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South Korean tourist knocked out by taxi motorcyclist

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Looks from the posts above that now TV members support taxi bike thugs. Is that only because it wasn't a Westerner who got knocked out?

200 Baht for a taxi bike ride? Did he come from Bangkok?

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200 Baht for a motorcycle taxi ? .... I wouldn't pay it either.


Then you'd get knocked out, simple!!


this was a simple business transaction in that the korean wanted to purchase some trouble, he did that successfully and was treated appropriately by the taxi driver. i stand squarely behind the drivers actions, they were in order in the circumstances


he was a big guy but the bigger you are the harder you fall a drunk guy may look and sound aggresive but most are slow and easy target when pissed and the helmet [proberly no good now as well


Commonly we all react and respond by way of what is read in the original post.

If what evolved and everything that transpired was by way of a guy being drunk and acting stupid and belligerent .....then he gets what he deserves.

Meantime...because this is Thailand the altercation could very well be because he was tired of being ripped off and taken advantage of, relative to a 200 baht moto taxi driver charge and refused to pay that much.

Happens all the time while many such incidents and altercations have previously been posted on Thai Visa concerning how a tourist or tourists...drunk or sober...realizes they are been cheated and then stand their ground and refuse to pay that much ....while we all know what usually ( as in, most of the time ) happens.

90 % of the time there is more to it than we really know.

Once again...if, by way of what is posted being true ( the whole truth and nothing but the truth) ...then the guy deserves to be dealt with if he is going about drinking and eating and getting good and drunk and then turns belligerent and refuses to pay his bills ( assuming they are not grossly over padded as often happens with drunken clients being taken advantage of )


I've seen more than one Thai get the s*** kicked out of him by a foreigner -- and rightfully so. Not all Thais just sit around minding their own business just as not all foreigners go around causing trouble. When a Thai gets his ass kicked by a foreigner quite often it's because the Thai has it coming.

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There is this disturbing glee which Thaivisa writers seem to take reporting stories about violence that happens to foreigners, but when foreigners inflict violence on Thais there seems to be this assumption -- at least it seems to be written that way -- that it's all the foreigner's fault.

Either way, there is the suggestion that whatever happens must be due to something the foreigner (man or woman) did and not the other way round. Whether it's about motorcyclists or bar tabs, Thaivisa seems to presume guilt on the part of foreigners and innocence on the part of Thais.

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Looks from the posts above that now TV members support taxi bike thugs. Is that only because it wasn't a Westerner who got knocked out?

200 Baht for a taxi bike ride? Did he come from Bangkok?

So you defend the Korean who ran off without paying his bar bill, then attacked a taxi driver with a bike helmet which wasn't his and tried to kick him??? Sounds like you're just another Thai hater . And maybe he wanted to travel far have you ever thought of that or was the chance to Thai bash just too great?

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Never thought I'd hear myself saying something like this, but I'm with the driver in this case. The Korean was acting belligeratly and was clearly looking for trouble. The fact that he could barely stand up on two legs, probably didn't help his chances.

Doesn't seem like the kind of tourist we desperately want to come back next year. And yet, my money says that he probably will. sad.png


Commonly we all react and respond by way of what is read in the original post.

If what evolved and everything that transpired was by way of a guy being drunk and acting stupid and belligerent .....then he gets what he deserves.

Meantime...because this is Thailand the altercation could very well be because he was tired of being ripped off and taken advantage of, relative to a 200 baht moto taxi driver charge and refused to pay that much.

Happens all the time while many such incidents and altercations have previously been posted on Thai Visa concerning how a tourist or tourists...drunk or sober...realizes they are been cheated and then stand their ground and refuse to pay that much ....while we all know what usually ( as in, most of the time ) happens.

90 % of the time there is more to it than we really know.

Once again...if, by way of what is posted being true ( the whole truth and nothing but the truth) ...then the guy deserves to be dealt with if he is going about drinking and eating and getting good and drunk and then turns belligerent and refuses to pay his bills ( assuming they are not grossly over padded as often happens with drunken clients being taken advantage of )


I've seen more than one Thai get the s*** kicked out of him by a foreigner -- and rightfully so. Not all Thais just sit around minding their own business just as not all foreigners go around causing trouble. When a Thai gets his ass kicked by a foreigner quite often it's because the Thai has it coming.

Yes...so have I.

Once on Pat Pong road 2 young foreigner guys came tumbling out of the entrance of one of the upstairs rip off bars with 5 Thai guys attempting to beat on the 2 of them.

The one young kid took on 3 Thai guys and quickly laid his fists and boots on them, good and hard and they backed off fast.

Meantime, off to the left and on the side walk his buddy was taking a beating by 2 of the other Thais.

The 1 guy was pumped and ready to fight and ran over and saved his friend that was beginning to go down with the 2 Thai guys getting the better of him...until his buddy was there and literally yanked off one Thai guy by the hair and then put the boots and fists to the other guy in short order while those 2 Thai guys backed off also.

Then the 1 kid stood there confronting them all saying: "Bring it on...Bring it on man".... while his buddy was saying: "Lets get out of here".

The one guy wanted to stay and fight them all but his friend was pulling him away.

This all happened 10 feet in front of me as I was just about to walk past the entrance of the upstairs rip off bar and had to stop and back off a little or I would have been in the middle of the altercation........while the timing was perfect...relative to the entertainment I was just about to witness.

The 2 young foreigner guys soon left and went around the corner and I caught up with them and told them to be careful as all too often it can turn really violent, really fast.

Turns out they were US military personal stationed in Okinawa and came to Thailand for their 1 week big adventure vacation.

Anyhow, I enjoyed seeing those Rip Off Bar Jerks taking a beating.



That's quite a punch - wouldn't look out of place in a world title fight!

I guess the lesson here is never mess with a motorbike taxi driver in Thailand.

Or better yet, pay your bills promptly wink.png


usual half a story bullshit, showing the Thgais not at fault. There is no way any bar in Banglamung would allow a patron to leave without paying a 1500 baht bill. Any Thai who says so is a liar.

What probably happened is the guy was given a phony bill and refused to pay and then tried to leave, the cashiers boyfriend arrived and jumped in.

This happens all the time in pattaya.


It seems that death, violence and trauma are springboards for some readers to condone, make jokes and otherwise feed on the misery of others.,


Troll and off topic posts removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Got plenty of Koreans here in Temple Town and many of them come across as very aggressive. Of course all the men learned Taekwando as part of their military service but they do not realize that any serious street scrapper will take them down in a heartbeat. As this guy learned....

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Was this guy victimized by another violence-prone thai, or was alcohol+attitude responsible? 'Have myself used motorbike taxis more than I'd like to admit. But I always negotiate the fare openly beforehand - not always for the amount I would've thought was fair - and have never had a problem at the other end.

But three minutes unconscious?? Not sure this level of violence is a reasonable response to a refusal to pay a 200B fare (esp. as opposed to whatever the S. Korean thought he should pay).

It was a resonable response to a drunken attacker.

I am surprised that all the rest of the taxi riders did not kick the Korean lying on the floor. Now that would have been unreasonable.

And the Korean went and paid up next day when he was sober.

True. The S. Korean was technically the "attacker". Not much of an "attack" though. Tossed his helmet at the driver (sort of), raised a leg, raised an arm, finally got hit... Thai had an easy shot & simply took it. 'Not what I'd call a "beating". 'Gotta admit; the S. Korean was pretty much asking for it, and alcohol obviously a major factor ('maybe even had as much to do with the 3mins unconscious as the blow).


Korean knocked-out in fight with Motorbike Taxi Driver in Central Pattaya


PATTAYA:-- A video has been shared and viewed many times on various social media channels recently which appears to show a Motorbike Taxi Driver punch a Korean tourist and render him unconscious.

The video was known to have been taken by someone at the Ann Bar, located at the front of Soi 5 on Pattaya Second Road in the early hours of Thursday.

Read More: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/176227/korean-knocked-out-in-fight-with-motorbike-taxi-driver-in-central-pattaya/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PattayaOneNews+%28Pattaya+One+News%29

-- Pattaya One 2015-03-14


More off topic posts removed, can we not digress into shootings in Australia and over priced belts from street vendors, thank you.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


It seems that death, violence and trauma are springboards for some readers to condone, make jokes and otherwise feed on the misery of others.,

It's what makes us human, nothing raises the spirits so much as seeing a fellow human being in worse trouble than yourself, remember,good friends stab you from the front.


Commonly we all react and respond by way of what is read in the original post.

If what evolved and everything that transpired was by way of a guy being drunk and acting stupid and belligerent .....then he gets what he deserves.

Meantime...because this is Thailand the altercation could very well be because he was tired of being ripped off and taken advantage of, relative to a 200 baht moto taxi driver charge and refused to pay that much.

Happens all the time while many such incidents and altercations have previously been posted on Thai Visa concerning how a tourist or tourists...drunk or sober...realizes they are been cheated and then stand their ground and refuse to pay that much ....while we all know what usually ( as in, most of the time ) happens.

90 % of the time there is more to it than we really know.

Once again...if, by way of what is posted being true ( the whole truth and nothing but the truth) ...then the guy deserves to be dealt with if he is going about drinking and eating and getting good and drunk and then turns belligerent and refuses to pay his bills ( assuming they are not grossly over padded as often happens with drunken clients being taken advantage of )


I don't think we "all react and respond that way" at all. In fact, even if we are being ripped off we stand our ground, calmly and bargain the price down. Even if we get a bit upset it never escalates to this sort of level. At least sensible people like me do.

This is way, way too much. I may have been ripped off before, but I would never start using violence against someone - I bargain down to the minimum amount possible, pay that and move on. Violence is never acceptable in any situation.

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