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Cruz targets conservatives as he starts White House run

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There is no widespread aversion to universal healthcare. There is an unethical, immoral conservative sponsored, fake news channel that might make you think that is true.

The republican plan? According to Mit Romney, their last candidate.."the poor can walk into an emergency room....someone will take care of them"

Thats exactly what he said! Amazing plan for the millions of deadbeats that were uninsured.

There is no universal healthcare in the US. Obamacare was a sucker punch that is a mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance. It is unpopular.

In the context that the US doesn't have universal health care, here is your recent poll:

Monday, March 16, 2015
"Most voters continue to put reducing health care costs ahead of requiring everyone to have health insurance and think keeping the government out of the market is the best way to reduce those costs. But support for tort reform is down.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that when it comes to reforming health care in this country, 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe reducing the cost of health care is more important than making sure that everyone has health insurance. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and feel it is more important to mandate universal health insurance."

An that is a prime example how shortsighted Americans are and why a Republican still has a chance to get elected.


Also, Cruz is just too extremist not to mention virulently anti-gay rights.

He is still quite left wing in relation to other possible candidates.

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They could make a movie about Cruz, call it, "Mr. Haney Goes To Washington". No insult to Pat Butrum (Mr. Haney, Green Acres), but Mr. Cruz has a similar voice and facial resemblance.

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They could make a movie about Cruz, call it, "Mr. Haney Goes To Washington". No insult to Pat Butrum (Mr. Haney, Green Acres), but Mr. Cruz has a similar voice and facial resemblance.

I hear you.

His personal affect is quite creepy.

Of course it's not fair to judge politicians on such things, but people do anyway.


Seems most of you are unfamiliar with the law of the US.

Cruz can no more be President than the current usurper in office right now.

Obama like Cruz is Not a Natural born US citizen. End of story!

Now political pundits say they don’t know what natural means hm here’s a hint!

If you go to a store and you see some coffee sitting on a shelf that says 100% Colombian coffee do you think the coffee is from Brazil! No because 100% Columbian coffee has to come from the natural soil of Columbia! Now you could take the plant and move it to say South Africa and you could call it Columbian but it’s not because it not grown there.

It would be a South African Columbian bean.

What I find hysterical is that Cruz wants to return to a Constitutional government yet he wants to ignore one of the founding principals of the U.S. Constitution!


Seems most of you are unfamiliar with the law of the US.

Cruz can no more be President than the current usurper in office right now.

Obama like Cruz is Not a Natural born US citizen. End of story!

Now political pundits say they dont know what natural means hm heres a hint!

If you go to a store and you see some coffee sitting on a shelf that says 100% Colombian coffee do you think the coffee is from Brazil! No because 100% Columbian coffee has to come from the natural soil of Columbia! Now you could take the plant and move it to say South Africa and you could call it Columbian but its not because it not grown there.

It would be a South African Columbian bean.

What I find hysterical is that Cruz wants to return to a Constitutional government yet he wants to ignore one of the founding principals of the U.S. Constitution!

Where was Obama born?


Well there was Congresswoman McKinney from suburban Atlanta. She was definitely very far left and rather a total loon. She made a splash for awhile although she would never have a shot to be president even being the Green party's candidate. Some far right people do have a shot.


Not sure about terminology because UK odds differ from that of the US and many other places. Cruz was 27/1, Hilary was 7/1 while Netanyahu was favourite at 5/2.

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Well there was Congresswoman McKinney from suburban Atlanta. She was definitely very far left and rather a total loon. She made a splash for awhile although she would never have a shot to be president even being the Green party's candidate. Some far right people do have a shot.

McKinney is certainly a progressive activist situated a tad left of center, but she is no traditional "leftist" as far as advocating socialism over capitalism, or advocating workers taking over ownership of corporations. McKinney is an excellent example of the current swing of American politics to the far right as she is perceived as someone to the far left by many although by most political measures she is simply left of center, as are most American "Greens". Being an environmentalist does not make one a socialist.

If she were to veer towards a true leftist political position and begin talking about class issues, as did Malcolm X and Dr. King, then I would begin to fear for her well being as I wish no ill-will even upon those a bit looney. I am sure I too appear a bit looney to others at times, just as Cruz appears as a bit of a loon to me.

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I think like many people, you confuse socialism with communism.

The two are not incompatible. Socialism needs capitalism for tax revenues, just like any other type of government.

The Scandinavian countries are all socialist and also high performing capitalist societies.

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There is no widespread aversion to universal healthcare. There is an unethical, immoral conservative sponsored, fake news channel that might make you think that is true.

The republican plan? According to Mit Romney, their last candidate.."the poor can walk into an emergency room....someone will take care of them"

Thats exactly what he said! Amazing plan for the millions of deadbeats that were uninsured.

There is no universal healthcare in the US. Obamacare was a sucker punch that is a mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance. It is unpopular.

In the context that the US doesn't have universal health care, here is your recent poll:

Monday, March 16, 2015
"Most voters continue to put reducing health care costs ahead of requiring everyone to have health insurance and think keeping the government out of the market is the best way to reduce those costs. But support for tort reform is down.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that when it comes to reforming health care in this country, 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe reducing the cost of health care is more important than making sure that everyone has health insurance. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and feel it is more important to mandate universal health insurance."

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey

Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports had to step down and out of his company that he'd founded because his polling was so blatantly skewed toward Republican candidates and issues over a period of years that it finally had lost all credibility.

Nothing notable has changed since. Yet you're the single poster who in classic Groundhog Day compulsiveness continues to cite Rasmussen Reports as if it had an ounce of legitimacy or credibility.

I've pointed out repeatedly in replies to posts presenting Rasmussen that polling results as 'found' by Rasmussen Reports are fiction, fantasy, phony.

Get over it.

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Seems most of you are unfamiliar with the law of the US.

Cruz can no more be President than the current usurper in office right now.

Obama like Cruz is Not a Natural born US citizen. End of story!

Now political pundits say they don’t know what natural means hm here’s a hint!

If you go to a store and you see some coffee sitting on a shelf that says 100% Colombian coffee do you think the coffee is from Brazil! No because 100% Columbian coffee has to come from the natural soil of Columbia! Now you could take the plant and move it to say South Africa and you could call it Columbian but it’s not because it not grown there.

It would be a South African Columbian bean.

What I find hysterical is that Cruz wants to return to a Constitutional government yet he wants to ignore one of the founding principals of the U.S. Constitution!

No normal or rational citizen argues with the reality that the road is almost surely clear for the Ted Cruz presidential candidacy. However.....

There is nothing in the law that says this definitively or even clearly. This is so only because the question hasn't ever been tested in the courts and for no reason other than that.

The 14th Amendment applies and SCOTUS has not considered any such question, to include anything brought up to it by the Obama hating Birthers, whose lawyers told 'em to stay out of the courts with it cause the courts would have rebuked the Birthers, not to mention embarrass 'em to no end.

The legal opinions in the US on just about all sides converge that Cruz running for prez s not a problem cause if the question ever gets to SCOTUS it would not be a 14th Amendment problem there either. One never knows for sure what any court (or jury) will do, but this is the prevailing legal opinion in the US.

For the record, Obama and Cruz have since birth been eligible for the US passport on the basis of the birth status of each No special passport requirements apply to either, nor have any ever applied to either.

The birthers are raging lunatics period, same as the tea party and the rest of 'em over there on the ranting right who don't know what they are driveling on about. While Cruz has only rarely discussed his own birth in the true North strong and free, he certainly won't talk about Prez Obama's similar birth to an American mother and Prez Obama was besides born in the United States.


Requiring everyone to purchase health insurance is unpopular?

Only to the deadbeats that were freeloading at the emergency rooms.

Ask any hospital administrator about the millions lost on servicing these mooches.

Shocking, the republican plan is sending people with a common cold to clog up our emergency rooms.blink.png

Actually the Republican plan is ...wait until your condition becomes acute, then the law kicks in forcing hospitals to give them free care.

Only the acute patients are legally covered by this law but most hospitals go beyond this and treat most patients, shifting the costs to us.

Hospitals lose $176,000,000,000 a year in uncompensated treatments per year. Thats about 55% of all emergency room visits going unpaid.


I think like many people, you confuse socialism with communism.

The two are not incompatible. Socialism needs capitalism for tax revenues, just like any other type of government.

The Scandinavian countries are all socialist and also high performing capitalist societies.

I personally do not confuse the two, but I was sloppy and did lack clarity in my attempts to distinguish how Americans view the "left" compared to how others may view the political left landscape. My apologies.

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Launching a presidential campaign from the worlds largest christian university in a town named Lynchburg?blink.png

Pretty smart move to target the religious and anti science demographic though.

They will believe just about anything.

The world is 6,000 years old, global warming is a hoax and Ted Cruz will be an excellent president.

The post is well taken so I would simply add if I may that Sen Cruz is a lame duck candidate already. He anyway is some kind of strange duck and sounds that way too besides.

If whomever gets the nomination chose Cruz for veep that would be another Sarah Palin godsend to the Democratic ticket as Cruz has already gone rogue longhorn on the loose that may appear in any of our cities at any time.


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Senator Cruz, if elected president, would bring back respect and leadership to the White House. Abolishing the IRS and going to a flat tax is a good idea and way over due. Unlike Obama, Cruz will secure the US borders, and will support Israel. America will go from having the worst president in history to occupy the White House, to having a real common sense world leader again.

When Cruz made his announcement at the Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia he spoke to a packed auditorium.

That students were required to attend or pay a fine was a lesson to 'em all about Ted Cruz and liberty, who said during his speech, "I want to ask each of you to imagine, imagine millions of courageous conservatives, all across America, rising up together to say in unison “we demand our liberty.”

Students upset they had to attend Ted Cruz's Liberty University event or face a fine

One student, who asked not to be identified because she is a Democrat, told BuzzFeed she viewed this as a seal of approval for Cruz regardless of what Falwell had to say. "At our school everyone is a Republican," she said. "You aren't allowed to have any Democratic groups. That's why I'm doing this anonymously because people will come after you."


"Because people will come after you"?? Do you know how silly that sounds?


GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz could soon be buying his family's health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act he has vowed to dismantle.

Cruz, whose Senate filibuster against the law he derides as "Obamacare" led to a partial government shutdown in 2013, is looking for health insurance because his wife, Heidi Cruz, took an unpaid leave from her job in the Houston office of Goldman Sachs as Cruz announced his presidential bid.

That meant the family would soon lose access to health insurance through Mrs. Cruz's job, triggering a need for the Cruz family to find a new policy.




This info is of course informative and for sporting purposes only in the best sense of the word.


This is one site and its view among many sites that have similar information for informational purposes only, but they all pretty much say the same thing.

(Note: Paul Ryan said he will not run; Elizabeth Warren says she's not running; Willard Mitt Romeny, his full birth name, says he's out because while he's sure he could win, few if anyone showed any interest.)


GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz could soon be buying his family's health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act he has vowed to dismantle.

Cruz, whose Senate filibuster against the law he derides as "Obamacare" led to a partial government shutdown in 2013, is looking for health insurance because his wife, Heidi Cruz, took an unpaid leave from her job in the Houston office of Goldman Sachs as Cruz announced his presidential bid.

That meant the family would soon lose access to health insurance through Mrs. Cruz's job, triggering a need for the Cruz family to find a new policy.



Ted's Excellent Adventure !


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