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Carabao - Asia's best band?


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Too be honest i dont know any Thais who like them, it seems to be mainly farangs who like them.

My brother in law used to be a big fan back in the day, a few years ago he threw all his collection in the bin in disgust, for reasons I wont go into on here.

As for seeing them live, any time I have seen them live it always descends into groups of Thai motorcycle thug teens fighting each other.

You sure live in a different place than I. I have seen Carabao at least eight times, starting in Bangkok in 1984, for their Made in Thailand album tour; the last time at the Songkhla zoo, last year. At each concert, the Thais greatly outnumbered everyone else--in fact, my party were the only farangs in attendance at Songkhla zoo--and I have yet to see Thai motorcycle thugs fighting each other at any of the concerts.

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There are many bands out of Japan that are innovative, passionate, interesting and just plain good, IMHO.

Acid Mothers Temple (my favorite)

Yellow Magic Orchestra

Yonin Bayashi

Kawabata Mokoto

The Boredoms

Yamantsuka Eye


Melt Banana

The Sadistic Mika Band

Ryuichi Sakamoto

Far East Family Band



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I've seen them loads of times. That stuff about fighting being a feature of Carabao concerts is rubbish. Just something that that comes from years ago and still repeated by people who haven't been to concerts. Also, if you go to any temple fair style concert, the local kids start fighting whatever band are on. Carabao are still popular and sell out when they do their special concerts.

I've seen them good and terrible, especially when Ad is the worse for wear. Generally, they're just going through the motions these days but were very good when they had a point and made some great albums. So, back in the day, they were one of Asia's best bands and they have a special place in Thai music history but their time is long gone.

That stuff about fighting being a feature of Carabao concerts is rubbish. Just something that that comes from years ago and still repeated by people who haven't been to concerts.

Of course how correct you are, the following is probably just an illusion.

Guy who wrote this account is probably talking rubbish as well is he?


5555,riot,what riot,a lot of finger pointing and a coupla girly boy kicks.

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Only one more, who don't live in Thailand and understand the song's,

I have a Carabao Tattoo on my arm, and that open the door wherever I Go,

Still do even after I stop driving my big bike, so don't tell me that Thai don't like them.lol

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Carabao...Got their start in 1981 (34years), hugely popular throughout Asia & especially

Southeast Asia at one time. Still revered in LOS although not as much as in the old days.

They've been compared to the Rolling Stones...ie...the Rolling Stones of Asia. Their gigs

today are usually packed and peaceful...mindful of a very few exceptions however I have

seen other gigs elsewhere in the world where the agro resulted in more than one death,

Rolling Stones gig at Altamont is a fine example.

At one time Carabao was the best....these days that's debatable. Mind you I'm a huge

Carabao fan...FWIW. Rock On!


Edited by sunshine51
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There are many bands out of Japan that are innovative, passionate, interesting and just plain good, IMHO.

Acid Mothers Temple (my favorite)

Yellow Magic Orchestra

Yonin Bayashi

Kawabata Mokoto

The Boredoms

Yamantsuka Eye


Melt Banana

The Sadistic Mika Band

Ryuichi Sakamoto

Far East Family Band



You are de man,

YMO, brilliant band.

AMT, what a band, check out Pink Lady Lemonade what a track, Aed can only dream of guitar playing like that.

Far East Family Band, check out the first album called, Far East Far Out, Kitaro was a founder member of FEFB.

Way to go man, you know your music.

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Carabao really are a Thai institution - a band who have stood for Thai citizens rights, democracy and anti-corruption. Some of the older following didn't like it when they got "commercial".

Aed is the only member to have remained in the band throughout their career.


kŭn john sà-làt man bplôn rao

Pirates rob us


láew yát rao maa reua sĭn káa

and devour us coming with merchant ships



playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek

This song of removing the yoke


playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek

This song of removing the yoke

What's with the silly English translation?

Why not just give Bob Marley's lyrics which Aad translated into Thai?

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I also really like them. Met them a couple of times many years ago in a couple of western bars in Chiang Mai just hanging out. I think the person who made the comment "I wonder how many of the farang fans would like them if they understood the lyrics." , which I can, is confusing it with the previous governments who were not too fond of his 'openness'. smile.png

Now for a brief intermission. Not in 'best band' so a little off topic but I find her a pretty entertaining drummer. Showed up on my Facebook page a while ago - Taiwanese - Chen Man Qing (aka Vela Blue)

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I live few properties away from Carabao in Chiang Mai...although he is rarely here.

Last year he had a concert at his property for maybe 1,000 people and since one of the Princesses attended, they served no beer.

Four hours of Thai songs, with a few classic English songs thrown in, and a few guest artists.

I like Carabao for a few songs...but 4 hours was a long time sat in a chair...with no beer. It was a bit much.

Been to a few shows around Thailand in more rural areas, and it is like a fight night where a Carabao concert broke out...

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Maybe I'm marginally younger than some of you, but I always preferred Loso / Sek Loso ... far more diversity in styles, from melancholy ballads like Sip See Eek Krung to hard rock like Confused Sa. Om Pra Ma Pood is a culture-free classic.

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SAw them first on Sanam Luang in 1992 when the plac was surrounded by tanks.

Saw them more recently at Tawang Daeng in Khon Kaen. Got the VIP sofa because of knowing someone and got to meet the band.

I like them, especially the classic lung kee mao. Any Thai with a guitar has tried to play this.

Heavily inspired by--if not an outright copy of--Anak by Freddie Aguilar. Most Thais don't know that. Does Carabao acknowledge it in their CD sleeves?

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SAw them first on Sanam Luang in 1992 when the plac was surrounded by tanks.

Saw them more recently at Tawang Daeng in Khon Kaen. Got the VIP sofa because of knowing someone and got to meet the band.

I like them, especially the classic lung kee mao. Any Thai with a guitar has tried to play this.

Heavily inspired by--if not an outright copy of--Anak by Freddie Aguilar. Most Thais don't know that. Does Carabao acknowledge it in their CD sleeves?

Most Thais, or at least most fans and Thais interested in the music, do know that as it's been mentioned, discussed many many times by Aed and others.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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I have them to thank for helping me learn the Thai language. Back in the early 1980s Made in Thailand was a huge hit. The lyrics were written in Thai of course in the tape sleeve and i could read them and begin to understsnd. I could listen to this wicked song and learn the words even though i am a poor singer. Many other classics followed and when i hear ones like Bua Loy it carries me back to those formative days and i can still sing along. I have never been to see them but mean to one day. It is a pity though that their mischevious and anti-establishment and anti western lyrics should have given them the fame that they, or is it really Aed, have sold in maudlin Thai beer ads and grovelling praise-jingles to the establishment they used to so riotously knock. Tom Tom Where You Go Last Night? All the way to the bank, it seems. Still a great band though.

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