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what i miss about past life


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Corned beef - available in Villa Market and usually at Tops.

Sweet piccalilli - great quality, home made available at London Pie shops on Sathu Pradit 19 or Sukhumvit 63. The Sukhumvit 63 branch now do home delivery too: http://www.londonpiebangkok.com/product-category/granny-salmons-jams-and-chutneys/

Don't buy corned beef at Villa, you will pay much, much more. Go to Foodland.

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I miss:

Good craft beers.

A 911 system that works and saves lives

Police that are not useless and do their jobs properly

Beautiful clean National Parks that actually have wildlife in them

Beautiful beaches

Sea Kayaking


Mountain biking on wonderful single track or mountain roads

Good pizza

Intelligent conversations

Going to the doctor and being told diagnosis and good course of treatment

Being able to buy just about anything you want

Clean air

Beautiful desert night sky

The sound of coyotes

Sidewalks meant for walking with safe street crossings

Good Mexican burritos

Public transportation that is a pleasure to use

English speaking people, that actually understand what your saying and don't just nod.
People that are able to answer multiple questions

Not being charged more because I'm a white foreigner

Driving on the right

I do not miss

big fat ugly loud obnoxious people

gangs, thugs and the useless disrespectful people they are

the cost of home ownership/property (although, you can live in some rural places for cheaper than here)

Getting caught and sited for speeding

So, why am I still here? Dunno

Heading back soon I think

Edited by Nowisee
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Being a non-American, the first thing i miss the most and the first thing i order when i arrive in Paris would be a decent cup of coffee......

Am i strange? or?

been here 8 years now and thought first it could be a business opportunity, but it seems like my fellow ex-pats don't want hot coffee due to the heat.

i am a coffee connoisseur, and even with Starbucks being the closest you come to coffee it does not really come close to the real Cafe express....

yes, i am probably strange!


After reading your post, I decided to try a coffee in France, on my next visit to Europe (in 2 weeks).

I have not ordered a coffee in France for about 30 years, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, and all that.

But maybe now the French have mastered the art of coffee making.

I might even try French wine - are they up to New World standards yet?

Hi mate

I would recommend to hold off on the French wine!

I have spent 5 years in France, but usually the French table wine is like watered down Ribena. i much prefer a good Rijoa or a Navarra, (i do like the oaky taste)

coffee on the other hand..... if you order a cafe express, you should get a espresso cup half full of creamy top, thick coffee.

after putting a spoon of brown sugar in it the plastic spoon should fall slowly to the side of the cup..... :-)

Ah, heaven.... Aribica

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Something i decided not to miss even if i should.......

Too much lovely Thai food to eat.... come on guys, you have to give up something to live in paradise.....

I taught my wife - Thai - how to make pizza.

Admittedly, using an electric oven.

Seafood of course.

Best of two worlds...

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I miss the surf

Phuket's OK but only just and you have to pretty well live there

That's it

ESPECIALLY I don't miss the letters with little windows, that arrived everyday with my name in them.

Usually bringing bad news.

Or the super aggressive Aussie police.

For the 25th time I have been pulled up for whatever in Isaan, the other day I got the first cop that "DIDN'T" smile at me.

It was hard to believe! Confronting almost. Heheh

Couple of weeks ago had one say "I love you!!"

He wasn't bad looking either

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Being a non-American, the first thing i miss the most and the first thing i order when i arrive in Paris would be a decent cup of coffee......

Am i strange? or?

been here 8 years now and thought first it could be a business opportunity, but it seems like my fellow ex-pats don't want hot coffee due to the heat.

i am a coffee connoisseur, and even with Starbucks being the closest you come to coffee it does not really come close to the real Cafe express....

yes, i am probably strange!


After reading your post, I decided to try a coffee in France, on my next visit to Europe (in 2 weeks).

I have not ordered a coffee in France for about 30 years, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, and all that.

But maybe now the French have mastered the art of coffee making.

I might even try French wine - are they up to New World standards yet?

Hi mate

I would recommend to hold off on the French wine!

I have spent 5 years in France, but usually the French table wine is like watered down Ribena. i much prefer a good Rijoa or a Navarra, (i do like the oaky taste)

coffee on the other hand..... if you order a cafe express, you should get a espresso cup half full of creamy top, thick coffee.

after putting a spoon of brown sugar in it the plastic spoon should fall slowly to the side of the cup..... :-)

Ah, heaven.... Aribica

I agree on the wine.

For young wine temperanillo is not bad too.. (from the fusta of course)

As for your coffee experience? Was this perhaps near the Belgian border? - Otherwise I will rather have a cafe solo con brandy fundador.

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square sausage

Richmond links

black pudding

fruit pudding

Morton's rolls


Indian food

Chinese food


puff pastry


crisp air

not sweating all the time

competency (e.g incorrect spelling of my name on work permit which everyone thinks is a case for "mai pen rai")

brutal honesty accompanied by an insult and a sincere smile



the different kind of crumpet

the grumpy people, like myself

the serious people, unlike myself

getting fat quickly

rain in every season

no summer at all

being too cold

toilet paper

people acting like there is about to be an apocalypse

chickens who cannae vote YES

lack of street food

rules and regs

expensive transport

people asking how much my GF cost


lack of 7/11s

lack of cool theme tunes everywhere

lack of sex

expensive cinema


lack of smiley people (am i contradicting myself?)

old prudes sayin, "Ohh that's just disgraceful....cos they care too much what people think of them"

Who on Earth eats Marmite anyway?

Edited by EmptyHead
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Marmite is better than Vegemite? A bit rich, coming from someone who may be missing cold pork pies and warm beer. Ugh.

Don't miss restaurant and store staff who act like they are doing you a huge favour by even noticing you.

Miss King Island blue brie, the king of cheeses. Miss free wine supply. Miss fresh Tasmanian crayfish.

Don't miss paying a mechanic $100 an hour for basic vehicle servicing.

Don't miss 12 degrees C winters with 80 km/hr winds.

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One thing I miss is tins of john west red salmon or any other brand.... Can find every other make of fish but no red salmon anywhere! Ah well...Looks like tuna salad again haha

Go to Makro if there is one near you. We go to the one in MaeSai near the border with Myanmar on my visa/90 day report day. They do fresh salmon and it is my Thai wifes favourite food. Once when the butter was dripping off her chin and she was smiling big I said " Is that better than sex ? " She said " It is with you ferlung " Oh bless ,aren't they lovely ?

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square sausage

Richmond links

black pudding

fruit pudding

Morton's rolls


Indian food

Chinese food


puff pastry


crisp air

not sweating all the time

competency (e.g incorrect spelling of my name on work permit which everyone thinks is a case for "mai pen rai")

brutal honesty accompanied by an insult and a sincere smile



the different kind of crumpet

the grumpy people, like myself

the serious people, unlike myself

getting fat quickly

rain in every season

no summer at all

being too cold

toilet paper

people acting like there is about to be an apocalypse

chickens who cannae vote YES

lack of street food

rules and regs

expensive transport

people asking how much my GF cost


lack of 7/11s

lack of cool theme tunes everywhere

lack of sex

expensive cinema


lack of smiley people (am i contradicting myself?)

old prudes sayin, "Ohh that's just disgraceful....cos they care too much what people think of them"

Who on Earth eats Marmite anyway?

I do with chedder cheese in rolls. Oh and I have in stock Marmite , vegemite and a buddy brought back from Oz Mightymite , not tried it yet.

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ASDA pizzas, ready to put in the oven.

2 for 4gbp

With a lifestyle like that, why did you ever leave?

So you think fighting for a seat at the food court is higher?

How interesting that you'd remember a thread from so many months before you joined the forum.

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ASDA pizzas, ready to put in the oven.

2 for 4gbp

With a lifestyle like that, why did you ever leave?

So you think fighting for a seat at the food court is higher?

How interesting that you'd remember a thread from so many months before you joined the forum.

You think I can't use 'search'?

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