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Prayut says US disallows him to travel to the states

Lite Beer

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I would guess he already took his kids to Disneyland so he has no reason to go to the USA anyway nowcheesy.gif

Methinks that Disneyland is where he got his inspiration for his master plan?

It's all fantasy and (not so) special effects, after all........

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ok I give up .. why cant he travel to the USA?


He CAN go. There is nothing stopping him. He was just being a little over dramatic in his interpretation of no dinner invitation from the white house

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Well I guess if its possible that the head of the Thai Government isn't to be allowed in we should perhaps view the ones that are welcomed with open arms.....The list of dictators is so long on Google I have just chosen a few

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea

Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan

Look Just Google, the list is so long, & I am talking about the present day list a lot of them Like Marcos etc supported for decades are gone----even against the USA wishes.

& you really do not want to go back into history or you will be finding guys like this being allowed in.

Adolf Hitler


Breckinridge Long was the US Secretary of State at the time Hitler was in power. While he gave Henry Ford permission to buy Nazi tanks, he purposely prevented Jewish refugees from entering the US (recommended read: The Voyage of The Damned). Also, Breckinridge and Roosevelt gave permission for a few US Companies to continue trading with Germany during the war– I.T.T.,General Motors, DuPont, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Davis Oil Co., and the Chase National Bank. Why? Because money and the stock market and not wanting to give these corporations a big sad.

Yes Thailand is such a big bad repressive dictatorship ---that's why we come on here everyday & write / Print just about anything we want to......................coffee1.gif

Thanks for a really informative, good post.

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More cheese with that whine?

He can whine as much as he likes.

The only thing I'm worried about if he starts disliking certain nationalities.

Then many people here will be in trouble.

Hope we never come to that.......but you never know....................

Costas, another lie of your lover......

The US does not extend invitation him to visit so its a lie that they disallow him.

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It may come as a surprise to find that other countries, or at least their newspapers, also have suggestions to make about the military takeover here.

While folk are getting their knickers in a twist about who the USA may or may not invite to their dinner table, there are a great many other countries which also have a view.

The latest UK "Guardian" has an interesting editorial, suggesting that the takeover hovers between farce and tragedy, reminiscent of Vichy France's "travail, famille, patri".

Certainly things whizzed along in the first weeks of the takeover, with a number of people with their fingers in the till being taken away, and the editorial commented on the farce of 'impeaching' a Prime Minister who was no longer in power, by an assembly who did not have the power to impeach.

To quote: " The tragedy, as this drifts on, is that Thailand is wasting time that it can ill afford. Its economy is faltering just when it most needs growth. The attempt to fix the country's political future should be abandoned. A return to democratic rule is overdue."

In the North, things do not seem to have changed. Regional airports are closed due to choking pollution and poor visibility: hospital admissions have gone up with respiratory and cardiac problems, most people are wearing facemasks: the police seem to be ineffectual in controlling motorists and motor cyclists, who break every rule there is. I won't even start on the abysmal Immigration offices the expat community has to tolerate.

Does the North have any representation in government?

Well no, no one except for those who are in the government has any representation - that is the nature of a junta government!

Given the fact that the north was, and still is the centre of the former (elected) governments power base, then I should imagine that the chances of them having any representation in the near future are very slim indeed.

That said, I had cause to call in to Chiang Rai Immigration office (which is about as far north as it gets) last week, and they were quick, efficient and very pleasant. In fact the only irritation was from the noise of aircraft landing and taking off from the adjacent airport, which was most definitely open!

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Why would he want to go to a civilized country when he is such an ultra right wing fundamentalist who does not welcome foreigners? I am glad he is banned, banned from Australia too and hopefully the rest of the world until that country starts to act like an adult rather than a petulant child.

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Wah wah wah. Call elections, hell run in them too, you're doing such a good job and 93.7% of the Thai people love you so get legitimate and stop whining.

I don't think that he cares less about it to be honest. He is not whining he is laughing at the US for acting like children who have had their ball taken away from them.

Why not get friendly with Asian nations (that understand) and kick America into touch.

How can a country that tortures people and holds them for a decade without trial be classed as civilised?

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Denigrate America as much as you like. Democracy flourishes in America.it is not a perfect country but anywhere you have such a vast area separating left and right the democratic process is most fervent. That'd why it can be argued that the US represents democracy more so than a country such as Norway or Holland where there is a greater consensus in ideologies. America is not perfect but they sure have the illustrious leaders measure.

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From all the Thais I talk with in Bangkok he is not liked at all but you have to give him credit for solving the muslim problem in the south. When I saw him on tv last summer and I read the english translation on how he was going to end the violence in the south by the end of the year (2014), I have to say I did not think he was being truthful or realistic...but If he has really ended the problems there he deserves a lot of credit. We should all give the General credit where credit is due and the USA should invite him to give a speech on how to end problems with the muslim people.

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The Secretary of State John Kerry should of kept his big mouth shut two months ago, claiming there was no justification in the over throw of the

last PM. .....Really?.......When for months the farmers have been yelling, "Where's our money" going from one government official to the next, demonstrations in Bangkok, Red shirts clashing with yellow/pink shirts,,,,,,it was time to put an end to it. Corruption was getting out of hand, people were getting frustrated. About

a dozen protesters were killed, hundreds injured. no end in sight. The time was right, and the General took charge. When the dust settled he began solving the problems the former PM ignored. Although he is a military man of some 36 + years, He came forth to the Thai people, told them what his plans were to improve things, every week he was on TV, even now after 10 months explaining his role as acting PM and what is expected to be done down the road when elections return to the country. I think he is doing the best he can based upon his skill as a Service man. He disbanded the Senators, some now up for impeachment,

Changed regulations, imposed martial Law until a new constitution is formulated, and approved by governmental authority he has appointed. He said he will step down when the new elections are held. I give him credit where it is deserved ..............blocking him from the US is a snobbish unjust act, and down the road some sort of reprisals will emerge. Obamabomb, is destroying every alley we have around the world, not solving problems, but creating more.

Blimey, you have bought the Junta line haven't you? Hook line and sinker!

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Not much democracy in the USA. Dems and Reps are only different in name. Corporations big business and Wall Street run the USA. Nearly all the senators are a joke.

Not much democracy in the USA. Dems and Reps are only different in name. Corporations big business, Wall Street and the NRA run the USA. Nearly all the senators are a joke.

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The Secretary of State John Kerry should of kept his big mouth shut two months ago, claiming there was no justification in the over throw of the

last PM. .....Really?.......When for months the farmers have been yelling, "Where's our money" going from one government official to the next, demonstrations in Bangkok, Red shirts clashing with yellow/pink shirts,,,,,,it was time to put an end to it. Corruption was getting out of hand, people were getting frustrated. About

a dozen protesters were killed, hundreds injured. no end in sight. The time was right, and the General took charge. When the dust settled he began solving the problems the former PM ignored. Although he is a military man of some 36 + years, He came forth to the Thai people, told them what his plans were to improve things, every week he was on TV, even now after 10 months explaining his role as acting PM and what is expected to be done down the road when elections return to the country. I think he is doing the best he can based upon his skill as a Service man. He disbanded the Senators, some now up for impeachment,

Changed regulations, imposed martial Law until a new constitution is formulated, and approved by governmental authority he has appointed. He said he will step down when the new elections are held. I give him credit where it is deserved ..............blocking him from the US is a snobbish unjust act, and down the road some sort of reprisals will emerge. Obamabomb, is destroying every alley we have around the world, not solving problems, but creating more.

Even as a Brit I suspect you are not a democrat party supporterrolleyes.gif

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Why do you even want to go?

I remember the poor soul who survived through the killing fields of the Khmer Rogue died on the streets of USA.

Who? Not Dith Pran? He died of cancer in New Jersey.

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I'm sure he knows the reasons why the US won't let him in, so there really wasn't any reason to reiterate their stance, I was just being facetious in my earlier post, and don't really see the big deal about not letting him into the USA.

I have a love hate relationship with the USA , many of them still support terrorist organisations such as the IRAQ and often fundraise on their behalf but yet have such a Hardon for Islamic terror groups?

They have lapse immigration laws when it suits, I personally know a lad who has lived and worked there for nearly 3 years with no SS card and no green card and is also a part time firefighter.

It's a great place to visit and I have many friends living all over the various states and I've never had a bad time or experience in th numerous times I've been. Oh apart from eating grits!!! That left me feeling very unwell!! 5555

America is no different from lots of other countries as in they think they're the best but in reality they're no better or worse it's all down to how you personally interact with the people that's makes it good or bad.

Just like here, I have more grief from farangs on this site than I have from Thais around my local area. ?

I think you have to read that article again.

It said the US is not inviting him in. It doesn't say, they banned him from entering the USA.

Slightly different. I'm sure there is absolute no problem for him to go on a quick shopping trip

to New York if he wishes.

since he presumably has a Diplomatic passport as de facto head of the country, it would be a major international story if they actually banned him from entering.

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