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Is there any point in starting a plant exchange thread here? You know, you only wanted one plant really but all of your cuttings grow and you don't want to throw them out.

I got sent a rosemary plant some time ago and will be making cuttings when it starts raining, (thanks Jimi), my Adeniums are just getting too numerous...

I'm sure other people have the same kind of happy problem ..?

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Pleased to hear your rosemary is still going Cooked, thumbsup.gif

Mine did not make the rainy season, I should have put them under the over hang! But the hydroponic farm near me has lots, so I'll let him do the growing !

There are a lot of plants that root quite easily from making hardwood cuttings... Hibiscus varieties being one, example... I generally stick 30 cm stalks into the ground or a pot and after a month or so they are rooted... there are a number of plants one could do like that... It would save shipping weight... just wrap some moist tissue around the base and take off most of the foliage! Wrap and post! One just needs to keep a bit moist, or root during the rainy season... which varies around the country obviously!

Plants like Canna lilies or others with a "tuberous" root... would work too .... wink.png

I've got far too many Italian basil seedings, ready for transplanting, but not sure that they would ship well.... but anyone on Samui, is welcome to PM me and come and get some!

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My Amorphophallus paeoniifolius has not appeared this year... sad.png .... It bloomed last year and the year before.... not a sign of life this year, although I understood, it only bloomed once in seven years.... one sure does not see them bloom much in the wild, although the plant is common enough!

Is this idea of plant swapping, not going to become a hot topic? facepalm.gifwink.png

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