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Israeli leader backtracks from Palestinian state opposition


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How many rockets in the week before Israel slaughtered innocents.

So ignore the many thousands before, during and after Israel finally got fed up and went to war? You need a few lessons in the logic department. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZci8XVf8

Yes ignore them. Are you going to go back a thousand years to try and justify things?

A simple question was asked. I note you didn't answer. That speaks volumes.

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A simple question was asked. I note you didn't answer.

I have answered it dozens of times already. I take it that "dexterm" is supposed to be on holiday today.

Still no answer.

What has this to do with Dexterm, are you hot for him?

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move on, and give them their own place to live providing that they will be good and peaceful neighbors...

IMO, the good and peaceful neighbors question is the root of the whole problem. Most Israelis would have been happy to make peace long ago, but not enough sincere partners on the side.

So genocide is the solution? Have you seen those people bombed into the stone age, the kids blown apart? Agree it takes two to tango, but amazing how Israelis elect a fascist promising more war as the final solution.

We kept being told to remember the holocaust, seems though Israelis have no problem with the concept if applied to others.

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This is all a storm in a teacup. The only reason why it's 'news' is because the Islamist-leftist alliance is trying to salvage something from the reelection of Netanyahu. From the O.P it appears that everything Netanyahu said was in the conditional. A blind man can see a two state solution is a non-starter in the foreseeable future. To zoom in on what Netanyahu said during a close fought election campaign is somewhat hypocritical, unless of course the genocidal statements from the Iranians or Hamas are given similar credence. Obama's favorite Middle Eastern leader Erdogan has got away with some outrageous rhetoric without any repercussions. I suspect Obama, who himself dissembles and abuses language will try to make something of this. He can see his time slipping away with the bitter prospect of his Nemesis outlasting him in politics. I suspect the U.N will where we see what Obama intends to do to get revenge.

I guess a thread on Netanyahu's lies and racist comments are just too much for some to add Some Obama bashing.

Using analogy from a certain poster with serious issues....hope Obama grows some balls and bombs Israel. Would put a stop to the illegal settlements.

Why would he bomb Israel when he can arrange for Iran to do it by proxy? Not that Plausible deniability even seems necessary for Obama, seeing how the press cover for him.
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Israel feigns to be interested in the two state solution while at the same time doing everything within its power to undermine the possibility of it coming to fruition.

As do various Palestinian organisations, hence the futility of us outsiders debating this issue really. It goes around in circles.

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He is such a predictable lying scumbag, barely a few days and hes back at it again.

Honestly dont see how anyone with half a brain can even stand to listen to his BS let alone believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

Its one thing to claim being Israeli isnt the same as being jewish in another country but bibi to the world is the de-facto Jewish leader and face of Judasism around the globe. Does anyone here really think bibi is going to improve Jewish relations or respect or even tolerance around the world ?

i just cant see it myself.

Again, being a Jew and being Israeli are indeed definitely not the same thing.

In fact, the majority of Jewish people in the world do not have Israeli nationality.

It is true PM Bibi is the most powerful and most visible Jewish POLITICAL leader in the world but he is not the leader of all Jews.

He is the leader only of ISRAEL. Yes, for better or worse, he is Israel's choice.

if people outside of Israel want to protest against Israeli government policy, that is their choice.

But please keep it to civilized activities and directed at the Israeli government.

Painting Nazi swastikas on synagogues and writing DIE JEWS, or similar or worse is not a form of protest against Israel. It is antisemitism.

Couldn't agree more, ive more than a few friends from different nations and none of them are pleased with the image bibi is throwing around, most find him cringe worthy and embarrassing at the least. Although it IS Israel we are talking about bibi spends an awful amount of time using the term Jewish, perhaps more than he should i dont know, regardless if you ask just about anyone to name a Jewish leader they will usually say the leader of Israel.

It should be obvious the faith connection will always be used as an excuse/reason and bibi just added more fuel to the fire not less

Anyways I hope everyone stays safe and personal attacks dont increase anywhere as a result of bibis cage rattling.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Ignoring the Israel demonizing voices from those who are obviously and hatefully hostile to Israel's very existence and live for the day she might fall, Bibi's walking back his two state election flip flop was entirely predictable. Most people already realized he understandably didn't think there was any legit side to negotiate with, especially terrorist Hamas from Hamastan (Gaza). However, he did say what he said so explicitly and the world heard it not only Israeli voters, so to actually successfully walk it back, he is going to have do something more than words. Don't be shocked ... he just might. A right wing Israeli PM is actually in a better position to make a deal with the Palestinians than a left wing one ... in a similar way that only right wing American Nixon could have opened up relations with China. Will it be Bibi ... from these dark days it doesn't look like it, but things can still change.

Especially since when a 'left wing one' does make a deal, he gets shot dead.

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Jews don't have a Pope.

The Zionist movement which has been realized in Israel becoming a nation is a matter of POLITICS, not a matter of religious fundamentalism.

Come on. A large percentage of Israeli Zionists (Jews and Christians alike) belive that God gave the holy land to the Jews and that heavenly decree justifies the ethnic cleansing that has taken place over the last 50 years and re-establishment of Israel.

The Arab attacks on Jews for little reason in the early 1900s is what justified fighting back, declaring independence and defeating 5 Arab armies. Non-stop Islamic terrorism ever since is what justifies continuing the fight.

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Jews don't have a Pope.

The Zionist movement which has been realized in Israel becoming a nation is a matter of POLITICS, not a matter of religious fundamentalism.

Come on. A large percentage of Israeli Zionists (Jews and Christians alike) belive that God gave the holy land to the Jews and that heavenly decree justifies the ethnic cleansing that has taken place over the last 50 years and re-establishment of Israel.

The Arab attacks on Jews for little reason in the early 1900s is what justified fighting back, declaring independence and defeating 5 Arab armies. Non-stop Islamic terrorism ever since is what justifies continuing the fight.

Since then they've feared to live every single day peacefully with the Arabs...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Jews don't have a Pope.

The Zionist movement which has been realized in Israel becoming a nation is a matter of POLITICS, not a matter of religious fundamentalism.

Come on. A large percentage of Israeli Zionists (Jews and Christians alike) belive that God gave the holy land to the Jews and that heavenly decree justifies the ethnic cleansing that has taken place over the last 50 years and re-establishment of Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to recognize an independent Palestinian state is in accord with Zionist ambitions for the establishment of Eretz Israel.

To say that Zionism is political rather than religious is disingenuous. The Jewish claim to Palestine is based on ancient religious belief and nothing that postdates 63 BC. In that year the Jews lost their independent existence and were incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province of Roman Judea.

The suppression of the Jewish revolt in 70 AD resulted in their being driven out. In 132 AD Hadrian joined the province of Judea with Galilee to form Syria Palestina. The Jews played no significant role in Palestine until the 20th century, when as a result of terrorism, land grabs, and expulsions, the modern state of Israel was formed in 1948.

With good reason.

The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.
Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006

Can't you come up with something better than that?

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Jingerben writes


The suppression of the Jewish revolt in 70 AD resulted in their being driven out


Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University writes in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People" that the Romans never cleaned out Palestine after 70 A.D. and that this false information is based on early Christian and anti-Jewish writings (and since end of the 19th century eagerly adopted by Jewish nationalists). Prof Sand writes that farmers never abandon the land on which they work and that the remaining population converted to Islam a few centuries later.

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The truth of Israel's intentions can no longer be hidden or explained away:

In my quarter century as Washington correspondent for Jewish newspapers, I frequently defended Israel against charges that it had created an apartheid system in the West Bank. But this week's election, with Benjamin Netanyahu poised to serve another term with an even more hardline coalition, means that apartheid is the path Israeli voters have chosen. The inevitable results will include even greater international isolation for the Jewish state, a boost to efforts to apply boycotts and sanctions, diminished support from American Jews and endlessly intensifying cycles of violence.


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The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.

Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006

Can't you come up with something better than that?

There is nothing better than that, because everyone knows that it is TRUE.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.

Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006

Can't you come up with something better than that?

There is nothing better than that, because everyone knows that it is TRUE.

A quote from a demonstrable repetitive liar and obfuscater...and we are expected to take it as truth?

Why anyone would quote Netanyahu and believe it after his lies is madness.

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Why anyone would quote Netanyahu and believe it after his lies is madness.

One can advance (or not) the relevance of the message whether Netanyahu said it or not.

but the fact is that Netanyahu said it. So it means nothing. If you struggle to understand that just google Hitler's quotes. Crazy warmongers do sometimes say things when they think it will work for them.

Quotes are nothing, it is the action that indicates the leader.

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