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I Met A Girl Last Night

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Wow, this was interesting indeed. I trade US stocks on the net and needed a break after a rough day (I mean night). It was 4am so I went out for a beer at my favorite 24 hour restaurant with outdoor seating in the heart of Sukhumvit. I took some heavy losses recently so no doubt I looked a bit distraught as I sit there alone drinking my bottle of Sing. I had been sitting for about 45 minutes when a very pretty girl came and was pulling up a chair with her not so pretty friend. Before she got seated, she decided to go inside the restaurant and buy 2 bottles of Sing and came back outside. She placed a bottle in front of her friend and sipped hers.

After a few minutes she looked back at me and smiled and did a clink cheers. She said I looked upset and asked if I was OK. I said I was fine but upset over my recent trading losses. Now this girl spoke near perfect English. I was very impressed. This was not street Thai girl English. This was English on par with tourist area hotel staff. Clearly this girl has spent a lot of time speaking English with educated farangs. She talked about a lot of things, was very intelligent and used a lot of big words. I asked her how old she was. She asked me to guess so I said 26, which I was hoping was not too high so as to offend her. She said no. I said what higher? She said yes so I guessed 27. She pointed her thumb up. I said 28. Nope. 30? Keeps pointing thumb up. 31? 32? 33? 35, 36, 37? Nope. 38? Yes. I was stunned. It totally reminded me of so many forum members here who describe their partners as looking 10+ years younger than they are.

At any rate, this girl was witty and put me in a good mood fast. She was a great talker and I felt like I had known her for years after 40 minutes. Oh she also bought me a beer! This also reminded me of forum members with good girl partners who say their girls care nothing about cash. I've been here 6 years and never saw this before. It was like a dream. A beautiful, smart girl hitting on me and buying me a beer! The conversation was going so well I was starting to think that this girl was something very special. If this happened to me in the US, I'd be in dreamland and that's how I started feeling last night.

I probed her on her English proficiency and asked her if she ever had a farang bf, which would explain why she spoke so well. She took offense to my asking this however. She said that she never had farang bf but had farang boss in the office. At this point I knew heaven had arrived. I had met an office girl! She told me that when she finishes work, she leaves all her trouble behind and tries to just block it out and have fun. She told me so almost in those exact words. She asked if I liked going to the disco as there are a few afterhours places in the area. I told her that I absolutely did not like those places. She asked what I do for fun then. I told her I like to go to bar and play pool. She then told me she knew an afterhours place with pool. By this time, 2 hours had passed since I left my Apt and my 20 y/o gf was there waiting for me to return. I told the new girl that I was sorry and couldn't make it tonite. I had also explained that I did have a 2 year live in gf waiting for me. She was disappointed but understood. I told her I would love to play pool with her sometime later. I said goodbye. Then she said something odd "put some money on the table". I didn't know if that was said regarding my parting comment about playing pool or what.

At any rate, this whole experience really got me thinking cause this girl made me feel right at home. Could this be the girl of my dreams? She was lovely, smart, witty and spoke amazingly great English. Should I consider canning my 20 y/o in favor of someone who appears to be more fun to be with? I am 45 btw. Maybe I could be yet one more forum member with a dream girl in the future. Being with this one made me feel like one last night. Thanks for listening

Son of Bunk

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Well my current gf is obviouly young (20) and very hot but I just felt at ease with this new one. It could just be a smoke screen though. I mean I kind of molded this one, having been with her since she was 18 whereas the new one is very well molded by who knows who or what

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To be honest with you I would not trust her one little bit. Stick to the one you trust, look at your first post, take out anything positive then look at the negatives then add it up, it will give you a clearer picture on who or what she really might be.

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It was 4am
heart of Sukhumvit.
I was very impressed.

was very intelligent and used a lot of big words.

It was like a dream.
I had met an office girl!

Could this be the girl of my dreams?

theres one born every minute :D

:D:D classic.....

Edited by soi lurker
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It was 4am
heart of Sukhumvit.
I was very impressed.

was very intelligent and used a lot of big words.

It was like a dream.
I had met an office girl!

Could this be the girl of my dreams?

theres one born every minute :D

I love that picture, you wont mind if i borrow that for future threads do you

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I love that picture, you wont mind if i borrow that for future threads do you

It's Michael Bolton from Office Space :D

............abusing a fax machine :D "A4 load letter? <deleted> does that mean?"

classic movie

:o I know :D

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There are loads of "older" girls who speak pretty good English, and are prepared to "invest" a bit of cash to snare a rich punter.

They often work the better class hotel cocktail lounges and pubs, looking for rich tourists, but will try their hand anywhere - as the occasion and circumstances demand.

Some of these girls have previously been married to farangs or worked for farang companies and some may be well educated - but they are all high class hookers, so be careful.

I very much doubt that you met the 'girl of your dreams', but who knows? :o

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O.K I am going to twist this around on the Op...

How would you feel if it was your 20 year old G/F meeting another guy in the same kind of situation and was now thinking she should dump you..

Not a very nice thought is it. Stop considering only your feelings and think about this G/F of 2 years. :o

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I said I was fine but upset over my recent trading losses. Now this girl spoke near perfect English. I was very impressed.

So you told her straight off that you were a trader ? Her assumption would therefore be that you have plenty of $$$

I have a friend who started coming here last year. he met a girl 5 months ago & from the start was always bragging to her about how much cash he has. In the 6 weeks total he has spent with this girl in 5 months, he has managed to get her pregnant 'accidentally' and is now married to her. Other that that, i consider him reasonably intelligent.

My point ? Don't talk about your cash or your job to strangers in Thailand - especially women. I have been with my current girlfriend for almost a year and she has NO IDEA what I earn. You are going to attract the wrong types.

Tell them you are an English teacher.

Oh she also bought me a beer! This also reminded me of forum members with good girl partners who say their girls care nothing about cash. I've been here 6 years and never saw this before. It was like a dream. A beautiful, smart girl hitting on me and buying me a beer!

Don't know where you were but I imagine she spent about 100 Baht on your beer. To extrapolate and use this as evidence that she isn't a gold digger is a bit of a stretch.You are an investor yourself, maybe she is too.

Perhaps she sees you as a million-bagger

r. She said that she never had farang bf but had farang boss in the office. At this point I knew heaven had arrived. I had met an office girl!

When you next see her, tell her you have a friend Pedro who's 2 years her junior. Pedro is not able to stay out until 4am AND work in his office the next day. Can you ask her how she does it ?

The chances that she's just a regular office girl out in an area known for freelancers is pretty slim.

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Wow, this was interesting indeed. I trade US stocks on the net and needed a break after a rough day (I mean night). It was 4am so I went out for a beer at my favorite 24 hour restaurant with outdoor seating in the heart of Sukhumvit. I took some heavy losses recently so no doubt I looked a bit distraught as I sit there alone drinking my bottle of Sing. Son of Bunk

From losses in one market to potential losses in another :o

isnt there a saying out of the frying pan or something? :D

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Wow, this was interesting indeed. I trade US stocks on the net and needed a break after a rough day (I mean night). It was 4am so I went out for a beer at my favorite 24 hour restaurant with outdoor seating in the heart of Sukhumvit. I took some heavy losses recently so no doubt I looked a bit distraught as I sit there alone drinking my bottle of Sing. I had been sitting for about 45 minutes when a very pretty girl came and was pulling up a chair with her not so pretty friend. Before she got seated, she decided to go inside the restaurant and buy 2 bottles of Sing and came back outside. She placed a bottle in front of her friend and sipped hers.

After a few minutes she looked back at me and smiled and did a clink cheers. She said I looked upset and asked if I was OK. I said I was fine but upset over my recent trading losses. Now this girl spoke near perfect English. I was very impressed. This was not street Thai girl English. This was English on par with tourist area hotel staff. Clearly this girl has spent a lot of time speaking English with educated farangs. She talked about a lot of things, was very intelligent and used a lot of big words. I asked her how old she was. She asked me to guess so I said 26, which I was hoping was not too high so as to offend her. She said no. I said what higher? She said yes so I guessed 27. She pointed her thumb up. I said 28. Nope. 30? Keeps pointing thumb up. 31? 32? 33? 35, 36, 37? Nope. 38? Yes. I was stunned. It totally reminded me of so many forum members here who describe their partners as looking 10+ years younger than they are.

At any rate, this girl was witty and put me in a good mood fast. She was a great talker and I felt like I had known her for years after 40 minutes. Oh she also bought me a beer! This also reminded me of forum members with good girl partners who say their girls care nothing about cash. I've been here 6 years and never saw this before. It was like a dream. A beautiful, smart girl hitting on me and buying me a beer! The conversation was going so well I was starting to think that this girl was something very special. If this happened to me in the US, I'd be in dreamland and that's how I started feeling last night.

I probed her on her English proficiency and asked her if she ever had a farang bf, which would explain why she spoke so well. She took offense to my asking this however. She said that she never had farang bf but had farang boss in the office. At this point I knew heaven had arrived. I had met an office girl! She told me that when she finishes work, she leaves all her trouble behind and tries to just block it out and have fun. She told me so almost in those exact words. She asked if I liked going to the disco as there are a few afterhours places in the area. I told her that I absolutely did not like those places. She asked what I do for fun then. I told her I like to go to bar and play pool. She then told me she knew an afterhours place with pool. By this time, 2 hours had passed since I left my Apt and my 20 y/o gf was there waiting for me to return. I told the new girl that I was sorry and couldn't make it tonite. I had also explained that I did have a 2 year live in gf waiting for me. She was disappointed but understood. I told her I would love to play pool with her sometime later. I said goodbye. Then she said something odd "put some money on the table". I didn't know if that was said regarding my parting comment about playing pool or what.

At any rate, this whole experience really got me thinking cause this girl made me feel right at home. Could this be the girl of my dreams? She was lovely, smart, witty and spoke amazingly great English. Should I consider canning my 20 y/o in favor of someone who appears to be more fun to be with? I am 45 btw. Maybe I could be yet one more forum member with a dream girl in the future. Being with this one made me feel like one last night. Thanks for listening

Son of Bunk

Keywords to be wary of when talking to a prospective thai gf:




"put some money on the table"

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What a bummer, and I thought all my prayers had been answered. seriously though, some excellent comments. thanks

Mobi D Ark: I didn't even think about that perhaps cause I never ran into that type before in person. I've seen them around on the internet though. She may well be that

Pedro: very classic advice and everyone should always adhere to. Always say you are a school teacher. I remember sitting outside with a good friend who makes 200K US per year. Somebody, and I think it was a low life farang, asked him what he's doing in bkk. He said teaching English. I couldn't contain myself it was so hilarious and out of the blue

Miniburi: agreed and solid advice

I wasn't going to be duped by this person but man she was a smooth operator.

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Could this be the girl of my dreams? She was lovely, smart, witty and spoke amazingly great English. Should I consider canning my 20 y/o in favor of someone who appears to be more fun to be with? I am 45 btw. Maybe I could be yet one more forum member with a dream girl in the future. Being with this one made me feel like one last night. Thanks for listening
What a bummer, and I thought all my prayers had been answered. seriously though, some excellent comments. thanks

I wasn't going to be duped by this person but man she was a smooth operator.

Within 9 hrs and 14 minutes, based on some stranger's opinions on an internet forum you have gone from considering dumping your current gf for a potential dream girl to being thankful you wasn't duped by a smooth operator. :o

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to the OP

maybe the question you should be asking yourself is why you would be considering leaving your girlfriend for a "thai girl" you met at "4am" in a "key area" of Bangkok, and spoke to for 2 hours, then told you to "leave money on the table" ... dude, you must be having some serious issues going on in your heads about your current relationship. :o

On a more serious note:

As for the "potential girl of your dreams", maybe you should try looking for her in more suitable places, rather than a bar at 4am? Im not sure where these places would be in thailand.. maybe you should research? Try rsvp.com.. and maybe tell them you dont earn much $$... then at least you will know if they are gold digging! :D

Echo-ing what someone else asked... whats so special about an office girl?? She may very well just be a receptionist or something.

I am a 25 yr old qualified Graphic Designer... does that make me someones dream girl too???? hehe :D

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