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Krabi:- Thai Facebook users cried foul and widely shared a post and photos of the popular Maya Bay in Krabi showing damaged corals by anchors of tourist boats.

The post was made Dr Thorn Thamrongnawasawat, an academic on marine resources and a member of the National Reform Council.

Apart from the photos of damaged corals, Thorn also posted a picture of a lot of tourists on the Maya beach with several speed boats on the sea.

The post said the bay had been exploited too much and the Hat Nopparat Thara-Mu Koh Phi Phi Park should carry reforms on the issue.

The post was widely shared and liked by Facebook users. Many expressed opinions in support of the academic, saying there were too many tourists visiting the beach.

Some noted that the income from tourist visits could not compare to the damage to the sea ecology so the park should review its stand regarding to the Maya Bay access.

Chaiyathat Boonyuphantanti, chief of Mu Koh Phi Phi park, said he understood the problem but it was impossible for the park officials to prevent tourists from visiting the Maya beach because it was not a closed island.

Regarding to damage to corals by anchors of speed boats, Chaiyathat said tourist boats will be prohibited from entering the coral lines and any violator would be arrested.

He said he would find a measure to control the number of tourist boats visiting the Maya beach.

He said he would submit information and proposals regarding to the Maya beach to the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department for consideration.

Chaiyathat said the department will call a meeting of chiefs of marine parks on March26 and 27 to brainstorm sustainable measures to protect marine parks.

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