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Muslim Cleric Describes Traumatic Thai Police Raid in Deep South

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Muslim Cleric Describes Traumatic Thai Police Raid in Deep South

By Khaosod Eng.


PATTANI — A Muslim cleric in the restive province of Pattani says he was mistreated by Thai police who claimed to find several assault rifles at his religious school last month.

In a press conference yesterday, Marobi Niseng, a cleric and owner of Nahtatul Ulumidiniyah madras in Yarang district of Pattani, said Thai security forces falsely accused him of of possessing four assault rifles and one handgun that they said they found in the school.

According to the report the military provided to the media, security officers discovered the weapons when they raided the religious school on 18 February. The raid was conducted by military and police officers after receiving a tip that a high-ranking militant was hiding in the district around the madras, the military's statement said.

Security officers also said they found bomb-making equipment inside the school.

Marobi said he and his family were relaxing in their house, which is located inside the madras compound, on 18 February when more than a hundred black-clad, armed security officers arrived. The security officers rounded up everyone outside while they searched the property, Marobi said.

"The security officers searched every corner of my house. They even searched my bed three times," the cleric said.

According to Marobi, the officers eventually presented several assault rifles and told him to pose for a photo next to them, even though the weapons were in fact discovered in the wooded area 200 meters away from the religious school.

Pol.Col. Somboon Puangmalai, superintendent of Yarang Police Station, admitted yesterday that the weapons were found "outside the area of the madras" but did not elaborate any further. He also told Khaosod there is no evidence that links the weapons with Marobi at the moment.

"Currently, we are waiting to see whether the results of fingerprints and DNA tests match anyone," Pol.Col. Somboon said.

Read More: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1426388186

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-15


I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP force suspects to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

This Photo Opt thing flies in the face of what we Westerners call "Due Process". Even if they confess and are still going have trial, it is wrong. Confess and no trial it becomes publicity/propaganda !!

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I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP force suspects to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

So you take the Muslim cleric at his word without any doubt he might be making stuff up to protect his ass?

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I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP forces to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

Are you serious, do you think the rifles/bomb making equipment dropped out of the sky!!!!!! These Muslim scum want to take over the world, they've tried to do it twice before without success. I presume you don't think it's shameful to cut people's heads off, throw gay people from building's, stone women to death......open your eyes to what's going on!

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It is also a possibility that not all Moslems are honest and trustworthy.

I am 100% certain of that.. Where do you think all the troubles are coming from?????????

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who are dropping the bombs ? Muslim or Police ?

Who hiding that criminals ? Muslims or RTP ?

whomthey are targeting ? Teachers which teach their children a cultural life !!


I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP force suspects to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

As there is no trial by jury here in Thailand it doesn't really matter does it.. Although I agree it's all just for the police to look good and get on tv or in the papers!

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I would also do a ballistic test and see if any or all of the victims that have been killed in the past 6 months match bullets retrieved. If they do,

Hang the bastard by his toes!.......The weapons were hidden in the woods. The Muslim Cleric caught word the police were coming to search!


The usual Muslim oppression card being played here, they are masters at posing as the victims. Traumatic having arms found on the premises, didiums then, not as traumatic as being blown up or getting beheaded. Of course he knew, lying is second nature and permitted in Islam

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The Muslim cleric might be surprised at the description of the trauma victims of Muslims terrorists have had to endure...quit whining...and next time take your rifles more than a few meters from your house to hide them...

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If the guns were found on HIS property he is GUILTY.

But they weren't found on "his" property. You must suffer from short attention span.

It's hard to maintain a balance these days,especially with places like madrassas (not madras) and pondoks, too much emotion involved. But somewhere along the line, judicial rights must be respected, and this posing of the cleric with the weapons is very, very wrong, both legally and morally. If he is duly convicted of terrorism offences, then let the fires of hell crash in on him, but until then he remains innocent.

What sort of wing nut are you

The weapons were found at the school

The guy was there

Fool you are


If the guns were found on HIS property he is GUILTY.

But they weren't found on "his" property. You must suffer from short attention span.

It's hard to maintain a balance these days,especially with places like madrassas (not madras) and pondoks, too much emotion involved. But somewhere along the line, judicial rights must be respected, and this posing of the cleric with the weapons is very, very wrong, both legally and morally. If he is duly convicted of terrorism offences, then let the fires of hell crash in on him, but until then he remains innocent.

What sort of wing nut are you

The weapons were found at the school

The guy was there

Fool you are

"Pol.Col. Somboon Puangmalai, superintendent of Yarang Police Station, admitted yesterday that the weapons were found "outside the area of the madras" but did not elaborate any further. He also told Khaosod there is no evidence that links the weapons with Marobi at the moment."

  • Like 1

I am certainly not pre-judging the outcome of any forensic examination, but this thoroughly reprehensible process by which the RTP force suspects to pose alongside alleged evidence PRIOR to any charges being laid or court proceedings taking place is nothing short of an attempt to pervert justice.

Shameful behaviour but not untypical of a lawless, third-world country..................

This Photo Opt thing flies in the face of what we Westerners call "Due Process". Even if they confess and are still going have trial, it is wrong. Confess and no trial it becomes publicity/propaganda !!

Hey mate

Due process has been suspended.

When will wing nuts like you get it in your head that we are under martial law. That means no due process.

And just by the way, This is Thailand. Where do you live?

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