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Seven-year old Thai boy rescued after he was beaten up and tied to a pole


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Seven-year old boy rescued after he was beaten up and tied to a pole


BANGKOK: -- Police and army personnel have rescued a seven-year old boy who was tied to a wooden pole in a house and caned allegedly by her aunt as a punishment after he was caught stealing at a convenience store.

The rescue mission followed widespread sharing of the image of the victim tied to a pole in the social media with a brief message saying that the incident took place in Banglane district of Nakhon Pathom.

The authorities, led by Pol Col Chatpong Sookboonchuthep, superintent of Banglane police, launched an investigation into the case and found out the whereabout of the crime scene and a raid followed.

The victim was in the state of exhaustion when he was rescued by the officials. He was rushed to Banglane district hospital where it was confirmed that he was abused.

The victim’s grandmother reportedly told the police that her own daughter who is the boy’s aunt beat him up after he was caught stealing a six-baht candy from a convenience store.

She said that her daughter was made to pay the store 300 baht and the boy was freed without charges. Upon returning home, she added that her daughter was enraged, beat up the boy and had him tied to a wooden pole in the house.

Police said that they could not take legal action against the tormentor because it is a sensitive issue but he was put on probation anyway. The victim was however sent to a child care centre of the Children’s Foundation in Nakhon Pathom for a temporary stay while it was yet to be settled on how to resolve the family problem.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/seven-year-old-boy-rescued-after-he-was-beaten-up-and-tied-to-a-pole

-- Thai PBS 2015-03-18

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The police displaying their sensitivity training there, all surrounding the 7-year-old child taking multiple photos to post on their Facebook accounts.

One really needs to ask who in this case are the real children?

except with guns!!!

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He will think twice before he steals again!

Are you sure he did?


As for the rest of it: "She said that her daughter was made to pay the store 300 baht and the boy was freed without charges. Upon returning home, she added that her daughter was enraged, beat up the boy and had him tied to a wooden pole in the house.

Police said that they could not take legal action against the tormentor because it is a sensitive issue but he was put on probation anyway. The victim was however sent to a child care centre of the Children’s Foundation in Nakhon Pathom for a temporary stay while it was yet to be settled on how to resolve the family problem."

1. The Aunt beat him and tied him to a pole? Where was mum?

2. Sensitive issue? clap2.gif ......... sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-bah.gif ..... He's 7 years old. What's sensitive about it? Typical Thai avoidance of serious family issues that either need counselling of psychiatry... on the elders' parts!

3. A 7 YEAR old put on probation? Will that be nationally logged, with the super inter-regional database links in this country? This country can't even database driving licences and car insurance and tax to sort out who all the 15 million are who opt to pay for one of the other.

Until this country gets used to the idea of a national database, immediate checks and immediate status of people on a quick computer check, then I'm afraid (not really afraid, stating such) it's all in the hands of corruption and local decisions.

4. The victim? was sent to a childcare centre? I thought he was the 7 year old perpretrator of theft? Ahh! w00t.gif Now I get it; There is a family problem, which needs resolving, and in the mean time continue to damage the child.

The Land of Happiness, allegedly.

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"The rescue mission followed widespread sharing of the image of the victim tied to a pole in the social media with a brief message saying that the incident took place in Banglane district of Nakhon Pathom."

So someone took a picture, posted it on line and gave a brief indication of where it was happening, rather than actually informing the authorities.

That says a lot about how we as a society function these days.

I'd prefer to withdraw my association as to being in the Thai society on this measure. There are no Social Services here, that have any clout that is.

Thai society, or so it believes, functions perfectly well without having the need to admit that oftentimes people are mentally ill or dysfunctional. Thais are perfect.

They keep us as 'THEY' - So in reflection I also keep them as 'THEY'; certainly not a 'we'. ;)

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The problem is far more complicated than just this. Here in Thailand it seems to be OK to Hit a woman. I have never even raised a hand to a woman but this is the sad state of social development when society sees this as OK..

Because of this social problem Police do not want to interfere with a family even if someone gets hurt HOW SICK IS THAT

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The problem is far more complicated than just this. Here in Thailand it seems to be OK to Hit a woman. I have never even raised a hand to a woman but this is the sad state of social development when society sees this as OK..

Because of this social problem Police do not want to interfere with a family even if someone gets hurt HOW SICK IS THAT

It's 2015. Women now have more equal rights than ever in many countries, join the military and have the vote. Still a long way to go but many women are not some kind of shrinking violet that expects to be treated with kid gloves any more.

I've seen Western women (and some from non Western parents) do some very nasty things regarding violence to other women and occasionally men. So how would you deal with a drunken heavily built young woman sitting astride another young lady whilst grinding a glass in her face in a night club brawl? My mate had to deal with it.

Society should not see violence, any violence, as o k - regardless of sex, race, religion, etc.; and especially violence against society's most vulnerable members such as children, old people, disabled or mentally impaired.

The fact the lazy often corrupt and usually ineffective uninterested local police can't be bothered is nothing new. Time they were shook up and actually started doing their job.

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


It's always good to speak to someone perfect!

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"The rescue mission followed widespread sharing of the image of the victim tied to a pole in the social media with a brief message saying that the incident took place in Banglane district of Nakhon Pathom."

So someone took a picture, posted it on line and gave a brief indication of where it was happening, rather than actually informing the authorities.

That says a lot about how we as a society function these days.

Seems the only way to shame the police into doing their job, if there is no scope for bribery...

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The police displaying their sensitivity training there, all surrounding the 7-year-old child taking multiple photos to post on their Facebook accounts.

One really needs to ask who in this case are the real children?

You know this ?

Such an intelligent response to what is quite a serious problem with Thai society.

In any civilised country the child would be in the care of a policewoman and a social worker and isolated from the front office of a police station and not subjected to such humiliation.

A bit like the Burmese girl a while back - forced to stand naked in front of the whole police station staff while they all took their happy snappy photo's of her.

Well done - might be time for our new leader to arrange some re - adjustments of the police force.

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As a kid if I did wrong got a smacking - older people probably got the belt or shoe - and at school was hit by teachers but never caned - nowadays you can't even smack them - I'm sure all what you went through with discipline etc taught you the manners you have today ie please, thank you - I see Thai teachers at school hit students on the head but as "farangs" are told never touch a Thai head? Do they think we absorb their expertise? About the lad beaten - hope he is well and Aunt gets prosecuted if same law applies - should be up to the parents to discipline their kids not relatives

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


Oby, you opened your silly trap before i recall on the Phuket stabbing ..and so many people ridiculed you for your pathetic comment .....

remember i told you sometimes it's better to say nothing at all or you just look stupid ..... obviously you didn't learn ...


Edited by steven100
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Despicable bitch! More interested in her loss of face and 300 baht and then having lost her temper takes it out with extreme violence on a 7 year old child.

The beating looked severe across his back, kidney area and buttocks and then simply trussed up to a post and left.

The police officers in this case should be fired for dereliction of duty; or did the bitch cough up some more dosh?

Anyone who has children will be rightfully disgusted by this behavior.

She should be publicly birched, then placed in the stocks. See how she likes it.

Your post is spot on and is a lot more eloquent than what I was about to post concerning this bitch and the police. Of course my post would have been deleted immediately.

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he steals a 6 Baht candy in a store (which...let's face it: we all have done!)

no DM, not all of us have not stolen.

thank you for an indication of your morals.

altho'some of your posts do indicate just "where you are coming from"


Quite the post, oby.

The "best" part is ending "imho".

Nothing humble about your opinion.

I'd suggest in future this is more appropriate for you:

IMBDIO - in my brain dead idiotic opinion

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Child abuse is not just a Thai problem, it is pervasive everywhere esp where there is a volatile mix of the belief in corporal punishment, autocratic social and family structures, powerlessness and stress compounded by a lack of impulse control, anger issues and family histories of abuse and violence. Stepping into the 'sanctity' of the home to address a bad situation is always tricky and nearly always requires a crime to have been committed which in this case has, at least in spirit. Most likely, it was not the boy stealing a candy but a 300 bht fine which triggered a rage tantrum by the aunt.

Education esp regarding parenting and managing emotions is the best preventative, reality is that it is highly unlikely even in the West where there is intense resistance to any government intervention into the home. What to do? Like the police said, it's a sensitive issue. But, tough enforceable laws regarding child abuse really do help..

Edited by arend
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