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Preparing for 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton embracing Obama

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On the night of Benghazi the dear assistant leader went to bed and got a good nights sleep. She never called Hicks back. That's because she didn't care. the Supreme Leader got a good night's sleep so he could fly to California for golf and fundraising. That's because he didn't care. These people are disconnected. They live in a parallel universe where are you kick your allies and you get in bed with the number one state sponsor of terrorism. That's because they are sick and twisted.

You do know the state department has over 60,000 staff worldwide. You also know the republicans cut funding that would have protected that consulate so cut the fake outrage.

You do know Bush that 13 Benghaaazi's happened under Bush?



On the night of Benghazi the dear assistant leader went to bed and got a good nights sleep. She never called Hicks back. That's because she didn't care. the Supreme Leader got a good night's sleep so he could fly to California for golf and fundraising. That's because he didn't care. These people are disconnected. They live in a parallel universe where are you kick your allies and you get in bed with the number one state sponsor of terrorism. That's because they are sick and twisted.

More meaningless innuendo, slurs, and tittle tattle.

He didn't call her. How could she call back?

As for Obama...

Photo Taken On September 11, 2012 Shows Obama In The Oval Office During Night Of The Attacks. On September 11, 2012 President Obama was being briefed in the White House on the Benghazi attack by Deputy National Security Advisor, Denis McDonough as documented by an official White House photo public since January 2013


Amazingly enough, even though that photo was released in January 2013, Fox News did another legendary "Fox News Alert" in JULY of 2014....

HERRIDGE: With the Benghazi Select Committee building a timeline to identify gaps including the president's schedule that night, a senior democrat confirmed on Fox News today that he was at the White House. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 7/31/14]

I therefore can only conclude that maybe you've been watching too much Fox.

I think you've wasted enough taxpayers money investigating this non-scandal.

After the next election, the Gowdy witch hunt will be consigned to the dustbin where it belongs.


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On the night of Benghazi the dear assistant leader went to bed and got a good nights sleep. She never called Hicks back. That's because she didn't care. the Supreme Leader got a good night's sleep so he could fly to California for golf and fundraising. That's because he didn't care. These people are disconnected. They live in a parallel universe where are you kick your allies and you get in bed with the number one state sponsor of terrorism. That's because they are sick and twisted.

You do know the state department has over 60,000 staff worldwide. You also know the republicans cut funding that would have protected that consulate so cut the fake outrage.

You do know Bush that 13 Benghaaazi's happened under Bush?


"You also know the republicans cut funding that would have protected that consulate so cut the fake outrage.

...and the truth of the matter is...


"Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years.
“The Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period,” said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Benghazi attack.
The report added that baseline funding requests have not been fully funded since fiscal year 2010, but noted that Congress had been responsive in providing “Overseas Contingency Operations” funds to the State Department in response to emergent security-driven requests, mainly for Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY 2010 or FY 2011,” the report pointedly noted. “Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.”
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Benghazi! Single issues have always been devastating for any candidate. And for the electorate, it will be her attitude, not what she says or somebody says she said. Obama's election proved that works even in this day of massive information access.

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On the night of Benghazi the dear assistant leader went to bed and got a good nights sleep. She never called Hicks back. That's because she didn't care. the Supreme Leader got a good night's sleep so he could fly to California for golf and fundraising. That's because he didn't care. These people are disconnected. They live in a parallel universe where are you kick your allies and you get in bed with the number one state sponsor of terrorism. That's because they are sick and twisted.

More meaningless innuendo, slurs, and tittle tattle.

He didn't call her. How could she call back?

As for Obama...

Photo Taken On September 11, 2012 Shows Obama In The Oval Office During Night Of The Attacks. On September 11, 2012 President Obama was being briefed in the White House on the Benghazi attack by Deputy National Security Advisor, Denis McDonough as documented by an official White House photo public since January 2013


Amazingly enough, even though that photo was released in January 2013, Fox News did another legendary "Fox News Alert" in JULY of 2014....

HERRIDGE: With the Benghazi Select Committee building a timeline to identify gaps including the president's schedule that night, a senior democrat confirmed on Fox News today that he was at the White House. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 7/31/14]

I therefore can only conclude that maybe you've been watching too much Fox.

I think you've wasted enough taxpayers money investigating this non-scandal.

After the next election, the Gowdy witch hunt will be consigned to the dustbin where it belongs.


Can you point out that date/time stamp on the photo. It seems to be missing on my copy.

According to testimony before Congress by CIA Director Leon Panetta, Obama was briefed in the Oval Office by Panetta and General Dempsey around 17:30 Washington time. Obama then retired to the family quarters and the two of them did not hear from him for the remainder of the evening and night.

In addition, Obama is reported to have spoken by phone with Clinton at 2200 the evening of the attack. However he was in the White House private residence, not the Situation Room.


"But questions about Mr. Obama’s command decisions gained fresh prominence when a former White House national security aide, Tommy Vietor, said in a TV interview last week that Mr. Obama was not in the White House Situation Room around 10 p.m. on the night of the attack, when the president spoke by phone to then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mr. Vietor, who was in the Situation Room, said the president was in the White House residence at the time of the call.
The White House has not specified what transpired in the Obama-Clinton discussion, which shortly preceded a statement from Mrs. Clinton that cited an anti-Islam video that turned out to have nothing to do with the terrorist attack.
Were emails sent back and forth? What actually transpired during the attack" Where was Hillary and Obama and what actions did they
In short, nobody knows. It seems to be a State Secret.
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O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

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True confession. I won't be very shocked if Hillary decides not to run. Surprised, yes, but not shocked. She might be thinking, oh well, they're not just that into me. I get that she has been driven to be president but I guess it's possible that could have faded.


O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds
Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.


One thing the Democratic Party and Team Hillary can count on is watching this video over and over and over again.

Funnily enough, I'm still waiting for one of you to answer her question.


I honestly and sincerely and without a doubt hope you aren't serious. Start with dereliction of duty. Failure to do her job. Responds poorly to crisis. Retribution. It is one thing to support a candidate, it is another to turn a blind eye to failure. But you don't care. Doesn't support your position, does it? Even Obama got rid of her.

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On the night of Benghazi the dear assistant leader went to bed and got a good nights sleep. She never called Hicks back. That's because she didn't care. the Supreme Leader got a good night's sleep so he could fly to California for golf and fundraising. That's because he didn't care. These people are disconnected. They live in a parallel universe where are you kick your allies and you get in bed with the number one state sponsor of terrorism. That's because they are sick and twisted.

You do know the state department has over 60,000 staff worldwide. You also know the republicans cut funding that would have protected that consulate so cut the fake outrage.

You do know Bush that 13 Benghaaazi's happened under Bush?


"You also know the republicans cut funding that would have protected that consulate so cut the fake outrage.

...and the truth of the matter is...


"Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans cut the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years.

The Department of States base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period, said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Benghazi attack.

The report added that baseline funding requests have not been fully funded since fiscal year 2010, but noted that Congress had been responsive in providing Overseas Contingency Operations funds to the State Department in response to emergent security-driven requests, mainly for Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY 2010 or FY 2011, the report pointedly noted. Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.




Strictly political banging on partisans are unaware, so they need to be informed, that in the Congress there are two standing committees each of which is more careful than the others to be reasonably neutral. This is true over time and regardless of which party controls the Congress, either chamber.

They are, respectively, the national intelligence committee and the armed services committee.

Here is the documented record of what each committee has had to say officially throughout most of last year about Benghazi, SecState Clinton at the time, Prez Obama......

GOP-led House report debunks Benghazi allegations

Nov 24, 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a Republican-controlled House committee has found. Its report asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration officials.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the two-year investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The House Intelligence Committee report was released with little fanfare on the Friday before Thanksgiving week.


No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds.

Published November 21, 2014


McKeon satisfied with military on Benghazi

Apr. 10, 2014

GOP Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, the Republican chair of the House Armed Services Committee, says he’s satisfied with how the US military – and ergo the Obama administration – responded to the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador to Libya.

The news also exonerates expected Democratic presidential nominee, and then-Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

“I think I’ve pretty well been satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened and how quickly it dissipated, we probably couldn’t have done more than we did,” McKeon said to reporters today, as quoted by AP.

McKeon said five committees are investigating. His panel and members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee interviewed retired Gen. Carter Ham, who headed the Africa command, for nearly seven hours on Wednesday. McKeon said he was told lawmakers heard nothing new in the testimony by Ham, who has spoken to investigators at least six times. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/08/04/new-report-wont-stand-down-benghazi-conspiracy-theories/

There have been eight separate investigations into the Libyan attacks. Not one has uncovered the rumored (and hoped-for) cover-up. That’s because there isn’t one.


(Notation of appreciative credit is given to the poster Chicog from whose post to the thread I've borrowed a cite. Emphases added by yours truly. Edited by Publicus for spacing.)


What worries me is not what fox says about hillary but what fox and the tea party do in fear mongering.

Honestly now the party says they're conservative.. but they're conservative enough if you give them 100% of all the seats in the congress and the presidency, they will make laws that:

- deny freedoms to any women, minorities or gay

- give tax exempt status to the top 5% while heavily burdening the 95% calling them the undeserving poor

- kill any sort of federal grant that gives any sort of help to the undeserving poor (food stamps/ medicaid/ obamacare)

- make it fully legal to kill/ torture or employ as a slave trade anyone who is not a white male.

For a party of less government, they sure like to be in government to tell us how we should live according to their version of the bible. Seriously what's the difference between Sharia law and what the GOP stands for at this point?

And that is exactly why I don't argue with people who say Obama is the worst president of all time. They may be blind to the facts but I am not.. I was in the World Trade Center when a plane slammed into the 77th floor while the POTUS was busy bbq'ing in texas instead of reading a memo on his desk titled "Bin Laden determined to attack United States". For me.. worst president ever is saved for that guy.

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What worries me is not what fox says about hillary but what fox and the tea party do in fear mongering.

Honestly now the party says they're conservative.. but they're conservative enough if you give them 100% of all the seats in the congress and the presidency, they will make laws that:

- deny freedoms to any women, minorities or gay

- give tax exempt status to the top 5% while heavily burdening the 95% calling them the undeserving poor

- kill any sort of federal grant that gives any sort of help to the undeserving poor (food stamps/ medicaid/ obamacare)

- make it fully legal to kill/ torture or employ as a slave trade anyone who is not a white male.

For a party of less government, they sure like to be in government to tell us how we should live according to their version of the bible. Seriously what's the difference between Sharia law and what the GOP stands for at this point?

And that is exactly why I don't argue with people who say Obama is the worst president of all time. They may be blind to the facts but I am not.. I was in the World Trade Center when a plane slammed into the 77th floor while the POTUS was busy bbq'ing in texas instead of reading a memo on his desk titled "Bin Laden determined to attack United States". For me.. worst president ever is saved for that guy.


The Republicans are only offering up real whacks as candidates, so tearing at the Democratic frontrunner and targeting the christian religious fanatics & low IQ demographic is the only viable strategy.

If you still believe the earth is 6,000 years old you can be easily manipulated into voting for a republican.

Sad but true.


O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

Ok. So based on this personal attack on me you, public and BKK Bobby are now on ignore.

  • Like 1

O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds
Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

This is true?

The Republican investigation was concluded and alleges no wrong doing by Obama Administration?

Then why is FOX News harping on this still?


No wonder people are confused about the facts.

A political show disguised as NEWS has them all confused. Baffle them with bullshit.

  • 1,098 total Fox News evening segments that discuss Benghazi -- an average of about 13 segments per week
  • In 18 of 20 months studied, Fox ran at least 20 Benghazi segments per month, with a high of 174 in October 2012
  • 382 segments aired on Special Report, the network's flagship news program
  • 478 segments invoked the talking points used for Susan Rice's 2012 Sunday show appearances
  • 281 segments alleging a "cover-up" by the Obama administration
  • 144 interviews of GOP members of Congress versus only five interviews of Democratic members of Congress and Obama administration officials
  • 120 comparisons to Iran-Contra, Watergate, and the actions of the Nixon administration
  • 105 attempts to link Benghazi to Hillary Clinton's potential presidential ambitions
  • 100 segments promoting the lie that the administration issued a "stand-down order"
  • Like 1

No wonder people are confused about the facts.

A political show disguised as NEWS has them all confused. Baffle them with bullshit.

  • 1,098 total Fox News evening segments that discuss Benghazi -- an average of about 13 segments per week
  • In 18 of 20 months studied, Fox ran at least 20 Benghazi segments per month, with a high of 174 in October 2012
  • 382 segments aired on Special Report, the network's flagship news program
  • 478 segments invoked the talking points used for Susan Rice's 2012 Sunday show appearances
  • 281 segments alleging a "cover-up" by the Obama administration
  • 144 interviews of GOP members of Congress versus only five interviews of Democratic members of Congress and Obama administration officials
  • 120 comparisons to Iran-Contra, Watergate, and the actions of the Nixon administration
  • 105 attempts to link Benghazi to Hillary Clinton's potential presidential ambitions
  • 100 segments promoting the lie that the administration issued a "stand-down order"


True. That is only a partial list & was compiled a long time ago. No longer accurate.

FOX has run hundreds more Benghazi segments since the Republican investigation cleared Obama.

The problem is they need a new scandal to fill the airtime.

The fake email scandal has already run its course.

I predict a sex scandal soon.


No wonder people are confused about the facts.

A political show disguised as NEWS has them all confused. Baffle them with bullshit.

  • 1,098 total Fox News evening segments that discuss Benghazi -- an average of about 13 segments per week
  • In 18 of 20 months studied, Fox ran at least 20 Benghazi segments per month, with a high of 174 in October 2012
  • 382 segments aired on Special Report, the network's flagship news program
  • 478 segments invoked the talking points used for Susan Rice's 2012 Sunday show appearances
  • 281 segments alleging a "cover-up" by the Obama administration
  • 144 interviews of GOP members of Congress versus only five interviews of Democratic members of Congress and Obama administration officials
  • 120 comparisons to Iran-Contra, Watergate, and the actions of the Nixon administration
  • 105 attempts to link Benghazi to Hillary Clinton's potential presidential ambitions
  • 100 segments promoting the lie that the administration issued a "stand-down order"


And how would you know Chuck? I didn't think you watched Faux News?


  • Like 1

No wonder people are confused about the facts.

A political show disguised as NEWS has them all confused. Baffle them with bullshit.

  • 1,098 total Fox News evening segments that discuss Benghazi -- an average of about 13 segments per week
  • In 18 of 20 months studied, Fox ran at least 20 Benghazi segments per month, with a high of 174 in October 2012
  • 382 segments aired on Special Report, the network's flagship news program
  • 478 segments invoked the talking points used for Susan Rice's 2012 Sunday show appearances
  • 281 segments alleging a "cover-up" by the Obama administration
  • 144 interviews of GOP members of Congress versus only five interviews of Democratic members of Congress and Obama administration officials
  • 120 comparisons to Iran-Contra, Watergate, and the actions of the Nixon administration
  • 105 attempts to link Benghazi to Hillary Clinton's potential presidential ambitions
  • 100 segments promoting the lie that the administration issued a "stand-down order"


True. That is only a partial list & was compiled a long time ago. No longer accurate.

FOX has run hundreds more Benghazi segments since the Republican investigation cleared Obama.

The problem is they need a new scandal to fill the airtime.

The fake email scandal has already run its course.

I predict a sex scandal soon.

Close, but they want to keep the Gowdy witch hunt investigation going into the Election cycle.

I believe the Dems are now asking them to state how much time and money they intend to spend. $3 Million so far and counting.


O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

Ok. So based on this personal attack on me you, public and BKK Bobby are now on ignore.

Sometimes the truth hurts eh?


Fox News = Lipstick on a Pig with hot blondes and dazzling brunettes.

MSNBC = Lipstick on a Pig with Al Sharpton

NBC = I was there when the Big Bang happened (Brian Williams)

CBS = meh.. stick to making TV series

ABC/ CNN = ok, a bit too interested in headlines rather than the full story.. though I do like this week with George S.. especially with George Will and Arianna Huffington as guests.

PBS Newshour = the only honest news show that seems to care about the whole story from all sides (liberal/ progressive/ centrist/ hard right) with a not so attractive news caster.

O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

Ok. So based on this personal attack on me you, public and BKK Bobby are now on ignore.

Sometimes the truth hurts eh?

Whats up? Whats the background, start, middle and the truth.

Whats the truth? Why are you and I on the "VIP" ignore list. :) I Have been suspended during the whole weekend because I turned into a silly keyboard warrior so Im not updated. Forcing me to get some fresh air did me good.

Whats the truth? Why are you and I on the "VIP" ignore list.

The truth is that there was no stand down order, the GOP said it and our snarky friend knows it.

So I don't think he likes being called on it.

Fortunately, I can still see his posts (and he can still see mine), so if he does it again I will correct him again.

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Yes, all those "right wing conspiratorially manufactured scandals.... you libs have the "Susan Rice" mentality, if a liberal criten says it, it must be true. The Liberal, "he served with honor and distinction... how's that working out for ya? Hillary has all the baggage she can carry but yet the dems have put all their stock into her coronation. Good on ya , Hillary. Run baby, run.

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O I can answer hillary's question. "What we have here are 4 dead Americans" why? Was it because of blah blah blah obfuscate lie decieve? No o disciple of Chairman Mao, the reason they are dead is because you and your boss are incompetent. barry had a gun running operation to Syrian rebels. Anybody remember Iran Contra? And the election was only 2 weeks away. Barry could ill afford a scandal at this moment. So the fairytale was cooked up. Mrs Clinton was selected to deliver the concocted story. This is why the server has been wiped clean. of course with General Holder at the helm Mrs Clinton will not be indicted. Otherwise this would be a slam dunk case. The first duty of a president is to protect the American people. Somehow you would think that an ambassador would be a real top priority. But instead the four people were abandoned in their hour of need. rescue forces were told to stand down. by who?

You do know that Holder is out as soon as the Republicans approve his replacement right?

Only apparently they seem to want him to stay....

As for the rest of your, er, stuff, can I suggest your read the last GOP report on the subject?

Only I don't understand why you need to keep posting lies.

Did you miss this bit of Fox?

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds
Published November 21, 2014

WASHINGTON – A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies surrounding the incident, the report concludes that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

This is true?

The Republican investigation was concluded and alleges no wrong doing by Obama Administration?

Then why is FOX News harping on this still?

So here's the reality. The investigation is not concluded. Gowdy knew of clinton's private email server in Oct. 2014.

Turns out mrs. clinton & her thugs wiped the server after subpoena's were issued. Sounds like a felony to me.

See boys & girls those emails are part of the investigation. But now we have destruction of evidence.

Obama & his crew think they are smarter than everyone else. And they may get away with high crimes & felonies. Only time will tell.

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No wonder people are confused about the facts.

A political show disguised as NEWS has them all confused. Baffle them with bullshit.

  • 1,098 total Fox News evening segments that discuss Benghazi -- an average of about 13 segments per week
  • In 18 of 20 months studied, Fox ran at least 20 Benghazi segments per month, with a high of 174 in October 2012
  • 382 segments aired on Special Report, the network's flagship news program
  • 478 segments invoked the talking points used for Susan Rice's 2012 Sunday show appearances
  • 281 segments alleging a "cover-up" by the Obama administration
  • 144 interviews of GOP members of Congress versus only five interviews of Democratic members of Congress and Obama administration officials
  • 120 comparisons to Iran-Contra, Watergate, and the actions of the Nixon administration
  • 105 attempts to link Benghazi to Hillary Clinton's potential presidential ambitions
  • 100 segments promoting the lie that the administration issued a "stand-down order"


True. That is only a partial list & was compiled a long time ago. No longer accurate.

FOX has run hundreds more Benghazi segments since the Republican investigation cleared Obama.

The problem is they need a new scandal to fill the airtime.

The fake email scandal has already run its course.

I predict a sex scandal soon.

How about a link? My guess is it came from Media Matters...or the DNC.

You need a link? Funny boy.

Just turn on the fake news channel. It's 24/7 Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii. Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii, Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii.

We are bored with this manufactured fake news scandal. Even the fake birth certificate scandal was more interesting than Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii. Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii, Beennnggggassaazzzzzziiiii.

Please, a new scandal. This one is worn out.

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