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Has Plodsaprop been at the Tigertemple?

Is he still part of the government???
Were did I say he was?

So you don't know then. He was deputy PM under Yingluck, so I would think it very unlikely he'd be visiting the Tiger temple in any capacity, any more that a publicly known pedophile would seen visiting a school.


Has Plodsaprop been at the Tigertemple?

Is he still part of the government???
Were did I say he was?

So you don't know then. He was deputy PM under Yingluck, so I would think it very unlikely he'd be visiting the Tiger temple in any capacity, any more that a publicly known pedophile would seen visiting a school.

Yes I know he was, I also know he was sentenced to prison for exporting 100 tigers to China and also that he wanted to start a restaurant in connection to a zoo upcountry with wild animals on the meny.


Anyone checked the traditional Chinese pharmacies and Restaurants yet?

Anyone checked with Plodprasop yet?


A commercial venture no less.........how can anyone "lose" 3 <deleted>' tigers?..........

Monks and temples should stick to what they're supposed to be doing.....following Buddha!


The defence will probably be that as they can't establish with any certainty the number of tigers there, it is impossible to say that any went missing.

This isn't the first time allegations of illegally trading tigers have been made.....the "teflon temple" will no doubt have a response that satisfies the higher echelons of the authorities involved.

In the meantime the population of tigers at the temple grows and grows - presumably from a breeding program that appears to beach both local and international conventions.

The more tigers at the temple the more difficult it becomes to deal with the problem in an appropriate and humane manner.

I can't see how the problem can be solved without the intervention of an international wildlife organisation - and on top of that the cost is going to be astronomical. Presumably the Thai authorities ae aware of this which is why they are dragging their heels?


The defence will probably be that as they can't establish with any certainty the number of tigers there, it is impossible to say that any went missing.

This isn't the first time allegations of illegally trading tigers have been made.....the "teflon temple" will no doubt have a response that satisfies the higher echelons of the authorities involved.

In the meantime the population of tigers at the temple grows and grows - presumably from a breeding program that appears to beach both local and international conventions.

The more tigers at the temple the more difficult it becomes to deal with the problem in an appropriate and humane manner.

I can't see how the problem can be solved without the intervention of an international wildlife organisation - and on top of that the cost is going to be astronomical. Presumably the Thai authorities ae aware of this which is why they are dragging their heels?


A commercial venture no less.........how can anyone "lose" 3 <deleted>' tigers?..........

Monks and temples should stick to what they're supposed to be doing.....following Buddha!

From reading recent news, few of the monks appear to following the teachings

of Buddha, so with all their extra time, may as well raise tigers to sell to China.

This is what Sriracha Tiger zoo got caught red handed doing, and I would bet

my life this tiger " temple" is doing the exact same thing. Would be more stunned

if they were not........

  • 5 months later...

...and the missing Tigers? Whatever happened to them....It appears the Temple is continuing on in its usual way and continuing to charge admission.

I wonder if they have "found" any more endangered species?

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