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Prayut says US disallows him to travel to the states

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With regards to USA military in various parts of the world they are invited there are there for strategic purposes. You would also be surprised at how many US ships and aircraft come to Thailand now. Sriracha has a major ship repair facility that repairs US Navy Logistics Ships. Don't you believe for one minute that there is real animosity between the USA and Thailand. They are in the back room giving each other hugs. This kind of retrotic goes on with ever coup or other major disagreement. Several years ago Los Angeles was the second largest Thai city in the world.

It has been noted that the US Special Forces including the Navy Seals have an average of 118 operations going through the world every day. Many of these are attempts to rescue hostages one was to take out Bin Laden.

Notice how successful successful the retaking of Tikrit has been in the last few days. The Kurds, local Sunnis and many others are involved.

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Good so. Dictators must be banned in the free part of the world. Same measures are applied to the Russian aristocraty now, because they started the war in Ukraine.

Didn't Putin go to the G 20.Pollies are hypocrites.


Good so. Dictators must be banned in the free part of the world. Same measures are applied to the Russian aristocraty now, because they started the war in Ukraine.

Didn't Putin go to the G 20.Pollies are hypocrites.

why are some naming sputin as an example?

1:sputin for all the shit he's pulling, DIDNT come to power by a military coup


2:as the Ukraine is an INTERNATIONAL problem, they need to keep the lines open.

i dont follow world politics nor care for those involved but even i know the above


ok I give up .. why cant he travel to the USA?


Yes, seriously LuckyLew, do you really have to ask that question ?

Regardless what some of the anti government, red supporting, pro-Shin regime fans on this site say, the USA only backs, bankrolls and supports coups that they consider furthers their needs, as they have done in the past, many times..........quite often.........all over the world.........quite openly............ etc etc etc

This latest coup in Thailand does not suit the USA so Prayut is off the Christmas card list. clap2.gif

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The Dumb tunnel vision Yanks have no idea as usual.

The Coupe was the best thing that happened here and it has gone very smoothly.

The good PM is doing a great job in a very difficult cultural environment.

The USA it seems cannot weigh up the fact that Thailand is at last being 'cleaned' up of the corruption and much more.

But it seems the USA prefer an elected corrupt government to an honest one!

What planet are you on??

His job as chief of the army was to stop the fighting, not intervene and take over!

If the Army had done their job we would still have a democratically elected government.

The only reason it is not so violent now is because the army are now doing what they should

have done for Yingluck..............protected and stopped the violence.

No,no,no,you have got it completely wrong.It is the police's job to stop the public from harming each other.When they are seen as not interested,incapable and even taking sides that's when the army steps in to stop an impending civil war.Thailand is betterplace for it.

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The Dumb tunnel vision Yanks have no idea as usual.

The Coupe was the best thing that happened here and it has gone very smoothly.

The good PM is doing a great job in a very difficult cultural environment.

The USA it seems cannot weigh up the fact that Thailand is at last being 'cleaned' up of the corruption and much more.

But it seems the USA prefer an elected corrupt government to an honest one!

What planet are you on??

His job as chief of the army was to stop the fighting, not intervene and take over!

If the Army had done their job we would still have a democratically elected government.

The only reason it is not so violent now is because the army are now doing what they should

have done for Yingluck..............protected and stopped the violence.

bs 101 !


I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

"It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption"

Birds of a feather?

The US is so busy promoting false democracy, they cannot see the forest beyond the trees. It is what you call broken foreign policy. Prayuth is not a despot. Yet, the US has relations with many despots. They are opening alot of doors that should not be walked through. Arming Ukraine? Banning Thai officials from visiting? Where is the wisdom? I do not need to be lectured to about this being a military govt. So is the US, to some extent, it is just called a democracy.


coffee1.gif American forces are all over the globe and even in unlikely places like the UK, trying to help the world stop tyrants. Why are US Marines in Australia? Detractors from all over are against the only country sacrificing their riches and military lives for people who hate us. Is that you?bah.gif Why do posters sit around and make up garbage to take cheap shots at America?

5555,there is one reason and one reason only the USA is in any country,to further their own interests.


Fat haggis: what was that about IRAQ being a terrorist organization?

It was a typo when I used predictive texting ? had you read the other member highlighting this error I said then it's a typo, I could actually expand and say that prior to 2003 Iraq was considered part of the axis of evil in that they sponsored stated terrorism against the west, not a terrorist organisation per say but a terrorist sponsoring state, if you believed in the axis of evil that is ?


I find this very interesting. The PM of Thailand has been disallowed from going to the USA, while it allows an convicted criminal on the run from the law to go. The American law, as I understand it will not allow a visa to anyone that has been convicted in a court of law. It still allowed Thakisin Shinitawatra to travel to the US after he was convicted by the court for corruption, while his Brother-in-Law, was PM.

I believe the US realized that the conviction was politically motivated. The courts have delivered multiple coups in the past decade.

Do you remember when Samak got thrown out for hosting a cooking show? Those Thai courts are a hoot.

The current PM is a criminal and should be rightly barred from U.S. travel.

Thaksin was convicted by a court and jumped bail. He faces 15 more serious criminal charges. Sure, all politically motivated or just honest little mistakes wink.png. He was very very lucky to get away with asset concealment thanks to a judge who thought he was guilty but deserved a chance as he was PM.

Samak Knew he shouldn't do the cooking show for payment, but chose to lie about it. Something odd about Thaksin affiliates and lies.

The current PM has yet to be charged or convicted of any crime AFAIK - but of course your claim isn't remotely politically motivated.

The Shin clan claim that their persecuted totally innocent champions of the poor is unbelievable to anyone with a grain of common sense. And so is the claim that all their criminal activities are brought to justice through political motivation.

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cant go to Aussie either can he ?....for the same reason

true he is not recognised as a legitimate politician. He is an insignificant little man outside of Bangkok and the world has no time for him and it is his doing no one else's.

Chinese seem to like him and that's what counts these days.


It can be hard for Thai people to get visas to go overseas. Looks like it's no different for Prayuth!

Not to worry Gen Prayuth, you'd hate it - too much bread.

Oh, and those vampy females who lounge around at beach resorts - wearing bikinis. Too much temptation. They must be asking to be raped.

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coffee1.gif American forces are all over the globe and even in unlikely places like the UK, trying to help the world stop tyrants. Why are US Marines in Australia? Detractors from all over are against the only country sacrificing their riches and military lives for people who hate us. Is that you?bah.gif Why do posters sit around and make up garbage to take cheap shots at America?

what absolute rubbish, the US forces aren't in Australia to protect the country, they are there to use Australia's training facilities and welcomed to do so. The Australian terain/climate resembles that of the middle east. What is this crap that they are the only ones sacrificing thier riches and military lives. If you looked outside your little world you may actually find out that it costs Australia also and aussies have also given up thier lives.

That sort of ignorance and belittling of others is what causes the US to cop flak from the rest of the world.


"he never had the idea to become or had a wish to become the prime minister"

good thinking if you lack education

but than, if you get to be a general, you can hijack the country and elect yourself


cant go to Aussie either can he ?....for the same reason

true he is not recognised as a legitimate politician. He is an insignificant little man outside of Bangkok and the world has no time for him and it is his doing no one else's.

Chinese seem to like him and that's what counts these days.

Good point. Chinese, when looking to gain raw materials or added influence in a little country (like Thailand), have no scruples about silly things like wanting to see democracy. If it doesn't translate to added money or control, the Chinese aren't interested.

In fairness, Prayut has been seen conversing with Japanese leaders lately. Perhaps to get an N plant built on Thailand's coast? How about next to Pattaya. Wouldn't need to turn on so many lights on Walking street at night, as people and buildings would be glowing.


The Secretary of State John Kerry should of kept his big mouth shut two months ago, claiming there was no justification in the over throw of the

last PM. .....Really?.......When for months the farmers have been yelling, "Where's our money" going from one government official to the next, demonstrations in Bangkok, Red shirts clashing with yellow/pink shirts,,,,,,it was time to put an end to it. Corruption was getting out of hand, people were getting frustrated. About

a dozen protesters were killed, hundreds injured. no end in sight. The time was right, and the General took charge. When the dust settled he began solving the problems the former PM ignored. Although he is a military man of some 36 + years, He came forth to the Thai people, told them what his plans were to improve things, every week he was on TV, even now after 10 months explaining his role as acting PM and what is expected to be done down the road when elections return to the country. I think he is doing the best he can based upon his skill as a Service man. He disbanded the Senators, some now up for impeachment,

Changed regulations, imposed martial Law until a new constitution is formulated, and approved by governmental authority he has appointed. He said he will step down when the new elections are held. I give him credit where it is deserved ..............blocking him from the US is a snobbish unjust act, and down the road some sort of reprisals will emerge. Obamabomb, is destroying every alley we have around the world, not solving problems, but creating more.

The chaos was allowed by the military. Why couldn't they keep the peace for the elected government like any normal democratic country? They stepped in because the chaos they allowed wasn't enough to kick out the government. The military's job in this country is to guard the interests of a narrow class of elites that have been raping this country for decades.

The army is normally used for external strife.What were the police doing,too busy collecting speeding tickets.the army waited and waited but the police were incompedant.I ask you this,where would the country be without the coup.I suggest a lot more civil unrest and dead.There would be no coming back from that.They stepped in at the right time and the cowards retreated into the shadows.5-10 years to sort this out.

  • Like 2

With regards to USA military in various parts of the world they are invited there are there for strategic purposes. You would also be surprised at how many US ships and aircraft come to Thailand now. Sriracha has a major ship repair facility that repairs US Navy Logistics Ships. Don't you believe for one minute that there is real animosity between the USA and Thailand. They are in the back room giving each other hugs. This kind of retrotic goes on with ever coup or other major disagreement. Several years ago Los Angeles was the second largest Thai city in the world.

It has been noted that the US Special Forces including the Navy Seals have an average of 118 operations going through the world every day. Many of these are attempts to rescue hostages one was to take out Bin Laden.

Notice how successful successful the retaking of Tikrit has been in the last few days. The Kurds, local Sunnis and many others are involved.

Wow ! You just invented the word 'retrotic' !!

Do you live in Pattaya ? is that what living in Pattaya does to people in the long run ?



coffee1.gif American forces are all over the globe and even in unlikely places like the UK, trying to help the world stop tyrants. Why are US Marines in Australia? Detractors from all over are against the only country sacrificing their riches and military lives for people who hate us. Is that you?bah.gif Why do posters sit around and make up garbage to take cheap shots at America?

what absolute rubbish, the US forces aren't in Australia to protect the country, they are there to use Australia's training facilities and welcomed to do so. The Australian terain/climate resembles that of the middle east. What is this crap that they are the only ones sacrificing thier riches and military lives. If you looked outside your little world you may actually find out that it costs Australia also and aussies have also given up thier lives.

That sort of ignorance and belittling of others is what causes the US to cop flak from the rest of the world.

Without access to American intelligence, spy satellites, military R&D and generosity, Australia (and NATO for that matter) would have little chance against aggression from a serious military power or modern terrorists.

Australian expenditure on military and security is peanuts compare to the US. Should things really go tits up with China and SEA, whose fleet do you think could protect Australia? The RAN ? How many carrier battle groups have you got, or nuclear subs, or long range missiles / bombers?

Australia's a great country with mostly, IME, really down to earth decent people. But it isn't and never will be a significant player on the world scene (apart from sports of course).


He's not even welcome in Thailand except for the sycophantic yellows. Stand in an open, fair election & he would get his arrogant, angry butt kicked by anyone Thaksin chose to front PTP.

troll bs !


The Secretary of State John Kerry should of kept his big mouth shut two months ago, claiming there was no justification in the over throw of the

last PM. .....Really?.......When for months the farmers have been yelling, "Where's our money" going from one government official to the next, demonstrations in Bangkok, Red shirts clashing with yellow/pink shirts,,,,,,it was time to put an end to it. Corruption was getting out of hand, people were getting frustrated. About

a dozen protesters were killed, hundreds injured. no end in sight. The time was right, and the General took charge. When the dust settled he began solving the problems the former PM ignored. Although he is a military man of some 36 + years, He came forth to the Thai people, told them what his plans were to improve things, every week he was on TV, even now after 10 months explaining his role as acting PM and what is expected to be done down the road when elections return to the country. I think he is doing the best he can based upon his skill as a Service man. He disbanded the Senators, some now up for impeachment,

Changed regulations, imposed martial Law until a new constitution is formulated, and approved by governmental authority he has appointed. He said he will step down when the new elections are held. I give him credit where it is deserved ..............blocking him from the US is a snobbish unjust act, and down the road some sort of reprisals will emerge. Obamabomb, is destroying every alley we have around the world, not solving problems, but creating more.

The chaos was allowed by the military. Why couldn't they keep the peace for the elected government like any normal democratic country? They stepped in because the chaos they allowed wasn't enough to kick out the government. The military's job in this country is to guard the interests of a narrow class of elites that have been raping this country for decades.

The army is normally used for external strife.What were the police doing,too busy collecting speeding tickets.the army waited and waited but the police were incompedant.I ask you this,where would the country be without the coup.I suggest a lot more civil unrest and dead.There would be no coming back from that.They stepped in at the right time and the cowards retreated into the shadows.5-10 years to sort this out.

Good question - the police were probably just following orders from their political masters at the time. Wasn't a police officer one of those caught on film applauding the murder of innocent children? Aren't some red shirt leaders also serving police officers?

Explains a lot. Remember Pol. Lt. Col Dr, Thaksin and Pol. Capt Dr, Chalerm are both former serving police officers who still hold their ranks.

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coffee1.gif American forces are all over the globe and even in unlikely places like the UK, trying to help the world stop tyrants. Why are US Marines in Australia? Detractors from all over are against the only country sacrificing their riches and military lives for people who hate us. Is that you?bah.gif Why do posters sit around and make up garbage to take cheap shots at America?

what absolute rubbish, the US forces aren't in Australia to protect the country, they are there to use Australia's training facilities and welcomed to do so. The Australian terain/climate resembles that of the middle east. What is this crap that they are the only ones sacrificing thier riches and military lives. If you looked outside your little world you may actually find out that it costs Australia also and aussies have also given up thier lives.

That sort of ignorance and belittling of others is what causes the US to cop flak from the rest of the world.

Without access to American intelligence, spy satellites, military R&D and generosity, Australia (and NATO for that matter) would have little chance against aggression from a serious military power or modern terrorists.

Australian expenditure on military and security is peanuts compare to the US. Should things really go tits up with China and SEA, whose fleet do you think could protect Australia? The RAN ? How many carrier battle groups have you got, or nuclear subs, or long range missiles / bombers?

Australia's a great country with mostly, IME, really down to earth decent people. But it isn't and never will be a significant player on the world scene (apart from sports of course).

Large land mass, few people. You need at least a population of 100m to be significant. Presently, it is just a farang dominated third world country.

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and with that wonderful gold diplomatic passport that he gave himself once he became the ruler of the world oh sorry only Thailand at the moment.


cant go to Aussie either can he ?....for the same reason

He's seems to be speaking for the Americans again. His assumption just because Obama ain't invited him. The billionaire Wall St. connected Thaksin, a convicted criminal fugitive with 15 outstanding criminal court cases got a visa ok on a private visit, unusual for America. And the former PM Ms. Yingluck was always dropping hints about a "White House invitation" that never came.

Who America invites, allows in and doesn't invite or prohibits is there business. Hypocrisy is up the them.

As for Aussie - why would he want to visit a piss pot country with an idiot PM?

Not nice. Aussie bashing now, given up on the Thais have we? It appears there is an obvious dislike of Aussies, may I ask why? Have you ever been there and what is your knowledge of the country? Also, why is the PM an idiot? Just asking?

Please tell me from where you originated but don't worry, I won't bag your country, it's PM or President, whichever is applicable

Not at all - many Aussie friends and think it's a great country with a lot going for it. But, it isn't and never will be a big player on the international scene. It's demographics and economics speak for itself.

Tony Abbott is a complete buffoon and most of my Australian acquaintances and friends thinks he's the worst and likely to be one term only. He seems to suck up to the US and UK/EU as if he wants to be in their gang and that will somehow enhance his credibility. If Australia has some kind of ambition to be America's assistant policeman in Asia they will fail.

I don't bash Thais per se or anyone else for the matter. But I do speak as I find. Many posters, of whatever nationality try to make a political point by constantly pointing out that Australia has banned members from the Junta. I'm expressing the opinion that it is probably of little, if any, consequence as members of the junta and their families probably aren't queuing up for Australian visas anyway.


Why do you even want to go?

I remember the poor soul who survived through the killing fields of the Khmer Rogue died on the streets of USA.

7 January 2015, two Islamist gunmen forced their way into and opened fire in the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve: staff cartoonists. Should people stop traveling to France because of this?

22 May 2013, Fusilier Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was hacked to death in Woolwich, England. Should people stop traveling to England because of this?

16 September 1994 in Cyprus, British Soldiers Allan Ford, Justin Fowler, and Geoffrey Pernell attacked, abducted, raped, and murdered Danish tour-guide Louise Jensen. Should people stop going to Cyprus because of this?

I don't know what country you are from, but I doubt there are many countries where someone has not met their end due to violence.

There seems to be no relationship to the PM being disallowed for US travel and the murder of the "Killing Fields" actor, Haing S Ngor, other than one fabricated or imagined for whatever agenda.

I can imagine all sorts of relationships and connections and they are limited only by my bias, prejudice and sinister thoughts. TVF affords a good opportunity to express whatever seeps out of my limited capacity brain.


Good so. Dictators must be banned in the free part of the world. Same measures are applied to the Russian aristocraty now, because they started the war in Ukraine.

Didn't Putin go to the G 20.Pollies are hypocrites.

why are some naming sputin as an example?

1:sputin for all the shit he's pulling, DIDNT come to power by a military coup


2:as the Ukraine is an INTERNATIONAL problem, they need to keep the lines open.

i dont follow world politics nor care for those involved but even i know the above

Yes very democratic Russian elections. If you know any Russians ask them their opinions.

Oppose Putin - get shot multiple times in the back. Works for him.

Your level of knowledge confirms what you write - you don't follow world events.


Reciprocal rights then ......... Obama's tea stops with Yingluck are a thing of the past then?

It is - once more again - the great american people and their official bunch of clowns in DC who make them look bloody ridiculous. See what democracy and freedom of speech brought to the US, particularly in places like Detroit giggle.gif


He's not even welcome in Thailand except for the sycophantic yellows. Stand in an open, fair election & he would get his arrogant, angry butt kicked by anyone Thaksin chose to front PTP.

troll bs !

Be fair though Mike - at least he freely admits Thaksin totally controls PTP and selects whoever they will use as his puppet PM. Better than those who still try to deny it.


How quickly we forget. Despite it's schizophenic, infantile governmental paralysis, I remain a devoted, loving and loyal citizen. The United States of America, with it's 239 year-young history, continues to experience the growing-up pains of adolescence. Thailand, currently has a military junta that came to governmental power, legitimately (in accordance with the current Thai Constitution), non-violently (by comparison), yet cannot be given the courteous recognition, and gesture of a diplomatic invitation.

The hilarity of it all, is that a former Thai Prime Minister, currently under criminal indictment for treason, etc., and classified as an internationally recognized fugitive from justice, can freely, and openly enter the U.S., with an apparent multiple-entry visa.

That same fugitive, during his PM tenure, publicly advocated the over-throw of the Thai Monarchy, when the Monarch himself, is a (demonstrated) lifetime loyal, and dedicated friend to the United States. Go figure, while considering the habitual flakey, and juvenile behavior of the U.S. American government of the people, by the people, and for the people,..........has definitely perished from the earth. "And I say to myself, what a wonderful world"coffee1.gif

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