate Republican conducted investigations involving special counsels that had totaled $80 million of spent taxpayer funds to produce nothing, to include the impeachment that failed miserably in the Senate.

Nothing came of eyeballing the Whitewater mountain resort development in Arkansas despite years of Republican hollering, screaming and waving papers in the air. R's spent $40 million alone throughout the 8 years of Bill's presidency on the Big Republican Whitewater Put-on. It's $46 million counting the separate DoJ investigation before the Republican House appointed its own grand inquisitor.

There's no reason to make a longer drawn out post about the bogus scandals against the Clintons that the Republicans have invented in their Frankenstein labs on Capitol Hill. The $80 million of taxpayer funds on nothing says more than enough about the Republican's bogus investigations, which now brings all of us to the present Spamghazi one.

HRC knows the vast majority of Americans are fed up with Republican party invented scandals that go nowhere while sucking up taxpayer funds and ignoring the issues Americans care about, such as health and medical care, education, immigration, the economy, jobs, homeland security, ISIL, the environment, green energy, climate change etc etc. The younger generations especially want their government to accept these issues and to be responsive and forward acting on them.

Noisy, long, Republican invented and unproductive investigations take government in directions opposite the needs and priorities of the voters. HRC knows this already which is why she continues to be in good standing with the vast number of the electorate. The substantial minority who strongly disapprove of her will crawl over broken glass to vote against her but everyone knows that will not be anywhere near enough to elect a Republican.

HRC will likely go before this House Permanent Committee On The Status Of Hillary (its de facto name) to testify. As long as she comports herself with dignity every day over the next 12+ months the absurdity and the partisan nature of the Spamghazi inquisition will be clear. The Republicans plan to campaign for president next year by conducting an ongoing congressional investigation of HRC, which is exactly what the public is sick and tired of, to include a large swathe of suburban Republican women in the big metro areas across the country who are eager for a gender change at 1600.

The R party ongoing congressional inquisition strategy to win an election of a president is a guaranteed loser. HRC the Yale lawyer known in Arkansas courtrooms as "Ms. Death" to opposing counsel simply needs to respond to and answer questions as if she were a Supreme Court nominee. The rest will take care of itself.

Edited by Publicus
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