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Prayuth offers to ban himself from post-coup senate


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Prayuth Offers to Ban Himself From Post-Coup Senate
By Khaosod English

Junta chairman and Prime Minister Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha on 10 March 2015.

BANGKOK — In an effort to assure the public that he will not hold onto power after the next election, junta chairman and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has instructed the drafters of the new charter to ban him from serving in the senate.

In a meeting between the junta and its appointed governing bodies yesterday, Gen. Prayuth said he was troubled by accusations that he wants to "perpetuate" his power into the new civilian government.

"It's not true," Gen. Prayuth said, "I want everyone to complete their duties quickly, so that we can erase this allegation about perpetuating our power."

The general then suggested that the new constitution specifically ban him from becoming a senator in the government that will take charge after the next election.

"In the provision about the senate, write my name in there and say I won't serve in the senate," Gen. Prayuth said.

According to the draft of the new charter, the senate will be a fully-appointed body, instead of the half-appointed, half-elected body it was under the 2007 constitution. Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats.

Accusations that the junta was seeking to retain its grip the next election mounted after a proposal to ban its members from political office for two years was swiftly shot down by top officials in the military government. Under the interim charter, only members of the Constitutional Drafting Committee will be subjected to the two year ban.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1426144925&section=11&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-12

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OK but it would be preferable if he were to ban himself from any political position, that is MP or senator.

But then I suppose if he does want in the future to stand for parliament then he would have the same right as any other eligible citizen.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats."

So half will be selected by a council of experts. The rest will be corrupt former politicians and military commanders. Who exactly chooses the puppets that will come from this pool? The Dear leader Gen. Prayuth???

So the self appointed leader won't be PM but he will choose the PM and the Senate.

It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.

If you are soooooo scared, why don't you make provisions of returning to your old country?

Plenty of time for you to plan.

In fact I am saddened that he doesn't want to be included in the next senate, but this is his prerogative.

Good men, like him are scarce to appear on the political scene of Thailand.

I'm not personally scared Costas, just for the future of this country. Doesn't surprise me that you call him a good man from reading all your previous troll posts.

But as you bought up going home, I reckon I would have more fun returning to my home country compared to your basket case excuse for one.

Oh, I see what you did there PB - wow, I'll be chuckling about that one for days....oh wait, i feel another guffaw coming.....heh.......ok its gone...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats."

So half will be selected by a council of experts. The rest will be corrupt former politicians and military commanders. Who exactly chooses the puppets that will come from this pool? The Dear leader Gen. Prayuth???

So the self appointed leader won't be PM but he will choose the PM and the Senate.

It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.

If you are soooooo scared, why don't you make provisions of returning to your old country?

Plenty of time for you to plan.

In fact I am saddened that he doesn't want to be included in the next senate, but this is his prerogative.

Good men, like him are scarce to appear on the political scene of Thailand.

I'm not personally scared Costas, just for the future of this country. Doesn't surprise me that you call him a good man from reading all your previous troll posts.

But as you bought up going home, I reckon I would have more fun returning to my home country compared to your basket case excuse for one.

Oh, I see what you did there PB - wow, I'll be chuckling about that one for days....oh wait, i feel another guffaw coming.....heh.......ok its gone...

I think you guys are just plane childish. Both sould go to bed and take your meds.

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Our friend Prayuth was angling for a seat on the P Council .... but the daily verbal diarrhoea and lamentable lack of diplomacy has scuppered that avenue.

He will have to settle for being the PM again - he's allowed to change his mind as often as he feels like.

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"Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats."

So half will be selected by a council of experts. The rest will be corrupt former politicians and military commanders. Who exactly chooses the puppets that will come from this pool? The Dear leader Gen. Prayuth???

So the self appointed leader won't be PM but he will choose the PM and the Senate.

It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.

If you are soooooo scared, why don't you make provisions of returning to your old country?

Plenty of time for you to plan.

In fact I am saddened that he doesn't want to be included in the next senate, but this is his prerogative.

Good men, like him are scarce to appear on the political scene of Thailand.

When the time comes you will be the one leaving. May I suggest a trip to Syria.

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"Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats."

So half will be selected by a council of experts. The rest will be corrupt former politicians and military commanders. Who exactly chooses the puppets that will come from this pool? The Dear leader Gen. Prayuth???

So the self appointed leader won't be PM but he will choose the PM and the Senate.

It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.

If you are soooooo scared, why don't you make provisions of returning to your old country?

Plenty of time for you to plan.

In fact I am saddened that he doesn't want to be included in the next senate, but this is his prerogative.

Good men, like him are scarce to appear on the political scene of Thailand.

Always the same old rubbish that comes lately out from Costas. Their is nothing of a shortage from the Dear general, they have thousands of other generals lined up to fill up the vacuum.

If someone does a coup don't mix this up with a political scenes, Costas.

If their would be election next month PTP or whats left off would make a deal with the other small parties and the Democrats and Generals are out again until they once again go for a coup. This has been done for the last 70 years in Thailand.

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'According to the draft of the new charter, the senate will be a fully-appointed body, instead of the half-appointed, half-elected body it was under the 2007 constitution. Half of the senators will chosen by a council of "experts," while the others will be selected from a pool of former Prime Ministers, commanders of the armed forces, and other high-ranking bureaucrats.

Accusations that the junta was seeking to retain its grip the next election mounted after a proposal to ban its members from political office for two years was swiftly shot down by top officials in the military government. Under the interim charter, only members of the Constitutional Drafting Committee will be subjected to the two year ban.'

I feel another coup coming on in say three years?????The boys at the Constitutional Drafting Committee should be prepared for another gig?

Look I know this is not my country, but if such a proposal was being drafted to be put in the constitution, there would be mass rallies and attempts to stop such a proposal. If the senate is used to get laws of the land thru, and the state’s judicial process has no legs, What will the party do that was "democratically elected" to run the country can't.

Thaksin was a rogue; but his apple has fallen from a tree that has cultivated many of the modern day Thai politician/military/government type.

An action into law that is going to propagate a myth is dangerous. I don't know what the outcome may be, but a suppressed group of people could become ugly when they feel as though they are trapped by the actions of a few.

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What sort of tin pot proposed constitution is this.? How on earth can individual names be formally written into it, as a person not wishing to be appointed or not being eligible.?

This guy is incredible!. All he has to do is simply refuse to be appointed at the appropriate time.(Maybe he is concerned he won't be offered a post!) Otherwise, the constitution could name loads of people who don't want to be considered for appointment. What about the mayor of Pattaya, or any other Thai for instance. If I were Thai I think I would write in and ask for my name to be included as not wishing to be selected. After all, it's a democracy isn't it.

By the way, I'm with those who note he has not ruled himself out as PM.

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He took power from an elected government. He should not have the option to stay on in any capacity. His offer should be taken at once.

Correction. You mean he took power from a Vote-buying government,....

nah, not really/ http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

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Prayut would do better to appoint himself to the board of directors for each of the State Enteprises or the supreme state enterprise board where he stands to make bt4+ million per year. When added to his military and PM retirement benefits, and whatever existing corporate BOD's that he already serves on, he can boost his annual income to bt.10 million. He may not run Thailand's economy very well, but he knows how to take care of his household.

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He took power from an elected government. He should not have the option to stay on in any capacity. His offer should be taken at once.

Correction. You mean he took power from a Vote-buying government,....

nah, not really/ http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

Nice article. Even if there was vote buying, a coup shows nothing more than a total failure of governence. Unlawful acts are for the courts, not an army.

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Why would anyone believe a single word this guy says? Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.

He said there would be no coup, his actions said otherwise.

He said he didn't want to be Prime Minister, his actions said otherwise.

Only time will tell how true he is to his word but going by his previous record I wouldn't take anything he says at face value. All mouth and no action apart from suppressing dissent of all kinds.

Edited by MW72
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Wow, so many people on this forum do not seem to like or trust this PM.

Did all of you trust the last PM, and her brother as well when he was the PM?

I know that a lot of Red shirt supporters seem to be on this forum, just

from reading all the comments, since Ms. Yingluck and her bunch were finally

tossed from power. What I do not get is how so many of you feel that the

coup was not necessary! Do all of you wished that the situation would

keep on going until there was a full civil war, before it got stopped by the

coup. Look what is going on in Syria, protest getting out of control, country

going out of control, and now 5 years of civil war, and so much of Syria

bombed beyond belief. Look at Libya, and those other countries where

the peaceful situation has gone bye bye, and replaced by the war in Libya as well.

Maybe Thailand is not a perfect country where the civilians have gotten

a perfect democratic government, but it is sure a lot better off than some

parts of the world.

Just my 2 cents worth on this subject.

I just hope that the Thailand Baht is more like 30 baht to the Canadian dollar by next Winter.

Then I will believe that the Thai currency is not being jacked up for what ever

reason it is now.

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