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How much do I need to retire in Thailand with a fairly high standard of living


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75K USD will get you all you describe, but depending where you go it might be plenty or just enough.

Big ticket item will be your rent, can range from $500 to 2,000 a month. I assume there are no dependants which helps.

No worries about utilities.

Nights out can vary quite a bit.

Anyway, 75K is enough if you stay smart.

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Thanks. I was hoping to get some helpful responses from people who know better than I do.

Fortunately it looks like I got a couple of helpful responses (as well as a few not so helpful ones).

Thanks for all for your comments. This was my first post and I have learned a couple of things from it.

Yes you are wright you get some smart prick on here tv but with that money in thailand you can live like a king but if I were you I would come here first and try the place out first.

What about your visa to live here ?.

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I agree with the last two posters. Unless you have very expensive tastes, materially you'll have much of what you'd like but I fear you will struggle emotionally and socially.

IMO there are far better places to retire to.

You might also want to research age requirements for any sensible resident visa, you might be too young to qualify.

What slightlychilled mentioned about age requirements is a very good point. If you're in your 40's, you won't qualify for a retirement visa: http://www.thaiembassy.com/retire/retire.php

Here are the visa alternatives: http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/thailand-visa-types.php

OP, be aware that this is a major bone of contention here - nonetheless, some claim to be living in Thailand courtesy of this option for under-50s.


If you genuinely have the kind of income you are talking about, I think this may be a possibility - starting a business here is fraught with risk as is trying to stay on a student visa.

IMO one that has a lot of money has to be barking to start a business in LOS. The only exception would be something small to entitle someone under 50 to live here.

As they say, to make a small fortune in Thailand start with a large one.

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Let's see, 60K month for a nice house/flat with a view. Unless you pay cash for a decent mid priced sedan, figure 25-30K/mo for a camry, accord etc. Eating and going out, can easily climb to 4K/day when you first arrive and in party mode. Throw in leisure activites, golf, diving, etc. and costs escalate from there. Mind you these are Phuket costs, not Nakon Nowhere costs. You can spend less, but you definitely can spend more, so 200K will provide you with a comfortable, not extravagant.

As far as visas go, the best option for OP would be the Elite card for 500K

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75k is sufficient in any country.

not with children in private schools and sky high rents as in Singapore, London or Paris.

I was living on s$8,000 (approx 200k THB ) per month in Singapore (recently voted most expensive city in the world) & though 1/2 of that was taken up by my apartment, utilities etc.... I still had enough money for a great lifestyle there & take 15 or so trips a year within the region, I'm sure I'd have an even better lifestyle on that budget in Thailand (my planned budget is actually 1/2 of that).

Some caveats about the above budget:-

- No car (waste of money/time in Singapore)

- Not Married, son is grown up & has a very nice lifestyle of his own

- No Debts/Obligations anywhere (though I do support my Fillipina gf from funds outside of the s$8k)

- Pension already covered & earning much more so was saving the remainder to fund my early retirement (which I've just taken)

- Had passive income coming in from my house/stocks in the UK which funded a couple of trips a year back to the UK & any "Splurge" urges I had.

As a few posters have said, your biggest challenge is probably what you're going to do with your time & are you really mentally prepared to go from working 60,70,80+ hours a week to working zero hours a week... I'd recommend "Stepping Down" gradually if you can, ideally part time over less days.

Good luck with your move, I know it's hard to give up a well paid job early & "Go for it", the temptation to do "One more year, save s$x,000 more"'is very hard to resist but you're a long time dead so (IMHO) if you're equipped (financially & mentally) to do it, go for it... I am at 49.

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No matter your wealth, once on the streets, your money means nothing. You have to suffer the same crappy broken infrastructure as the rest of us.

If I had a lot of money, I'd move to a nice beach resort and never leave it.

Exactly my thoughts as I posted earlier. No matter how much money you have you can't escape the heat and humidity, smoke season in some areas, litter, things like filthy canals, bad smells...

I love to visit LOS but I'm just as happy to get "home." I'm afraid he'll cut the cord, go all in for LOS and find out the glitter rubs off for him.

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^^^^ why so you think it is only the uneducated/ non professionals that need to come on here and ask?

Yes. Only a complete fool would seek advice about such an important decision from a collection of other complete fools.

Even from those like myself who have lived here for 30 plus years and have as many if not more qualifications than the op and whose budget at times was well in excess of 200k.

Or those who have life experiences of thailand..many on here..

It will be only one source of information.

Your reply was funny..so I am assuming it was abit tongue in cheek.

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^^^^ why so you think it is only the uneducated/ non professionals that need to come on here and ask?

Yes. Only a complete fool would seek advice about such an important decision from a collection of other complete fools.

Even from those like myself who have lived here for 30 plus years and have as many if not more qualifications than the op and whose budget at times was well in excess of 200k.

Or those who have life experiences of thailand..many on here..

It will be only one source of information.

Your reply was funny..so I am assuming it was abit tongue in cheek.

No, my reply was completely serious. The fact that you've felt the need to discuss your qualifications and budget on an anonymous forum only strengthens my opinion.

No way would a UK solicitor ask if an annual budget of 75K USD is sufficient to "retire in Thailand with a fairly high standard of living".

Sorry boys and girls, wealthy solicitors just don't ask these questions.

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^^^^ why so you think it is only the uneducated/ non professionals that need to come on here and ask?

Yes. Only a complete fool would seek advice about such an important decision from a collection of other complete fools.

Even from those like myself who have lived here for 30 plus years and have as many if not more qualifications than the op and whose budget at times was well in excess of 200k.

Or those who have life experiences of thailand..many on here..

It will be only one source of information.

Your reply was funny..so I am assuming it was abit tongue in cheek.

No, my reply was completely serious. The fact that you've felt the need to discuss your qualifications and budget on an anonymous forum only strengthens my opinion.

No way would a UK solicitor ask if an annual budget of 75K USD is sufficient to "retire in Thailand with a fairly high standard of living".

Sorry boys and girls, wealthy solicitors just don't ask these questions.

So, it's ok for the financially challenged, blue collar strugglers and soap dodgers to ask if they can live on $400 per month...but not for wealthy, smart people to ask?

Does he have some sort of secret Illuminati Thai Visa equivalent that has all the answers to the Universe?

$75k per year is not a lot for a lawyer used to living in NY and London...and Thailand is not really not that cheap for a relative lifestyle.

So, I think it was a valid question.

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OP, please slow down. Thailand is a littered, smelly shithole lacking the rule of law and filled with any kind of scam and corruption you can think of.

The biggest scam is likely to come from that pretty Thai woman who is "different" from the others.

Thailand is a great place to vacation because it has a lot of things you don't have in England or New York. It's a good bet that if your weren't looking for those things you'd be looking at Florida.

You won't be happy retired and Thailand will lose its luster quickly. Heck, I wouldn't want to live at Disneyland for more than three days.

I tried retiring in Thailand and had a one year extension of stay for retirement. You can't get that. I lasted less than the year and pulled up stakes and headed back to Oregon. Now I just visit as a tourist, usually for about 90 days.

Others have asked you to do this on a trial basis. I give you 90 days. Once you've built up enough assets and income that you can afford a first world environment, you aren't likely to want Thailand 24/7/365 and there aren't many who do. Those I know who do, to put it politely, are addicted to certain things in certain areas and it isn't healthy emotionally or physically. Either that or they have a very limited pension.

Good luck

Its clear you didn't retire to Bangkok.

If you retired from Bangkok to rural Oregon probably you would be just as disappointed.

Just saying mate.....

I don't get your point, sorry. I retired to Chiang Mai. I'm not in rural Oregon except when I visit where I grew up. I love it there for a spell, too.

Anyone who has sufficient assets and income and would prefer the suffocating heat and humidity, seasonal smoke, litter, odors, filthy canal, dodgy food and water etc. to a clean first world environment with a nice climate puzzles me unless they want certain things I don't want. I forgot to mention the crazy driving, "suicides", and general culture that can disturb a sane person.

It's a matter of choice. Some like it fine and some don't. An attorney from New York and London needs to try it out for a while.

Difference is Uncle some of these people come from places like Leeds and Birmingham. Chiang Mai is a paradise in comparison.

This is equally the point I was making about CM and Bangkok.

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OP, please slow down. Thailand is a littered, smelly shithole lacking the rule of law and filled with any kind of scam and corruption you can think of.

The biggest scam is likely to come from that pretty Thai woman who is "different" from the others.

Thailand is a great place to vacation because it has a lot of things you don't have in England or New York. It's a good bet that if your weren't looking for those things you'd be looking at Florida.

You won't be happy retired and Thailand will lose its luster quickly. Heck, I wouldn't want to live at Disneyland for more than three days.

I tried retiring in Thailand and had a one year extension of stay for retirement. You can't get that. I lasted less than the year and pulled up stakes and headed back to Oregon. Now I just visit as a tourist, usually for about 90 days.

Others have asked you to do this on a trial basis. I give you 90 days. Once you've built up enough assets and income that you can afford a first world environment, you aren't likely to want Thailand 24/7/365 and there aren't many who do. Those I know who do, to put it politely, are addicted to certain things in certain areas and it isn't healthy emotionally or physically. Either that or they have a very limited pension.

Good luck

Its clear you didn't retire to Bangkok.

If you retired from Bangkok to rural Oregon probably you would be just as disappointed.

Just saying mate.....

I don't get your point, sorry. I retired to Chiang Mai. I'm not in rural Oregon except when I visit where I grew up. I love it there for a spell, too.

Anyone who has sufficient assets and income and would prefer the suffocating heat and humidity, seasonal smoke, litter, odors, filthy canal, dodgy food and water etc. to a clean first world environment with a nice climate puzzles me unless they want certain things I don't want. I forgot to mention the crazy driving, "suicides", and general culture that can disturb a sane person.

It's a matter of choice. Some like it fine and some don't. An attorney from New York and London needs to try it out for a while.

Been there done that, its called Singapore, what a vision of hell, a soulless, lifeless place where the inhabitants all look miserable.

I will take Bkk warts and all over the sterile uninspiring city state.

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OP, please slow down. Thailand is a littered, smelly shithole lacking the rule of law and filled with any kind of scam and corruption you can think of.

The biggest scam is likely to come from that pretty Thai woman who is "different" from the others.

Thailand is a great place to vacation because it has a lot of things you don't have in England or New York. It's a good bet that if your weren't looking for those things you'd be looking at Florida.

You won't be happy retired and Thailand will lose its luster quickly. Heck, I wouldn't want to live at Disneyland for more than three days.

I tried retiring in Thailand and had a one year extension of stay for retirement. You can't get that. I lasted less than the year and pulled up stakes and headed back to Oregon. Now I just visit as a tourist, usually for about 90 days.

Others have asked you to do this on a trial basis. I give you 90 days. Once you've built up enough assets and income that you can afford a first world environment, you aren't likely to want Thailand 24/7/365 and there aren't many who do. Those I know who do, to put it politely, are addicted to certain things in certain areas and it isn't healthy emotionally or physically. Either that or they have a very limited pension.

Good luck

You must have some kind mental disorder (PTSD?) to spend you life on a forum dedicated to a country that you clearly loathe from every spore of your body. Even weirder fact is that you are still returning 90 days a year in a smelly shithole for your holidays.

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Decent accommodation in BKK Downtown - 2 beds, 2 baths about 35-40k baht per month. HS Internet 1k, electric 2k, eating out 20k, activity - good gym 2k, golf 2x per week 20k, female company ( not the bar scene) 25k , good medical cover 1.5k, mobile phone 0.75k, day today living (shopping etc) 10k

150k baht per month will give you a really good lifestyle in BKK - can't speak for other places

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I am a 19 yr. resident of Thailand. I use a factor of 0.285 when comparing prices here with my home country,Canada. Or, expressed the other way, prices there are 3.5x Thai prices. I think for someone from London, you could probably use a factor of 0.2 to 0.25. Think about health insurance costs, if you will need to buy that here.

what you on , I can live for a 1000baht a week easy, but i can live Thai, it depends on what you want out of life try moving after you have your Visas sorted out, Then try living in-Thailand first, Thats what most people do then they get an idea on what they want out of Thailand.

Ha ha ha you can live on 4000 baht a month easy...............are you sleeping on the street and begging to get your food ?

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On that budget you are well off even in US or London.

is that a fact is it ?

Well off ?

USD 75k = GBP 50k = Average salary in London around GBP 38k

Hardly well off, above average yes...well off ?... No...wink.png

and how can you compare the whole of the US to London only ? blink.png

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Retired FCA from UK, I have thai wife beautiful house all paid for, car paid for we have two full time staff and live well on 100,000batt per month

Private message me if you need more help, many doom and gloom merchants on TV

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I am a 19 yr. resident of Thailand. I use a factor of 0.285 when comparing prices here with my home country,Canada. Or, expressed the other way, prices there are 3.5x Thai prices. I think for someone from London, you could probably use a factor of 0.2 to 0.25. Think about health insurance costs, if you will need to buy that here.

what you on , I can live for a 1000baht a week easy, but i can live Thai, it depends on what you want out of life try moving after you have your Visas sorted out, Then try living in-Thailand first, Thats what most people do then they get an idea on what they want out of Thailand.

dO YOU MEAN 1,000 BAHT A DAY??????

NOBODY, can live in 4000 baht a month

I CAN LIVE ON 1000 baht a week easy, that does not include Living in my house. I/Wife owns the house. food is cheap, i do not drink , only on special occasions,

Well, you the man Thongkorn, One other poster, Canarysun, I think, claimed he could live on B5,500/mo. now you claim B4,300/mo, Quite frugal, I still wonder, why would anyone want to live that cheaply, unless they had to.

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I live on about 100,000 baht a month including everthing

But I have a Thai wife and we own a house.

She also works part time.

I would suggest you rent for a while then have a good look around before you decide what to do next

I am also an Englishman


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If you want my advice as an Englishman retired in Thailand you can email mme on < E-mail removed as per forum rules >

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Mr. Newbie you represent yourself as a lawyer/solicitor working in UK and US which would indicate you are no fool and one would assume having worked in large cities like London and US equivalents you would have gained knowledge and experience about life in the fast lane etc.. Probably with the exception of Bangkok the rest of Thailand is a slower pace, with exception of the girlie bars/clubs etc... in some of the other cities and resort areas where you can soon run up a pretty unhealthy bar tab

I'm also assuming your mean $75k a month not $75k a year to live on? If the monthly version then you could live (to quote a phrase) like a King anywhere in Thailand and to be honest anywhere in the world for that matter. If an annual figure then you can still live very well. Like anything in this life, if you live within your means (which can mean downright boring) then only something seriously wrong will derail that standard of living. If you live outside your means then trouble will hit you somewhere down the road. This is not me preaching or predicting anything, it's just common sense.

There are plenty of stories on these message boards of farangs (foreigners i.e. people who post on these boards) having met the Thai woman of their dreams only for the story to unfold after months or longer of complete desolation of the injured farang having his wallet, and bank account emptied, closely followed by his heart being broken as the woman of his dreams moves on to a new 2 legged ATM/Cash machine....

There has been some good advice given by some responses to your question.... and I'm in total agreement with the "try before you buy" approach. Take a year out there, do your homework and identify 3 or 4 places around Thailand you would like to live in and rent a place there for 3 or 4 months, see how you like it and then move to the next one. Give yourself time to adjust, as if you have not been to Thailand before then at first it can seem awe inspiring and fantastic... but remember going there for first time is like a holiday and holidays always come to an end..... living in a country is a completely different ball game and you need to adjust your mindset accordingly.

Anyway wish you good luck

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