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Australia a puzzling hotbed of Islamic State recruiting

Lite Beer

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Sydney western suburbs are over run by Lebanese, Syrian and alike.

They all hate Australia and what it stands for, even 2nd and 3rd generation.

Ask anyone non anglo-saxons looking where you from, and without a fail, the answer would be a Leb or alike, so they do not even want to associate with the country they were brought up in.

Who to blame? i do not know.

The animosity is crazy. Sure some would say wrong to generalize, but just look at all the bikie gangs, drug running gangs, drive by, armed robberies and jails are full of Lebanese.

Costello once said, if you do not like our way of life, pack up and go back to wherever you came from. I believe he even suggested revoking citizenship and sending them back.

May be he was not wrong.

New South Wales is generally known now as the "Middle East" - for good reason.

Are you sure mate ?

Laurel & Hardy went to great lengths a few months back trying to explain that it was all good in the hood.

No such thing as Islamic extremism in Australia. Mullticulturalism was the best thing since sliced bread.

Guess the OP blows that myth apart.

Will not come as any surprise to those that warned Australia not to follow in the UK's footsteps.

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Interesting article

THERE was a time when author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali believed it all.

She believed that, according to Islam, the infidel should die, that the Koran is infallible, that those who violated sharia law — thieves, gays, adulterers — deserved to be stoned to death or beheaded, as they were each Friday in a public gathering place she and her brother called “Chop-Chop Square.”

Today, she is that rare thing: a public intellectual who, despite death threats and charges of bigotry, calls for an end to Islam — not just as the faithful know it, but as we in the West think we know it.http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/ex-muslim-author-and-activist-ayaan-hirsi-ali-calls-for-reform-of-islam/story-fnh81jut-1227273860667

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The Chinese come and rarely assimilate, that's why there are Chinatown areas all over the place. In the 90's Aussies were afraid of the Japanese because they were buying up lots of real estate. Gold Coast was renamed Little Tokyo.

So now it's the muslims turn and next decade it will be someone else's turn.

Australian economy is going to downturn very soon and they are in for a lot of problems and some will try to blame everyone but themselves.

I left Oz a couple of years ago and returned for a short holiday and am in no hurry to return again. The place is way too expensive now and it is ready for some major unrest.

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Interesting article

THERE was a time when author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali believed it all.

She believed that, according to Islam, the infidel should die, that the Koran is infallible, that those who violated sharia law thieves, gays, adulterers deserved to be stoned to death or beheaded, as they were each Friday in a public gathering place she and her brother called Chop-Chop Square.

Today, she is that rare thing: a public intellectual who, despite death threats and charges of bigotry, calls for an end to Islam not just as the faithful know it, but as we in the West think we know it.http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/ex-muslim-author-and-activist-ayaan-hirsi-ali-calls-for-reform-of-islam/story-fnh81jut-1227273860667

Thanks for sharing ?

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Australia has assimilated Turks, Italians, Germans, Vietnamese and others - all past adversaries on battlefields soaked in the blood of both sides - yet many Lebanese and other Arab nations steadfastly refuse to listen to the moderate voices in their own community. How can you pass that much hatred down from generation to generation in a country halfway around the world from the Middle East ? The very fact that NSW saw the need to establish a permanent squad focussing on organised crime perpetrated by Middle-Eastern gangs should have been the red flag they needed to stop anyone else coming from the region - clearly, it wasnt.

AFAIK, Australia has never formally declared war on Lebanon or Syria, but I guess I'm an infidel so what the hell would I know. The Iraqis need to get on with the job in Tikrit, with or without the US, and wipe these deluded fools off the face of the planet.


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The Chinese come and rarely assimilate, that's why there are Chinatown areas all over the place. In the 90's Aussies were afraid of the Japanese because they were buying up lots of real estate. Gold Coast was renamed Little Tokyo.

So now it's the muslims turn and next decade it will be someone else's turn.

Australian economy is going to downturn very soon and they are in for a lot of problems and some will try to blame everyone but themselves.

I left Oz a couple of years ago and returned for a short holiday and am in no hurry to return again. The place is way too expensive now and it is ready for some major unrest.

Aaah, xenophobia - and we thought it was a Thai thing .....

The Chinese have been in Australia since the Gold Rush of the 1800s and they've contributed a hell of a lot more to the country than the Lebanese. Check a map sometime and ask yourself which is closer - Hong Kong or Beirut. Australia will - hopefully - wear a predominately Asian face by 2150, and that has to be a good thing for its future survival.

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The Chinese come and rarely assimilate, that's why there are Chinatown areas all over the place. In the 90's Aussies were afraid of the Japanese because they were buying up lots of real estate. Gold Coast was renamed Little Tokyo.

So now it's the muslims turn and next decade it will be someone else's turn.

Australian economy is going to downturn very soon and they are in for a lot of problems and some will try to blame everyone but themselves.

I left Oz a couple of years ago and returned for a short holiday and am in no hurry to return again. The place is way too expensive now and it is ready for some major unrest.

Aaah, xenophobia - and we thought it was a Thai thing .....

The Chinese have been in Australia since the Gold Rush of the 1800s and they've contributed a hell of a lot more to the country than the Lebanese. Check a map sometime and ask yourself which is closer - Hong Kong or Beirut. Australia will - hopefully - wear a predominately Asian face by 2150, and that has to be a good thing for its future survival.

I would submit that Linky is not describing his irrational dislikes or fears. He does not have to make a long, drawn out post to state what I suspect are his rational and legitimate dislikes and fears he may have, as well as rational and legitimate complaints and such. I call that survival instinct... NOT xenophobia.

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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

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I've got strong feelings on this, so, I hope people will bear with me and hear me out. I will be honest, and I trust I can state things with the same impunity that all the so-called minorities can state things, and not get "special attention and focus":

Would the definition of Cultural Marxism, perhaps, explain a bit of what's going on?

The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state. The Philosophy was proven not to Work already by Vladimir Lenin as he tried in vein to control and subjugate the people. He admitted before he died that capitalism was the only true system in which people understand how to live with each other.... Lenin knew that there were a few western Idiots who kept spreading the communist ideas long after Lenin gave up.... he called these people useful idiots as they had more emotion than brains and could be used to subvert the western states for a military takeover in the future as the citizens would already be perverted and sick and weak from poisonous ideas, decadent lusts and mindless entertainment.

cultural marxism: "everything is relative man".... "there is no truth".... "reality is what we make of it".... smoke dope and drop out dude!!! .... we don't need money... cops are violent pigs (especially the white ones). Women are smarter and betteer than men, all men are rapists. "get in touch with your feelings".... "if it feels good then do it"... "she so empowered!!... you go girl!!"... "there is no god"... "Let's burn the bible" "don't criticize islam!!"... "you're a bigot" "a homophobe" "you're an agist classist pig"..... "think globally act locally".... "save the whales.. the trees... the poor african kids!!".... "drop out of school and rebell against your parents".... "Dad's are scum.... mum's are cool".... "go vegetarian" "the ufo's are comming!!" .... "don't teach kids math's and reading!!!!!..... you elitist pig!!!.... they need to learn to build a veggie patch and learn to recycle and wear gender nuetral clothes!!!" "we can all eat other's cuisines and enjoy each others religions from every nation in one smelting pot of peoples and get along together and intermarry"

There really is no reason to allow all of these cultures to come to predominantly white, developed countries for no other reason than what is suggested above. I mean, why are they even allowed to come anyway? If people believe in the tin-foilhat idea that white countries must save the world, then they are sorely mistaken. Why is the focus of all of this multi-culturalism being aimed at white, developed nations only? Why does all of Asia get away with not allowing it? Why does Israel - as an excellent example - get away with not allowing mass immigration (legally or illegally), and moreover send them back, put them in prison-like detention centers, or have the government intentionally spark race riots and fuel racial attacks "...so commonplace that they rarely merit any mention in the media, but by North American standards, any one of these incidents would be considered scandalous."

The thing is, at some point in the future, white people are going to have to decide if they want their future generations to be brown and fit the description in the first two paragraphs. Now this may be offensive to some, but then I consider people like that no different than the bouncer who did not want to listen to Mr. Pendlebury, and was going to bash Mark's head in no matter what. What I mean is, multi-culturalism is being used as the bludgeon, to beat predominantly white, developed countries with the anti racism agenda. I am white, and quite frankly, I am fed up with being the enemy all the time in this rigged "game" that I do not even want to play.

There is so much going on behind the scenes here, and the focus is on fixing things that cannot be fixed, and moreover is designed not to work, because you can't piss in a milk bottles and call it milk... but the governments sure do want to convince the sheep that this is so. Australia, Canada, The USA, The UK and the European Union may as well re-design their country flags and toss out their constitutions, values, traditions, cultural beliefs, etc. because in a few more generations these countries will be the carcasses that the rest of the world get to cannibalize and crap all over. Islamization and Africanization of these countries is imminent. The whites are the enemy. That is sarcasm, but I'll go toe to toe with anyone on that one statement and support it with headline after headline of anti-white laws and non-white on white crimes surges in those very countries where whites made those countries and made them great nations... once.

I guess people may not think it is OK for me to suggest these view points, but I really do not care. I am simply saying things that a lot of other people are already thinking and feeling... and apparently people the likes of Mr. Netanyahu as well.

Whites are the minority in the world. If Majority gets to decide, then we are finished. If principle does not matter any more, then we are finished. If this is viewed and engaged with token Marxist accusations of racism, bigotry, etc. then I am not surprised. If I get "likes" then hope is stirred in my breast.

Multi-culturalism is a stupid phrase anyway. People who play by the rules do not even get the ramifications of what "multi-culturalism" means. When multiple cultures, who do not play by the rules, are poured into one culture in vast quantities, you get one thing and one thing only: A milk bottle full of piss. There is no other way to describe the eventual outcome.

Apologies for the toes I have stepped on, but I believe I am being perfectly honest here with my views, thoughts and feelings on the matter. I am proud to be white and to be able to reflect on the traditions, values and culture I grew up in, and do not want to see it go the way of the dinosaurs, or to be criminalized in the country where I grew up, simply because it will offend someone who gets to live there, but does not have to embrace those ideals, and rather instead spread their "anti-whatever" views with full immunity.


They are allowed to come partly because due to lifestyle choices of modern developed nations the birthrate has fallen below levels needed to maintain the population. This in itself is a problem, which is made infinitely worse by Neo-Keynesian economics. In a nutshell the economy is prevented from collapsing by ever increasing quantities of credit (read debt), hence an increasing population is vital to service this debt. Now the one thing which baffles me is why not encourage immigration from places such as China, India and the Philippines which don't bring the problems Muslims invariably seem to? That is the 64k question.
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Now the one thing which baffles me is why not encourage immigration from places such as China, India and the Philippines which don't bring the problems Muslims invariably seem to? That is the 64k question.

Those three countries rank in the top five or six sources of migrants to Australia after the UK and NZ. But don't let that get in the way or your rant.

http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/latestProducts/3412.0Media%20Release12013-14

Edited by samran
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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

Couldnt agree more, bring it on.

I have said it in the past and will repeat it now, many countries could do well to adopt the Thai policy.

Right on as you say, bring it on is what I say.

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The Chinese come and rarely assimilate, that's why there are Chinatown areas all over the place. In the 90's Aussies were afraid of the Japanese because they were buying up lots of real estate. Gold Coast was renamed Little Tokyo.

So now it's the muslims turn and next decade it will be someone else's turn.

Australian economy is going to downturn very soon and they are in for a lot of problems and some will try to blame everyone but themselves.

I left Oz a couple of years ago and returned for a short holiday and am in no hurry to return again. The place is way too expensive now and it is ready for some major unrest.

Aaah, xenophobia - and we thought it was a Thai thing .....

The Chinese have been in Australia since the Gold Rush of the 1800s and they've contributed a hell of a lot more to the country than the Lebanese. Check a map sometime and ask yourself which is closer - Hong Kong or Beirut. Australia will - hopefully - wear a predominately Asian face by 2150, and that has to be a good thing for its future survival.

I would submit that Linky is not describing his irrational dislikes or fears. He does not have to make a long, drawn out post to state what I suspect are his rational and legitimate dislikes and fears he may have, as well as rational and legitimate complaints and such. I call that survival instinct... NOT xenophobia.

Mr Worldwide, I suggest you learn about how the Chinese were treated during the gold rush days. There was enormous upheaval from the whites.

Why on earth would you think I am xenophobic by explaining what others thought. Please point out where I said I agreed with those thoughts. I bloody live in Asia and love it.

To your point about which is closer, Lebanon or China.... I suggest politely that the UK is further away than both but have had more an impact on Australia. Check the map.

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The racism and hatred against anything related to Islam by some of the TV forum members I find disturbing. Openly promoting banishing Muslim from western countries (because of their religion), some of whom have been living in these countries for generations, sounds exactly like the way things were "solved" during Nazi Germany of the 30ties.

Its says everything about how narrow minded some people in this world are. Why is it that the European Christians have more rights to "claim" Australia as theirs' compared to Lebanese Muslims? Because the Lebanese have the "wrong" religion?

I find people like you "disturbing" - in my homecountry you would be called a traitor to your fellowmen
And you would be wrong and you would be brought to court, and, using your own 'logic' would be a traitor.
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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

Comparing us to the lowest bottom feeders of the human race is not going to get you very far. We leave and take our companies, toys, corporations and money, and Thailand goes back to the stone age. They leave our countries and we rise back to greatness. We are here because we can do it at our convenience. They are there because our governments pay for them to be there and in turn destroys our futures, traditions, values, cultures, etc. and drives the intelligent ones to places like this, where we aren't bothered that much. We do not stir up trouble in the proportions they stir up trouble.

Big differences here, Chief! Your logic concerns me very much.

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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

Comparing us to the lowest bottom feeders of the human race is not going to get you very far. We leave and take our companies, toys, corporations and money, and Thailand goes back to the stone age. They leave our countries and we rise back to greatness. We are here because we can do it at our convenience. They are there because our governments pay for them to be there and in turn destroys our futures, traditions, values, cultures, etc. and drives the intelligent ones to places like this, where we aren't bothered that much. We do not stir up trouble in the proportions they stir up trouble.

Big differences here, Chief! Your logic concerns me very much.


one of the 'if it wasn't for me Thailand would fall to pieces' crew.

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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well.

Like the Boston bombers?
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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

I take your point, but there are several in this thread that I know have no interest in living in Thailand and take every opportunity to bash the country (never____ for one). I agree that I havent assimilated - not in the slightest - but I dont spend my nights plotting to undermine Thailand, nor do I sit around with a bunch of other Australians talking about how I hate this country and everything it represents. Push comes to shove, I wasnt born here - if I did father kids here the last thing I would be looking to do would be fill their heads with hate and prejudice against the Thai people - I cant say the same of many Lebanese males in Australia.

Finally, as a retiree I'm a guest here and I see that as an invitation that can be revoked at any time - no need for a 'temporary visa'.

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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well.

Like the Boston bombers?

Let's get that post in the right place so it doesn't get deleted, eh? (It was embedded in Scott's post as if Scott had said it.)


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I take your point, but there are several in this thread that I know have no interest in living in Thailand and take every opportunity to bash the country (never____ for one). I agree that I havent assimilated - not in the slightest - but I dont spend my nights plotting to undermine Thailand, nor do I sit around with a bunch of other Australians talking about how I hate this country and everything it represents. Push comes to shove, I wasnt born here - if I did father kids here the last thing I would be looking to do would be fill their heads with hate and prejudice against the Thai people - I cant say the same of many Lebanese males in Australia.

Finally, as a retiree I'm a guest here and I see that as an invitation that can be revoked at any time - no need for a 'temporary visa'.

I believe you're talking about me which is OK but off topic as this thread has largely gone. I don't apologize for being able to afford, and preferring to live in my first world country with its many amenities. We are talking about people who immigrate to Australia however who by and large can't afford it, don't appreciate it, and are causing disruption in the economy and the culture. Neither you nor I would do that.

I don't know how so many people can stand to see their countries overrun by immigrants who hate the culture, and are determined to change the culture and entire essence of the country. I debate and vote against it in the US at every opportunity.

Australia hasn't vetted Muslim immigrants enough and has let too many in, and if it's trying to lock the barn door the horse has already bolted. Australia isn't the only one by far.

You're right about the wrong of people immigrating and then being hateful to the people and culture they find surrounding them. The immigrants I respect work hard within their new system to provide a better life for themselves and their children and most do. For them a first world environment is a privilege and they know it. We were all privileged to be born in a first world country.

What we don't know is what we are going to do about it because most of our leaders are off target on the issue.

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Mr Worldwide, I suggest you learn about how the Chinese were treated during the gold rush days. There was enormous upheaval from the whites.

Why on earth would you think I am xenophobic by explaining what others thought. Please point out where I said I agreed with those thoughts. I bloody live in Asia and love it.

To your point about which is closer, Lebanon or China.... I suggest politely that the UK is further away than both but have had more an impact on Australia. Check the map.

They were treated abysmally, and some of that prejudice has persisted right through to the present, just as it did in the US where the Chinese were bought in to work on the railroads in conditions more akin to slave labor than paid employment. Those who stuck it out, however, did so in the belief that their children and grandchildren would have better lives, and that has been the case for many Chinese-Australian and Chinese-American families.

I apologise for the xenophobic comment - it would seem that I jumped the gun on that when you were simply trying to make a point.

Finally, the British left a valuable legacy in several countries in the region but you're talking past tense. They dumped many early Australians here, shot and poisoned the original inhabitants and as late as the 1950s were detonating nuclear weapons in the outback with Australian servicemen forced to play the role of human guinea pigs. If Australia has a future in the Asia-Pacific region, it wont be as a former colonial backwater and it definitely wont be as China's quarry. Interesting times ahead.

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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

Comparing us to the lowest bottom feeders of the human race is not going to get you very far. We leave and take our companies, toys, corporations and money, and Thailand goes back to the stone age. They leave our countries and we rise back to greatness. We are here because we can do it at our convenience. They are there because our governments pay for them to be there and in turn destroys our futures, traditions, values, cultures, etc. and drives the intelligent ones to places like this, where we aren't bothered that much. We do not stir up trouble in the proportions they stir up trouble.

Big differences here, Chief! Your logic concerns me very much.


one of the 'if it wasn't for me Thailand would fall to pieces' crew.

Before you turn on your smug supercilious mode I suggest you look at the prison statistics for just about every developed nation, you will then see Muslim culture enrichers are almost invariably hugely over represented.
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Wow. There's a writer who has not one clue about the Australian, American, OR Muslim psyche.

"Possible explanations include that some Australian Muslims are poorly integrated with the rest of the country..."

No, Muslims are the reason they are poorly integrated. Stop blaming their behavior on the West. End of.

In my work with refugees, I would have to question your assumption. Muslim refugees that were settled in the US managed to integrate quite well.

Like the Boston bombers?

The family of the Boston bombers arrived in the US on a 90 day tourist visa and there father eventually applied for asylum. So, this family were not a part of a resettlement arrangement. This is the same type of problem that Australia has. First they arrive, then they get asylum. In cases like this there is no screening.

In the case of this family, they would probably not have been rejected anyway.

In dealing with refugees (and immigrants to a lesser extent), you always have to keep in mind that they may have experienced trauma before coming to a 3rd country. There was a Burmese guy who recently stabbed several members of a family. Based on that should all Burmese be refused entry?

Let's not forget some of the homegrown ones like Timothy McVeigh either.

But we are getting off topic since this is primarily about Australia.

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I take your point, but there are several in this thread that I know have no interest in living in Thailand and take every opportunity to bash the country (never____ for one). I agree that I havent assimilated - not in the slightest - but I dont spend my nights plotting to undermine Thailand, nor do I sit around with a bunch of other Australians talking about how I hate this country and everything it represents. Push comes to shove, I wasnt born here - if I did father kids here the last thing I would be looking to do would be fill their heads with hate and prejudice against the Thai people - I cant say the same of many Lebanese males in Australia.

Finally, as a retiree I'm a guest here and I see that as an invitation that can be revoked at any time - no need for a 'temporary visa'.

I believe you're talking about me which is OK but off topic as this thread has largely gone. I don't apologize for being able to afford, and preferring to live in my first world country with its many amenities. We are talking about people who immigrate to Australia however who by and large can't afford it, don't appreciate it, and are causing disruption in the economy and the culture. Neither you nor I would do that.

I don't know how so many people can stand to see their countries overrun by immigrants who hate the culture, and are determined to change the culture and entire essence of the country. I debate and vote against it in the US at every opportunity.

Australia hasn't vetted Muslim immigrants enough and has let too many in, and if it's trying to lock the barn door the horse has already bolted. Australia isn't the only one by far.

You're right about the wrong of people immigrating and then being hateful to the people and culture they find surrounding them. The immigrants I respect work hard within their new system to provide a better life for themselves and their children and most do. For them a first world environment is a privilege and they know it. We were all privileged to be born in a first world country.

What we don't know is what we are going to do about it because most of our leaders are off target on the issue.

Regretably you are totally misinformed. Immigrants from any country / religion are extensively vetted for required skills that are in short supply within Australia, language capability on a points based system as well as security checks. Also a number are admitted on work visas (457) who unfortunately are sometimes exploited by Australian citizens that requires government intervenion.

The debate on so called illegal migrants arriving by sea is now redundant as any who enter Australian waters are forever denied entry and shipped offshore to PNG and Nauru for processing, local resettlement and where possible returned to their home countries. Current 'illegals" enter Australia by air and then declare themselves as asylum seekers / refugees; the very large majority are Chinese. For reasons unknown to me Muslims and others arriving by air on false documentation or via deceitful visa applications are not vilified.

Australia is not 'overun' by Muslims migrants or indeed any other migrant community. Prior to futher commentry on the politics of migrant entry to Australia kindly do some fact checking

Edited by simple1
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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

I take your point, but there are several in this thread that I know have no interest in living in Thailand and take every opportunity to bash the country (never____ for one). I agree that I havent assimilated - not in the slightest - but I dont spend my nights plotting to undermine Thailand, nor do I sit around with a bunch of other Australians talking about how I hate this country and everything it represents. Push comes to shove, I wasnt born here - if I did father kids here the last thing I would be looking to do would be fill their heads with hate and prejudice against the Thai people - I cant say the same of many Lebanese males in Australia.

Finally, as a retiree I'm a guest here and I see that as an invitation that can be revoked at any time - no need for a 'temporary visa'.

Suggest you read a bit more widely on this board to see how widely people talk down thailand and how much they hate it. Throw in a few andrew drummond articles about foreign crims here and you start to have a bit of a parallel.

I also suggest that 99.99% of migrants to australian are doing absolutely nothing wrong. In the same way I'm not going to tar and feather every person who moves to thailand by he minority who muck up and whinge.

the fact that I do this makes my stalkers go mental, as they conflate not tarring and feathering everyone with the same brush as somehow supporting terrorism, which it isn't the case.

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