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Australia a puzzling hotbed of Islamic State recruiting

Lite Beer

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Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

Comparing us to the lowest bottom feeders of the human race is not going to get you very far. We leave and take our companies, toys, corporations and money, and Thailand goes back to the stone age. They leave our countries and we rise back to greatness. We are here because we can do it at our convenience. They are there because our governments pay for them to be there and in turn destroys our futures, traditions, values, cultures, etc. and drives the intelligent ones to places like this, where we aren't bothered that much. We do not stir up trouble in the proportions they stir up trouble.

Big differences here, Chief! Your logic concerns me very much.


one of the 'if it wasn't for me Thailand would fall to pieces' crew.

Before you turn on your smug supercilious mode I suggest you look at the prison statistics for just about every developed nation, you will then see Muslim culture enrichers are almost invariably hugely over represented.

So are aboriginals, and in the day, irish Catholics, Vietnamese and so on. So what is your point? Deport them all?

But I'm going to get a Thai visa special now on Koranic education from our resident experts. Funny, our resident experts in Islam and integration. Geez, you know who you blokes actually sound like.....??!

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Buddhist Thailand has been marginalizing Muslims in the South for decades soley because of their faith. Muslims are forced to submit to a secular government that venerates Buddhism and to be guided by the Kingdom's culture. The Malay-Thais did not immigrate to Thailand but rather lived in a Muslim society that existed as long as the Kingdom of Siam. They were annexed in Thailand to become Thai subjects.Their situation in a nonMuslim society is worse than in Australia, France, UK, etc.

Thailand needs to resolve its issues with the Malay-Thais very soon or ISIL may take advantage and attempt to radicalize the 4 million Malay-Thais.

But the Thai military have proven over the decades to be incapable of making any serious concessions of sovereignty to relax Thai rule. Any return to an elected Thai government in the near future that could achieve resolution would require independence from military policies. But from the shape of an elected governance being developed by the Junta, Thais may be too concerned about their own sovereignty to address the Muslim South issues.

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Wait until it goes to 6%......Then Spain, Germany and GB will be 10%........LOL.....In 25-30 years........The Muslims will have a Sharia Party in the governments.......Keep letting this trash in your country........Somebody better wake up.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

The racism and hatred against anything related to Islam by some of the TV forum members I find disturbing. Openly promoting banishing Muslim from western countries (because of their religion), some of whom have been living in these countries for generations, sounds exactly like the way things were "solved" during Nazi Germany of the 30ties.

Its says everything about how narrow minded some people in this world are. Why is it that the European Christians have more rights to "claim" Australia as theirs' compared to Lebanese Muslims? Because the Lebanese have the "wrong" religion?

You are a fool, we are australians not Europeans.

These islamic terrorists are only scum.

Remember to them YOU are a INFIDAL

And they love to kill them (us).

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