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Intel gets behind Interl govt's digital economy scheme

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Intel gets behind govt's digital economy scheme

Asina Pornwasin
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Intel has announced its support for the government's "digital economy" strategy through its technologies and knowledge.

Intel Southeast Asia's director of public policy, Worapat Patram, said that initially, Intel could immediately support the government through ICT (information and communications technology) training for individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Intel recently localised its two training courses, Easy Step and E-Basics (Entrepreneurship Basics). These courses could provide individual Thais and SMEs with the digital literacy crucial to the success of the government's economic policy.

"The Intel Easy Step programme is designed to teach participants basic computer skills that are locally relevant and useful, both personally and professionally. These skills hold the key to driving Thailand into the digital economy more effectively," Worapat said.

Moreover, Intel will show the government how it helped other countries to move towards a digital economy. For example, the firm provided ICT training courses to a million people to help the Indian government complete its "National Digital Literary Mission".

"We will do the same in Thailand. We are focusing on how to give Thais the digital literacy needed to make the digital economy in Thailand successful," Worapat said.

Gordon Graylish, vice president of Intel Corporation, said the main issue was the digital divide, and the government had to give people in remote areas of Thailand access to the Internet.

"Intel is ready to provide support for the government of Thailand. We have technologies and knowledge on how to get the country and its people to benefit from using technology," he said.

He said the digital-economy scheme was similar to the so-called third industrial revolution, in which innovation transformed the lives of people. Businesses are evolving to be more digital under the SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) paradigm.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Intel-gets-behind-govts-digital-economy-scheme-30256658.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-25


Unless Intel are offering to work for free, this is a very misleading headline. It should read:

Intel hopes to make a lot of money from gov't digital economy scheme

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