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Prayut gives the United States the perfect excuse

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It's tiring to hear the American bashing over and over. Sure America isn't perfect, POTUS is a moron and the people eat to much junk food, but it is what it is, get over it!

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Sounds like some of The Nation's writers work for the government.

That's right. Who wrote this? The Good General's secretary? Really who cares what Thailand thinks of US foreign policy really. With China asserting itself all over the South China Sea, the US has plenty of other willing buddies--even some of its old enemies like Vietnam.

While I would love to see a closer Thai/US relationship, it doesn't matter. Let the coup cycle continue until a bloody revolution envelopes the entire country.


If you read the Wikileaks, you will see the USA Embassy knows a lot more than the average Thai Visa poster that has been just reading The Nation.

You see, there is no free press in Thailand and you are only reading what they want you to read. Sad but true.

The material that is blocked or banned has been read by Washington.

Agreed. I read the Wikileaks information about Thailand, and it was absolutely

fascinating. Actually blew me away would be a better choice of words....

Excellent reading for anyone who wants to know what actually goes on here.

Regarding American policy and Thailand, at some point Thailand needs to

wake up and realize it is no longer of any importance to America. With Thailand's

history of being a fair weather friend, as well as being a bit of of turncoat, and its

shift towards China, America has no interest in Thailand no matter what its deluded

leaders here believe .

They have been playing the middle against the sides for

so long they are like a marshmallow, so really the country has no value as an

actual ally....... Clearly this was proven in WW2 when Thailand was quick to

jump into the Japanese camp.

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If you read the Wikileaks, you will see the USA Embassy knows a lot more than the average Thai Visa poster that has been just reading The Nation.

You see, there is no free press in Thailand and you are only reading what they want you to read. Sad but true.

The material that is blocked or banned has been read by Washington.

Agreed. I read the Wikileaks information about Thailand, and it was absolutely

fascinating. Actually blew me away would be a better choice of words....

Excellent reading for anyone who wants to know what actually goes on here.

Regarding American policy and Thailand, at some point Thailand needs to

wake up and realize it is no longer of any importance to America. With Thailand's

history of being a fair weather friend, as well as being a bit of of turncoat, and its

shift towards China, America has no interest in Thailand no matter what its deluded

leaders here believe .

They have been playing the middle against the sides for

so long they are like a marshmallow, so really the country has no value as an

actual ally....... Clearly this was proven in WW2 when Thailand was quick to

jump into the Japanese camp.


Can't find said emails on wikileaks. Would be extremely interested to give a read if you could provide link(s)?



One wonders if this reporter was hired by someone way up the food chain to write this scathing article...something that could not be said openly by a HIGH ranking official...humm???


shear ignorance.... to think that the US is hurting its image or chances of having good thai relations....the US clearly understands what motivates thailand...

what do thailand and bargirls have in common?

can ya smell it


If you read the Wikileaks, you will see the USA Embassy knows a lot more than the average Thai Visa poster that has been just reading The Nation.

You see, there is no free press in Thailand and you are only reading what they want you to read. Sad but true.

The material that is blocked or banned has been read by Washington.

Agreed. I read the Wikileaks information about Thailand, and it was absolutely

fascinating. Actually blew me away would be a better choice of words....

Excellent reading for anyone who wants to know what actually goes on here.

Regarding American policy and Thailand, at some point Thailand needs to

wake up and realize it is no longer of any importance to America. With Thailand's

history of being a fair weather friend, as well as being a bit of of turncoat, and its

shift towards China, America has no interest in Thailand no matter what its deluded

leaders here believe .

They have been playing the middle against the sides for

so long they are like a marshmallow, so really the country has no value as an

actual ally....... Clearly this was proven in WW2 when Thailand was quick to

jump into the Japanese camp.

Thailand very much needs the USA. It is the counter measure against Chinese expansionism. Please consider this; Whenever we hear of Issan splitting off and uniting with Laos to form a new country, I ask who controls Laos? What better way for China to expand via its proxy state of Laos. Carving out Issan and linking it to Laos gives China more resources and more land.

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America trying to impose it's idea of democracy around the world has been the direct cause of tens of thousands of deaths.

Best they keep their hanging chad, electoral college, richest lobby group wins style of democracy to themselves.

Not "tens of thousands of deaths" Millions upon millions!

To name a few---China----Italy----Cambodia---GERMANY---Spain---I think a few here you can easily put into that section you blast USA for.

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The US was instrumental in the success of 'The Arab Spring' which saw the downfall of a stable Mubarak government in Egypt that was replaced by a more repressive military regime, was responsible for the overthrow of the stable Gaddafi government in Libya that was replaced by 6 (six) different warring factions. Destabilized the once-stable government of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen so that is was overthrown by Shia militants this past January. Is currently destabilizing the government of Bashar al-Asad in Syria by supplying arms to non-government militia (much of which is funneled to ISIS). Has overthrown the stable government of Saddam Hussain in Iraq and left an unstable government incapable of stopping sectarian violence and which is, even now, being taken over by ISIS. None of these government were nice or democratic. What they all had in common was stability and their people didn't face violence in their daily lives. IMO, none of the citizens of any of these countries are better for American intervention/adventurism and citizens of the US have paid through the nose for the privilege of having the World hate us and the rise of Islamic radicals. The West will further suffer when these radicals return to their home countries in the West. Thailand should be proud and worried at the same time that the US isn't happy with them. I hope the bully-boy tactics of the US don't sway the current Thai government. The US will have a new administration in less than two years and one can only expect improved relations as they can't get much worse. The last two US presidents have been a fiasco for US foreign policy.

Yes, Thailand does not, at the moment, have democracy but it does have stability and a calm, peaceful environment for the people to do their business and better their lives. The current government has sworn to and is preparing to return to Thai people a new constitution that will insure a democracy that, hopefully, can't be twisted into something perverted as Dr. Thaksin did. Sometimes the leaders of the US behave as spoiled children: they want what they want and they want it now and to hell what anyone else's feeling is.

A peaceful invironment????? With bombs going off and more people being killed or injured in the south. Yep ok


Does the USA get it right all the time? No. Like most people and organizations they make their fair share of mistakes. For instance, their Middle East policies have been a disaster. But when they speak of “Democracy” they mean elected governments of and by the people, free assembly, and a free press. Why can’t that shirt fit everyone? And why all the USA bashing? Who would you rather have on your side in a crisis? The Russians? Ask the Ukrainians and the Georgians how they like that? Or ask all of Eastern Europe pre-1989. The Chinese? Ask the Tibetans how they like that. The USA has spilled a lot of blood on foreign soil for the idea of Democracy versus Totalitarianism. Or maybe the French would prefer to speak German and the Aussies Japanese?

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Seems that the Bangkok Post and the others all work for the Junta Gov't.

USA cares very little about thailand. They simply do not approve of a Coup/Junta Gov't because it goes against the basic principles of Democracy.

Thailand has gone through this for years..and when Thailand gets back to Democracy again, then yes, the USA and Thailand will have a fine relationship again.

It is unrealistic to expect the USA to change their core values to accept a Coup Leader with open arms.

I do realize that the USA sometimes has some shady bed fellows, but realize that you meet each Int'l relationship where the nation is at.

USA must work with Saudi Arabia...but that does not mean we 100% support their Gov't ways.

Thailand is far more advanced in Democracy than Saudi Arabia. To just accept a Coup would be to be showing our acceptance of it in the future.

Life goes on.. I think the USA cares less about Prayut. USA Just wants him gone so they can have normal relations with Thailand once again.

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The US was instrumental in the success of 'The Arab Spring' which saw the downfall of a stable Mubarak government in Egypt that was replaced by a more repressive military regime, was responsible for the overthrow of the stable Gaddafi government in Libya that was replaced by 6 (six) different warring factions. Destabilized the once-stable government of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen so that is was overthrown by Shia militants this past January. Is currently destabilizing the government of Bashar al-Asad in Syria by supplying arms to non-government militia (much of which is funneled to ISIS). Has overthrown the stable government of Saddam Hussain in Iraq and left an unstable government incapable of stopping sectarian violence and which is, even now, being taken over by ISIS. None of these government were nice or democratic. What they all had in common was stability and their people didn't face violence in their daily lives. IMO, none of the citizens of any of these countries are better for American intervention/adventurism and citizens of the US have paid through the nose for the privilege of having the World hate us and the rise of Islamic radicals. The West will further suffer when these radicals return to their home countries in the West. Thailand should be proud and worried at the same time that the US isn't happy with them. I hope the bully-boy tactics of the US don't sway the current Thai government. The US will have a new administration in less than two years and one can only expect improved relations as they can't get much worse. The last two US presidents have been a fiasco for US foreign policy.

Yes, Thailand does not, at the moment, have democracy but it does have stability and a calm, peaceful environment for the people to do their business and better their lives. The current government has sworn to and is preparing to return to Thai people a new constitution that will insure a democracy that, hopefully, can't be twisted into something perverted as Dr. Thaksin did. Sometimes the leaders of the US behave as spoiled children: they want what they want and they want it now and to hell what anyone else's feeling is.

A peaceful invironment????? With bombs going off and more people being killed or injured in the south. Yep ok

Did you miss the bit about the massacres down South during Thaksin's watch? Or his little sister never going there on her watch. Just assigned a drunken thug who promised to sort it all out in 90 days.

Not sure how much it's improved, but it certainly ain't worse.

Yes, during Thaksins time, in 2004 the Army suppressed a protest in the south and stacked protesters in trucks like firewood. After a 5 hour drive to the Army vase, 78 were dead from suffocation.

No Army security officials have faced charges in the 78 deaths.

What was the name of that General that had those people transported like that? Wasn't he behind the 2006 coup too?

Where is he now?


Seems that the Bangkok Post and the others all work for the Junta Gov't.

USA cares very little about thailand. They simply do not approve of a Coup/Junta Gov't because it goes against the basic principles of Democracy.

Thailand has gone through this for years..and when Thailand gets back to Democracy again, then yes, the USA and Thailand will have a fine relationship again.

It is unrealistic to expect the USA to change their core values to accept a Coup Leader with open arms.

I do realize that the USA sometimes has some shady bed fellows, but realize that you meet each Int'l relationship where the nation is at.

USA must work with Saudi Arabia...but that does not mean we 100% support their Gov't ways.

Thailand is far more advanced in Democracy than Saudi Arabia. To just accept a Coup would be to be showing our acceptance of it in the future.

Life goes on.. I think the USA cares less about Prayut. USA Just wants him gone so they can have normal relations with Thailand once again.

me thinks you should read your history on why the us turned a blind eye to saudia arabias version of islam..then come and start your post all over again..you only read what the us government lets you know...FOX NEWS lol...


the America bashers are often quite right on the petty facts. but i have to wonder what the world would be like if the USA, however arrogant and misguided it can be, always minded its own business -- let's say going back to 1917 and even up to now. sometimes I wish the USA WOULD bow out and let "the rest" try to sort things out. I am sure then we'd then be hating "the rest".


If you read the Wikileaks, you will see the USA Embassy knows a lot more than the average Thai Visa poster that has been just reading The Nation.

You see, there is no free press in Thailand and you are only reading what they want you to read. Sad but true.

The material that is blocked or banned has been read by Washington.

Doesn't matter. The yanks are losing their world power grip and they are slowly becoming insignificant in the world stage. coffee1.gif

Their "do as I say not as I do" policies for the past 70 years is going the way of the dinosaur.

The Chinese will be more than happy to take their place. They certainly have a softer approach. LOL.


The article talking about US policy: <It doesn't matter how many people support you, as long as you think you are right.>

I wouldn't even go that far, the figureheads representing the machinations of the US military-industrial complex have zero concern with what is right. It is and never has been anything more than about what they want. If you think other wise you might want to check what flavor of Kool-Aide they have given you to sip on because it isn't a fresh fruit drink.

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The general try to end circle of corruption. Politician needs money for election after election some pocket back with projects which hurt the nation as the children and grand children need to pay back.

Example some tollway increase yearly basis due to corrupted contract after more then 20-30 years fare from 45 Baht now 60 Baht where it should stop collected already when cost and profits already back to company.

Politician didn't sincerely help to solved the people's problems but the army did with great result.

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This pompous editorial from The Nation has done an admirable job attempting to set a world record in rhetological fallacies used in a 600 word piece. But sifting through all the red herrings, straw man arguments, false equivalences, appeals to spite, ad hoc rescues, ad hominem attacks, false dilemmas, and circular logic (and for old time’s sake, two wrongs make a right), it is clear that the editorial board is suffering from either profound ignorance or willful ignorance (I suspect the latter) on the supposed role the US plays in Thailand’s current sociopolitical misadventure.

So, now it’s my time to drop some knowledge on you. Brace yourselves.

#1 Thailand’s beloved institution of the monarchy would never have survived the advance of communism in Southeast Asia without the help of the United States. Whether the US involvement in Thailand was for its own interests or to be altruistic is irrelevant. We were your friend of your country and monarchy then, and we still are now. Stop and really think about that for a <deleted> minute.

#2 Twelve coups d’état and 19 out of 20 constitutions written by generals since 1932 prove that the military—not politicians, and certainly not democracy—are the culprit for Thailand’s never-ending governmental malaise. The current junta is no different. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” never rang truer.

#3 Shifting attention to the US decision to scale back diplomatic ties until martial law is rescinded, human rights are restored, and free elections are held once again, as if the US is attempting to bully the average Thai person is a disingenuous cover for the elites’ own failings in understanding what their role ought to be in a modern Thailand. The US is not ‘intervening’ in Thailand’s affairs, period.

That said, I continue to believe in the potential of Thailand and its people. My country is a true friend of Thailand, despite our failings in dealing with many others, which I acknowledge. But, attacking the stance of the American government, as if we are constantly bad-mouthing ordinary Thais, their honor and their unique character, is absolute out of line and just another case of smoke and mirrors on the part of the junta, the elite, those who stand to gain from suppressing a free society, and those sheep who choose to cast their lot with such people.

Shame on The Nation for this rubbish.

Thank you for this great post! I love it!

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the America bashers are often quite right on the petty facts. but i have to wonder what the world would be like if the USA, however arrogant and misguided it can be, always minded its own business -- let's say going back to 1917 and even up to now. sometimes I wish the USA WOULD bow out and let "the rest" try to sort things out. I am sure then we'd then be hating "the rest".

1917 three years into a world war.....1941 two years into a world war...if britain had crumpled you were next so dont give it the big i am...zzzzzzzz....another who knows no history..not very good for a p.i.


Well, I agree to some extend with the General's statement:

“Please tell the United States that in tailoring you cannot just cut one
dress and expect it to fit all. There must be many sizes for each to fit.
That’s why a tailor is needed. "

Yeah, just as he said, a tailor is needed to make shirts (sure not a butcher),
I even understand a general is needed to run the armies (sure not a vicar)
and it would make sense to me, to have politicians running politics.

Maybe someone should tell him, he's not a tailor ... facepalm.gif

Now for the "Perfect Excuse" - how lame,
I had better excuses in primary school. Maybe the the journalist of this article
should go to school some time where he might learn about "perfect excuses" crazy.gif


the America bashers are often quite right on the petty facts. but i have to wonder what the world would be like if the USA, however arrogant and misguided it can be, always minded its own business -- let's say going back to 1917 and even up to now. sometimes I wish the USA WOULD bow out and let "the rest" try to sort things out. I am sure then we'd then be hating "the rest".

1917 three years into a world war.....1941 two years into a world war...if britain had crumpled you were next so dont give it the big i am...zzzzzzzz....another who knows no history..not very good for a p.i.

Nonsense....you could do to read a book or two about such things. And you actually made my point, professor. It really doesn't matter how or why the USA became engaged, your simplistic rational notwithstanding, outcomes would have been different if it hadn't.

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This article seems to place the US on a path to disavow itself from the Junta, thereby forcing the Junta further along its path towards hegemony with Russia and China. The former has questionable democratic institutions and the latter has none. But both are ardent competitors with the US for global political influence.

Yet, the criticisms from the US of the Junta's delayed return of Thailand to democracy follows almost a predictable script following US foreign policy for the last 200 years, and have not been as virulent and bashing as the US can prove itself to be. Paradoxically, the Junta has lately bragged of Thailand's 200-year friendship with the US, while at the same time it seems to politicize the two nation's differences and incompatibility of governance systems.

Add to further confusion of where the Junta is heading for the future of Thailand's government is the Junta's interest in adopting various forms of democratic systems throughout the world, citing Germany, New Zealand, Norway, UK, Canada, Japan, etc. as role models. Yet, all these countries maintain the highest relationships with the US democratic system that would seem to dispel a US demand for "one-size fits all."

What is probably more true about the purpose of this article is to help prepare the Thai public for a possible continued Junta-led government over the next 3-5 years without any elections nor a constitution. And towards that goal, the Junta would rather present itself as being forced into such actions against its better judgement to stall democracy by blaming its actions in part as self-defense to the US interference in Thailand's internal affairs. This defense would further justify more security arrangements with China and Russia and add to Thailand's isolation to democratic governance.

A junta that fears its demise is a dangerous junta. And if domestic opposition against the junta's plans for Thailand's governance continue to build into public protests by all political parties and business sectors, a junta may not react rationally in the nation's best interests.

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The US was instrumental in the success of 'The Arab Spring' which saw the downfall of a stable Mubarak government in Egypt that was replaced by a more repressive military regime, was responsible for the overthrow of the stable Gaddafi government in Libya that was replaced by 6 (six) different warring factions. Destabilized the once-stable government of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen so that is was overthrown by Shia militants this past January. Is currently destabilizing the government of Bashar al-Asad in Syria by supplying arms to non-government militia (much of which is funneled to ISIS). Has overthrown the stable government of Saddam Hussain in Iraq and left an unstable government incapable of stopping sectarian violence and which is, even now, being taken over by ISIS. None of these government were nice or democratic. What they all had in common was stability and their people didn't face violence in their daily lives. IMO, none of the citizens of any of these countries are better for American intervention/adventurism and citizens of the US have paid through the nose for the privilege of having the World hate us and the rise of Islamic radicals. The West will further suffer when these radicals return to their home countries in the West. Thailand should be proud and worried at the same time that the US isn't happy with them. I hope the bully-boy tactics of the US don't sway the current Thai government. The US will have a new administration in less than two years and one can only expect improved relations as they can't get much worse. The last two US presidents have been a fiasco for US foreign policy.

Yes, Thailand does not, at the moment, have democracy but it does have stability and a calm, peaceful environment for the people to do their business and better their lives. The current government has sworn to and is preparing to return to Thai people a new constitution that will insure a democracy that, hopefully, can't be twisted into something perverted as Dr. Thaksin did. Sometimes the leaders of the US behave as spoiled children: they want what they want and they want it now and to hell what anyone else's feeling is.

Thank you Mr Chambamberlain!

How is it you have enough education to be able to string so many sentences together and not have enough brains to read up and understand history.?

"What they all had in common was stability and their people didn't face violence in their daily lives". Such drivel, its unbelievable.

Do you really think Thai people enjoy (or are "happy") being crushed under a military jackboot with no recourse to free speech, etc and the US should stop promoting democracy because of the idiots in charge here at the moment.

Please go and live in North Korea and feel as happy as you like.


winstonc, on 23 Mar 2015 - 14:55, said:snapback.png

1917 three years into a world war.....1941 two years into a world war...if britain had crumpled you were next so dont give it the big i am...zzzzzzzz....another who knows no history..not very good for a p.i.

I guess that's what the Aussies are taught in school because I've heard that lame excuse before. They "blame" the USA for coming to their aide "late" to save them. What pathetic rationale is that? Do you really believe if the USA hadn't intervened "late" you would have picked yourself off the mat at the count of 8 and won the fight? You just needed more time to save yourself? Really? More likely it's from an insecure people that can't seem to be able to say "thank you."


If you read the Wikileaks, you will see the USA Embassy knows a lot more than the average Thai Visa poster that has been just reading The Nation.

You see, there is no free press in Thailand and you are only reading what they want you to read. Sad but true.

The material that is blocked or banned has been read by Washington.

I'm not going to the US to read the Daily Mall!!

I think that considering the daily violence pre-coup compared to the occasional pop in Bangkok tells the whole story as to what Prayut has achieved in 10 short months.

Surely this fact is not lost on Washington, perhaps they think that the country in reality is disintegrating now but this has been suppressed from appearing in the papers or on the TV!!!

Nobody is going to tell me that the US has not got it wrong with Thailand - if you want to know my personal opinion, they have really cocked up with their 'democracy' ideology and in trying to impose it on Thailand when it is far from right at this present moment in time!!!

If you don't want to lose another friend in your dwindling number of buddies then kindly butt out and stop interfering!!

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