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Their dropping like Thai's at my village.

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5 funerals?

You lucky thing.

Free food, free entertainment and on top of that you are complaining?

What does it take to satisfy people, nowadays?


In the USA it is free, yessir.

In Greece it might be free, I dunno, Costas, you tell me.

But in Thailand, it ain't free. Gotta hand over that envelope.

(And the food is rarely worth eating.)

Five funerals and no wedding? Almost sounds like living in Hollywood.


In many cases they are the same thing.

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In the backwards villages of Issan, take away electricity and motorbikes and you are back 1000 years ago -- sleeping & preparing, eating food ON THE FLOOR -- conversing i meter apart at a YELL level - generally zero manners or consideration for others. <deleted>

You are aware that "manners" are local. They are polite and in this case it is true that farang just don't understand.

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All that music is not too bad... Rocking with the Dead... I love rock!!

Yes, if it's Van Halen, Guns and Roses or Aerosmith, that's fine. But there are only so many times I can put up with Ska Variety. God knows, I played that song often enough with the band.

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BTW, life expectancy in Thailand is about 74 years with an aging population.

Not that far behind the West.

Medical services in rural Thailand are far behind the West. However, care in the home seems to be so much better

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Take a holiday, go visit and stay with friends or rellies where it will be peaceful.

Noise causes stress for sure.

Joining in and getting drunk may cause other stress and adverse health effects.

We live in a Moobaan near a main road. The noise from traffic is disturbing at night because it can ruin a good night's sleep.

We always have the aircon fan running at it's max, even if it's not cooling the room, the constant drone of the fan reduces the other external intermittant noises.

Not a lot you can do to combat those HUGE speaker systems with that thunderous Bass that they employ.

I really feel for you.

Get out for a while if you can.

I got a deal in my village,play it loud but turn down that f...... bass.Still have to remind them every day but they comply The oldies always thank me but why do i always have to do the dirty work.

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The Tempel music is nothing against the village leader that talk every morning in a laud megaphone the news from village or old people can go hospital free check sugar!

We have to ask ourself why thais can handle laud noises and we can not, because we born and group up in quite areas and not on noisy city like most of the thais!

Or another idea , simply the locals here not here the noise anymore because there ears Allready damage by to laud mowlam music!

A deep bass over a range of 3 km must damage something in humans ear!

It's make no diffrence a noisy dog let wake me up in nightime or a tempel music!

The last one I find more romantic , and when you here all the time you find it normal!

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Last time I was in Surin the wife's aunt had died. Good Lord! The noise... It had no sooner ended than a wedding kicked off down the road. Good Lord! The noise...

I haven't been back.

So there was no "Temporary Monk" party, with the inevitable coyote girls - that explains why you are grumpy.

I find these are the worst,the last one two houses up from up from us,had finished,but as they had the speaker's for another half a day,well why not,booming bass at 4.30am,this went on until 7am,then,the guys [who had already gone to the temple],Father start's a 2 hour speech to who,no one was there,then more music another speech,which eneded abruptly,boy was i happy to see the speakers carted away,this guy is a serial offender,Songkran starts on the 12th,he starts on the 10th,New year,29th dec this year, my wife has a couple of rai well outside the village i am seriously thinking about building a bolt hole there,to flee too.

Had this early starting problem with bil,lao khao involved.It nearly came to blows,but somebody called the female puu yai and she sorted him out.All the yais sided with me as i always talk to them and bil is a know prick.I think some of them lust after me as they are always poking and prodding me,tweak on the bum occassionly.

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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

Yes I wish that at my funeral the guests would listen to Hard Rock and Punk, as loud as possible.

And that they would use earphones.

Now THAT would be respect, respect for me and respect for the living.

I am not trolling. I am very serious.

I have made up AC/DC tracks for my impending demise.Also just one day for wake and if it doesn't happen i'm coming back to haunt the missus.

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Take a holiday, go visit and stay with friends or rellies where it will be peaceful.

Noise causes stress for sure.

Joining in and getting drunk may cause other stress and adverse health effects.

We live in a Moobaan near a main road. The noise from traffic is disturbing at night because it can ruin a good night's sleep.

We always have the aircon fan running at it's max, even if it's not cooling the room, the constant drone of the fan reduces the other external intermittant noises.

Not a lot you can do to combat those HUGE speaker systems with that thunderous Bass that they employ.

I really feel for you.

Get out for a while if you can.

I got a deal in my village,play it loud but turn down that f...... bass.Still have to remind them every day but they comply The oldies always thank me but why do i always have to do the dirty work.

They started with the bass this morning,i could see the water in a glass on my bedside table vibrating!

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You guys have no respect for Thai culture.

Go back home to your nanny states.

Stereo, karaoke and PA are Thai inventions that date back thousands of years.

My wife always tells me it's "tradition" and has always been like this.

I ask her: "But back in the days they had no electricity and PA/sound systems, it must have been a lot more quiet back then!

Yes but that's different bla bla bla, zzzzzzzz, Thai reasoning :(

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That's got to be a first. I've heard people whine about dogs barking, late night music, noisy neighbours but whining about funerals? The irony of life is that nobody gets out of it alive so one day it will be your funeral and you might hope that some people have a bit of respect for you at your funeral?

Yes I wish that at my funeral the guests would listen to Hard Rock and Punk, as loud as possible.

And that they would use earphones.

Now THAT would be respect, respect for me and respect for the living.

I am not trolling. I am very serious.

I have made up AC/DC tracks for my impending demise.Also just one day for wake and if it doesn't happen i'm coming back to haunt the missus.

Throw in some Black Sabbath (their old stuff) and I will attend.

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I went go a farang funeral last week. They sung 2 hymns, had a bible reading, followed by a cup of tea.

<deleted> it was boring.

Don't blame us for the fact that you forgot to bring rum to add to the tea.
All over in an hour. A Thai funeral is heaps more fun.

In Belgium, funerals include sandwiches, small snacks and BELGIAN BEER afterwards, and a written guarantee that there will be no karaoke.

Sometimes even Trappist!

I will happily trade one Belgian funeral for ten Thai funerals.

I am looking forward to our visit to Belgium next week.

Yup, I am from Brabant in The Netherlands, 5 minutes drive from Belgium, funerals/cremations are church - funeral - cafe/restaurant for the food and drinks afterwards, very sad first parts and then it's relaxed eating and drinking. No noise at all....

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